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Rated: XGC · Folder · Animal · #1422676
This essay is about animal abuse. Reader beware. This may be too graphic for some.
The Monsters Among Us

Word Count 1298

We know it is there, we hear evidence of it whenever it is a quiet news day.
But we tune it out, we don't have to look at it - stare it in the face - take some
action. We put blinders on, push it to the back of our minds. There are so many
more important things to think about. Then, one day, there is something we
cannot ignore; a story, an image that confirms, unequivocally, that yes, there are
truly monsters walking among us. For what, besides pedophilia or child abuse, is
more distressing, more unjustifiable, more horrendous than abuse of innocent

I am not talking here about the garden variety slaughter of animals by the
millions/nay billions and the deplorable conditions these animals exist in - all in
the name of putting a prime cut of meat on our tables. As horrible as this is, it is
of a different nature and is a discussion for another day. Today, I am talking only
of the nightmarish cruelty and criminal neglect of the animals we call our pets.
For me, it came in the form of an image, an internet picture of a blinding
truth that could not be ignored. Come upon quite by accident, searing itself onto
my retinas, this image, once branded into my brain, could not be forgotten.
We hear all the tragic stories - owner dies - dogs found starving, or elderly
woman with a heart bigger than her wallet is found with 150 cats in appalling
conditions. Then there are the stories of ignorance. 'I didn't know you had to trim
a pony's feet - I thought he was just getting taller', or 'who knew that if I tied my
dog on the deck he might fall off and hang himself'. This image did not fall into
either of these categories, rather, this was a picture not of ignorance or
unfortunate circumstances, but of pure evil. The evidence within its borders
depicted an unspeakably malicious intent.

What had once been a beautiful, majestic horse, lay bloated and torn in a
pile of debris and filth. She was lying there on her side, with a death grip on the 4x4 post that had become the instrument of her destruction. We can only guess at how
many days this proud steed stood, hobbled front and back, innocently trusting
that someone would eventually come and feed her. How many days before,
mad with hunger and thirst, she began to challenge her restraints, and still no one
came. Death is never a pretty sight, but this snapshot of time is literally too
painful to look upon. It clearly portrays the work of evil.

Be it dog, cat, horse or other domestic animal, we have bred them over many
centuries to be one thing above all else - subservient. The dog, lying curled at our
feet, does not want or expect its masters kick, yet when it comes he will return
with head down and tail between his legs, questioning what he has done to
displease. The cat, purring in our lap, wants nothing more than food, water and an
occasional stroke of its fur. Yet for some, that is still too much to ask. The horse,
large and powerful as he is, bends his will to humans 1/5 his size. One thousand
pounds of muscle and bone, properly directed, with the proper intent, could crush
the life out of most humans. Yet they give themselves over to us completely - 'tell
me where to stand, what to eat, when to work or sleep'. And how do we repay this
gift - this complete trust, this greatest of gifts, given with no higher price tag
than that of care and affection?

Most people understand and respect this unspoken pact. Then what can be
said about the monster that committed this atrocity and others like it? Would any
person with the barest ounce of humanity be able to commit such an act? It is
common practice to label those who commit heinous acts as animals. If animals
were capable of acting in such a way, none of us would be safe. What kind of a
malignancy allows one to torture another living being in such a slow, methodical
and calculating way, day after day, turning a deaf ear to an animals tormented
cries as death approaches? One can only hope that these travesties, masquerading
as human beings, will find a special place in hell reserved just for them.
Equally incomprehensible to me, is the fact that this all took place in our
own back yard. This did not happen in some 3rd world country, but in one of the
wealthiest and most educated states in the country. As this tragic struggle ensued
between animal and starvation, did we pass this poor animal's tormentor on the
highway, stand behind it at the grocery checkout, or have it servicing our new car.
Sadly, they wear no signs like 'monster within' or 'evil lurking inside'.
What motivates such evil?

First, we have to ask, why get the animal in the first place? In most instances, there is at least some initial expenditure, especially in acquiring a horse. So why? Owning animals is not a requirement, a societal imperative or even an expectation. Although there are many who feel the pressure to have both spouse and children to achieve respectability, there is no such expectation with animals.
The answer is horrific but inescapable. For some, it may
be a sick need to have something weaker around on which they can vent their rage
or perversions.

But everyone has bad days, a fight with a spouse, a layoff notice at
work or three hours in traffic. We all have them, days when we come home with the
urge to break a few dishes or kick the crap out of our furniture. The fact that
most of us have learned to manage our anger in more appropriate ways aside, is
this what happened here? What kind of dementia would have to take control of a
mind to move it to an act of such cruelty. Even if we could comprehend it, this
was no single act of rage, this was an extended period of torture. The resulting
conclusion is frightening in its potential accuracy - these are Ted Bundys and
Jeffrey Dahlmers in the making, sick, demented creatures working their way
toward human torture.

So if we won't do something for the animals, maybe we will do something for
ourselves. But how can we see the monsters within? How can we pick them from the crowd, avoid them, castrate them, stop them? Are we just not aware enough? Do we have to look deeper - read more into our co-worker's covert smile, our
neighbor's secretive nature? Should every reclusive loner be suspect? For now,
maybe just being more aware, inquisitive and pro-active may be our best course.
But for the future, we need to advocate for tighter restrictions and much more
severe penalties for animal abuse. That can only happen when we recognize the
full value of each life, no matter how small. That means a change in our priorities.
We pursue years of school and training for our jobs, we require licenses to
drive a car or enter into a marriage with another consenting adult, yet any idiot
that can draw a breath or write a check can have a child or be entrusted with the
care of an animal, no training required. And thus our victims are created. A
bottomless pool for any pervert, abuser or pedophile to dunk into as deeply or as
often as they like, without restriction or repercussion.

Isn't it our job as a society to take their ladles away, for good?

Portfolio -> Essays -> The Monsters Among Us
    Rated: 18+ · Animal · #1418945
    This essay is about animal abuse. Reader beware. This may be too graphic for some.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/1422676-The-Monsters-Among-Us