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I wrote this commentary for my school's newspaper.
CHS From A Freshman’s View
We don’t yet have much of a say in things this year. It’s our turn to give our opinion.
Monika L. Brown
    Every morning, Monday through Friday, that distinguished, yet bothersome alarm sounds, marking the end of a night that seemed to last only an hour. Too soon to evoke any happiness, the bus arrives to transport students to the place of destination until much later in the afternoon, Coventry High School. Before first period begins, friends gather outside and in the cafeteria until many must go their separate ways to begin a day that may appear either to never end, or to end too quickly. For the freshmen, most classes are located on the second floor, many in the same hallway. Maps are stationed throughout the entire school for when they are needed, but in reality, they never seem to help. Despite that many of us were intimidated by the immense size of Coventry High School, by the third day of school, several freshmen already knew which hallways to go through to arrive at their classes before the bell at the beginning of each period rang. We’re adjusting to the new environment with great ease.
    Homework so far this month has taken it’s toll. In eighth grade, most work was done in class. Most have discovered this year that the majority of our teachers are actually required to assign us homework nearly every night. Organization is the key to succeeding in classes. Schedules, materials, priorities, and thoughts all must be managed in order to keep class work and homework in balance. Luckily, some students were placed with teachers that they had in the past, who understand their work habits and personalities. For many, lockers are rarely used because of their location. Some lockers are located downstairs, and it is difficult to got to lockers without being late for class. Language classes seem to be the most difficult for numerous freshmen. Several quizzes have already been given and it is expected of students to study regularly to memorize words and phrases. As we’ve learned, it’s not simple, but we’re attempting to correct our habits, and we know that it will pay off before long.
    Lunch is definitely a major part of the day. For most, it is the time to meet up with friends that are not normally seen often throughout the day. Unfortunately, not all friends are in the same lunch, and classes have even had their lunches changed, which discouraged people that no longer can eat with certain friends. It has been agreed time after time that the food in the high school is better than that of the middle school because of the greater variety. The mozzarella sticks, vending machines, large cookies, different French fries, and the sandwich station, are all new to us.
    All in all, Coventry High School is an amazing school, and I myself am very glad to be going to school here. The administrators and teachers are exceedingly caring and can relate well to students. As freshmen, we will be doing our best to keep up with the rest of the school. It is very confusing at times, but we always find a way through. Every day, we look forward to seeing our friends and going to our favorite classes. So many of us have already joined extra-curricular activities. We are ready to spend the next four years here, and make the most of it. You’re looking at the future class of 2011!
© Copyright 2008 Monika L. Brown (deathnoteluv93 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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