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Dolcett themed story where two police women must resist temptation. |
Kelly checked the details on her clip board, confirming that this was the suspect shop. She didn't really need any confirmation as the proprietor was a local celebrity having been on TV several times. The two police officers were using the end of their shift to finish off their most boring tasks, in this case educating local businesses. Kelly didn't mind these jobs as it usually meant that they'd finish on time, but for some reason the Sergeant was in a strange mood. "Sarg ?" The sergeant appeared distracted, as she had been all morning, only this time by the display window. Kelly checked out the display. It was the usual spread of meats. She was familiar with this window as like most the women in this town she had a fascination with meat. Always on the lookout for anyone she knew she checked out the head that the butcher was placing in the centre of the display. Not anyone she knew. Wanting to get back to the station to put her feet up she reminded the Sergeant again. "This is the place Sarg." The older woman, Sergeant Cooper, was clearly irritated at being reminded and went in first. Today it seemed that she was doing all the work, and checking her clipboard for the name she paused. "Mr . . ." Kelly double checked the name. She thought it was just his TV name but looking at the form it was his actual name. "Mr Meat?" Mr Meat, a big beefy man in his mid fifties was adjusting the display window. His broad back to the two police officers. He seemed to take his time adjusting the display before turning to face them, his TV smile almost dazzling. "Hello ladies. Here for meat or as meat?" Kelly could almost feel his eyes on her body, assessing her value. She imagined those hands on her body. Hands that had processed famous singers and celebrities, no. She suppressed those thoughts. She was a police officer with a job to do. "Neither I'm afraid. We have some questions if you don't mind." Sergeant Cooper seemed to come alive for the first time today. The presence of Mr Meat bringing her back from her apparent distraction. Kelly was relieved that she'd taken charge. His suggestion that they might want to be meat made her nervous. She was worried about the heat the thought brought to her loins, fearing that he might repeat the offer and what her reaction would be. "It seems that there have been some problems with your paperwork recently, in particular the consent forms." Kelly handed the clipboard to the Sergeant who walked around the counter, examining the conversion equipment. There was a part processed torso on the slab, clearly the source of the meat being laid out in the window. Kelly always felt a bit funny dealing with partly converted meat so took the opportunity to look around, leaving the conversion with Mr Meat to the Sergeant. Kelly was surprised to find a girl had been sitting on a stall in the corner all this time. Unnoticed in the presence of the meat. She looked young, probably under 21 years old which according to local by-law meant she should have a parent's or guardian's permission to be here. Well to be here if she intended to convert. There was no age limit on buying meat or watching the process. Kelly noted the way the girl was staring at the torso that Mr Meat was hooking up to the hoist. Maybe she hadn't come here by herself. Taking the crumpled piece of paper from the girls hands she had her suspicions confirmed. It was the girl's conversion form. "Hilary?" The girl almost fell off her stall. Her fixation on the meat being processed was such that she hadn't noticed Kelly, and now she found herself faced with a Police Officer. "I . . ah, Yes. I mean yes I'm Hillary." The girl seemed to note the contrast in their appearances. Kelly in her uniform that covered her from her starched collar to the hem of her miniskirt, Hillary in thin vest that hung loosely from her shoulders, giving a clear view of her young cleavage. Her jeans were neatly folded on the stool beside her, another indication that she had plans to follow her friend onto the chopping board. "Hilary, can you tell me how old you are?" Kelly didn't really need to ask, having the form in front of her, but she liked to give people the chance to come clean. "I'm 20 see. it's OK. Judy said we can volunteer here 'cause it legal and all." Kelly heard the Sergeant tutting behind her. It was a common mistake that visitors seemed to make. "I'm sorry Hilary but in this town you need your parent's permission to convert before your next birthday. Which according to this form is two weeks away. You see you have broken the law by applying without permission." The girl looked crestfallen, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "But Judy! We got to go together see. I need to be done with her." The girl started to sob, so Kelly sat besides her had held the crying girl. She looked over the top of the girl's head to where the Sergeant and Mr Meat were watching. Mr Meat didn't seem concerned as he guided the hoist to the back of the shop where Judy's torso joined the rest of the meat. Kelly noted that the Sergeant had become distracted again, running a finger through the blood on the chopping board. There was a trickle of blood from the corner of the Sergeant's mouth where either she'd been licking blood off her fingers, or more likely sampling some of the raw meat that stuck to the board. "Sorry about that." Mr Meat nodded towards Hilary. "Paperwork has never been my strong suit." He flashed his dazzling smile once more, knocking the Sergeant back into her daze. "So how may I help you Officer?" He used the back of a knife to scoop the remaining gore off the chopping board as he spoke. "Fiona. You can call me Fiona Mr Meat." Kelly couldn't believe it. Her no-nonsense Sergeant was acting like a school girl with a crush. "Fiona, such a nice name for a delicious package." He was standing very close to the Sergeant. Kelly noted how exposed the Sergeant's throat was as she looked up into Mr Meat's smile. Kelly felt Hillary shift in her arms as the girl left off crying for a moment to watch the Sergeant and Mr Meat. "The forms. You . . ah, your forms are sometimes not right." The Sergeant was looking flushed. The closeness of Mr Meat was clearly having an effect on her and she tugged at her collar as if it was too tight. Her bloodstained fingers leaving red streaks on the starched white cloth. "Paperwork?" The way he spoke sent a shiver down Kelly's spine. He was clearly having a similar effect on the Sergeant who clutched the edge of the chopping board for support. "Yes, the work. Need to help you . . . forms?" The Sergeant was starting to talk gibberish but none of the women in the shop seemed to care. They were all fascinated by Mr Meat who had a piece of raw meat that he was licking the blood off. "Fiona, will you show me where I'm going wrong?" The Sergeant seemed to be almost gasping for breath as Mr Meat ran the raw meat across her lips. Kelly felt Hilary's nipples harden under her palms and gave a gentle squeeze. Hilary was excited by what they were watching and Kelly wondered whether Mr Meat had seduced Judy in the same way. As the Sergeant tried to speak the piece of raw girl meat was pressed into her mouth. Kelly heard a gasp from Hilary as the girl pressed herself against Kelly's thigh. The Sergeant was almost sitting on the edge of the chopping board, knees spread as Mr Meat leaned over her. "Fiona, can you help me . . . with the paperwork?" The Sergeant visibly shivered as Mr Meat ran a strong hand up her pantihose clad thigh and under short skirt. The Sergeant's reply was reduced to a gasp as she fell back onto the chopping board under Mr Meat's advances. Kelly tried to watch what the Sergeant and Mr Meat were doing, but with Hilary's fingers already in her knickers and their breasts pressing together she had no thoughts for anything but her own pleasure. It was some time later, when Hilary was at rest and Kelly had regained her breath, that she once more had thought for her Sergeant. Kelly felt a peculiar sensation as she noted the wide smile on her Sergeant's face. Not a common expression as she was known in back at the station as the 'ice maiden'. But it wasn't the smile that was disturbing the young police constable. It was the fact that her Sergeant's head was sitting on the edge of the chopping board, a couple of feet from her shoulders. Kelly didn't know how she was going to explain back at the station. Mr Meat didn't seem concerned as he was busy stripping the Sergeant's bra, where he threw it on top of her bloodstained uniform. With all the clothes off he inspected the meat on his chopping board. He seemed to notice Hilary and Kelly once more. "Ah you two are back with us." Kelly found herself staring at his now flaccid member and tried to imagine it at salute. The thought made her blush once more. "I suppose you'll need to Fiona's things to take back?" He gestured to the pile of clothes. Kelly hadn't thought of that, and now she imagined having account for all this. Straightening her skirt she tried to look professional once more. "Yes certainly. We need to account for all government property." Kelly knelt down to gather up the clothing, noting the blood soaked collar. It looked like she'd still been in uniform when she gave her head. "Do you need a bag?" Mr Meat was holding out a plastic bag with the shop's logo on it. It would be embarrassing walking through town carrying a shopping bag, but probably less embarrassing than carrying a bundle of clothes in her arms. Kelly took the bag off him with thanks, then noted that he was holding the Sergeant's chequered cravat. "Do you mind if I keep this? " For a moment Kelly thought that Mr Meat might be sentimental about the brief liaison he'd had with the Sergeant, until he explained that it would go in the meat display. The thought of buying a slice of Police Woman would increase the price of the meat, particularly amongst the local criminal fraternity. It seemed only moments later that Kelly found herself walking back to the Police Station alone. She'd left Hilary to find her own way home after lecturing her on the need to get permission before volunteering again, although she'd also given the girl her home number in case she needed to talk to someone tonight. Kelly felt she'd want some company tonight as she still felt some desires stirred up by today's events. The rest of the shift passed in a blur. She couldn't even remember reporting to the Captain, but she supposed she must have. She'd probably had to explain exactly what had happened to the Sergeant, probably in a typed report done in triplicate, but she couldn't remember doing it. She did remember the whispers that seemed to follow her around the station, and the strange emptiness of the locker room when she went in to change. Usually it would have been crowded with the changing shifts but today she had the place to herself. Hanging her equipment belt in her locker she unclipped her epulates and then her cravat. She held the chequered cloth in her hand for a moment, thinking of the Sergeant's that was presumably in the window display. It must have been her subconsciousness playing tricks as walking back to her apartment she found herself still holding the little piece of cloth. It was strange to think that the Sergeant, with her long and successful career, had become nothing more than a cipher. Her entire history reduced to a label of Police Woman's Meat. Sold by the pound with a choice of cuts. As Kelly walked, twisting the chequered piece of cloth in her hands, she wondered what her friends and family would think of her when she was gone. But she didn't need to think very long or hard. Her nieces already called her aunty cop, and her father introduced her as 'my daughter the police woman'. She paused to look at her reflection in a shop window, and was somehow disappointed at the figure looking back at her. Even with all the insignia taken off her shirt she thought she still looked like a cope. It was as if her job had become her existence. That she was not a real person, just an image. She suddenly saw Hilary's face. The young woman that had been the first and only erotic encounter since joining the force. But in the instant it took her heart to start racing she realised her mistake. There beyond her own reflection were the heads of Hilary and the Sergeant. Both set out to best display their meat. As promised the Sergeant's cravat was wrapped around the stump of her neck, and judging by how little meat was left it looked like Mr Meat had done good business today. Mr Meat didn't seem surprised when he saw her coming into his shop, not even when she handed him her chequered cravat. It was as if he'd known that she would be back. There were only the two of them this time, unless you counted the meat that hung from every available hook. But Kelly didn't really care about any privacy now and without being asked she removed her clothes, adding hers to the pile of clothes of the other meat girls. At last she stood naked, no sign of her career. But looking at her reflection in the polished stainless steel of the cabinets she still felt more like a Police Officer than a woman. She wondered whether she'd enjoy the sex with Mr Meat. Whether she would be as good as the Sergeant. But she needn't have worried. As she lay back on the chopping board like so many before her she barely noticed Mr Meat grasp her breasts with one hand, before the other brought a cleaver down on her neck. She had a moment to realise that even Mr Meat couldn't serve as many women as he sold. With her life and career finally separated, her meat was soon on sale. Of course she was in no position to object to the fact that she was being sold as Prime Police Woman as she'd never even told Mr Meat what her name was. |