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Imponderables |
Sister Emeritas was hot. She was cut, like a centerfold. This was my puberty and introduction to Catholic Catechism. There she was: lust for my eyes. Long legs with black tights and a knee high skirt. The habit was jazzy. I was conflicted. Emeritas begain "What is faith?" I was sitting infront and responded "hope." She smiled and I was aroused. "The Gospels tell about Jesus; his teachings and miracles." she continued, "Why should we believe them?" Charlene at the middle of the class answered "Cause they are God's word." Peter Calahan spoke up "How can we be certain?" I was rivited to Sister Emeritas' thighs as she sat on the edge of her desk. "Maybe, we should read a chapter from a Gospel?" the sister adjusted her sitting and read: "Jesus said to His disciples, Beware false prophets, who come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matt 7." "Well, do you believe Jesus is a good prophet?" she looked at me. "He never said anything bad." I was nervous and my voice cracked. "That's true and the Gospels tell us Jesus performed many miracles." Sister Emeritas raised her hands. I could see how round and firm her breast were. I felt guilty and excited. "The Apostles, who wrote the Gospels sacrificed everything for their faith in Jesus." she smiled and continued, "Do you believe they told the truth?" Andy Chitick asked, "Don't all religions believe that; that they know the truth?" I took Sister Emeritas side, "Jesus is God or not. That's what makes Christians." "Well said, Muzzy." she put her left hand on my right shoulder. I was in shock. "Here is another passage from the Gospels" "Jesus asked his disciples: who do men say that I am? But they said: some, John the Baptist and others, Elias and others, Jeremias or one of the prophets. Jesus said to them: but whom do you say that I am? Simon Peter answered, Thou art Christ the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered: blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona, because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father in heaven, thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church. Matt.16." Virginia Stanford stood up "Do Jews go to hell; cause they don't believe in Jesus?" The Sister shut her Missal. She stared at Virginia and answered, "The Jews are good people, God does not punish good people." Virginia slipped back into her chair. I rubbed Virginia's hand and smiled. We were dating. It was time for a break: brownies and milk. [(+)] or |