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my hearts pieces are drifting
Since my Daughter decided to move to California and as she said start over and have the chance to be happy.My heart has been slowly breaking into small pieces over what I see as a bad chioce of taking her live in boy friend back after he cheated on her.Then to go to California to get away from the misstress and his ex-wife.He also is leaving his two children that he had with the ex-wife and his responseablities to them ,not to mention his child support payments he will never catch up on like he and my daughter believes they can.It is a nice dream to think you can go somewhere else and like magic all your woes from before will stay were you left them.
The things you run from have a way of finding you and demanding to be dealt with no matter what you do or where you go all of your issues are just below the surface of your live and like a sore infected needs to be tended to so do these problems.I fear all the things that can go wrong with the dream my darling daughter seems to be clinging to so strongly and for her and my Grandson I hope they really will come true and no more hurt will befall her and break her heart again.The thing that hurts so much is if things work out and they stay out in California. It is all the firsts i will be missing with my one and only Grandchild.His first day of preschool and then school.The first tooth he will lose and learning to ride a bikenot to mention all of his birthdays and Christmases.
I am so afraid that the bond we have built since he was born will not be the same and I will not be that important to his little world. I will only become someone he has to call and talk to a couple of times a year.After being so close to him and having his small face light up when he sees me to be reduced to a secondary person This is what has my heart just broken into a million pieces and my never be repaired.Will he still love me and his Papa the same and how long before he will really not want to come inside to have to talk us.I only pray that everything will work out for the best.
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