Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1430050-Ericks-Weight-Gain
by Gav
Rated: 13+ · Other · Young Adult · #1430050
Weight gain of another teenager and the drama that comes with it.
Erick was the type of 13-year-old who was not very fat, but very chubby to say the least. His belly stuck out in front of him, covered his view of his toes, was somewhat firm, but very jiggly when he made quick movements. His belly button was indented in the middle and was as deep as the half-way mark of his index finger. His butt was inproportionate with the rest of his body because of its largeness. When comparing one cheek to a bowlingball's hemisphere, the sizes were borderline equal. Erick was also the type of boy who tanned easily for some reason. He was dark-skinned and had buzz-cut brown hair. He wore baggy pants secured by a belt, as his mom didn't want to waste money buying multiple pairs of various sizes ("You'll grow into 'em!" she'd always say). He carried a 146 pound frame on his 5'4" stature.

Now, Erick didn't mind his chubbiness at all. His round face and double chin made him look cuter anyway, as the girls at his middle school have given him suggestive glances every now and then. But, they were looking at his face, not his body. And Erick disliked this, as he considered his body his better feature because he found fat good, unlike many people. Erick even sometimes dreamed of gaining weight and becoming fatter, but was unsure if he should fulfil his fantasies, as he didn't know how his family and friends would react.

"Hey, Erick!" yelled a voice. Erick had been walking home from school when he heard the voice. When he turned around, who he saw was a best friend of his, Phillip.

Phillip was a skinny boy. A VERY skinny boy. He weighed a mere 105 pounds and stood 5'5" inches tall. He was much chunkier as a younger boy, but his parents wanted him skinny. So, they printed off a diet plan for him a couple of years ago off of a highly unprofessional parenting website. His meals became a lot smaller and he dropped weight very fast. The only reason he wasn't anorexically thin was because he indulged in questionable snacks whenever possible. This intrigued Erick.

"How would you're parents feel about me staying over at your house tonight?" Phillip asked.

"Fine, as always," Erick answered. "They know how busy your parents always are."

"Great," the skinny boy chuckled. He blew his long black hair out of his face. Then he and Erick commenced walking.

"Hold up," Erick gasped. He had spotted a classmate of theirs crossing the street in front of them.

"Jessica?" Phillip said, looking at the chubby blond girl and then at his distracted friend.

"Yeah," mumbled Erick. His eyes were set on her beauty and he could feel his heart beating wildly, causing his soft chest to jiggle.

"You see something in her?" Phillip smirked. "It must be her smarts or looks or something."

"You have no idea," Erick sighed as the fat girl disappeared from his sight. "C'mon, let's go."

When they finally got to Erick's house, they found that they were alone. Erick's parents left him a note explaining that they were off to the grocery store to fill up the extra space in the household's new king-sized fridge. This thought made Erick's mouth drool. And Phillip seemed to feel the same way about the coming of the extra food, as his was already amazed by how much was already occupying the fridge.

"Look at all this!" he exclaimed. "And your parents are buying MORE?"

"I-I guess so," Erick smiled. The thought of all that food sitting in his tummy pleased him. He turned to Phillip and said, "why don't we clean out this fridge to make room for the groceries."

"I was hoping you would say that," Phillip said excitedly. "I've always hated being this skinny! Let's do this! Let's eat till we can't move!"

Erick obliged. He was undecided on where he could possibly start, but started slow by drinking various condiments such as ketchup, mayonnaise, and hot sauce. When this proved unfilling and distasteful, he followed Phillip's example and gulped down all of the meat and cheese and candy bars and even fruit that was in fridge.

"This was a great idea, Erick," sighed Phillip, biting into a pickle.

Eric didn't respond. He was too busy going at a whip cream dispenser, which was already half empty.

Both boys have now taken off their shirts and have started putting food on their bellies and eating it all of it off. They also started throwing small cookies into each others mouths. They also constructed huge, messy sandwiches and finished them all quickly. Then, they pulled out left over pizza and scarfed all eight pieces. They then got out ice cream from the fridge, which they shoveled down messily.

Suddenly, Erick emitted a huge belch. This made Phillip laugh and he forced one too. Then both boys laughed and continued eating and eating and eating.

They started eating anything they could find. They ate chips by the bagload and even ate peanut butter straight out of the jar. The both chugged chocolate sauce, but found it so warm and sticky, that they needed six cans of regular soda before the taste exited their mouths.

"Erick," Phillip groaned. "I'm full."

Erick looked down at Phillip. He was sprawled on the floor and he looked as though he had grown a beer gut, his tummy stuck out so much. His belly button was now insided out from all the expansion and his belly and mouth were covered with food stains. He belched.

Erick laughed and then fell over. His belly was much bigger now. It was bloated and also covered in food stains. It no longer jiggled, it was so firm. The fullness was numbing. His belly button didn't pop out, as it was way too deep. He drummed on his belly and it made a loud noise.

Phillip belched once again and did this also. Then he turned to Erick and said, "How great an idea was this?"

"The best ever," sighed Erick.

"I just can't wait till we get up and walk," said Phillip. "Because I just can't wait to see how much we weigh!"
© Copyright 2008 Gav (devfat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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