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A manifesto for all the youngsters of the world. |
The Bindaas Manifesto 1. I am a Bindaas youngster. I am smart, wise, intelligent, sensible and compassionate. My youthfulness is manifested in my attitude, not in my age. 2. I think properly before doing anything. My intelligence and common sense makes me go to the depth of matters and bring out the solution. I am a lateral and creative thinker and focus more on “what may be” rather than being a slave to the tyranny of “what is”. 3. I am action oriented and proactive. I understand that thinking and planning is useless if there is no implementation. I do everything that is supposed to be done, when it is supposed to be done, regardless of circumstances. Procrastination is my enemy and it is my constant endeavor to release myself from the grip of procrastination. 4. It is my life’s mission to consistently seek as much knowledge as I can. I wish to remain a student throughout my life and don’t let arrogance blind my vision and make me stop seeking knowledge. I believe that knowledge is power and I use this power with responsibility. I understand that this is an age of specialists and so, even though I will seek expert knowledge in my chosen field, I will also keep myself updated with anything else that I can lay my hands on. 5. I am an innovator, a change agent, a rebel. I change anything and everything that I believe has lost its usefulness and purpose. I have the initiative and courage to overcome all the obstacles to bring about a positive change. I am wise enough to know that to change the world all I need to do is take one small step at a time, change one small thing at a time, starting with myself. I change things because there is a genuine need for change, not just for the sake of changing. My spirit of rebellion is used for a particular cause and is not direction less. 6. I am an excellent communicator. I express myself every wakeful moment of my life. I don’t let shyness or embarrassment stop me from expressing myself. I constantly search for various creative ways to express myself and don’t restrict myself to just words. Language, to me, is just a means of communication and not an end in itself. I am wise enough to understand which language is useful to me and I strive hard to use that language as much as possible, and in as many ways as possible, to express myself. 7. I am strong and confident enough to dare. I am fearless and my values and character are my biggest weapons. I dare to think and do whatever I believe is needed to be done. I know that even though David was small and weak, he dared to fight against Goliath and used his mental strength and confidence to defeat him. 8. I am essentially a social animal and so, I socialize with all my fellow beings on this earth. I mix with people and make friends not on the basis of age, gender or social status, but on the basis of the character and compatibility. I understand that my character is reflected in the kind of people I socialize with, and I protect my honor by all means. 9. I am kind and compassionate and I feel others pain. I am also wise enough to know that it is natural for me to feel anger, hatred, love, frustration, jealousy, sadness, happiness and there is nothing wrong with that. However, I also know that it is wrong for me to act impulsively and thoughtlessly, based on these feelings. I always manifest my feelings in a manner that uplifts me and everyone else around me. 10. I believe strongly in my ability and my values. I am a rational person and believe anything only when it appeals to my rationality. But I also believe that there are many things beyond mine or anyone’s comprehension and so I do not misuse my rationality. My limitation as a human being makes me humble, and helps me to appreciate others’ feelings and beliefs. 11. I am a simplifier. I understand that this world is full of complexities and thus it becomes my duty to simplify as many things as possible. My simplicity is manifested in the way I think and do things. I consistently seek to remove complexity in everything and make them simple. I believe in the motto that simplicity is beauty. 12. I am unique in my own way and won’t let anyone typecast me in the name of “youth trends”. I will thwart the efforts of all the surveys or studies that create stereotypes out of me. No survey or study can convince me into believing what I am not because none of them can truly represent my uniqueness. My uniqueness is my power and I won’t let anyone or anything (not even this manifesto) take away that power from me. 13. My most precious asset is my character. I know that personality is superficial. It is my character that makes me great as a person. I will take every possible measure to build my character and once I have built it, I will protect it with all my might. 14. I know that my deepest fear is not that I am inadequate. My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure. It is my light, not my darkness that frightens me most. I ask myself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and famous? Actually who am I not to be? My playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure about me. I am born to manifest the glory of God that is within me. 15. I will not let anyone fill my mind with biased beliefs in the name of education. I believe true education will give me the ability to make independent decisions and will make me search for the truth, rather than believing what others think is the truth. 16. I hold enormous power. I am the future of the world. I have the power to bring revolutions and change the course of humanity. But I will use my power for the benefit of humanity. I will not let vested interests make me misuse my power for creating violence and hatred amongst my brothers and sisters anywhere in the world. 17. Finally, I will enjoy every moment of my life. I know that the real joy of life is in the journey not in the destination, because when I reach one destination, I have some other destination to reach. I will rise above unnecessary comparisons and will be happy and will make others happy. P.S. - "Bindaas" is a slang in Hindi. It loosely means "smartness". This manifesto is about being more than just smart in the conventional sense. And thats why, Bindaas! |