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A quick commentary on how much I am enjoying this wonderful site |
I may only be four months old, but I know what I like. I like WDC. Wait, I can do better than that. I am a writer after all. I love WDC...no, that's not it. I guess I'll have to use some more words. Finding WDC is like finding a pearl in your oyster, or winning the lottery. There are a lot of sites on the Internet. Not all of them are what you would hope for; some fall short of their promises, some are misleading and some are just a thinly disguised effort to sell you something. WDC is a gem amongst all of that noise. As some of you may already know, I have not been writing for that long. I would not be writing now if fate had not stepped in. Before 1999, I was unhappily trudging along the work-a-day treadmill. Then I got hurt and was unable to continue working the 80 hour weeks that I was accustomed to. My first reaction was to panic and fight my fate. Once I realized the futility of that course, I searched for a new career. I landed on graphic design and did what I was comfortable with; I went to school to pursue that degree. Somewhere between 2001 and 2003, I decided that I should write some Children's Stories, so that I would have something to illustrate. That was the beginning of my writing career. Five plus years and six novels later, I have to confess that my newfound muse knows what she's doing. At least that was my opinion. Eventually, I realized that unless my stories were going to live out their days in my sock drawer, I had to find out what other people thought. First, let me say, and maybe some of you out there can relate; if given the option, nine times out of ten I would chose to stay at home and write. I guess that means that I am a semi-recluse. Unfortunately, the bills still had to be paid and I needed some feedback on my writing. So I emerged from my safe haven and went out into the world to put my heart on the floor. For more on this, you can look in my portfolio for 'My View on Reviews'.
I was lucky enough to meet another writer and get introduced to a couple of local groups. My favorite was a poetry group that had an open mike. They were willing to let me read segments of my stories there. They were even the source of the prompt for my first YA novel. I received a lot of valuable feedback from that group, but it was a little frustrating. I had all of this writing that I was eager to show. The group only met once every two weeks, at which time I was able to read a few minutes of one of my works to a handful of people - not the ideal situation. I attended some other groups as well. Although I received some very valuable input there, it was even more frustrating. You would sit in the back of a Barnes and Nobles, with 20 or so people, and wait for your turn to read. Often it would be months before you would be able to present your work. I joined one online group before WDC. I will not say the name here, but suffice it to say that it made me leery about joining another. The experience, albeit not tragic, was very disappointing nonetheless. I found Writing.com by accident, and a happy accident it was. For those of us who believe in fate, I truly believe that the universe sends us things when we are ready. I was ready for WDC. In four short months, I have become addicted to checking my WDC email for reviews and responses to my reviews. I am entering contests right and left, lol. Some days, my contest entries are the only source of new writing for the day. I have tried to give thoughtful and thorough critiques of the works I have read. I have made a pledge to myself to review at least one item every day. An anonymous donor generously upgraded my membership when I first joined. I have been working at filling my portfolio, ever since. I am spending a lot of time learning to navigate around this extensive and well laid out site. I have received some wonderful reviews (one even said that my writing was sensational), I am still blushing. In short (I know, it's too late for that), I am as happy as a clam. I look forward to many more wonderful hours with WDC and I hope I will meet all of you eventually. Happy and joyous writing to all. As I make a few minor edits to this piece, I thought I would take this opportunity to give you an update on what's happening in my life. It is all quite exciting. Some of you may have noticed that I have not been checking in here as frequently as in the past. That is because I have been on a journey - a journey of publication. And what a journey it has been. Although it has taken me away from WDC for the time being, I will always be happy to credit this site and the people here as being an important springboard in my decision to agressively pursue publication. I am ecstatic to say that my publication is a done deal. As of September 1, 2009, I have officially joined the ranks of published authors. Thank you WDC. Without the feedback and support I have received on this site, I might not have had the strength to follow this path - it is not an easy road, I'll not lie to you. But, the journey has begun and I have reached two major milestones. I welcome you to check out my first two publications. http://www.amazon.com/Nightsweats-Bigelow-Hollow-M-J-Claire/dp/1935367005/ref=sr... and http://www.amazon.com/Little-Insanity-Janus-Kane/dp/1935367293/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF... And again - thank you WDC, from the bottom of my heart. You helped me discover my true path. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** This is my new website, tell me what you think. http://www.marchbooks.com/ The beauty of the written word is in the emotions they evoke. Hate my characters or love them; as long as your feelings are genuine and run deep. If I have succeeded in making you feel something, I have succeeded as an author. My blog http://www.itsasadworld.blogspot.com/ My website http://furrytails.mysite.com./ ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |