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Rated: E · Outline · Contest · #1420831
Prompts in POETRY IN RHYME - RHYTHM CONTEST from Round 1, [October 2005] onward.

The following are the monthly prompts from the beginning of this contest. This overview would help the reviewers in making a proper assessment of the quality of this contest.

ROUND 1 [October 2005]--- A sonnet on any theme

ROUND 2 [November 2005] --- A poem on rose

ROUND 3 [December 2005] -- A poem on Christmas

ROUND 4 [January 2006] [A poem on old age]:

ROUND 5 [February 2006]--A poem referring to the Iraq war / the so called war on terrorism / US war policy

ROUND 6 [March 2006]-- A poem on the topic of betrayal in love or friendship or relationship

ROUND 7 [April 2006]--A poem containing the word FOOL/FOLLY/FOOLISHNESS in the title or the body

ROUND 8 [May 2006] --A poem with some sort of reference to the Orient

ROUND 9 [JUNE 2006]-- A poem consisting of at least 5 or more couplets having the following rhyme scheme:

aa, ba, ca, da, ea, fa, ga, ha……..

ROUND 10 [JULY 2006]-- An acrostic poem in meter (As per a defined syllabic pattern).

ROUND 11 [August 2006]—An eight syllable a line poem, containing the following line --"How shall I thank you for your love?"

ROUND 12 [September 2006]—An 8-6-8-6 poem containing the line --"Shall I be happy when I die?”

ROUND 13 [October 2006]—A ghazal on any topic of your choice

ROUND 14 [November 2006]— A poem containing the line BUT ONE DAY I TOO SHALL BE GONE, as per a chosen and stated syllabic pattern of your choice.

ROUND 15 [December 2006]— A poem containing the line "HOW SHALL I GO WHEN I DO GO", as per a chosen and stated syllabic pattern of your choice.

ROUND 16 [January 2007]— A poem containing the line " HE DELAYS NOT HIS COMING ", as per a chosen and stated syllabic pattern of your choice.

ROUND 17 [February 2007]— A poem containing the line "One day I will be no more but ", as per a chosen and stated syllabic pattern of your choice.

ROUND 18 [March 2007]— A poem containing the line " What’s that which I need to have ", as per a chosen and stated syllabic pattern of your choice.

ROUND 19 [April 2007]— A poem containing one of the following Prompt phrases: Game of life; Circus of life; This bizarre world; The crazy US; Clash of civilizations; Cause of all strife.

ROUND 20 [May 2007]— A poem using one of the following prompts as the title or a part of the poem: What will be will be; Que sera sera; This life is dead; Wait for your time; And love was gone; The final day.

ROUND 21 [June 2007]— A poem having one of the following titles: My toddler days; Stolen kisses; Whither my soul.

ROUND 22 [July 2007]— Shakespearean sonnet, on any topic.

ROUND 23 [August 2007]— A poem written as rhyming quatrains (poems having 4 line stanzas). Topic: Your choice.

ROUND 24 [September 2007]: Poems written as quatrains (poems having 4 line stanzas in rhyme) having a topic and syllabic pattern of your choice.

--Write a ghazal as per rules.

ROUND 26: November 2007 round—Sonnets. Topic-- your choice.

ROUND 27: December 2007 round--Poems written as rhyming couplets, having a stated syllabic pattern, with at least 5 couplets in a poem. Both lines of a couplet should rhyme. Topic-- your choice.

ROUND 28: January 2008 round—Any poem in rhyme and rhythm on any topic.. The rhyme scheme and syllabic scheme must be mentioned.

ROUND 29: February 2008 round—A 14 line poem consisting of three aaba quatrains followed by a rhyming couplet, using a stated syllabic pattern of your choice.

ROUND 30 [March 2008]-- Poems having a stated rhyme and syllabic pattern of your choice on women’s empowerment / gender discrimination”.

ROUND 31 [April 2008]--A 26 line poem, each line starting differently from A to Z. It should have a stated syllabic pattern of your choice.

ROUND 32 [May 2008]--Poems in rhyme and meter having the word "ephemeral" either in the title or the body of the poem.

ROUND 33 [June 2008]--Poems in rhyme and meter having the phrase "Though I love you in my heart" in the body of the poem as a line or part of a line. Syllabic pattern used must be stated.

ROUND 34 [July 2008]—Free round. No prompt.

ROUND 35 [August 2008] –Prompt (Optional) Topic—Dream

ROUND 36 [September 2008] -- Prompt (Optional) Topic—Betray

ROUND 37 [October 2008]: Ghazal

ROUND 38 [November 2008]: Free round. No prompt. [A ghazal gets bonus 500 GP.]

ROUND 39 [December 2008]: Jesus; Christ; Christianity; Christmas; Santa; Clash of civilisations; Judaism. [A ghazal gets bonus 500 GP.]

ROUND 40 [January 2009]: Prompt Topic—Separation. [A ghazal gets bonus 500 GP.]

M C Gupta
1 May 2008
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