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Bridget Mills is new to yet another high school. |
-Chapter 1- September 3, 2006 Dear Diary, I cannot believe we moved again! Let me rephrase that, it’s hard not for me to believe because this is like the 8th time this is happening to me. I hate starting all over again and being filled with false hope that I’ll actually fit in this school and have friends. Today is my first day at West Shore High and I’m not looking forward to it at all. -Bridget- I closed my diary and quickly got dressed in a plain black shirt and blue jeans. I brushed my dirty blonde hair and just let it fall over my shoulders. The only piece of jewelry I wore was a silver watch on my left wrist. It was a gift from my Uncle Marty. I checked the time on my watch. 7:30 shit! Well this is the best I can look; I should get going now… no matter how much I don’t want to. I glanced at my reflection in the vanity mirror one more time before walking down stairs. I shoved my wallet in the pocket of my jeans and slipped my shoes on about to head out the door. “If you miss the bus I’m not driving you to school” said my mother. Whatever, not like I was expecting her to after she got another DUI last weekend. “I was just about to leave” I told her. “Good luck Bridget” she said. “Oh and on your way home can you pick me up a six pack?” If you didn’t know my mom that well you could still tell she was a total lush; the way she talked so slowly and stuttered a lot. How there was always bags under her eyes. How she always remained in one place so long with a hangover, and how she always had a beer cradled in her arms as if it were as precious as a newborn baby. Yea, she was so hard to define. My hand was now on the doorknob. “I’m seventeen how do you suppose I do that?” I asked her. “Use you fake id” she suggested. The problem with her ideal was that I didn’t have one. "But… ok, bye mom.” I remembered that there was no point in arguing with her. She would always have the last word. I left and closed the door behind me. I walked a few blocks and saw a yellow blur and some kids. “Oh no” I broke into a run but it was already too late. I missed the bus and had to walk to school on my first day. To make matters worse I had no ideal where the school was. I was lost. I stopped running and caught my breath. I won’t be lost for long; I’ll just ask somebody for directions. No big deal. Just when I thought everything would be fine it started to rain. Great. I got out of my neighborhood and hit the main city. This place kind of reminded me of New York City. I lived there before. Basically everything was the same except for the cleaner air and the trolleys instead of the million cabs. There were even stands on every street corner so I walked up to one where a middle aged Italian was selling things like t-shirts, necklaces, CDs and umbrellas. “Can I help you miss?” the sales person asked. “Yea, I’ll take an umbrella” I replied. "Here you go. Have a nice day” I paid him and he gave me in exchange a black umbrella and a receipt. "Thanks” I said. I checked my watch yet again. It was 7:51. “Hey would you happen to know where West Shore High School is?” I asked him. “Next street down” he replied pointing to his left. “Thank you” I said giving him a small smile in appreciation. Eventually there it was. One of the biggest buildings I have ever seen and I lived in NYC for Christ’s sake! To my luck I must have not been late because I saw almost everyone was outside. Some people were text messaging on their cell phones. Others were sitting on a bench smoking cigarettes. I even saw some guy that looked like a gangster/hippy mutt throwing eggs on a car. I didn’t feel like staying outside. I was so nervous around large crowds of people. I walked up the stone steps leading inside when I head someone whistle; maybe at me. I turned around and saw some guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing a jersey with the number 22 on it grinning at me. I quickly dismissed eye contact with him and continued walking. To my displeasure the inside of the school was just as crowded. I looked down as I walked reading the paper I now held in my hands. It was my locker number and combination. With out much looking I found my locker. It was right it front of me; number 928. I put my back pack on the side as I tried opening my locker which seemed to be jammed. Some girl with black hair on the top and pink hair on the bottom approached me holding up my back pack. “Careful girl someone can jack this in a matter of seconds” she said. The pink and black haired girl gently tossed me my back pack. “Thanks for the warning, I guess. I’m Bridget” I said introducing myself. “The names Jen” she replied. “So are you new here?” Jen asked me adjusting her hot pink tank top. “How’d you know?” I asked. “Only newbie’s can’t get their lockers open” she said. “Here” Jen gave my locker a hard kick and it suddenly popped open. “That’s all you have to do. You can either get a decent lock or just not leave any valuable stuff in there” she instructed. Wow, this girl sure seemed to know her way around here. Mentally I was hoping she can stick around and help me on how to survive. And I have to admit, I loved her style! I was guessing she was some kind of mix between Goth and punk with the pink tank top, jacket that says R!OT, black jeans, chain belt, and pink and black checkered vans. “So what’s your first class?” Jen asked me. “History, with Mr. Redmond” I added. “Me to” she said. “This way new girl” We walked together to our first period class. At exactly 12 noon we were all dismissed for lunch. Eating in front of hundreds of people was not something I was good at. When I didn't eat lunch at my previous schools everyone thought I was an anorexic freak. I suppose people in this school would think I was a bigger freak if they saw what I had in my pocket; a bag of herbal tea. That was my favorite beverage. Mom told me all California schools have hot water dispensers. You would push a button and then hot water would gush into your mug, and then you would mix in your grounded coffee. With the coffee grounds being separate I thought I could substitute the coffee grounds with my bag of tea. Cleaver, huh? And that's exactly what I did. I dipped my tea bag in the hot mug when it was finally my turn to use the hot water dispenser. I stepped to the side table that had sugar, creamers, and plastic spoons placed on it. I took a spoon and placed it in my mug when I got a major headache. The lighting was so bright inside it was hurting my eyes. I took a couple of steps back and massaged my temples when-boom! Some fat kid ran into me. "Ow" I wined; having felt like I just got hit by a car and feeling like the spilled tea on my chest was melting through my skin. "I'm sorry" the fat kid apologized to me. I really wish I hadn't turned around to see that long red greasy hair of his, those tiny eyes, those humongous red zits and blotches on his face, and his clothes that looked like they've been stolen from Dark Vader. "...it's alright" I replied, going back to the table that had sugar and creamers on it. Thankfully it also had napkins. I took a big handful but it wasn't nearly enough for me. I went to grab some more when I felt someone else's hand on top of mine. "Sorry" the owner of the hand said. "No I'm sorry, I didn't see you there" I replied. There was an awkward silence between us when finally he introduced himself to me. "I'm Ricky" he said. "I'm Bridget" I replied shyly. "Nice to meet you Bridget" he said politely and held out his hand for me to shake. "Your hands really soft; what kind of lotion do you use?" he asked me when I started laughing. "Cherry Blossom" I answered honestly. "I'll have to try some of that" he replied. "Go for it" I said. "Well I guess I'll see you around Bridget" he said and took off. I have to admit, Ricky was cute. Forgetting about the spilled tea on my shirt I just began walking around the cafĂ© looking for Jen. She invited me to sit at her table for today. "Hey Raven, over here!" she called to me. I saw Jen waving her hand in the air to get my attention. I quickly spotted her and sat down on the opposite side of the brown rectangular table. "Where the hell were you?" she queried. "I was trying to make my tea" I explained. "So, I saw you talking to Ricky" stated Jen. "Um" I had no ideal what to say. Was she jealous or something? Was that her boyfriend I was just talking to? "I'm happy you made another friend besides me. He's really nice isn't he?" said Jen. "He is, not to mention fine" one of the other girls at the table replied. "But I wouldn't get your hopes up" said another girl finishing the last one's sentence. "What are you talking about? I don't... like him. I just met him" I tried to sound convincing. "Trust me girl you wouldn't wanna be getting yourself into him" said the first girl. "Why not, do you like him?" I asked. "I don't but Melinda Markov does?" replied the first girl. "Who's Melina Markov?" I questioned. "You really don't wanna know B. Hopefully you'll never have to meet her but you probably will" said Jen. "Anyways, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce you to the rest of my peeps. This is Karen, Alexis, and Jewels" she said pointing to each of them. "Hi" they each said to me. ""Hey I know you" I said to Alexis, "You're in my History class." "That doesn't mean you know me" said Alexis. By quick judgment I could tell she wasn't the nicest person in school. It seemed like she was being forced to be nice to me by Jen just like a vicious dog is forced to not bark by some muzzle covering its snout. "Come on Alexis be nice" scolded the third girl known as Jewels. Jewels seemed to be the most preppy of the group, not really preppy but she did seem the nicest out of the three. She wore her blonde hair up in a high ponytail and had on a designer blouse and jeans. She was also the only one of the three that carried a purse. Jen mentally knocked me out of my thoughts. "Well now that you know us we have to tell you about them." "Those" said Karen gesturing towards a group of kids "are the nerds. If you don't wanna have a life here full of hell don't ever hang out with them or talk to them, unless you need them to do your homework. Allen does great book reports." she said pointing to a kid with greasy blonde hair picking his nose and eating the contents. "Those are the jocks, Asian nerds, cool Asians, preps, stoners, loners, heavy metals and, the cheerleaders." said Karen pointing to each of the cliques. "That's Melinda Markov the head cheerleader" said Jen finally bringing back the subject of Melinda. "She is the biggest bitch you'll ever meet, besides me" warned Alexis. "And of course you already met Ricky Wells, The semi-popular, hot and dorky guy that Melinda has her eyes set on. If you care about your social life at all, never piss her off and pretend to like her." said Jewels. "I always piss her off; she knows I don't like her" laughed Karen. "Yeah, I remember when you gave her that nose bleed in the 8th grade" giggled Jen. "That was hilarious" chipped in Alexis. I laughed to. Even though I wasn't there it must've been funny. When lunch was over I had Chemistry. After that was Spanish, Language Arts, Social logy, Health, and then I could finally leave. On the bus ride home I let some freshman sit with me only because he was too afraid to make any noise. When the bus stopped at the corner I got off and walked home. I was half way there when I realized I've forgotten about the beer! The next day I got to school on time and made sure to not sit in back of the bus because of what two people were doing there on the way home yesterday. "OMG that is like so funny! No seriously, did you see the look on their faces? I can't believe I made the cheerleading squad... actually I can!" yelled a girl with brown hair, wearing a cheerleading uniform, talking on her cell phone. Someone throw her out the window, please… Trying to tune out the obnoxious girl I took out my I pod and practically shoved the earphones past my ear drums. __________________________________________________________ "Now who has the answer to equation number 2?" asked my algebra teacher Mr. Calibrate. "I don’t see any hands up” he commented “so I guess nobody was paying attention” he said looking at each and every one of us while rubbing his bald head that seemed shinier than a polished bowling ball. He was examining each row, looking for a target, someone he could humiliate. And then he stopped at my desk. “Mills what’s the answer?” Oh, why did it have to be me? “…Sorry, I don’t know” I answered honestly. "Miss Mills, you should really pay attention in my class. You wouldn't want to get a detention on your second day of school” he said. When he wasn’t focusing on me anymore I slid down in my seat a little and held up my head with my right hand. I heard snickering around the classroom as I stared down blankly at my desk. "Miss Markov what’s the answer?" he asked Melinda as soon as her hand went up. "The answer is negative 23" she replied. "Correct" he stated. When I finally had enough courage to look up it was at the black board which Mr. Calibrate was teaching in front of. And I stared at it, not blinking my eyes until it seemed to move-but it wasn’t of course. I only looked up for it seemed like I was paying attention. Algebra was the last class I had before lunch and as soon as that period was over I was grateful, but instead of eating lunch inside I immediately walked out of the school. I walked as far away from the crowd until I had enough room for I can finally breathe. I ended up sitting on a bench that was located in the back of the building. I noticed the power plants next to the school and heard the noise they were making. Then I heard something, more like someone behind me and I knew that noise wasn’t the power plant. “Ha” Ricky let out a nervous laugh as he waved to me, “Sorry, I didn’t see you there Bridget.” “That’s ok, I was just about to leave” I told him. “You don’t have to leave. We can both sit here” he said. “Ok” "So how was your day so far?" he asked me. "It could be better” I answered. "And why’s that?” he said. "Just… something stupid that happened in my algebra class. It’s not actually a big deal now that I think of it” I said. "Who’s your algebra teacher?" Ricky asked me. "Mr. Calibrate” I told him. “You want some advice on his class?” I wasn’t given a chance to answer as he continued talking. "Always sit upfront in his class. He only calls on people in the back because he thinks their slacking off” said Ricky. "How'd you know that?" I asked. "Impressed?" he said. "Actually yes” I admitted. "So Bridget do you mind if I ask you something?” Um, you just did. “Sure” I said. “How come you don’t eat?” "If I never ate Ricky I would be dead” I informed him. "I mean, how come you never eat at school?" he questioned. "Have you seen the food here?" "You got a point” Ricky said, “But if you ever do get hungry I wouldn’t mind sharing my lunch with you.” He then opened up the white paper bag he had with him and took out some kind of sandwich that was wrapped in foil. "The Blue Moon?" I questioned reading the print on the bag. "It's a restaurant. My step-dad owns it” Ricky told me. "Oh" I said blankly. "So I was thinking... that maybe we could hang out sometime" he suggested. "I don't know” I said. "Well think about it. I could show you around the city, introduce you some people, and maybe we can go to a party together" he offered. "I’m considering" I said after the bell rang. Ricky and I said good bye to each other as everyone went to class. ______________________________________________________ "Now in 1739 Thomas Edison invented the-" My History teacher was interrupted from her lecture and my class mates were woken from their naps as someone entered the classroom and just about slammed the door as it bounced loudly against the brick wall outside. Some girl walked in and apologized to Mrs. Hazelton over and over again about the door. Then she said- "I have gotten enrolled late and one of the administrators has given me a schedule and this is my next class." This girl was awfully strange. She was so strange she made me think I was completely normal. I felt sorry for her though. The way she was dressed in those baggy dark green overalls and a white Amish blouse underneath that was buttoned up past her neck. Those pointy black shoes must have been uncomfortable. My heart went out to her when laughter and rude things were exchanged around the room. "Name?" Mrs. Hazelton asked her while checking the role book. "Keri Anders." she stated. “Row four, seat four.” Mrs. Hazelton shut the book and pointed to an abandoned seat in the back. Keri looked around, quickly spotting her seat, and sat down next to most popular guy in our grade. I just heard about this so called eye candy today when Jen and her friends brought him up. “I’m Andy” the guy sitting next to Keri greeted her quietly. “It is nice to meet you. I am Keri” she said in her weird Irish or Swedish accent. The other students were quickly glancing at them and tried to listen in on their conversation. I probably knew what was going through their minds. Something like: What the fuck? At the end of the day, instead of taking the bus home, I managed to catch a ride with Jen and her so called clique. In about ten minutes we arrived at Jen’s small house. The house was a worn out white color. Some of the paneling was ripped off of the roof and the sides looking like it’s been through a tornado. We had to go around back as Jen knocked on the door. An old lady that looked to be in her seventies answered and let us inside. She was holding a toddler in her arms that had black hair and blue eyes. "Hi grandma. Hi Josh" said Jen as she hugged the little boy who threw his arms around her. "He won't take his nap" Jen’s grandmother told her. "He probably just wanted to see me" said Jen, “Just take a rest grandma I got it from here.” When Jen’s grandma left she immediately introduced me to this kid. "Bridget this is my son Josh. Josh this is Bridget” she said smiling. "Hi Bridget" said Josh as he stuck out his little hand for me to shake. “Hi Josh” I replied shaking his hand. He was adorable I admit but I didn’t think Jen was the type to have a son, especially at such a young age. "Okay go take your nap sweetheart. I'll check on you in awhile" said Jen. "Okay mommy" said Josh as he ran to his room. "You guys want something to drink?" Jen asked us. "Iced tea please" said Karen. "I'll have iced tea to" said Jewels. "I'll just have water" said Alexis. "Do you have any hot tea?" I asked her. "What kind? There’s low fat, green, lemon, cinnamon, sugar free…” "Do you have herbal?" I said. "Only one we don't have” she smirked. "I’ll have the sugar free one. Thanks Jen” I said to her as she made her way into the kitchen. Alexis, Jewels, Karen, and I took a seta on the couch. "Who’s the father?" I asked filled with curiosity. "His names Wally. He doesn’t know about Josh yet” said Jewels. "So is there any guys that you like?" asked Karen, changing the conversation. "Well... kind of” I admitted to her. "Who?" asked Alexis. "Doesn’t matter. Like you guys said he’s taken and I’m not the type of person to be in a relationship” I replied. "Well just remember girl, there’s plenty of fish in the sea” said Karen. "I talked to him again today” I said. "Yo is anyone gonna help me carry these drinks in?" Jen called from the kitchen. We all got up and grabbed our drinks off the tray Jen was carrying. "Oh shit, I forgot my science book." said Jewels. "Use mine" said Jen handing it to her. "Thanks" she said. "So what do you think of that new girl?" asked Alexis. "She’s such a loser" commented Jewels. "I know. Did you see that ugly dress she was wearing? And she talks so weird" said Alexis. "I think Andy digs her” Jen said and took a sip of her drink. "Yeah right" laughed Jewels. "No really, they kind of looked like they were flirting in class" said Jen. "Why would he like her? He’s one of the hottest and most popular guys in school?" said Jewels. “And she’s a foreign dork” finished Alexis. "Somebody’s jealous." said Karen. "I'm not jealous. Just stating the obvious." said Alexis. I didn’t say anything during the whole gossip session. "Bridget we have to exchange screen names” said Jewels. "Yeah!" agreed Jen. "Sure it’s MillBy” I told them. "Mines JennyH" said Jen. "QueenBee112" said Karen. "Bubblegum" said Jewels. "Alexis" said Alexis. "You should really change you screen name Alexis” said Jewels. "Why would I do that?" she asked Jewels. "Because it's boring!” she exclaimed. "Are you saying my name is boring?" asked Alexis. "It’s not that, it just doesn’t really sound all that Computerie" said Jewels. "Computerie?" chipped in Karen. "Is that even a word?" asked Jen. "Yeah I invented it" said Jewels. "Whatever" said Alexis. September 4th 2006 Dear Diary, I'm actually starting to like this place and I don’t want to move anymore. It feels like I’ve actually got friends. Anyways I ate lunch with Ricky today. Jen was right, he is nice and he wants me to hang out with him. The thought just won’t get out of my head even though I just met the guy yesterday! -Bridget- When I was finished writing I turned off my desk lamp and literally pounced on my bed. I was so tired and I knew I would also be tired the next day also. I assumed I wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight considering the car alarm and couple fighting right outside my window. ______________________________________________________ I woke up early on a weekend morning; just like I always do. I got dressed in a white tank top and a pair of blue jeans with a pattern of black flowers going down the legs. I pushed my feet in a pair of black flip flops. I slipped a black head band around my hair, brushed my teeth and hurriedly went downstairs. My mom was passed out on the couch after a late night of working. She only worked three days a week but still managed to bring home money for the rent; after dancing and taking off her clothes for countless hours in front of disgusting old men. Without wanting to wake her up I carefully opened the door hoping it wouldn’t make any of those creaking noises like it usually did. I wandered off in the city on my own wanting to explore my new home. I walked a few blocks when I saw there was a park. I sat down on a bench that was close to the public wishing fountain. A little kid suddenly jumped in the fountain causing me to get splashed with water. That kid kind of looked familiar; I just don’t know where I remember him from. Then came this lady, I was assuming she was the kid’s mother as she lifted the boy out of the fountain and scolded him. When I was sure I was alone again I did something really childish (in my opining anyway). I picked up a stray penny I found on the grass and carefully lifted it in the air, preparing to toss it backwards into the fountain and make a wish. "Hi” said a voice behind me. My heart literally skipped a beat as I jumped up on the bench in surprise. "Jesus you scared me!" I exclaimed. “Sorry” he apologized. “So watch ya doin?” "Nothing" I remarked. "Sounds interesting, so, do you have an answer yet?” he asked. "About what?” I said. “About me showing you around” he replied. "I do have an answer” I smirked at him. “Which is…?” I was beginning to like this game. “Sure we can hang out” I said to Ricky. “What’d you have in mind?” “Well I was thinking we could get something to eat first. Are you hungry?” Ricky asked. "Very” I admitted. We then went over to some fast food stand in the park and ordered up some breakfast. Ricky found some quite peaceful place for us to sit. It was under a large oak tree. So we sat and just began chowing down… "So is it good?" Ricky said. "I never really eat sweets, especially not for breakfast but, this is delicious” I admitted while stabbing another piece of pancake, twisting it in some whipped cream, and stuffing it in my mouth. |