Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1434563-Power-Brings-Destiny-Chapter-2
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1434563
An anal vore story about a girl, another girl, and a boy, and ofc power.
Power Brings Destiny
Chapter 2 - Carnal Power.
By Ashbringer


"Wake up, Carla... " whispered a dark and mysterious female voice, "You're free at last..."

At that moment Carla woke up immediately, as if hit by a bucket of ice-cold water. It didn't take long for fear to once again dominate her, as memories of what had happened returned. She quickly scouted her surroundings, trying to make sense of the events. She was in the middle of a lush forest, seemingly in a gorge, alone. The dark voice which woke her up, must've been in her head. She also noticed that she was back to her normal size, in fact, she felt larger in proportion. She also noticed that she was no longer naked. Instead, she was dressed in a bizzare attire. Tania's wierd ensemble came to mind. Carla was wearing a tight, black and red leather suit of some sort- a large blood-red X formed across the dark chestpiece. Strange shoulderpads were mounted to each shoulder- each had a black base, with layers and spikes extending, along with blood-red borders, and a maroon-red smoke emitted. Her gloves were black, with a star on the back of each hand, in that similar red. It seemed bizzare to be wearing such gear, but she could imagine how powerfully sexy she looked at that moment, if only she had a mirror.

But once again, memories returned, and questions were posed. Carla could remember each and every horrific detail from what had transpired. She had been swallowed alive by Tania, but she wasn't dead. She was sitting in the middle of nowhere, wearing something unknown. Nothing made sense right now, and the memories of Tania talking about destiny did nought but confuse her more. She had to confront Tania, to figure out what the heck was happening. But what would happen then? Tania's previous actions were the least bit friendly, and how would she react when seeing her victim alive and whole again?

The sun glistened through the trees above, it must've been morning. But the usual summer heat was absent, could it be winter? Carla last remembered it being the middle of November, Summer in the southern hemisphere. She sat up and looked around, trying to figure out a path to take. She could make out 3 paths, and randomly chose the one to her right.

Her luck was in turn as after what seemed like hours of walking, the green cover above seemed to thin, until Carla stumbled across a clearing. The hills revealed, the lost girl could make out where she was. In the gorge, yes, but it was the Forest Hills gorge! She had lived just over the hill in sight, but she wouldn't dare visit home. She had obviously been missing for months, and did not want the attention that her return would bring. She was now alone with only one place to go- Tania.

Carla made her way to the fence surrounding the nature reserve part of the gorge. She jumped over gracefully, easily clearing the barbed-wire. She noticed this. She wasn't this agile previously, she was changing. After sneaking past the guards at the entrance, she was on the road. But which way now? Carla had no idea where Tania lived or where to find her. Once again she was posed with the decision of direction. Right was lucky the first time, so she picked right again.

The houses along the road were out of sight, hidden down distant drive-ways amongst the flourishing forestry around. The road wasn't in the best shape, as the municipalities never cared to tend to the roads less travelled. The area seemed desolate. Only mere minutes of walking past before that mysterious whisper returned. "I've been waiting for you... 17 is the key" whispered the voice, in the same tone as before. Carla looked around intensively, trying to see this person. But just like last time, there wasn't a soul in sight. Seventeen? What in tarnation is that suppose to mean? Carla pondered fearfully as she walked on, more pacefully now. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, it raced through her mind continuously. And then it dawned on her... 17- she spotted the mailbox number 17 ahead. She quickly rushed to it, and looked down the drive-way, which curved at the end, hiding whoever, or whatever, was there. She didn't have much of a choice. If there was one thing Carla realised was that she had very little to lose now. Whatever awaited her down there, was her destiny.

Carla treaded cautiously, scrutinising every dark area along the path. She noticed that her eyesight had improved by greatly noticable amount. Infinite rage overcame her as she noticed who was around the corner. It was Tania, she was wearing the same attire as last time. She standing there smiling softly

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Carla yelled at the mysterious girl, her anger was getting the best of her.

"I'm glad you followed your insticts, Carla," Tania smirked. "You, no doubtedly, have questions, many of them. But don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you..."

"WHY???" she yelled, tears now coming to her eyes. "How could you do that to me?!"

"There's no gain without pain, Carla. You must remember that, it is how everything in this universe works," Tania took a deep breath and continued, "You may have noticed some changes in your body..." Tania said as a dark smile crossed her beautiful face.

"Tania pleeeaase..." Carla begged, "What on earth are you talking about?!"

"Hmmm" she sighed, rolling her eyes, "You were chosen, Carla, by the Gods. But the only means for you to gain your power is to suffer..." she continued on, "And I doubt there's any death worse than being digested alive. NOW do you understand?" she questioned, clearly annoyed.

"Death??" Carla inquired, in even more shock now. "You're telling me I died?"

"Of course you did. But you were reincarnated by Them. Simple," Tania stated, staring at the frightened girl with no remorse.

"Well," she queried, followed by a pause, "what am I suppose to do now?"

"Hmmm... attention is what we don't want, so you can come stay with me. Come over here and hold my hand,"

Carla abided and walked over to the adorable form and took her hand. Tania raised her other and an all-too-familiar orb of light formed in the palm. Blue incandescence surrounded the two, and Tania yelled "Close your eyes!", Carla abided once again, and she felt her body ripped apart from all angles. This went on for only a second though, before the pain refreshingly disappeared.

"We're home!" said Tania, who was obviously acting like her old self again. Carla opened her eyes to the brightness of Tania's living room. "Keeping my secret became a problem with my parents, so I eventually told them. Unfortunately, they didn't quite react the way I had hoped, and they left. Haven't heard a word from them since."

"You've been living alone??" Carla inquired as she was staring in awe at the beauty of her new home.

"My parents were never in debt, they didn't keep in contact with friends either. Any authority has our old adress still too, so nobody actually knows that they're gone!" Tania said excitedly. Carla found Tania's exuberance rather wierd. "I'm glad they left, who would wanna live with such inconsiderate, rotten people anyways?"

She had a good point. They were her parents and they chose to run instead of understand.

"Anyways, make yourself at home. I can see us having tons of fun together from now. But I have 'matters' to attend to, so I'll be back later," That same dark smile came to her face once again, "and remember, the world is your playground!" she said before raising her hand in the air and teleporting away again with the usual effects.

"The world is my playground?" Carla questioned herself. "What did she mean by that? How on earth am I suppose to figure out how to use this "power" of mine anyways?" she questioned herself. She thought back to her first "encounter" with Tania in her Transcendant form. She looked for a practice target, and noticed an old cracked/chipped vase on the coffee table. She attempted to imitate the demi-goddess, throwing her hand forward. Nothing happened. She repeated this a few times, but yet no effect. Perhaps her mind wasn't right, perhaps she had to want it badly, want it so much that her will be done. But what could she do to the vase? The options were seemingly endless, but what the young girl had in mind wasn't random at all. Shrinking, like her gorgeous counterpart had done, was her desire. She moaned to herself as thoughts of what she could do with such a power raced through her expansive mind. She wanted it truly now, it was the only thing on her mind. She closed her emerald green eyes and threw her hand forward again, and with a strange burning sound she looked at her target. The vase was now tiny, it had gone from 30cm tall to approximately 1cm. Carla was amazed at her new-found power, and much more importantly, she was excited.

"The world is my playground," she repeated to herself softly, planning on what to do. With such power, she could make all of her dreams and fantasies come true. Her most carnal desire came to mind, and she started getting aroused by it. She wanted it, and she wanted it now. She needed to find someone, someone who people won't miss. Richard. The school loner, the one person who could go missing and very few would actually care.

The sex-driven girl imitated her landlord once again by raising her right hand into the air, and thought of nothing but summoning Richard. With a loud roar followed by a fashionable show of swirling lights, the teenage boy materialized before the goddess.

"Richard!" She smirked at the confused boy.

"Ca-Ca-Carla?" he stuttered confusingly, "Wha?"

"Destiny calls, Richard, and my will be done." She stated unsympathetically to the dumbfounded teen, who's eyes were darting in all directions. He was shacking.

She wasted no time in her attempt to satiate her desire, her hunger. She cast forth her hand and the poor boy was shrunken to a mere height of 8cm. Perfect. The force had taken his conscienceness, and the craving girl lifted his form off the rugged floor and onto the coffee table, next to the tiny vase. She began to undress herself, taking off the shoulderpads first, then her gloves, followed by her top, boots and the tight trousers. She noticed what she hadn't earlier, she was wearing sexy red lingerie. She smiled and sat on the sofa, waiting for her victim to wake up.

Only a few minutes passed when Richard woke up slowly, he noticed his surroundings and began panicking intensely. He had an average body, with red hair, freckles and a rather large nose, and when he caught view of Carla, he froze.

"I don't think trying to flee is a good idea," she said softly as she leant forward to grab him. She wrapped her warm hand around the tiny teen, who was still frozen in shock, and maybe some amazement considering how insanely desirable the goddes appeared, and her size only intensified it. "You and I are gonna be spending ALOT of time together..." she giggled, "I hunger... for completion," she noted to herself as she took on a dark smile, that of which Tania revealed frequently. The small figure in her hand remained still, whimpering. She layed the toy-sized boy back down onto the table, and proceeded to remove her bra followed by her knickers, leaving her completely naked. She looked down and realised that her breasts were now larger and more firm, but the idea was lost quickly and she refocused on her dark plans.

Carla layed back on the sofa, and reached between her legs. She felt her pubic hair gone. It then dawned on her, the idea behind all these changes- she had taken on the image which she longed for. She began rubbing her outer lips slowly, to moisten things up, and proceeded to her inner labia, carressing them desirably. There was no need really, as she was already dripping with eagerness from the moment she realised that her wildest desire could come true. She slowly slid her index and middle finger into her soaked pussy, lubing her fingers up- which was all she needed. Her hand pulled back, and moved down to her anus. She slid one and then the other finger in with ease into the thickness of her rectum, moaning softly. Satisfied with the lube job, she turned to the micro-teen, who was staring in utter awe from the table. She eagerly grabbed him up and, and stripped him to the bare. He was breathing fast now, clueless of what the horny beast's plans were. She moved the shivering boy down to her nethers. Holding him tightly, she turned her hand so that her toy's body was aimed head first at her dripping cunt. She wasted no time and moved him closer until his head touched her opening. She then pushed him inside. Her sex had no trouble accomodating his size. Richard couldn't breathe, and began to struggle wildly, but it was to no avail as carla's strength and grip were far too great for his tiny form. She moaned as his shoulders entered, and then released her grip and grabbed his feet. She pivoted the rest of him from there were until only his feet were still outside.

Richard could still not breathe, and was still thrashing in terror, gasping. The titan's vaginal juices made their way to every part of his body, into his mouth too- causing him to gag. The warm moist walls of Carla's vagina wrapped him tightly, every struggle made her moan wildly. She had to be careful though, so she pulled him out quickly before he suffocated. Richard was fine, and thrilled too. Her job was complete- he was now lubed up too.

"You won't be seeing your parents in a while, or anyone for that matter... except for me," She whispered to him after bringing him to her face, "Don't worry, your new home will be nice and warm!" she cooed as she stood up and walked over to the carpet. She knew that keeping him in her vagina wouldn't work well, swallowing him would mean suffering and certain death, but her last orifice: her anus, provided possibilities. She got down to her haunches, and continued to move her new resident into place. Richard looked up and saw the pink puckered anus above, glistening in the room light. It seemed to pulse, as if hungery for him. It did not dawn on him though of his destination, he was expecting another thrill ride into her sweet smelling pussy. The goddess moved him up, placing his head against her soft ring. She forced his head in, which proved no problem due to her natural lube. Richard began thrashing wildy again in disbelief. She forced his shoulders in, and then some more of his torso. Her wrinkly anus had a tight grip on the poor boy's arms, and he could do nought but kick now. Kicking didn't do much either as Carla was holding onto him by his legs now. She continued, moaning eagerly as the boy filled her rectum. Richard's head passed through her inner anus, and he could breath once again. The air was hot, too hot for comfort in fact, and it smelt terribly musky. He moved in further and the rectum wall made contact with his face. The wall was very soft, but it was even hotter than the air, and it was covered in a sickeningly thick mucus. Carla was moaning deeper now, as her victim's struggles were incredibly pleasuring and teasing. She was dripping onto the carpet and droplets of sweat and juice ran down her leg. Richard was now in up to his legs in Carla. Carla's desires took control and quickly shoved the rest of her victim in, using her muscles to finish the job.

Richard was now in utter terror. He could barely breath, was wrapped in the hot slimy embrace of the rectum, and he was trapped. He could barely move, and could only hear the dreaded gurgles from above, with feint heartbeats in the distance. His world was thrown as Carla stood up and layed herself back on the couch. He was laying stomach down now and needed to turn over. He tried to twist over, but the walls tightened and squeezed the poor kid. There was no hope- he was trapped... he was hers.

Carla was overwhelmed, her greatest desire was achieved, and her victim's struggles gave her the most outrageous sensations she had ever felt. She proceeded to rub her lips and clit furiously, she could not control herself any longer. She contorted herself as hundreds of sensations ran through her body, electrifying her mind. Within minutes she came, releasing a load of cum onto the sofa which was now assured to be ruined. The hot wet stuff coated her legs and arm, and ran down between her crack. Carla couldn't have been in a better mood, or place, as she was in heaven. Panting heavily, she climbed up to her feet, enjoying the feeling of cold air rushing past her hot wet skin. Feint struggles could still be felt from deep within in her bowels, each kick forcing her uncontrollably to contract her muscles, clenching him tightly and pulling him in further.

Carla was standing there in the moment, still naked, when the familiar humming sound returned along with the blue aura and flash, Tania was back.

To be continued...
© Copyright 2008 Ashbringer (ashbringer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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