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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #1417406
My Journal
This is just a simple place for me to put down my thoughts and hopefully get me going on writing again.
December 9, 2014 at 2:48am
December 9, 2014 at 2:48am
Things really are never what they seem, anything I type right now is in a haze. Tired and buzzed but needed to at least put something in the blog. So I could be very philosophical and not really know what I am talking about....Does that make me a politician? *smirks*. At some point today I skinned my finger, not sure how but I did. Have you every done that? Hurt yourself but not really noticed until you look? It's almost hilarious if you think about it. Gods I am tired and I don't think this post will make anymore sense to me tomorrow than it does right now.

So, in the immortal words of the great thespian Porcine J. Pig " I bedededde, that's all folks."
December 4, 2014 at 10:18pm
December 4, 2014 at 10:18pm
I didn't fully realize it had been seven years since my last blog on this site. So long and so much to say, I wont bother boring you with the past. That's not why I came back to WDC. I came back because of recent developments in my life and I needed a place to vent. This community has always been somewhat in my heart if my writing itself has not been as prolific. I think I really needed to say something again and hope that someone out there is reading.

For now, my writing skills are a bit rusty so pardon my piss poor grammar and punctuation. I am trying to read and feel myself again if that makes any sense. If anyone from seven years ago and remembers me just starting feel free to send a hi and how are you. Otherwise, here I am....This is me.
December 4, 2014 at 1:04am
December 4, 2014 at 1:04am
Tragedy, Why does it take tragedy to get me to want to put my thoughts down in "print"? Obviously it's almost forever since I wrote anything on this site and I kind of regret that. But what I regret more is that it takes a tragedy to get me to come back. Let me explain.

A few weeks ago my seventeen year old niece was in a car accident and ended up having to have an MRI in which they found a mass in brain. couple of weeks later it turned out she has stage four brain cancer. Welcome to my tragedy I don't think I am drunk enough for this right now. She just started treatment today but for me I feel lost and unable to help my sister or her children. Maybe even more so that people I don't even know are helping them out when I feel I should be. They live about 150 miles away.

I want to do something, I can't. I want to be there for them, I can't I feel so lost and it's eating me alive. I have people telling me to keep up hope that there is never too much of hope in the world in a situation like and some others.......they say I should mourn someone who is still very much alive. As for me I don't even know how to feel what I don't know I am feeling. Any advice is welcome because I am at a complete loss.
May 29, 2008 at 11:36pm
May 29, 2008 at 11:36pm
Almost an eternity has past since I wrote in this blog. Thankfully Some one actually sent me a comment about it and told me to blog on. Ten years ago was blog even a word? Suffice it to say I'm not sure what to put down here. Things aren't always easy to write out especially for complete strangers to read, but then I guess some things a stranger can tell you about yourself that a friend wont. Truly objective comments are welcome. Judgmental ones not so much. I can handle differing opinions as long as some one respects mine in the process. I love a good debate from lively topics like religion and politics. Maybe I will think of something a bit more worthwhile next time I post here.
May 5, 2008 at 12:47am
May 5, 2008 at 12:47am
There's an old axiom about writing only what you know. To write about ones experience is our greatest accomplishment, one that I hope to achieve with my next idea for a story. Sorry all you who like Pelen's story. I visited my mom earlier today and she made the suggestion I should write about my experiences as a childhood victim of
bullying. This is a subject I have a hard time even thinking about much less putting into print or on paper. You see my experiences with bullying was never what you see in movies or in print. I was never beat up for lunch money, I rarely got into fights, and never came home with a black eye. I suffered through my school years being called various names that in retrospect seem silly. I remember faking headaches because I didn't have the self respect to even go to school. it's hard to explain and I hope I do a good job putting a character into a role I once held myself. While I write this story I'll put thoughts and incites into my blog so you get the idea of where these things come from.
April 28, 2008 at 12:54am
April 28, 2008 at 12:54am
The things life throws at you. It wasn't so long ago I was king of the world. I had a good job, a morgatge, a nice car and a fairly happy life. Things were tight but they were mine and I could proudly claim I worked toward them. There is a certain pride that a man feels when he feels like he is successfully providing for those that are in his household. It is the sense of truly being king of your own castle. All that, of course, was a long time ago. I have since lost that job, shortly before losing both my car and my house. Now once again I have lost another job that I could barely afford to keep, and I feel a bit lost as to what to do this time around. I am paying a monthly rent using my brother in law's car and have no income. The pain, embarrassment, and suffering in your heart is almost unbearable in that position and I worry about the future and how I will be able to provide for those that are in my household. Oh how the mighty hath fallen. Eh?
April 26, 2008 at 1:45am
April 26, 2008 at 1:45am
I went for a walk in the forest today, searching for a nice quiet place to think. The things that happen out in the woods alone almost boggle the mind. I was climbing a tree that was leaning over a small pond in an effort to cross said pond and as I reach the far shore of the pond I knew I had to drop down so I grabbed hold of one of the overhanging branches with the idea of swinging from it to the dry shore.

Have you ever heard a tree laugh? That very sound can be extremely embarrassing, especially when you just made a true fool of yourself. What happened was as I put all my weight onto the branch the tree decided that it was a good time of year for a swim and let go of the branch altogether and laughed at me as I found myself sitting in a muddy puddle of stagnant water. I of course could not help but to join in the merriment. Might make for a good story one day.

That is if I can convince people that trees laugh.
April 25, 2008 at 12:27pm
April 25, 2008 at 12:27pm
*sighs* The slump.....hehe...to be honest I'm not as prolific as I seem I've been gathering alot of old stuff that's been scattered about and finally putting it where people can read....I really need to get some new stuff out there don't I?
April 24, 2008 at 4:48am
April 24, 2008 at 4:48am
You sometimes almost forget what day or time it is when you start writing. Things seem to flow together in a blur as your story or poem or whatever takes shape in front of your eyes. I deleted Pelenghast's story today and put it into a book format, I hope it did it right hehe, this website can at times be confusing.
April 23, 2008 at 1:44am
April 23, 2008 at 1:44am
Wow, I was just thinking how I wished I could afford an upgraded account so I could do this because I just recently lost my job. and BANG. someone dropped this in my lap for the next three months. Thank you. I have only been on Writing.com for a couple of days now and have personally fallen in love with the place, I love the variety of art and skill in poetry and storytelling that I have seen and I know I have barely scratched the surface. Alot of you put me to shame and I don't even know how I can criticize such great works when my own pale in comparison, not to mention my piss poor grammar.

I have so far posted alot of works that are older projects that I have had buried in one place or another and needed to get them out I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did writing them.

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