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A visually innovative and comical insight of drivers with a message!
I never thought I'd see MRMAGOO drive, but I did! And, he really does wear glasses! I'll bet he was ZIPN BY to meet MAMAGOO. The ART of vehicular identity plating - I like to call it Plate-Spotting - has become quite FUNFRUS. It's always XCITING on the HI WAY of life to have MORFUN. Causes and people are memorialized on ZEBS and FINNS everywhere. IDAREU to find BESTFRNZ in the BUFF. It's just TOO BAD not everyone can find their KEYS when they need to go at a fast PACE. Everyone looks to XCAPE and have an XELNT time. Intimate TRADWNZ blow nicely if you take EXIT O. A BOATLVR may like to go BAREFTN in their BCHWEELS. Others prefer to ride in a PHUN CAR and swim in the OPEN AIR of a WTRFALL. SURFN is a popular pastime for a BCHLOVR or BCHBM on SURFARI. I'm a SUNR and a BEACHIK from way back when. Did I mention EISAIL 2? Snow lovers, on the other hand, head 2ASLOPE because they HAVE2SKI. My niece & nephews like to go 2VT2SKI. I think I'd ultimately like a trip 2THESUN, though, because I love to be warm. That's why I always like to get 2JUNE and enjoy the HY TIDE! Still, other CHOICEZ would be to FLY JAN, FLY ANN or FLY NOW to mountains or valleys with VINES. However we have to get there, IMFIRST and everyone else comes next -- like it ARNOT! Oft times while on vacation, WESING when we feel WOOPSY or QUI ZEE. Yet our IRISHEYZ are still smiling. A BARMIX like 1KEG, 4 ROSES, and a GIMLET could have the POLICE on their FANNY in a PATEWGN! CAPT AL would most certainly LOVE SUM from the FENCER, but tells his MBRS to SEVER their PAGAN ways. OBHAVE already! They SHOULDA stayed OFF DUTY in the HOT TUBS. There are many sports fans and players on the road, but I don't think THE ELF is one of them. He's more of a 4 RUNER. You can tell who's BIG UP for the 40 9ERS, the NJ JETS, or the EAGLS. I think you can catch their games on the NBC 111 sports channel. Any JETSFAN would like his team to win 3 FER 3, instead of a record low of 0000000. But they won't win anything if someone doesn't sell their JETS ADS. If you go to the park, you'll hear COACH G urging on his TEAM D captain by yelling "GO GUS!" Athletes are some of the few who can afford to buy a ROLEX. But, athletes also should know that, when you're SMOKIN too much, it's hard to get UP AGAIN. But, was BUBBA really an EAGLE 85, or did he ever win a HEISMAN? Neither I nor my passenger this day has ever HERDOFM. In the fast lane of life, ITS HEMI, a NY YANK, looking for an EXCUSA for LOU AND the DC BOYS. The twins, MORT & GLORT, could be overheard making BETS on SPREADS with MR WALLI. As usual, LCKY LEO was collecting from the REDSOX2. It's just the RTSTUFF for those who BETU just can't get enough with FOUR 23. And if there's trouble, all they'll do is shout, "YO FITZ." That's when TSHADOW will K OH the PROF with a SQUEEGEE. NSAND, you may spot a SANCRAB or SANSTAR. But there are also many animals on the road, believe it or not. I've personally seen WHALES, PUPEEZ, 4LAMBS, BIGDOGZ and SHEEP2. One day, I saw a PENQUIN trying to race with a SSHARK on a highway! They shouldn't be HORSIN around like that. Out in the wild, you could encounter a DINGO, COUGAR, BUMBLEB, or protective BEAR MA. Most of these animals have a SOFTAIL which may or may not be GRANGIE. Some folks just LUV DUX because they don't RIBBET or MMEOW. And I was just wondering... Do all gulls like to sit on HULLS, or is it simply just the lone SKIGULL? Store parking lots are a great place to spot vanitizers. For instance, there's PETCO, where you find many people with CAT LUV. A kitty's CATMOMI could buy CATNIP there. You could also get DOG H2O or a CATS TOY there 4JAKE2. There's even a section that you could get a DOG SOLD, or reserve a SHAMPOO for a HOG WASH. And wouldn't it be something to see EL OTTO smoking an OCIGARA? The PET DOC isn't the only VETT out there who is TRUSTED. Some professionals offer THERA P if you're not too VNMOUS, and may prescribe KARP - DM. But, if you had a SPLINTR, don't ask THE NUTT to remove it. I'll bet DR TOM, DR MARGE, or even DR 409 could get it out and then you'd be PAIN LS. It's not so XTREME that you'd need a BRAIN MD! But any of these doctors may ask some big questions, like: "RUFIT?", or "RUWIRED?" Of course, don't forget about the AUTO MD for your BEACHTOY when you KICK IT. He or she may refer you to MR INS. If someone had ABOAT4U, you'd need BOAT INS. And I'd definitely steer clear when CAPT BLY has had too much rum, mate'! It's nice to have a KIX CAR, but you must take good care of it. Before you drive on A DUNE, be sure to check under TH HOOD. Here along The Shore, I've seen cars from LAVALET, BAYVIEW, CSIDE, RUMSON, SEASIDE, OCN BCH, ISLBCH, C CREST, and LGISLAND. One day I went looking for a 7-11 in a small town, but could only find a FIVE 11. And I know the JRZGRL that I saw isn't the only one around who loves a good SHOR BRZ! Some folks LOVE AC because it's such a FUN CITY and usually has a great SEABRZZ. It's no secret that the AC QUEEN and the AC BABY like ITZ action. In ancient times, people such as the Flintstones traveled to Frantic City and shouted YABBADO when they won. They really know how to ring a BELL down there! The SURFCAT sure can drive, and the RSCL KNG is pursuing a ZZGIRL because he likes her POOKA. Some men, like POPPA and MR VIN, may be considered just plain ZANEY. But GEN EE and JOSICAT will remain friends with CHUMLY because he's just TOU KOOL with his new 1 HR CELL. But it's usually UNKL JOE who likes to WINK at MORGANA and KURLY! Nicknames have been around since ancient times, and are very important to some folks. I've seen many ZANGS to prove it. I'm a CLASYGRL who loves GLOVES and VANN GO, and sometimes think of myself as a BARONSS. I personally know BUMPSKI, CAMACH and ROSBUD, and MS OZZY lives nearby. There's a HOTCAJN chasing the BAGELQN, and BIG MOM loves her HUNYB. ELUSKA has some nice SHUFF, and KIKI K should realize it. If she wasn't such a DAYSTAR and more of a NO1MOM, no one would feel like the 2NDSTAR. They could all get in a WAGEN and head to ENDOLAND in a heartbeat. I'd even let them take MY KIDS with them. Have you seen the RAYVEN and the RAYVEN2? Just because they're LUNNONS doesn't mean they're NYBORN. But, if you saw LANC recently, you'd REEL AT the way he can CRE8TV. There's a couple of really good shows with MISS ANN and CORKIE. Maybe RITA LU will even sing a song or two! Is IRENE still searching 4 DOUG? Remember, AT88, you might find ONE N a million like her who likes to RUN4FUN! Do you think her brother MAX BIT when SAM ME chased after him? No matter how may many FLORAS or CORAS you meet, there's only 1 STELLA and ONE NAN. Still others like to repeat their name, like JIM JIM, NEE NEE, and EDI EDI. It's a bit of a KOURKY habit, but some people have had these nicknames since childhood. When I saw BIG LOU, it wasn't my nice neighbor. And then I thought ITS DEE, but it wasn't my sister after all because she lives on CAPE COD. However, I just passed someone who loves SSES and OURTUTU as much as I do... WOOWEE! {Here's the sad soliloquy, overheard at The MindBar, of a poor thing, sitting all alone, longing for the men that got away...} "HEYBABY, can't you figure out that IMTHE1? It just HAD2BME. I can't help that I'm an ALL PRO. We could ZIG N ZAG and BDABNG until we're FAR FAR away from the CURSE. I'll give you TBEARS, 6DOVES and 32 HUGS to make you HAPPI because IM4U body & soul. OH TOM, forget about the EGGFARM. I'm not THE NAG and don't mean to HOUND, but please don't LIETOME. Just DO YOGA, then DO ME! OH WEL, once we MISFITZ are done HOOKNUP, we can go BOWLING and WOO ASH." Back to Road Reality... I wonder who was driving for the BRADY B. I heard that Florence Henderson had a present 4BARY. So be careful not to hit DADS JAG because we LUV POP. You'd be a TUTZ in trouble, that's FORSHORE. I'm just glad to know that MOMS OK after her trip to the PEAK. And let's not forget about The Beaver. He was always saying, "G DAD", and knew enough not to ask for anything SSWEET on a road trip to Aunt Martha's HILLTOP2. MY SHIP isn't MY NINO, but it's not TEDSTOY, either. I bought a KRISTLE for it and spent more than JUST 5 bucks. There's no TEE VEE in OUR RV or MY2KBUG. So you can't watch ILV LUCY. The BIG IG may agree that a BREEZE in the QUIVET might give you 1 TAN. That ROKROVR is GIGIZ, not NICKIES. And be careful not to RIP the nice leather in the 84 BENZ or the TOT WHLS. Lots of people would love to have a JAG. Others freely admit their MUSTANG is NOT JEEP. And, 1WAGN or a RED FORD isn't what everyone wants for their FAM LEE. I think JENZBUG looks SHARP, but she should check her CHANK. If you LUVDRVN like my wife does, you may also like to look at GABLES when you explore new places. For the family who likes FORDS, they'll need a FORDFXR or GEARHED. While driving, there is much NASTOV on the road. It takes a real CROG to cut in front of any MOM CRS. Road ragers can be heard yelling things like "TRUCK U". It is only with SUSIES help that they don't end up at RYKERS. If they did, we all know they'd KRY BIG. Sometimes, it seems that, in RED OCT, you see more military SERVICE people than ever. There's someone from ENG76 who probably saved a life this week. A SURVR may be thankful for a LIFCNTR. You may meet a TANKMAN, TECHMAN or TOPGUN who is BRAUNY and SWIMS. Will anyone ever learn the true identity of The BIG MOW? Right now, someone is MISNROB, and someone else is a IIWWVET. There are so many people with USPRIDE. Other professions duly represented on the road are GRAPHIX, FIZ ED, LAW, and AROBIX. One of our friends has a SKIBIZ. A DISJOKY would be VERRY nice to have at the INDYRAM. They don't have METERS there, so A YOUNG valet can park the HOO TRN for you. The mathematician who CSQARD a NEURON may also LOVE BLUE. A specialized doctor at a clinic may advise the public to CUS4EYES. Call an ARCTECT, and they could build AHOME4U or a BLDG 4U. And you'll need a good APRASOR if you're in the market to ENSUR the safety of a RACERIG or DOCKBOX that's HY TECK & WIRELSS. How that stuff works is a big MS TREE to me. The MVR must help people with their MOVING. The funny thing is that I saw someone else who's a MOVER 2. But, I think that a pharmaceutical salesperson brazen enough to advertise that IDODRUGS just may need a LAWYER. It seems as if salespeople are always trying to FINAGL a SCHAM. One driver's plate reads, "CYISEL." No, actually I don't see why you sell if you're driving an Acura! Over there is someone who may like to trade stock, with a simple message of "SEL BUY". Try to contact LCHEAPO if you're looking for a deal, but check with THE BOSS to be sure AUNT BS won't SQASH it. And once a year, we all have to call upon the TAXPROS. Some folks prefer to get theirs filed by APRIL 11 instead of the 15th. Musicologists can appreciate a good time whey they hear a BEE G, or a conductor chanting AN1 ANA2 - just like Lawrence Welk used to do! Other theater-goers love a grand OPERA. 1 SUNDAY, I spotted a GOO FAN and someone else who prefers CELTEK rhythms. But I wouldn't mind listening to BOZ on any road trip because there really is only 1 BOZ. You've got to have respect for a GRTNANA or REVCHAZ. They can MEDIATE the tensions between LEX C, MKZ BOY and EL TOO when they're all feeling LOW. It is during the difficult times that you really need a PIZZANO. JUNE 5 is not my birthday - it's the 22nd. But I do think it's the best birthday month. And let me tell you something, MISSY... If I could get an 80K JOB next year, it would a nice present for me or 4CRISSY. My wife & I used to like to HANG LS when we lived in Hawai'i. We'd ride our mopeds and ZIPADEE all around Honolulu. But it was so far away, and we missed our FAMILY2. So we put all APLANTS in new homes and moved to The Jersey Shore. It's not Hawai'i or BRAZIL, but at least we're still in RANGE of a nice SEEBRZZ. So folks, when I have a funny idea, don't be so quick to DEEP VI it. If you let me, I can bring great JOY 4 U. I can also TUKET and PAGOO with the best of them! My cousin SUSAN can attest to everything! One of my favorite movies is the WIZOFOZ. There are many DEEP lessons to be learned as we BRMBL through life. This article isn't exactly a NOVELO, but I hope it conveys my levels of INSIGHT. And, by the way; does anybody really know what a NARD is? * * GOODAE... IMDUN * * Sherri Laurier The QuillMistress |