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by Kera L
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Romance/Love · #1439114
The final part.
I opened my eyes and stared up at the sunlight spread across the ceiling. I blinked and sighed contentedly. My body tingled and I didn’t want to move. I took a deep breath and stretched.
Micheau was gone. I had heard him leave hours before the sunrise. I had slipped into a sleep not long after.
I giggled a little. I felt giddy and alive suddenly. Micheau had made me feel things I had never know I could feel. Yes, I knew of sex, but nothing had prepared me for what I had experienced. And he hadn’t even undressed.
I rose on shaky legs and wrapped my bed cover around myself. I grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom to shower.
My eyes widened as I entered the main room. Two new chairs were positioned with my couch around a large television. I knew that I didn’t have those before. My gaze fell on apiece of paper sitting on the table. I recognized Micheau’s writing.
“Gifts?” I murmured. I glanced at the new furniture.
I smiled slightly as I went to take a shower. The smile stayed as I moved around my home and went about my daily duties. My mind still lingered on the feelings Micheau evoked in my body. As the night progressed, my feelings for Micheau grew deeper until I realized. I had fallen for him.

I had a feeling it would come to this. With my break over, I returned to work and prepared to do my job like normal. Upon entering, I realized I was mistaken. And the fact that Henry was holding me against a wall by my neck was a pretty good indication that things were going to go wrong quickly.
“You foolish idiot,” he snapped. “You nearly exposed us with your foolishness. That woman is still alive.”
I blinked, trying to remember, but it was quite difficult when I was trying to prevent Henry from breaking my neck. Then it came to me. That girl I had seduced at the club. Chloe, I think her name was.
“Alive?” I choked out.
“Yes,” Henry snapped. “And now they’re searching for you.”
“I wiped her memory,” I said. “She doesn’t know my face.”
“It doesn’t matter!” Henry shouted. “Other people who saw you with her know your face! Her father gave a description! You put the entire clan at risk! What would my father think if he knew?”
That was a slap. He released me as the first group of vampires entered with their humans. I fell hard to the floor and sat for a moment, ignoring the pain in my neck and backside. Henry was right. I had put the clan in danger. I had gotten careless.
I rose and began work. As the time for choosing a human drew near, three people entered and I shivered. Two vampires entered with a familiar woman with a bandaged throat. Her eyes were dull and she walked under the influence of persuasion. Henry crept up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.
“Here’s your chance to right your mistake,” he said. “Take her to the basement.”
“No,” I said quietly. “I can’t.”
The memories still haunted me. Being surrounded by vampires as they fed and pleasured themselves with my pain. I knew Henry knew how I felt. He was doing this on purpose.
“If you don’t, then you will be the sacrifice,” Henry said.
I took a deep breath and steeled myself. “Fine,” I said.
The anticipation was thick as I took the woman’s hand and led her to the basement. I kept her mind suppressed and laid her down on the large bed. I felt the others surround me, their lust urging me to continue. I closed my eyes and unbuttoned my work shirt, letting it fall to the floor. I stalked toward the woman, seeing the confusion in her dull eyes. I made quick work of her clothes until she was only wearing her lacy white bra and matching panties. I paused, feeling the arousal of the others around me. Strangely I was hardly ready for what I was supposed to do. I was shaking, but not with anticipation.
But I continued. My hands roamed over Chloe’s exposed body. The vampires surrounding me urged me to go on. I shivered and grabbed her panties, ripping them from her body violently. She opened her mouth, as if to scream, but the damage I had done to her voice was never going to be healed. I felt the brush of pleasure from the others as they whispered in my mind. I knew what they wanted, but my body was refusing to obey, even as I pushed down my slacks. I positioned myself anyway and bent over her. I thrust into her, hearing her scream of pain in my mind. I sank my teeth into her breast and felt her blood well up into my mouth. The pain and pleasure mix was intoxicating in her blood.
My eyes snapped open and I pulled back. My sudden lust was gone. How could I have done this? The woman’s eyes were clear and she fought against me. Her long nails clawed at my face, digging deep scratches into my cheek. Her mind screamed at me to stop.
I pulled back. I couldn’t do it. The velvet lined room held too many nightmares.
But I was spared as the others could no longer hold back. They swooped down on the poor woman to finish her. I retreated, pulling up my pants. I fled from the room and back into the main part of the restaurant.
I left the restaurant, unable to stand the place any longer. My shirt was open, and my leather jacket was hanging loosely off my shoulders. I stumbled along the streets, not really having a destination. I just felt disgusting. I wanted nothing more than a scalding hot shower to wash away my skin. Not only that, but I felt as if I had betrayed someone.
I looked around and frowned. I was standing outside of a familiar home. Before I could stop myself, I raised a hand and knocked on the door.

I was surprised to hear the knock on my door. It was late and I wasn’t really expecting anyone. I stood and went to the door, turning down the TV as I walked. I opened the door and gasped.
“Micheau?” I said.
He looked at me with a small sad smile. He looked like hell, and blood dropped down his cheek and onto his work shirt.
“What happened to you?” I asked.
“I had to,” he murmured. “I didn’t want to. They made me.”
The wind shifted and I smelled it. The scent of sex.
“Who?” I asked, worried now. “What happened, Micheau?”
He shook his head and leaned on the doorframe. “Can I use your shower?”
“You should go to the police,” I said. “If something happened…”
“No,” Micheau said. “It would only cause more trouble. Please.”
I hesitated, but nodded. I helped Micheau inside and closed the door behind him. He stumbled into my bathroom and shut the door. I stood, listening to the water run into the tub. After a while, I sighed and sat back down, keeping an eye on the bathroom door.

The water turned cold. I winced and turned off the faucet and stood in the cooling air. I grabbed a towel from the linen closet and dried myself before I realized I didn’t have any clothes to change in to.
I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door. The steam that had gathered in the bathroom billowed out into the main part of the house. I saw Bianca sitting in one of the chairs I had given her with a concerned look on her face. Then she blushed.
“I need some clothes,” I said. “Do you have anything?”
Bianca kept her eyes lowered and went into her room. She returned a moment later with a pair of pants.
“I don’t think any of my shirts will fit,” she said shyly.
I smiled and went back into the bathroom to dress. I balled my clothes up and walked from the bathroom.
“Where’s the washer?” I asked.
This time it was a flush of embarrassment. “I don’t have one,” she said. “I have the fixtures, but I couldn’t afford it.”
“Then I’ll have to get you one,” I said. “And a dryer.”
I went back to the bathroom and filled the tub to scrub my clothes by hand.
“You really don’t have to,” Bianca said from the doorway.
“But I want to,” I said.
She was quiet for a moment. “What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m washing my uniform,” I said, ringing out my shirt and throwing it over the curtain rail.
I felt her eyes on me as I finished with my shirt. Blood still stained my collar, but it was faded. It would have to be replaced. My second shirt in less than a month. After handing that up, I stood and drained the tub.
“Thank you, by the way,” I said.
Bianca smiled slightly. “It was nothing,” she said.
I smiled and saw her blush before she turned away. I sensed her embarrassment and smirked.
“Are you hungry?” she asked quickly as she started toward the kitchen. “I think I have something in the fridge. I know I have ice cream. Is chocolate okay?”
I put a hand on her shoulder. She tensed and gasped, but fell silent.
“You’re rambling,” I said. I coaxed her to turn and face me.
She looked at the ground. “I know,” she said.
I placed my hand under her chin, making her look at me. I saw the memory of our night in her eyes. She flushed a little.
I bent my head and kissed her gently. She put her hand on my cheek. I lost her face in the memory of only a few hours before. My eyes snapped open and I jerked back with a gasp.
Bianca stared at me with confusion. I forced a smile but felt her pull back.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. I heard concern in her voice.
“Nothing,” I lied.
“Tell me,” Bianca said. “You’re being so cold.”
“It’s…It’s hard to explain,” I sighed. “I’m not who you think I am.”
“You’re not Micheau?”
“I am, maybe,” I said. “Maybe I’m just a shadow of Micheau Brogan.”
“Micheau, you’re scaring me,” she said, taking a step back.
I shook my head to clear it. “I’m sorry,” I said. “Let’s sit down.”
I sat in one of the chairs. Bianca hesitated a moment before taking a seat on the couch.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said. “But it’s inevitable. I’m nothing but a monster.”
“I’m not human,” I said. “I’m a vampire.”
I watched her, waiting for the screams and the begging for her life. But she only stared at me with shock. Her eye were large with shock, but there was little fear in her mind, only confusion.

I could do nothing more than stare. I knew I should run, but he made no move to bite me like in all the legends. He only looked at me, waiting.
“You’re a…a vampire?” I asked.
He nodded, still watching me. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“What does that mean?”
“Exactly what I said,” Micheau said. “I’m a vampire. A blood sucking fiend.”
Silence reigned. I couldn’t think of anything to say. Finally, Micheau stood.
“I’ll go now,” he said. “I can’t stay here.” He started toward the door.
“Just hold on a minute.”
Who had spoken? It took a moment to realize I had said it. He stopped and turned back to me.
“I-is that all that’s wrong?” I said. “You think I’ll hate you because you’re a vampire? Well, I’m not afraid of you. You haven’t feed off me, have you? You don’t want to, do you? That’s why you aren’t going to stay?”
His face switched quickly from confusion to a sad smile. “That’s exactly why,” he said. “I’ll never feed from you. I don’t know why…No, I know why. I know exactly why.”
“Why?” I asked, suddenly nervous.
I didn’t see him move. I don’t even know if he did move, but he was suddenly in front of me and very close. I took a step back and gasped.
“You said you weren’t afraid of me,” he said in a low voice. “But would you be afraid if I said I love you?”
More like shocked.

I don’t know what came over me. Why had I just said something like that? Why did I tell her what I was? Perhaps I had gone mad while reliving my nightmare in the basement.
“No,” Bianca said. “Because I think I love you too.”
My turn to be shocked. It didn’t last long as she surged forward and captured my lips. Her arms wrapped strongly around my neck and kept me where I was. I quickly regained myself and took her into my arms.
We joined in her bed, exploring each other with fingers and lips. I felt myself become alive with her touch. And finally, I claimed her maidenhood. I slid into her welcoming embrace and wrapped my arms around her.
I lay beside her, basking in the aftermath with her beside me. She lay in my arms, sleeping peacefully. I kissed her forehead and pulled myself from her warmth, tucking the covers around her. I glanced at the window. I had just enough time to get home.
I quickly dressed and ran home, moving faster than human eyes could see. I knew Bianca would understand why I couldn’t stay. I planned on making it up to her when I had the chance. But for now, I was going to get her something else she needed.

I had known Micheau would be gone when I finally awoke. I stared at the beams of sun spilling across the floor in front of me. I sighed as I turned back to the TV and watched another sitcom. But I really wasn’t watching. I was thinking about Micheau.
My ears caught the sound of an engine. It sounded like it was heading up my driveway. I glanced out of the window and saw a large moving truck parked behind my car. A strong looking man exited the truck and walked to my door. I got up to answer as he lifted his hand to knock.
“Yes?” I asked as I opened the door.
“Are you Bianca Weller?” asked the man in a gruff voice.
“Yes,” I said.
“I got a delivery for you,” he said.
He went back to his truck. Another man joined him and brought a washer and dryer to me.
“If you just sign here,” said the first man, handing me a clipboard of papers and a pen.
I signed the papers and received a receipt. I watched the men leave before turning to the new washer and dryer in my possession. Who could possibly have done this?
But I knew instantly. Micheau.
I smiled and moved the machines into place. I had to remember to thank him later.
“You shouldn’t have come back,” Annabelle hissed to me as I entered the King’s Horses. “Henry is super angry with you.”
“Don’t say super,” I muttered as I hung up my coat. But I sensed her worry as well as Henry’s anger from the office. I knew I had to tread carefully tonight.
Henry stayed in the office. I was glad to have the chance to avoid him. It was a quiet night and no one really brought any humans in with them. Victor kept glancing at me with worry, but remained silent. It was starting to get annoying.
Then Henry finally emerged from the back and grabbed my shirt, pulling me back into the counter. I winced at the pain that raced up my back, but remained quiet.
“You stupid piece of filth,” Henry hissed at me. “My father was angry with me when I told him what you did. With me!”
“As well he should be,” I said. “Did you mention what you made me do? It’s probably what made him angriest.”
“Shut up,” Henry growled.
He threw me back into the wall behind the counter. Henry left me and walked out to the lobby. I clenched my fists and felt the curiosity of the others in the restaurant. I sensed their laughter at my weakness. It pissed me off.
I jumped onto the counter and grabbed Henry’s neck as he passed, standing. I held him out in front of me, watching him dangle from my grip.
“I warned you,” I said. “You foolish little boy. Do you not know who you are dealing with? I have let you live out of respect for Conrad, but now…I’m sure he’ll understand.”
My grip tightened and he clawed at my hand. I didn’t let up, only stopping when I felt his breath was nearly gone.
“You’re nothing more than a disgusting human who was lucky enough to survive,” Henry choked out. “Food that my father took pity on.”
“Yes, I used to be human,” I said. “But I’m also a vampire. Do you know what that means? I’ll tell you. It means I’m more capable of killing you with very little regret.”
“Micheau, don’t,” Annabelle pleaded.
The entrance bell rang. I ignored it. Then I heard her voice.
I dropped Henry and turned to find Bianca staring at me with fear and worry in her eyes. I went numb with fear. She had just walked into a room full of vampires. And the vampires wouldn’t hesitate to kill her.
“Run,” I whispered. I jumped at her and shouted, “Run!”
But it was too late. I was violently jerked back as the vampires around me swarmed in on Bianca and held her at bay. I jumped at them, but Victor and another vampire named Jonah held me back and suppressed my movements. I was helpless to do anything to help Bianca.

They grabbed my arms and held me tightly. I was at their mercy, and so was Micheau. Henry rose from where Micheau had dropped him and smirked. I saw a small trace of Natalia in his grin.
“Miss Weller,” Henry said. “Do you know what happens to a human when they stumble into a clan gathering ground at night? Perhaps I should have Micheau tell you.”
“Stop it, Henry!” Micheau snapped, his mouth was open and his long vampire fangs were revealed in a snarl. “Let her go!”
“Oh? And why should I?” Henry advanced on Micheau.
“If you touch her…” Micheau threatened.
Henry slapped Micheau and turned quickly to me. “After all you’ve done these past few weeks, I think you would be glad we haven’t killed you yet,” he said to Micheau. “But after all, you are my father’s favorite. You! A filthy human! You’re nothing but food to us.”
The vampires dropped me to the floor. I tried to stand, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. I only managed to curl up on the floor and watch as Henry grabbed the back of my shirt.
“Let’s take her to the basement, shall we?” Henry said.
I felt dread weigh heavily in my mind. I had to run. I had to fight against them. My only choice was to transform.
I growled low in my throat. I felt Henry hesitate at the sound and I smiled. The vampires backed away from me as I forced myself into the pain. I pushed myself onto my hands and knees before struggling to my feet, ignoring the pain racing through my body. I could feel the pulse of the moon beating with my own as claws grew from my fingertips.
“What’s happening?” cried Annabelle.
“Get back!”
I don’t know who spoke, but an elegant woman stood in front of me. Her dark eyes bore into me and stopped my transformation. Something crept into my mind, soothing the beast I was trying to release. It was hypnotizing and before I knew what was happening, I was once again returned to my human state.
“You are from a werewolf clan,” said the woman.
I heard gasps from the vampires. The woman turned to them.
“We can not harm her,” she said.
“Why not, Marta?” Henry asked. “How do you know she’s a werewolf?”
“It is the law of your father and all the clan leaders and therefore a rule you must abide by, Henry,” Marta explained. “When werewolves asked for their freedom from our ancestors they made an agreement to never harm each other. As for how I know she is a werewolf, her near transformation was a clue you would have overlooked until it was too late. But for future reference for you younger ones who have not been taught…”
Marta grabbed my shoulder and spun my around. I gasped as her cold hand touched the back of my neck. She grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it away, tearing the fabric easily. I felt my face heat as cool air brushed my exposed back.
“See the moon upon her back?” Marta asked.
I held the front of my shirt up as they gazed at the mark driven between my shoulder blades by the moon at my first transformation. It was a black shadow of the moon’s light, and it waxed and waned like the one in the sky at night. Now I could feel it was almost completely round, only a day or two more before it was full. Then my true transformation would take place.
“But I thought werewolves were extinct,” said another vampire.
“They hide well,” Marta said. I felt something drop over my shoulders and realized it was the small coat the woman had been wearing. I stood and turned to face the vampires. I met Micheau’s eye and found shock.
“What do we do with her?” Henry asked.
“We let her go,” Marta said simply. “We can not harm her, but if she reveals us to the humans, we will reveal her secret as well.” She looked at me. “Understood?”
I nodded. “What about Micheau?” I asked.
“Did he tell you he was a vampire?” Marta asked.
“Yes,” I said quietly.
Marta closed her eyes. I sensed sadness from her. “Then he will be punished.”
“Wait,” I cried. “Don’t hurt him.” I looked to Micheau. Why wasn’t he fighting back against them?
“Bianca,” his voice was quiet, broken. “Just go.”

She looked at me with such despair. I wanted to break free of the ones who held me and run, but I knew I would be hunted until they found me and killed me, and perhaps Bianca.
She nodded in defeat. I sighed as she was led from the King’s Horses by Marta. I didn’t know what would happen to me, but I had the feeling it would hurt. A lot.
“Take him to the basement,” Henry said. “Break him.”
Victor and Jonah dragged me back into the closet and down into the dark confines of the basement.
The chains were cold against my bare wrists. My shoulders ached with the fatigue of my position. I was strung up on chains from the ceiling by my hands. My torso was bared and my tattered shirt lay on the floor at my feet. Blood dripped slowly down my arms from where their claws had torn my flesh. They had taken careful pleasure in trying to make me scream. I still hadn’t revealed that weakness, but I didn’t know how long that bit of my will would last.
The only reprieve was the sun, strangely enough. I had been left alone a little before dawn and allowed to rest. Healing was a little more than impossible and my body was protesting the period of starvation it was going through.
It was a mind game. I knew it well. I had seen what had happened to a careless vampire. It was slow and painful. I hoped that they would grow bored with me before I lost my mind or died.
I paced nervously around my cellar. It had been five days. Five days since I had heard from Micheau. I had gone to work and heard he was sick. Sick? Do vampires even get sick?
I had thought numerous times about calling my mother and asking about the old legends in the werewolf clans. I had heard about them as a little girl. Storied of werewolves and their vampire masters, the small rebel group of werewolves who started running from the vampires to try to live freely, the stories of how  small war broke out before Chronus, the most wise of werewolves, met with the vampires and asked for a peaceful freedom. It was a nice legend, and it was a favorite of mine.
I glanced at the moon outside of the window, completely round and shining. It was the only thing preventing me from going to Micheau. I prayed that he was all right.
The moonset was a blessing. I lay for a moment, my eyes closed. I was exhausted, but I had to make it to Micheau. I washed up in the shower and dressed…
I woke up in the damp cellar and groaned. So I had fallen asleep after returning to my body. Looking at the window, it was bright and a beam of light fell across the floor where I had slept.
Moving like a fumbling pup, I made my way slowly out of the cellar and into the house. I took my shower and collapsed into bed. I would be free from my furry form tonight, so perhaps I would visit Micheau when I woke…but then I remembered the last time I had seen Micheau at work and thought better of it. I would go to him tomorrow, after some rest.

I was weak as I stumbled through the door of my home. The room was dark, hiding the sun that was rising just outside. I walked awkwardly toward the small refrigerator that held my supply of blood, leaning heavily against the counter. I opened it and found my supply gone. Henry had made sure I wouldn’t be back for a while.
I sighed and shut the door with a bit more force than necessary. I would have to rest all day before I could even try to find someone to feed from. I dropped onto my bed, not even bothering with cleaning up. I knew I should, but my energy was waning fast. I had enough strength left to kick off my shoes and pull myself all the way into the bed before I was asleep.

I stood outside of Micheau’s apartment and stared at the door, wondering if he was asleep. After a moment of hesitation, I raised my hand to knock. I waited a minute, but no answer came. I hesitated a moment before glancing around and grabbing the door handle, ready to break it if need be. But it gave way easily. That seemed strange to me. Micheau didn’t seem like the type to leave his door unlocked.
I crept into the apartment, looking around warily. I located the light switch easily and let the room be flooded with the soft glow of florescent lighting. My eyes widened with surprise. The room was barely furnished, but looked like it had been until just recently. It came as a surprise to realize where the furniture and television had come from.
“Micheau?” I called quietly.
Another silence. It was starting to unnerve me. I moved further into the room and toward what I hoped was the bedroom door. Perhaps he was just sleeping. It was, after all, near noon.
I was lucky enough to find the right room. The scent of blood reached my nose, and I winced. I quickly found the light and turned it on.
I almost wished I hadn’t. I saw Micheau lying on a large bed, sprawled out over the coverlet. His shirt was missing, and I could see bruises flourishing over his chest and arms. He was slowly bleeding from various wounds that I could tell were only half healed. A particularly bad cut crossed from his collarbone to his hip.
I was at his side immediately, shaking him awake. He was cold under my fingers. I held my breath for a moment until he opened his eyes.
His voice was quiet. I bent down and kissed his forehead.
“Micheau,” I whispered, fighting back tears. “What happened?”
“This is my punishment,” he murmured.
“I’m sorry, Micheau,” I said. “I’m sorry.”
I saw his small smile. “It’s not your fault,” he said.
“I’m sorry for not telling you I’m a werewolf,” I said. “Even after you told me what you are.”
He laughed a little. The sound scared me. He should have been angry. He shouldn’t be laughing.
“You can’t help being a werewolf no more than I can help being a vampire,” he said quietly. “It saved your life, after all.”
His hand reached up and touched my cheek. I leaned into his touch closed my eyes.
“Why haven’t you healed yet?” I asked.
Micheau didn’t answer. I opened my eyes and saw him looking away from me.
“Micheau?” I asked. He still didn’t answer. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”
“I’ll be fine when I heal enough to hunt,” he said.
I shook my head and leaned down, brushing my hair aside. “Here,” I said. “My blood is thick and will help you heal.”
“No,” Micheau said. “I won’t feed from you.”
“Please,” I begged. “Please do this.”
His reserve was slipping, I could tell. His eyes traveled down my neck. My pulse quickened as he raised his head and lowered his fangs into my neck.
My vision blacked, but my eyes were open. I felt pain like nothing I had ever felt before, and then overwhelming numbness that spread from my neck to my entire body. I grew weaker as my blood flowed from my body to Micheau. His wounds healed quickly and his bruises faded into pale skin once more, but he still drank. It felt like too much. I started to get cold.
He pulled back suddenly and shoved me away, retreating to the other side of the room. I put a hand to my neck and watched him as he licked his lips and pressed himself against the far wall.

What had I done? I could have killed her. My lust for blood had nearly killed the one person most precious to me.
Her blood raged through my veins and I felt more alive than ever before. I was completely healed and only the memory of the wounds remained. But I could see blood seeping from between Bianca’s fingers.
I knew I must have looked like a frightened creature huddled in the corner. I couldn’t stand her eyes on me any longer.
“Go,” I said, a little harsher than I intended. “Please.”
“I’m not leaving you again,” she said, moving closer.
I shook my head and tried to back up further, but found it impossible with the wall at my back. Bianca advanced until she was only a few feet away from me.
“I know you won’t hurt me, Micheau,” she said gently.
“You can’t know that,” I murmured.
She smiled slightly and out her hand on my cheek. “I do,” she said. “I feel it in my heart.”
I felt her warmth through her hand and sighed. I couldn’t betray her. I would die first.
“You should get some rest,” she said.
I let her lead me back to my bed. I sat down on the edge of the mattress and watched as Bianca retrieved a pair of loose pants for me to sleep in. She left me to change and returned when I was getting into bed.
“Here.” She pulled the covers up and smiled gently. “I’ll be back later to check on you.”
She turned. My hand shot out from under the blanket and grabbed her shirt. She stopped and turned back to me.
“Don’t go,” I said. I felt a blush rise in my face.
Bianca smiled and nodded. I let her go as she sat down on the edge of the bed and bent to take off her shoes. I moved over a little as she lay down beside me. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Micheau held me tightly and rested his head against my shoulder. I brushed his hair back and smiled. He looked at me.
“Why did you come here?” he asked quietly.
“I was worried about you,” I said.
“I didn’t mean to me,” Micheau said. “Why did you leave your family?”
I wasn’t expecting that. “I was just getting restless,” I said. “I wanted to travel a little. Living in the mountains, I hardly ever see the city or anyone outside of my clan.”
“Will you go back?” he asked.
I shrugged a little. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “Maybe someday I will. Why?”
Micheau closed his eyes. “You would be safer with your family,” he said.
I was surprised. I sat up. “But I want to be with you,” I said.
“Why would you want to be with me?” Micheau asked as he sat up as well. “It’s too dangerous.”
“Because I love you,” I blurted out.
Micheau stared at me for a moment. The he leaned toward me and brushed his lips to mine. When he pulled back, I felt the flush rising in my cheeks. He kissed me again, deeper this time, and pushed me back to the pillow. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His hands slid under my shirt and stroked my sides. I felt him cover my body with his and I gasped as his leg slid between my thighs. His tongue dove into my mouth.
He pulled back and stared down at me, his blue eyes glittering. I brushed my hands down his neck and over his chest. I could feel his heart beating behind his ribs, pumping the blood I had given him through his body. He leaned down and kissed my lips, then up my jaw line to my ear, where he nibbled gently. I felt the new familiar surge of pleasure course through my veins and settle in the pit of my stomach.
I was panting when he finally pulled back. I felt him coax my arms up to strip me of my shirt. I gasped as his hand brushed over my chest and squeezed gently. He smirked and bent his head to replace his hand with his mouth.
I cried out. Pleasure raged through my body. His hands rested on my hips, just above my jeans. I lifted my hips and felt him pull the fabric from my legs. He rose and tossed aside my jeans before covering me again. I felt his naked hardness pressing into my leg. When had he taken off his pants?
He kissed me as he slowly pushed into my body. I threw my arms around his back and held him tightly. It hurt, but I didn’t feel the pain. It seemed like some distant thing as my skin burned for his touch. My fingers dug into his back.
It was slow, but it felt incredible. His kisses and caresses were gentle. The pleasure built until what seemed like hours later, it released, bursting free. I shook with the force of it and I felt Micheau shivering as well. I heard my name whispered from his lips a moment before he pulled from me and held me close.

She was still sleeping when I rose at sunset. I kissed her forehead and tucked the coverlet under her chin. She curled up under my blanket as I left her to take care of some business.
I waited until they gathered. I watched as they seduced their prey and chose a human to take to the basement. I picked up the full gas can at my feet and made my way inside.
It was easy to dispatch Frank, the chef. He was weak and young. I didn’t find anyone else in the back or in the lobby. I felt the others underneath me, killing the unfortunate human woman they had on their claws. But I would end her suffering soon enough.
I poured the gasoline throughout the place, splashing it onto the floor and tables. The smell was nauseating, but a small price to pay for revenge.
I had never been one for vengeance, it always seemed a little overrated to me, but this time I couldn’t let them get away. I blocked the closet door with a few tables and chairs. It would slow them considerably.
I stopped at the door and turned, looking back at the restaurant. It was quiet. I sighed as I pulled a cigarette from the pack in my pocket. I flicked open my new silver Zippo and let the flame light the tobacco. I took a drag and let out a sigh, tossing the still burning lighter toward a puddle of gas on the floor.
I walked out of the King’s Horses and felt the heat at my back. I felt the agony of the vampires burning as the fire spread quickly and engulfed them. I smiled slightly. Maybe revenge wasn’t as overrated as I had thought.
I threw my cigarette away and turned back to the restaurant. The screams in my mind stopped. The vampires were dead.
But I sensed something wrong as I was tackled from behind. It rolled over and faced a furious Henry.
“You bastard!” Henry shouted.
I barely blocked his punch, but he wasn’t alone. Annabelle and Victor kicked viciously at my sides until I felt my ribs break. I threw Henry away from my and turned on Victor. He clawed at me, drawing a line of blood across my face. It healed quickly as I grabbed Victor’s throat and threw him to the ground, hearing the pavement crack under him.
Annabelle jumped on my back, but she was hardly a match for me. I reached behind me and grabbed her hair, pulling her roughly around to face me before I drove my hand into her stomach, twisting my claws into her guts. She screamed. I flung her through the large window of the restaurant and into the fire. Her dying screech echoed through the night.
“Annabelle!” I heard Henry cry. I turned to him and saw a few more vampires with him. Victor scrambled to join him.
“You killed her!” Henry snapped. “You’ll pay for that!”
I fought back against their minds and fists. They attacked ferociously and I was bleeding profusely from numerous cuts when they managed to pin me to the ground. My conscious was subdued.
“What do we do with him?” Victor asked, his fangs bared just inches from my throat.
“We’ll leave him to burn,” Henry said. “Weaken him.”
Their fangs tore into me. The blood I had taken from Bianca was drained from me until I was barely able to move—not that I could move with five vampires holding me down.
“We’re taking him to Pillar Hill,” Henry said.
I shook with something I recognized as fear. Pillar Hill. The name alone was enough to make the vampires shiver with suppressed fright. It was only a tall metal post driven into the ground on top of the tallest hill in the city. The hill was a well known place for human teenagers to go in their cars to foolishly fornicate, but a lesser known use for the hill was a death sentence for vampires. It faced directly into the sunrise.
I was too weak to fight back at them as my arms were bound behind the post, but it didn’t stop me from trying. Victor punched me when I attempted to bite his hand.
“This is all your doing, Micheau,” Henry said. He knelt down in front of me and gripped my hair hard. “I wonder what your little girlfriend would say if she saw you now.”
I bared my fangs. “Leave her out of this,” I growled. “If you touch her…”
“You’re in no position the threaten me,” Henry said, forcing my head back into the post. The dull ringing of the metal was echoed by the ringing in my ears from the impact. “You’re going to die in just a few short hours.”
I knew it was the truth. I had no chance of breaking the ropes binding me in my weakened state and once the sun rose, I would be dead
“You know, I remember a time when you were powerful,” Henry said. “You seemed invincible when I was but a child. Now, you’re just as weak as a human.”
“You’ll find that humans can be a lot stronger than you think,” I hissed.
Henry chuckled and stood. “Good bye, Micheau,” he said.
He walked away from me and back down the path toward the road. I was left alone.
It’s amazing how long a few hours can be, and at the same time, I felt as if they passed too quickly. I tried many times to break the rope that bound my hands around the pole, but each attempt left me weaker and weaker. I wondered if Bianca was awake yet, and if she was searching for me. I prayed that she would run back to her family before Henry could get to her.
The horizon began to lighten. I sat on the ground, my knees drawn up to my chin. I saw the sun rising slowly and its light stretched over the city and raced toward me. It hit me. I felt tears stream down my face as I screamed, the burning light of the sun engulfing me. It burned so badly. I was in agony. My skin smoked and I felt fire flare over my legs.
I burned. I wanted to die. And I would soon enough.

I woke to find him gone. I was surprised at first, but I soon realized that it was nighttime and he was probably out feeding. I would have let him drink from me, but I had the feeling that he didn’t want to hurt me again.
I waited for him to return, showering and dressing so I wasn’t so sweaty. I waited until I knew the sun was up. He was still gone and a foreboding feeling settled in my gut. I shook it away. Maybe he had been delayed and needed to hide out for the day.
But I knew something was wrong. I knew he was in trouble, but I didn’t know where.
I sank to the floor and covered my face with my hands. I felt tears fall from my eyes and through my fingers to the floor. I cried quietly, hoping, just needing Micheau to be all right, but knowing he wasn’t.
The knock came hours later, after the sun had gone down. I rose from the floor where I was sleeping, not remembering when I had slipped into slumber. I rose quickly and wiped the tearstains from my cheeks.
I sensed the presences of more than one person. I prepared for any kind of attack as I opened the door. I felt a growl rise in my chest as I saw Henry and to other people I assume were vampires standing outside of the door.
“Ah, I thought I would find you here,” Henry said smoothly. “May we come in?”
“No,” I said. “What do you want?”
Henry smiled slightly. “I thought you’d like to know, Micheau is dead.”
I felt my heart skip. My hand gripped the door like a vice, and soon I felt the heavy wood buckle slightly.
“What do you mean,” I asked quietly.
“Well,” Henry said. “Last night he made a bad decision when he burned down the King’s Horses and killed most of my father’s clan.”
“No,” I whispered. “It’s can’t be true.”
But in my heart I knew Micheau was gone.
“If you doubt it, then come,” Henry said. “I’ll show you where his ashes lie.”
I held my hand at my sides, forcing myself to stay standing. I clenched my fists and squared my shoulder.
“Take me to him,” I said.
Henry smiled malevolently, and led the way. I quickly slipped on my shoes and followed, nervous about the two vampires that followed me. They wouldn’t attack, not unless they wanted to violate the ancient law, but it still made me nervous.
A new Hummer waited outside for us. It was large and black, which seemed to fit Henry. Something told me that he liked to show off his power and money. He opened the door for me and allowed me to climb into the car before he joined me. I gaped at the size of the inside. I sat in the back seat, and faced another seat turned backward. Henry climbed in and sat across from me. The door closed and I felt a little claustrophobic. The windows were tinted with darkness, making the night impossible to see. I heard the front doors open and close, but couldn’t see the driver through the solid wall behind Henry’s seat. It was nice, but I was in no real state to enjoy it. But it looked a little like the inside of a limousine I had seen in a move on the TV.
Henry stared at me, his eyes shadowed in the near darkness of the car. I clasped my hands in my lap and waited as I felt the car start moving.
“You seem nervous,” Henry said quietly. “Are you scared?”
“No,” I lied, thankful that my voice remained even.
Henry smiled. I hated that look.
It seemed like an eternity later when the Hummer finally stopped. I took a breath to calm my nerves. The door opened and Henry motioned for me to get out first. I climbed out and felt Henry behind me.
“Come,” he said.
He led the way through a small forested area on a barely visible path. When he finally stopped, I was staring over the city. I gasped at the view. It was absolutely beautiful. The waning moon hung low over the city, casting a silvery glow over the sparkling lights of the buildings.
“This is where he burned,” Henry said.
I noticed the tall metal pole driven into the ground at the edge of the cliff that dropped to the road where I could just barely the Hummer.
Henry stalked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. I couldn’t help but flinch at the touch.
“You see, little wolf, when Micheau chose to kill the clan, he gave up his own life,” Henry purred. “It’s our law. For a vampire to kill another vampire without just cause is a death wish.”
I forced myself to stop shaking. “I doubt he would do anything without having a reason,” I said.
“Oh, he had a reason,” Henry whispered in my ear. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck. “You. You were the reason he burned the restaurant and killed the clan. It seems he fell to the weakness of his human heart.”
“At least he had a heart,” I snapped, turning and glaring at him.
Henry smirked and shrugged. “I’ll leave you to your despair,” he said as he turned away.
“Someday,” I hissed. “Someday I will find a way to get revenge.”
I turned back to the post and saw the small pile of ashes at the bottom with a charred rope. I sobbed and fell to my knees. I cried, unable to hold back any longer. I bent until my forehead touched the ground. I hugged myself, shaking with the sobs that wracked my body.
I forced myself to stop crying. It was no good now. Micheau was gone, but someday, Henry would pay for what he did. For now I would return to my family in the mountains.
I stood up and stared out over the city. It would take years before I could get my revenge for Micheau, but I knew it would happen. And I knew it would be sweet revenge.
After all, Micheau had given me a most precious gift.
I placed my hands on my stomach. “Yes, Micheau, our child will make sure Henry gets what is coming to him.”
© Copyright 2008 Kera L (keralarentia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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