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Rated: E · Essay · History · #1439123
A short essay on the importance of Great Empires of the Dark Ages.
                                    Great Empires of the Dark Ages

                    Dark ages is a term formerly used to cover the whole period between the end of classic civilization and the revival of learning in the 15th century.  With me, I greatly entice your minds that could be potentially partial to this subject to travel back to the 700s.  The time of noble and majestic uprisings under bold and fearless leaders whose courageous deliberations were put through trial time and time again.  To an era where intellectual work of the highest quality was done by exceptional individuals in ages when life was insecure and its environment discouraging to thought.  To the west was Charlemagne establishing unity and to the east was the commonwealth of Byzantium developing infallibly.

                  Charlemagne, or Charles the great, was the eldest son of Pepin the Short.  He was arguably the most important of Frankish emperors.  He originally shared the kingdom with his brother Carloman, but with his death only three years after their rising meant that in 771 Charlemagne became the single ruler of a reunified kingdom.  He set upon a vocation of conquest against the countries which had proved an ongoing fulmination against both the Franks and the Church in Rome.  He subdued Lombardy in 774 and in 804 was irrevocably triumphant over the Saxons, an omnipotent Germanic tribe who had remained beyond the reach of Christianity.  He took aim at the Moorish Arabs in Spain, who had permeated the region since 711, and led a crusade across the Pyrenees in 778.  Charlemagne's aspirations faltered to remove the Moors, despite the fact that he did prevail in creating a buffer zone in the Pyrenees, between Spain and the Frankish lands.

                  Charlemagne had prospered in establishing a Christian hegemony across central Europe and in 800 he was remunerated by the Church with an imperial coronation in Rome.  Charlemagne became the first Western Roman emperor since Romulus Augustulus.  The rule of Charlemagne distinguished the beginning of a union between German territories and Rome, bringing northern and southern Europe into unanimity and establishing the beginning of a European continent.  An added attainment of the Empire was the beginning of a cultural revival.  Under Charlemagne, churches and cathedrals were built and assembling and commerce thrived.  Education and the arts were aggrandized, expressly the institution of Latin as the tolerated written and spoken language of government and worship.

                  As you can tell, the great empires of the Dark Ages were greatly influential upon today's modern world.  Many growing ideas and thriving spirits that once existed in these ages greatly inspired many to imaginatively support and follow through on the lost art of leadership and creativity positively expressed once before.  Many may not realize it, but most of the inventions discovered today should be accredited to the foundation of motivational breakthroughs ascertained in these wonderful ages.  And like the great Galileo once said, "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."

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