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After 12 years of separation, a man is reunited with his wife in a most unusual way. |
Homecoming By Michael Sean Mason Copyright 2008 GRB The day started to be another typical day for me. The sky was clear as usual and I was on my usual bench under the usual tree near the bridge in Central Park as usual. I do a lot of my work here because, even with all the people skating, biking and just meandering about, I find that the natural setting very relaxing and conducive to my creativity. I was a little more pressed for time, however, as I had to have the rough sketches for the Max Factor account on Mr. Winslow's desk for approval in a couple of days and I was already way behind. I was beginning to get a headache from trying to think too fast, so I went up to the corner of 5th Ave. and E. 84th st. by the art museum where my favorite vendor, Luigi, likes to hang out. He says he likes it there because he gets the "high class" customers from the museum. On the way I suddenly got the feeling that I was being watched. Not being followed but just being carefully watched from somewhere. When I got there I ordered a coffee and one of his wonderful, homemade Italian pastries that he sells for his mother. As I made some small talk with the man I casually looked around to see if anyone was paying particular attention to me. I saw nothing unusual, which disturbed me. I just shrugged my shoulders and tried to forget about it but I couldn't shake the feeling. It felt like the watcher was getting closer. It bugged me so much that I only took two sips of my coffee, tossed it in the trash can, leaving the money on Luigi's wagon. All the way back to the park I kept looking to see if I could notice anyone watching me. Nothing! I must be cracking again. Again? It was then that I realized that I had cracked completely twelve years ago when the absolute center of my universe had been ripped from me in a freak accident. We had been out for a "Sunday Drive" in my Beech Bonanza with two other couples when we hit some severe air turbulence and the right wing sheared off. Funny how those things don't stay up too well with only one wing. I was the only survivor out of six. I managed to recover from my physical injuries but I spent twenty two months in the mental ward. It seems my mind refused to accept my wifes death. It merely concocted the story that she left me because I "didn't know how to fly that thing". Sometimes I wonder if that wasn't the case anyway. Once more I tried to forget the incident, I had to get these sketches done. I arrived at my usual bench-tree-park place, opened my briefcase, pulled my sketch pad and went back to work. That was one day I should have stayed in bed. No sooner had I started when that feeling came over me again , stronger than ever this time. I felt as though someone were standing right in front of me. I looked up quickly and someone was. As I did, she turned abruptly and started to walk away. She? Now that was a switch. Normally I was the one who watched the Ladies, now they're watching me. At least that one was. I jumped and ran after her and caught her lightly by the arm. "Excuse me Miss," I said as she stopped, "my name is Michael Mason, do I know you?" She hesitated for what seemed the longest moment before she turned to look at me. Things were really crazy today, I thought. As soon as I saw her I lost that feeling of being watched. She must have been the one, but why? "No, I don't believe you do, but as long as the ice has been broken, why don't you get to." she said extending her hand which I took, cautiously, "My name is Karen." As though things weren't puzzling enough, I suddenly felt as though I had known her all my life. Although I never knew anyone by the name of Karen, she did look like someone I knew, but who? It was difficult to tell just what she looked like because she was wearing a pair of over sized sun glasses and a scarf to protect her hair from the gusty winds that were blowing through the park that day. In fact, what I could see looked so much like my late wife that it was frightening. But that was impossible! Wasn't it? Maybe the doctors and shrinks had been wrong after all. But that just couldn't be. I saw her lifeless body in the wreckage after the crash, mutilated almost beyond recognition. No one could have lived after being torn up like that. Could they? I dismissed the thought and tried to concentrate on the situation at hand. "Yes, I guess that wouldn't be a bad idea. Pardon me if I seem a little awkward, but I'm not used to meeting ladies like this. I still think I know you from somewhere, though." "Don't worry about it too much, if you see me tomorrow you can say the same thing and it will be true." "I would like very much to see you tomorrow, if it's alright with you, that is." Needless to say I didn't expect her next remark. "I'll go you one better. How about tonight? May I come up to your apartment?" I was stunned to say the least. My jaw fell open far enough for her to see my navel from the inside, then I heard it clack shut. And what's more, how did she know I had an apartment? "I think I would like that very much. Where shall I pick you up?" I asked. "No, don't. I'll take a cab. I'll be there around seven." It seemed rather strange but I agreed and gave her my address. She turned and hurried off down the walk. I lost sight of her among the throngs of people. I must have stood staring after her for quite a while because I began to notice people were starting to stare at me. Feeling a little embarrassed, I went back to the bench, packed up my stuff and started walking. I had no idea where to go. After that ordeal, I knew that I wouldn't be able to work any more today. I'd have to make up some feeble excuse to Mr. Winslow as to why the project was late. I walked and thought for quite a while then went home. I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do next. Some how I managed to get enough wits about me to go take a shower and put on some clean clothes. I mostly paced for next few hours, trying to kill some time but I think that the time was doing better at killing me. I tried to work on my sketches some more and even read a little but I just couldn't sit still. Glancing at the clock I noticed that it was ten minutes to seven. I decided to pace some more, what else could I do? About an hour and a half later there was a soft knock on the door. I looked at the clock again, seven on the nose. How strange is this thing called time. I opened the door and there she stood, lovely as ever, although rather strangely attired. She wore a beautiful knee length print dress, but that's not what was strange. She was still wearing her scarf and sunglasses. "Hello, Karen, please come in." I guess she could see the surprise in my eyes. "Hi, Michael." she replied "Please forgive the way I look, I will explain shortly." "Coffee?" I asked as I headed for the kitchen and she for the living room. "Yes, thanks, just a touch of cream." she called back. I almost dropped the pot on the floor. That's just exactly what Alecia always said. Is this what a heart attack feels like? Regaining my composure I handed her the cup. We sipped and chatted idly while she checked out the sixty inch plasma tv and the 250 gallon salt water aquarium. Then out of a clear blue sky it came thundering. "Do you like surprises, Michael?" she asked still looking at the fish. That was surprise enough in itself. After today I was wondering if I could handle any more. "As much as the next guy I suppose," I replied. "Why?" Without another word, she set down her cup of coffee and removed her scarf. What I thought had been short hair turned out to be lots and lots of hair, very artfully and skillfully piled and pinned to top of her head. With the removal of a few pins it all came unglued, and I with it. Shining, golden silk started cascading down her back. I thought it would never end, but it did. Although not before it reached the top of her thighs. Flash back. Exactly the way my wife's hair was. My knees went weak and almost went out from underneath me. What in the world was happening here? Could it be true? As she turned to face me, she took off the sunglasses. The cup of coffee I had been holding slipped from my fingers and in slow motion, glided to the floor and exploded in a shower of porcelain shrapnel and coffee. It seemed like it took five minutes for the fall. Somewhere in the distance I heard someone yell "Oh my God!" Seconds later I realized that it had been me. "ALECIA!" My legs turned to rubber and I fell back into a chair, I waited for my heart to restart. My entire body was trembling, my eyes went out of focus momentarily. "Yes, Mike, it's me. I've come to visit for a while." I tried desperately to respond but my quivering lips would only flap in the breeze coming out of my throat. "I managed to fly down for the day but if I don't get back pretty soon, the Boss is sure to clip my wings." she said with that cute little grin of hers. She always did have a good sense of humor, it was her signature trait. "But Ka... I mean Alecia, why didn't you let me know, why did you wait so long? It's been TWELVE YEARS!." "I know, Mike, and I'm so sorry but with the condition you were in after the accident, I didn't think that you would be able to handle my return. I was afraid you might have a relapse. I was so lonely for your love that I had to take the chance anyway." "I'm glad you did, honey," I managed to stammer, slowly regaining some composure, "it's good to see you again." That was the understatement of the century but in my shock, I didn't know what else to say. It all seemed like a big dream. She walked slowly over to me and put her hands on my shoulders. With me not being very tall and her not being very short, our eyes met at exactly the same level. Those eyes, those large, sparkling blue-green eyes and what has to be THE longest eyelashes in the world... They have captivated me since the day we met. I smelled the sweet, womanly aroma of her breath. Her cherry red lips parted and headed toward mine. We held each other tight, our lips searching for that connection to the other's soul. I could feel her not so small breasts press into my chest. I moved my hands around to briefly caress them gently. I even started to rise to the occasion. She must have felt it because she pressed a little harder there with her thigh. I wanted her so bad. My heart was pounding its way right out of my chest. No doubt about it, I was on Cloud Nine. They say all good things must end. Slowly she relaxed her grip on me and gently but firmly separated from me to an arms length. Both of us still breathing heavy. "Mike, I've come to ask you to go back with me." she panted. Oh geez, here we go again with the spinning head, the rubber knees, the knot in the gut. So apparently the doctors and the shrinks had lied to me after all, and she actually had left me for some crazy reason. But where was she staying and why had she waited twelve years to come back to me. WHY? "Never mind why. I love you, Mikey, and I don't want to be without you anymore." she said. "Will you come home with me. PLEASE?" Mikey? She hasn't called me that since... well, since we were six years old! "Darling, you know how much I love you. I would do anything to be with you again." I promised. "Where are you staying?" "Don't worry about that right now." she replied. "You'll know soon enough." With that she she reached out and kissed me one more time then turned and headed for the door. That was no dream. That was solid, warm flesh and blood. THAT WAS MY WIFE! "Alecia, wait, don't go yet." I called after her. But she didn't seem to hear me. My head was going around again. I managed to regain my senses just as she crossed the threshold of the doorway and turned down the long hallway toward the elevators. I made the distance to the door in three steps and dashed out into the hall. As I looked in the direction she had gone, she was nowhere to be seen. Not enough time to reach the elevators or the stairs. Poof, she just vanished into thin air. I stood there for many long moments like if I waited long enough she would just poof back into existence. No such luck. Then, out of the clear blue, it all hit me like a ton of bricks. A smile spread across my face, I felt a calmness I haven't felt in... I don't know how long. I looked upward and said, "It's okay, Alecia, I understand now." I knew then that I would be seeing her again but I had no idea how or when. That night I went to bed a very happy man, happier than I have been since the accident. The excitement of the day kept me awake longer than I would have liked but I finally dozed off. I guess the excitement wasn't over yet because I was wakened by someone shining an incredibly bright light in my eyes. Then I heard her voice. "Mikey, it's Alecia, it's time to get up, honey. Come on. Get up and walk toward the light." Being somewhat disoriented by the brightness that seemed to come from every direction I moved cautiously. From out of nothingness a hand came out and took mine and pulled gently. I knew instantly that it was hers and gladly followed. When we emerged from the light we embraced the embrace of the ages, so happy to be together again. "What happened?" I asked her. "How did I get here so soon. I figured it would be years yet?" "We have ones here," she replied "that can, um, how shall I say it, tweak fate a bit under the right circumstances." "Alrighty then!" I was informed later that I died in my sleep quickly and peacefully of an aneurysm. Many thought that Mr. Winslow worked me too hard. Others thought that I went crazy again, only this time going over the edge, but no one ever really knew for sure why I left. By the way, Alecia's "Boss" never did clip her wings. They're just beautiful. But then again, mine aren't so bad either. |