Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1408258-Namines-Loneliness
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1408258
Namine feels isolated. AU
Naminé’s Loneliness

Letting out a depressed sigh, she pressed her half-used sketchbook, one which she cherished dearly, against her chest. Her sapphire eyes darted from one person to the other. A boy with brunette spikes and another with auburn hair and crystal blue eyes, they were sitting on a bench not to far away, enclosed by the rest of the world, laughing and conversing as if nothing else mattered.

She leaned against a musty-red colored brick wall and sank down onto the cold, unforgiving pavement. The moment she made contact with the dark asphalt, her insides shivered and a wave of chilliness engulfed her. Heavy grime and spiteful graffiti covered the majority of the wall, while thick forest green moss resided in the edges and solid dead vines covered them completely. She felt like she belonged there, with the hollowness and ghetto atmosphere. She felt like the missing piece in an unfinished puzzle.

Deserted. Lonely. Isolated. Neglected. Left out. Abandoned.

That’s how Naminé felt. These feelings consumed her empty heart completely and they refused to leave. The slight warm breeze brushed against her pale cheeks and allowed strands of her platinum hair to sway back and forth like a pendulum. The rest of her medium-length hair relaxed on her left solider untouched. For some peculiar reason, the calm wind gave her assurance and tranquility, along with the fact that it was spring, where nothing withered between life and death, scorched beneath the blazing sun, or covered with an icy sheet of snow.

The redheaded girl giggled loudly as the brunette boy hugged her and made funny remarks along the way, giving her an affectionate kiss or two. A part. Yes, she wanted to be a part of them, to have the chance to let out a laugh or so, or to smile even. In fact, as hard as she tried to remember, she couldn’t recall the last time she had smiled, laughed, or…had a friend.

Envy. Envy devoured her completely. Oh what she would give to be in that girl’s place, to have the innocent boy brightening her day. A friend, all Naminé wanted was a friend.

What was the strawberry blonde’s name?


What about the boy?


Was there room for a third? Was there room for Naminé to be a part of them? She didn’t think so. The thought sickened her to her stomach. Her envious eyes were glued to Kairi, how she wished very much to be in her place, to have Sora accompany her.

But how could she do so? No, there wasn’t room for her to be with them. They didn’t know her. They couldn’t have cared less about her. A gloomy phantom in the shades, that’s all she was. She was no one and no one knew her. A Nobody.

The school bell broke her gaze at the couple and gradually stood up once more, heading back to another miserable time in class, following close behind the two with a broken heart, all hope lost.


The next day wasn’t any different. The same cheerful Kairi and the same joyful Sora sat on the same bench and looked like they were happy; happy with each other’s presence.

Naminé sat in the same spot as she has done yesterday, doing the same thing: watching Sora and Kairi like a noiseless mouse in the dark. Her un-opened sketch book was firmly grasped within her fragile hands. It was the most precious thing to her, it meant everything. Although her kindergarten-like drawings weren’t marvelous, each picture was powerful and moving. They represented her loneliness, her misery, and unhappiness. Her most recent drawing was of her, Kairi, and Sora. All she wanted was to be their friend, they just didn’t know it and they never will.

Once again, the peaceful gust of wind blew against her, ruffling her plain white gown gently in all directions. Slowly, she closed her distressed eyes and took a deep breath. She must be strong. This loneliness, she must come over it. Glaring at Sora and Kairi isn’t going to help. She must go to them, talk to them.

Her feet refused to budge, she couldn’t do it. She was weak and began to get emotional. She never knew how to ‘make friends’, so how was she supposed to do it now? A transparent tear slid down her soft, pallid cheek and stained her gown. Living in the dark was painful.

A warm, soothing hand unexpectedly wiped away the tears that stained her pretty, but gloomy face. A hand? It wasn’t hers, whose was it then? Gradually, she opened her hollow eyes, she looked directly at the person who sat silently beside her, the person who had dared to wiped away her tears of sorrow.

His childlike features and azure eyes displayed emotions of concern and sympathy. “Please don’t cry”, he pleaded as he continued to dab away her tears. For the first time in her life, someone had actually cared for her, for her feelings and numbness. A burst of hope rushed through her. “What’s your name? I’m Roxas.”

For once, someone noticed her. For once, someone came up to her to sought out what was wrong. For once, someone spoke to her. For once, someone asked her for her name. For once, she felt blissful.

“Naminé”, she whispered quietly as she challenged herself. Indeed it felt odd to speak aloud. The sound of her own voice surprised her, for she rarely spoke to another soul. Her eyes would do the talking instead, while the rest of her would be a soundless statue made of stone.

“That’s a beautiful name”, the boy commented gaily. He gave her a charming smile and waited to see what she would do in return; he edged closer to get a better glimpse of her.

A smile, for me?

No one had ever smiled to her or told her that he liked her name, to her it felt wonderful. Her face remained expressionless, fearful to reveal any sort of emotion whatsoever. Her eyes remained subtle and her frown did not stir.

Suddenly, Roxas took hold of her free hand and hoisted her up on her feet. He dragged her with him down into a forest pathway ahead of them. She didn’t hold back or resist, she wanted to go with him. His smile never faded away, it stayed put, unchanged. His hand held onto her delicate one tightly, not letting go for a mere second. The feeling of his hand overwhelmed her. She had never once intertwined her hands with another, it felt heartening.

She gazed at him constantly as the two paced farther into the engaging forest. The sounds of exotic birds and anonymous creatures enlightened her, the smell of the pine cones and trees were inspiring, and the suns rays that shone through the tall evergreen trees made the moment even better. The sunlight made the pair glow with fine radiance.

Was this how it felt to have another person, no a friend, with you? Her heart slowly began to mend itself, the cuts and holes started to stitch themselves together, making her heart whole once again.

Without notice, Roxas planted a soft kiss on her rosy-red cheek when they were far into the wooded area alone. The contact made her blush a shade of red uncontrollably. She smiled. For the first time, in a long time, a smile was on her face. The feeling of assurance, happiness, and contentment was irreplaceable. This was the end of her remorseful days for she had a friend to lean on, to talk to, to laugh with.

-The End-
© Copyright 2008 Sora788 (sora788 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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