Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1436517-peytons-life-story
by amg12
Rated: · Book · Romance/Love · #1436517
peyton is a girl who falls in love and gets her heart broken and learns to move on
Peyton it is time to wake up I have made you a delicious breakfast, no that is not how my morning start my morning start like this, Peyton get up now your going to be late for school. If I did not mention my name is Peyton I am 15 years old and I am the middle child out of 5 and basically it sucks because I don’t get much attention the only time I really get attention is when I do something wrong. For once in my life I wish I parents would notice the good things I have accomplished and not always the bad. I do love having 5 brothers and sister though because you always have someone to run to when you need someone. I know you’re wondering if we fighting and yes we do fight all the time. You have to watch your things like non-other because you may have put it there a minute ago, but more than likely wont be there later A lot of nights you will hear my parents arguing with one of the kids because they did not do something right so you can’t fall asleep because people are yelling and they don’t really care if your trying to sleep. I have to share a bedroom with my little sister which is okay I guess but she can get pretty annoying when she’s waking you up at 5:00 wondering where her stupid teddy bear is. Brooke is the oldest she is 22 and kind of like our mom when our real mom isn’t around. Matthew is 18 he is the crazy type he has a.d.h.d so when he isn’t on his meds he is really hyper, when he is on his meds he is supper funny he is always there to make you laugh. Jamie is 16 and she is just like me so we butt heads a lot but we have so much in common we do a bunch together I hang out with her friend and she hangs out with mine. We both play the same sports so were always in competition with each other. Then there is me Peyton the odd child who is 15, always on the go can never stand still which is one of the many things I get in trouble for, Loves to be active and I loves competition with my sister. My brothers and sister say I was a baby from a different family and I got exchanged at birth because I look nothing like my family they all have brown and red hair and I have blond. My little brother’s name is Jack and he is 13 and my buddy we love to play video games watch scary movies and eat candy together. He is more of the sensitive type so he always comes to me when he is down. Then there is the baby of the family and her name would be Alexandra but we call her Alex she is 5 and she is the typical 5 year old always nagging on me to do stuff with her she will tell you she wants something and the next minute it is something different .

My best friends name would have to be jade she is pretty amazing we have so much fun together were always laughing and having a good time. We always say that we started high school together and we are ending it together. When we started the being on this school year we both met a ton of new people this year some are nice and others are rude but you learn to forget about them. In the beginning of the school year I met this amazing guy his name was Jake he was the perfect boy. We became pretty close that he decided to ask me out I was so happy I had always wanted a boy like Jake and finally I got him. We would talk on the phone every night until my mom would yell at me to get off the phone. We would hang out on most Fridays with friends. My best friend Jade already had a boyfriend so normally we four and other people would go to the school football game together. So finally it was the day right before winter break, I was going to be gone the whole time so me and Jake could not hang out at all. I was in my last class of the day and I kept looking at the clock until I got to see my friends. Finally the bell rang I went to my locker just like usual and then I go to jades locker with my friend Marie and we walk to the cafeteria where I met Jake right before we both have practice after school, practice does not start tell 4 so we usually hang out tell then. As me and Jake sat down he told me he had something that he wanted to tell me so I let him talk. He was telling me how he had liked me ever since he first saw me and that he loved my personality and how I did not change it for different people. He told me how he loved me, and he knew how hard it was for me to tell people I love them I mean I tell my siblings but not my parents. Finally I kept telling myself that I could do it, finally I told him that I loved him to. He told me that I did not have to say it if I still wasn’t ready and I told him that I meant it for real. He looked so shocked but yet happy. When I am with him I feel like the world is moving around me and I am not moving around it for once because even though he knows my home life is not the best and it gets hard he still keeps with me. He gives me great advice and is a great listener. Most people start reading my life story and soon stop before they get to the present time. With Jake is reading my story day after day.
Most people see me as strong and carefree, but let me tell you that is not always me. You can ask any of my brothers and sister when I have a bad day I am not that strong I may look strong, but in the inside there are tears waiting to pour out.

It is Christmas break and my sibling and I are traveling to North Carolina which is a 10 hour car drive we are all doing our own things Brooke is reading a book, Matthew is drawing, Jamie is listening to her music on her ipod while texting, me and Jack are watching the ring while I was wishing I was texting Jake, but I got my phone taken away for yelling at my sister and Alex is doing the usual complaining. Soon my parents tell us that we are almost there I am so happy to get out of this car and stretch my legs. Heck yeah! Were here Jake yells. We finally get out of the car and go inside to see everyone. I have 2 cousin there names are Gracie and Mike Gracie is my sister age and she is a spoiled brat so we don’t like her to much. Mike is Matthews’s age and they bond pretty well. After we had been talking to my family for a couple hours me and my little sister decide to get ready and go to bed I have to give her a bath before she goes to bed. Then she makes me read her two stories before we go to bed so I read her the stories and I go right to sleep. I was the first one awake for once normally I am the last one up. I was so hungry so I went down stairs to look in there pantry for food. I was so mad my stomach kept growling and they have no good food all they have is oat meal and I don’t like that it is nasty. Another hour went by and I had nothing to do I did not know how to work there dang TV so I could not turn it on. They did not have a radio downstairs so that was crossed off the list. Finally my uncle woke up and decided he was hungry to so he made me and him breakfast. Then one by one they all woke up me and jade decided to go dirt biking they have a woods in there back yard so when ever we come that’s what we do. It was so much fun we road the bikes almost all day long. It was time for dinner and we were having ribs my favorite meal. Then my aunt, my sister’s, mom and I watched our favorite show Grays Anatomy. Finally two days had passed I was so happy because the only thing to really do here is watch TV and go dirt biking but that gets old after a while. My mom had just got a call from the nursing home that my grandma was at and she was in the hospital not doing to well. So we packed up our bags and we said our goodbyes and got into the car.

I am laying my head on Jacks lap, Jack is laying is head on his pillow, I am happy to say that Alex is not complaining and is asleep, Jamie is sleeping, and Matthew is snoring. Basically we are all sleeping, but my parents. As we arrive home I was so happy because I could go take a shower in my own shower and sleep in my own bed. While I am getting ready to go to bed my Mom yells for all of us down stairs she start to tell us how our grandmother still hasn’t improved not for sure how long she is going to live my Mom has tears in her eyes and it made Brooke start crying because she knew her the best the rest of us did not know her that well. My mom tells all of us to go strait to bed because we have a busy day tomorrow. Usually I don’t go strait to bed. Usually I go play video games with Jack and then get yelled at, but tonight I really tired so I decided to go strait to bed.
Beep! Beep! That would be the sounds of my brother’s alarm waking me up from across the hall as I yell turn that darn thing off so he finally does. Ten minutes later the normal morning stuff happen, Peyton get you lazy butt out of bed now! As I through on clothes grab my backpack go down the stairs and shove food in my mouth and run to make the bus. I go strait to my locker grab the stuff I need for my next class and put my bag in my locker and shut it. Finally I am in the last period of the day as usual I am counting down the minutes tell the day is over. I was so happy I got to see Jake I barley got to see him today it seemed like he was avoiding me or something. I walk into the cafeteria with jade and see Jake waiting so I walk over to talk to him and he told me that we needed to talk I was hoping it was something good because last time he told me he had something to say it was really good. First asked him why it seemed he was avoiding me all day and he said he has had a lot on his mind. He starts to talk and say how the break gave a lot of time to think since he did not get to talk to me at all. He finally tells me how he can’t be with me anymore as much as I wanted to be strong I couldn’t the tear just started rolling down my cheeks. Jake told me that I was one in a million and that a girl like me was hard to find and that I just wasn’t right for him. He said that when there are problems he can’t fix then that means that he can’t stay it means that he must leave. He told me that he felt like everyday my problems soon became his and he could not live with it and he never knew how to tell me because he felt bad. I was so upset that I decided to skip practice and walk to the park. I walked there all the time because it is close to my house. I soon realized that it was dark out and laid there and looked at the stars. Then I ran home and looked to see who was home I did not see anyone so I called my mom she told me that she had to leave because my grandma was about to die. Then started yelling at me because I did not call her and how worried she was and telling me that I was going to be grounded. I told her I did not care if I was grounded it did not matter at this moment. After I got off the phone with my mom I jumped on my bed and Jack came in and laid next to me and started wiping my tears he said it is okay Peyton you no you can tell me anything. He is gone Jack he left he left me, I thought he was different than other people I guess I was wrong.

Now everyday I have to wake up missing him I feel like he put my heart on shelf and left it and when I have to go to school it just drags on the ground. I gave him my heart he never gave me his only thing he gave me was my shattered heart back. Everyday I pass him in the hall way he doesn’t even say hello he just passes me by like a stranger on the subway. sometimes I feel like God is writing my life story teaching me that not everything is going to work out the way you want it so you have to move on just because your past hasn’t been the best doesn’t mean the future wont because if everything is not just the way you wanted then its not the end. There are many people in this world all fighting for something different and me I am fighting to be heard.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1436517-peytons-life-story