Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/140776-Ask-and-Answer-II
Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Article · Opinion · #140776
Answer your question, then it's your turn to ask.
There is no story plot here. There are no imagined characters. This is just us talking to each other, expressing our opinions.

Here are the rules:

1. Answer the question that the person before you has asked you. If you don't feel you can answer that particular question, then skip your turn and let the next person take a shot at it. Don't put things in quotes like you're telling a story... this is just talking, that's it.

2. When you have answered the question as you see fit, you must now ask a question for the next invitee. These questions can be absolutely anything you want to know. And since you really have no idea who you're asking, these are just general questions.

This is Volume II of Ask and Answer. If you would like to check out the first one, you can read "Ask and Answer

There's quite an assortment of people here, so this should be interesting. Have fun!! *Smile*

The signature of The StoryMistress.
Welcome, everyone! Since I'm starting I don't have to answer anyone. Might as well start you out with a toughie, so here's your first question:

If you could script the exact dream you are going to have tonight, what would it be?
First of all, I wouldn't know I was dreaming. Second of all, I wouldn't remember it. The End.

Oh, wait, it's coming back to me now! I become God, I go to my old high school, I tell my English teacher, "I like math," even though I really don't (hey, it's a dream; and I have yet to have one that makes any sense. It would be too much of a shock on my system to all of a sudden have one that flowed perfectly.), then I reveal to the rest of the class the secret that I am really God, then they all laugh at me, then I realize I'm standing in front of them all naked (I've never had one of those dreams before, and I think it would be interesting). Then, I start getting chased by these leprechauns that want to turn me into an Stories.Com ad. Then, I remember I'm God. So, I turn all the leprechauns into barbies, take my giant pair of scissors and give them all Dennis Rodman hair cuts. Then I wake up. Then I realize I'm in another dream, then I really wake up. And then I forget. The End.

If you could be a puncuation mark, which one would you be and why?
Golly, the life of periods and commas have got to be dull, but the semi-colon is even worse.

Oh, I know. The Exclamation Point! It has an exciting life, gets to go everywhere, and everyone pays attention to them. Sometimes there are too many of them in a story, but I'd be the first one, so I wouldn't be an overload.

Yeah, the exclamation point!!! !!! !!!

Now for a question....

Okay, give me your theory on how the world/universe will end.
I think humankind will eventually outsmart itself in some key areas.

1) Genetic cloning will become fashionably widespread and the gene pool will deteriorate through mismanagment and abuse of the whole idea. Talk about inbreeding!

2) Technological advancement will get to the point that we can't keep up with our computers anymore. This will cause widespread panic and mistrust and imbalance in the e-business community. Economies will crumble and somebody will be very rich while the rest of us are very poor.

3) NPH's delusions of self importance will inflate to mind-numbing heights and he'll eventually go on a world dominance rampage with his futuristic robots and evil mind-control devices. (I tried to answer seriously at first, but I couldn't resist.....)

Okay, here's my question:

Strict food rationing is being mandated in your city. Starting tomorrow you will only be allowed three types of food to eat, and one beverage to drink for the rest of your life. What choices would you make and why?
A Non-Existent User
This is a difficult question since I love to eat so many different kinds of food. I think if I had to pick I would choose, a good marinated salad, because that is my favorite dinner. chicken even though I hate meat, I am anemic have to have it, and my Gran's cinnamon bread because it's heaven in your mouth. All that and I would be a happy camper. And hands down the beverage would have to be Barq's Root Beer, because it is just very good...mmmmm.

So here's my question:

What do you count as your worst personality trait, and has it ever benefitted you at some point in your life, because I know mine has?

A Non-Existent User
I think arrogance, because I always tell people I am good at everything (ussually true) and then they get the wrong idea about me...
I think i wouldn't be afraid to stand up and say I was good at something, which could pay off, but no, it hasn't helped me really...

Question: How late is too late?
Ahhh! Instead of a multiple CHOICE question, we get a multiple ANSWER question! Too bad they wouldn't give us this kind in school. We'd have had a better chance of getting them right!

For the person that didn't find their cancer in time, it's too late (my mother, my aunt. My uncle is the latest). For the person whose doctor's appointment was 2 days ago, it's too late. For the kid who left his homework AT home the morning it was due, it's too late. For the person who lost a loved one before they thought to say "I Love You", it's too late. But it's never too late to continue your education.

What is happiness?
A Non-Existent User
Oh Gosh incurable_romantic, what a wonderful question *Smile* Thank you!

Happiness to me is...

accepting myself the way I am, without judgement. Accepting my mind the way it is, with all my emotions, hopes and dreams, my personality, my unique way of being. To accept my body the way it is, with all its human beauty and perfection. Letting the love I have for myself be so strong that I no longer reject myself or sabotage my happiness, freedom and love.

I is basing my relationships with my family and friends on respect and joy so I no longer feel the need to tell them how to think or how to be.

Happiness is having the courage to love my family, friends and myself unconditionally.

What is your favorite flower and why?
Fav. flower, huh? Well, let me think...
Hmm, I'd have to say a rose, or rose type flower-i.e. something w/a bijillion petals, simply because I like things w/a lot of detail, especially when it all comes together nicely. I have drawings that I do that I make w/a compass, kinda like the rosetta windows you see in some of the gothic cathedrals, I put a lot of detail in them and I usually love the way they turn out.

So there you have it, a bit long, but that's kinda an answer.

Contestant number (?): Which is better, a story with an ambiguous ending or a definite & why?
I would have to say that I would like a story that has a definite ending. If a story is just left for the reader to wonder what really happened...I really hate that.

Even if the ending isn't happy. At least I know how it ended.

However, I will say, if it is a Series, then tha is different. For instance. I am reading a fantasy book right now. The eneding to those need to be somme what closed but also opened ended.

So now you see..I have said I like both! he he

Something scary with sex in it. Hey I can say that...its still G rated. Not X rated but a tease you know. The plot could be a woman living alone in a gothic mansion wasting her years away waiting on a long lost love to return to her. The characters can be ....Lets say 4-5...one is the ghost...the rest are the young widow, her lawyer, someone who unexpectedly drops in from car problems and maybe a daughter. I like R rated stories. It gives you a greater latitude with which to work on without eliminating a lot of your audience.

Now for my question.....:)

You are out walking and its night time. To save time you take a short cut thru the woods to get home. Suddenly a bright light illuminates the ground in a circular pattern about your feet. You are paralyzed and you slowly drift up into a strange craft! On board hours later you regain consciousness. What do you see?....What do you do?..How does it all end? So I guess my question is...What happens to you? :)
Hmmmmm, good question. If it's a library book then I'd probably walk to the library after school with a few friends and take it out. I suppose I'd have to hide it under my bed and read it when I'm supposed to be doing homework, but I don't think my mom would notice. If it were on stories.com? No problem. If it were at a bookstore? Okay, that's a problem. But I guess when I get my drivers license in what seems like a million years from now, it won't be a problem any longer!

Now for the next question - If you had to be paralyzed from the neck down for five years to save an endangered species, would you do it? Why or why not?
Oh wow... reading all the questions all the way down so far, I've always had an answer for them. This is the first question I don't have an answer for, so it figures I'd get this one. :P Um... ack... well....

That's a HUGE sacrifice. I'm going to the Nationals for TaeKwon-Do in a month. I'm only in high school, I would like to go to college... 5 years is ALOT to give up to be quadriplegic... giving up 5 years of my life and missing out on some really great things would be a really, really selfless act. I'm not sure if I could... but then on the other hand... an endangered species... that's really, really, important. I mean, an entire species is hanging on whether or not I can give up 5 years of my life. Also, being handicapped like that would probably make me REALLY appreciate not being handicapped after that 5 years, and I'd understand alot better people who do have handicaps. But it would be a very, very hard life for me...

I think I would, yes. If it meant I was saving a species, then I'd have to do it. I might want to be selfish, but the 5 years of my life isn't that much in comparison with all the lives I'd save. HOWEVER: it does depend a bit on the species. If it was, for example, a species of gorilla or something, I would. If it was some rare breed of mosquito, I'd probably tell whoever was going to break my neck to forget it. If I had the choice though, I'd want to wait until after the Nationals, and after I finish college to do it! If I didn't have the time, I suppose I could live with doing it now...

Whew... that was exhausting on the mind... ok, my question for the next person is:

Suppose you were stranded in the desert, thirsty and starving. Oddly enough, you come across a peanut lying in the sand. Do you eat that peanut?

A Non-Existent User
         That's an interesting question. I would eat that peanut, seeing as how I'd probably die anyway. Since I like peanuts to a relative amount, I'd rather eat something than nothing, even if it IS a peanut. Actually, I'd open the peanut and make sure it's a peanut before eating it.

         My question for the next person:

         If you really had to walk to the store, and all of your clothes got burned, would you go to the store wearing nothing or stay home? (No, you don't have a car.)
A Non-Existent User
A Jamaican. It is my favorite language and I just LOVE the music they play. They do everything in their culture fervently. I can see myself up on stage with a really cool band singing a jamaican song in their traditional dress code and getting with it.

Next Question: If there was one place in our history that you could travel back to, which place and why?
A Non-Existent User
Yes, I believe it does. Sound is a vibratory disturbance capable of being detected by the organs of hearing. Whether our organs of hearing are around the falling tree or not. Wurlizer organs agree with me on the sound thing too. The deaf snake felt the vibrations on his tongue and scooted out of the way just in time. Alas, Mr. sloth was smooshed because he was watching the game on TV and ignored his wife's pleas to evacuate after having heard the roots tear from the ground. He is recuperating at Mt. Pleasant medical center, orthopeadic ward, room 366. Cards are welcomed.

Question: You can have one of the two: your hearing or your sight. Which do you choose, and why?

Easiest question I could have gotten: my sight, of course.

My career/hobbies/love of life is based on my sight. I'm a designer, enjoy photography and art, ride and jump horses... there's no way I would want to lose my sight.

Music just gets me by while I'm doing those things. And I already know some sign language... no braille, though *Smile*

One hot summer day, you're walking through a parking lot and notice a dog locked in a parked car with all of the windows up. What would you do?
The animal shelter that was located half a mile from my house was burned down a few months ago, and most of the animals died. The authorities are pretty sure it was arson, but they never caught the jerk(s) who did it. That incident still fresh in my mind, there's no question my vengeful contempt for that person(s) would manifest itself in this type of situation. I would break the window, perhaps feeling a little awkward, but happy that I had, in my own way, gotten back at those people who had made those hundreds of animals suffer.

If there was only one religion, rather than the thousands that exist today, do you think the world would be a better place?
No, I don't think so. Variety is good for life. We are not all the same. We have different needs, based on our background and our culture, and one religeon probably could not meet the needs of everyone. The thing that we should be aware of, however, in my opinion, is that if there is only one God, whoever we are worshipping, be it the Christian God, Muhammed, Bast, Isis, Mother Nature or whoever, that is probably the real and same God, since there is only one. That may not make sense, but it's something I've believed for a long time. There are so many different aspects of the many religeons and it would be a loss to our worldly culture if any of this variety were lost.

New Question: If you had the opportunity to travel and visit in the past or in the future, which would you choose, why, and what year would you like to travel to? (Is this 3 questions?)
Given the choice between visiting the past or the future, I would undoubtedly have to choose the future. Who wouldn't want to record the events of the future before they unfolded? Think of the impact you could have, if not on the world but at least in your own life, knowing what events were going to transpire before anyone else.....oooo, such possibilities! I'd be rich in no time.

OK next question: What is the biggest decision you have to make on a daily basis?
A Non-Existent User
The biggest decision that I make on a daily basis is whether my family lives well or suffers as my mother allowed my family to do. It is not a difficult decision but powerful. I choose to throw myself whole heartedly into being the best mother I can be. My choices as a mother determine the outcome of a piece of the future. By allowing my children to grow into strong intelligent open minded human beings I am placing them into the world with an advantage over many. I only hope that they will make the right choices and that I will provide them with the skills to cope with the realities of the world. I make the choices in even minute details of this family that affects the way that they will see people and the world. I am up for this challenge, and the rewards are imeasurable.

Question: What has been the most satisfying moment of your life?
A Non-Existent User
my life... hmmm, i hate questions that say 'in your life' because i can never think of one thing for my whole life.

<sits and thinks for half an hour>

one thing that was very satisfying was when i wrote this story. it was a story that had been in my head for years, and that i loved, and i was quite ambitious and wrote it. and i had this english teacher who loved it, which i fund really flatterinf, because i really respected him. my holiday to america was satisfying, the fireworks at epcot - that was kinda a moment of being given a dream of some sort. and my GCSE drama evening, that impressed people, i was pleased with that and the way that people remarked on it. getting good grades in english is always important to me, and satisfying.

romantically... i hope a lot is yet to come, but a guy i was really in love with kissed me the other day, that was satisfying until it all went wrong.

so, now i have to write a question, which is really annoying because i thought of a really good one and said 'remember that for the next time you do ask and answer' and guess what - i forgot!

well, my new, less inspired question is this:
if you could have three wishes what would they be? and if the genie then told you after you had made them that u could have 1000 more wishes if you took the first one back and it would never come true, would you take it back?
Sorry this took me so long, gang. Busy week.

         I noticed a few questions back that the StoryMistress had said the question she got was the easiest she could have been given. So it is with me on this one.
         First wish. That my late wife was still alive past 30 and we had our whole life together ahead of us. Second wish. That the technology be available to put a safe end to her epilepsy. Third wish. That we would have the family we had wanted, and planned from before we married at 19.
          Part II. The genie can keep those 1000 wishes. With Linda at my side I need nothing more in order for me to live the fullest possible life. We had each other, and God. That was all we ever needed.

         Next question: You and your spouse agreed, before marriage, that you both wanted three children. You now have two; one is your own, one is adopted. You want the third child to be one of your own, your spouse wants to adopt the last addition. What do you do?
A Non-Existent User
One easy question, one difficult, how come I have the honor of always following you Incurable?

It is difficult to put myself in this position...hold on...I need to contemplate for a bit...

Right now my body is fighting off an illness which I have had now for 3 weeks. I am so exhausted I can't imagine having three children!! Taking a shower is an accomplishment at this point.

I think, based on the limited injformation in the question, I would adopt if it was that important to my husband. I know a couple who adopted a young child from Russia. I would love to do that also. I wouldn't want an infant because they are in demand for adoption. I would want to make a difference in a child's life who may never be adopted because of their age. Of course, there's so much more involved in a situation like this. I would need to know the motivation each of us have before truly making a decision.

Next question:

If you could be a famous person (past or present) for one month and then return to your own body after, who would it be and why?

Theft.....And it would be something like a jewel theft. I love the heights and night. They are both exhilerating and the two together make for an interesting life adventure. I really wouldn't care about the items themselves. Its more for the adrenalin and travel. Museums would be cool too. Think about it.

Now for my question (He He):

You are alone and have ventured into a graveyard. It is the night and you walk thru it and about 40 feet in front of you a specter unknown to yourself appears before you. You are frightened but inside you have a lot of questions so you approach it. What one question do you ask it and what is its answer?
Oh, well, I could go on and on about this one. I think they would think of us as idiots, certainly (just think about how we probably would have destroyed ourselves - boms, missles, war, you get the picture). But I think they also would have admiried how mankind never seemed to give up. Natural disaster? Rebuild the homes. War? Rebuild the cities. They might have admired the devotion of a select few to their families, friends, countries, and leaders. At least, that's part of what I like about the human race. The rest . . . well . . . you can think of the bad things on your own time.

Now my question! A person driving drunk and abandoned by his sober friends runs a red light at an intersection, and demolishes another car, killing the person inside. The person killed by the drunk driver was someone close to you. Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive the driver for their mistake?
Oh my gosh... I get these hard questions!! You know, I really don't know... if the driver was really, truly sorry for it, learned a lesson, had a suitable punishment, and really felt horrible about what they'd done... I might forgive them, because really, they're going to suffer from the guiltjust as much as I am for the loss. And the guilt there would be bad enough... though my forgiveness would take a long, long time. On the other hand, if the driver was an idiot, didn't learn anything, and really didn't care.... then no, I don't think I could forgive that person. In all situations in the past (though they were never this severe) I've always been able to forgive somebody if they were really sorry for what they did. If they weren't sorry, that makes me angrier.

Ok, my question is: You get to visit the moon for one day, just long enough for you to write a giant message in the moon dust. Whatever you write will be so big, that whenever its night time, everyone in the world will see this message, so keep in mind that whatever you write could influence people in any way. What do you write?
A Non-Existent User
         This is an interesting question. Taking in mind that I like bragging about my computer knowledge and that I like teasing people, I would probably write, "Macintosh Sucks!". That's pretty much what I typed on the Mac when I visited my sister's junior high open house. If I could write a longer message, it would say "Macintosh Sucks Almost As Much As George Bush!". Don't ask.

Next Question: If you had to kill any of your relatives, who would it be? Don't answer if it offends you.
A Non-Existent User
Oops, was I yelling...SORRY! (laughing)
It would be my activity. It relaxes me. The words just flow, baby. (laughing) <see what I mean about flowing...?

Now...if you were given the chance to be a life saver...how would you do it? and why? (oh...and by the way? I'm not talking about the candy)< just an after thought for the smartpants who would comment on that. (laughing)
A Non-Existent User
uh..what's the question? oh, social skills! Well let's see, according to idiots, we repeat behavior
that is rewarded and change behavior that isn't. Those idiots never dealt with a two year old either.
It depends on the relationship initiator...do they want someone who will immediately accept them for who and how they are, or do they think they might be alittle too forthcoming, and wish to tone it down? Perhaps, just let the intended friend take the lead in the relationship.

Question: What is your biggest "red flag" or "button" that when waved or pushed just sets you off immediately?
I would be five years old.

I say five because that's the farthest back that I think I can really remember. I feel I had the perfect childhood. If you can picture the stereotypical hippy parents taking their little girl out to the fields to pick daisies... or playing in the creeks... or wearing flowers in my hair while my mom took black and whites of me in a tree. That was me. My parents were the best and being an only child, I thrived on the love and attention that flowed out of them.

I had the best childhood I could possibly imagine and would love to relive that.

*** Side note: Everyone is doing great in this campfire! If you'll notice from my campfire folder, my first Ask and Answer has 52 Additions and you guys are up to 42 already! *Smile*

Next question:
What is your absolute favorite piece of clothing that you own? Why do you like it so much? Describe it.
You asked. My favorite piece of clothing is my black bra. A bra is one of those things that, if it has just one annoying characteristic, can absolutely ruin my day. And it's incredibly hard to find a bra that doesn't have a single thing wrong with it. Bras either have padding, or they're too tight, too loose, too push-upy, too pull-downy, too pinching, has itchy material, etc. My black bra isn't any of those things. It sits there and makes it so that my breasts don't go bouncing all over the place. That's all it does. It doesn't try to make me look bigger and it doesn't try to change my shape. It lets me be me- it supports me for who I am! It gets along with almost all of my tops, unlike my other bras, which are picky about which tops they'll go with. And it's black...and black goes with everything, which is important to me, even if I am the only one who knows my clothes and my bra coordinate.

(By the way, Lucida, I liked your answer. I don't think it was stupid at all.)

Question: You hear a loud thunk at your window. You go over to investigate, and on the ground you see a small bird laying there, almost dead, but not quite. You know for a fact that it will be dead within a half an hour. What would you do?
Oh, golly, I love the tiny creatures of the world and I would have to go outside and pick up the poor little guy and bring him inside. This is in spite of the fact that I know he would be terrified by being picked up by a person. I would put a little water in his mouth with an eye dropper and stroke his feathers. Then I would put him in a box with a towel for comfort and keep him warm. Getting well would be his responsibility. In a few hours, he'd probably either be feeling better or would have crossed over the rainbow bridge to wherever good birdies go. In the first instance, I would (of course) set him free if he seemed undamaged. In the second instance, I would bury him in my yard.

A very good teacher once asked her class "why do you write?" My answer was "I have no other choice." So, here's the question for you: WHY do you write and what do you feel about what you write?
I started writing because I liked to hear myself talk. I felt that I was creating something worthwhile at least to myself, and I was proud of a string of words put together in the way only I could do it.

What I have realized is that it's a "creation thing". I love to create and I get the most profound joy out of my creativity than any other single thing that I do.

If I was a woman, I would have a baby.
If I was a God, I would create the earth and inhabit it with human life.

Since I am neither, I will paint and write and draw and make music and play SIMS.

What do you make of the old saying," Never look a gift chicken in the mouth until you've killed all of her eggs with one stone."
A Non-Existent User
Um okay I never heard it quite like that hehehe, sounds like something my bass ackwards hillbilly clan would say. TIme to flex my philosophicational philosophisms, dawg. Well Zoo you asked an odd question and in return you have gotten an odd Lyl to answer. So what I think about that statement is simply this, never look a gift chicken in the mouth because she just might try to peck your eyes out, especially if you do so while smashing her poor little children with a stone. That's all, yeah G represtenting yall. Okay well don't mind my chud speak.

Question: Would you walk away from everything you have known for true love?
A Non-Existent User
yes, definately. but at the same time i wouls like to feel secure... i would have to have trust in them that the relationship wouldn't end. i wouldn't leave everything i know for passion... i think that can be confused with love. i don't trust emotions which are too intense.

silly question now. if all your clothes had been burnt in a big clothe-burning ritual (hehe) and you had NO FOOD in the house (and there is no cunning alternative) would u starve in the hope someone would bring you food, or would you go out in public naked?

on a serious addition to that question... who hurts you the most when they laugh at you?

i apologise... i'm in one of those moods.
Those two questions seem unrelated - how are they conected - smile. You MUST be in one of those moods.. *Smile*

Anyway, I'd have to go out naked to get the food. If I don't eat something at reasonable mealtimes, I get a splitting headache that doesn't leave the rest of the day.

On the second question, I'd have to say, taking the question LITERALLY - laughing AT me, not "with" me, the laughter that would hurt the most would be from the one I love the most.

Next question: You have a chance to be a high schooler again (go back in time) and that gives you the chance to have that relationship with your first love all over again. Would you take that opportunity and see if you could make it work this time, or keep the relationship you have now?
A Non-Existent User
So when do I get to follow someone other than Incurable Romantic...lol. Thanks Incurable, I knew you would come up with another deep, philosophical one.

My first love was spectacular, passionate, obsessive, clingy and downright dysfunctional, of course I was only 17 so...and like that mattered, when I was 33 I was still doing the same things! I think I have learned alot since then and I am hoping to choose a healthy relationship with the right man for me in the future.

Well, I don't have a "relationship" right now with a man. Actually, I am enjoying this time immensly. I do have a wonderful relationship with my Self (for the first time ever) and with the divine love in our universe. I would chose my relationship now over the first love, no question!
Loving myself and the earth is so much more fulfilling...

Next Question:

For what (if any) reason would you shave your head bald and get a tatoo of a star on the top of it?

Come on, have some fun with it!

Maybe 'cause I'm really drunk ;)

Seriously, I think that if I ever did something like that, it would be one of those things where say a radio DJ says they'll do it if they raise a certain amount of money for a charity or something. Then, I might, otherwise it's not lookin' likely ^_^

Okay, here we go
Is it better to fall for someone who is always nice, never pushy, and w/a good sense of humor, but never tells you any of their secrets-be they good, bad, or just plain ugly. Or someone pretty much the same, but they tell you all the nasty things a part of them wishes you'd never find out about?
I think its better to be with a person that tells you all their secrets, or at least most of them. That way you can get a better idea of what that person is like, then u can decide if robbing 20 banks is ok with you.

Id just ask...Honey...where did you hide the money??
My favorite website besides this one is.......drum roll please...........
Actually I dont have another........
I just explore others.

You just woke up with the amazing gift to read peoples minds. What are the next two people you see in the morning thinking? Now think realistically....if you live at home these would probably be someone like your mom and brother and they might be waking you up. What are they thinking then?
Lucida, you're asking the wrong person! In the 6th grade I read the Lord of the Rings, and since then I haven't been able to keep myself from writing about medieval times. Part of the reason, I believe, is that people don't know much about what really happened during that time period . . . so they make stuff up. If I daydream about one thing for long enough, I can't resist turning it into a story. Besides, what guy/girl never pretended to be a knight/princess when they were little? My other theory is that people read and liked other fantasy books so much that they wanted to try and write something similar. I think the first one is much more interesting.

I have a very deep, philisophical question! Whoever answers, I ask that you explain why, and use past experiences and details in your answer . . .

Plastic or paper what? Is this an American expression? It sounds vaguely familiar... doesn't it refer to grocery bags? If it refers to grocery bags... I don't use either, we carry our groceries in big reusable green boxes. Its environmentally friendly.

I just asked my friend Tiffany what this question means. She says it's talking about tampons... Are you sure you want past experiences and details in this answer? Ummm... they have the cardboard type... and the plastic ones... I have the plastic ones actually... this is more than I care to reveal! Moving on...

Alright, question for the next person is: If you were on a soap opera, what type of character would you be, and what kind of plot line would you have?
A Non-Existent User
         First of all, I'd like to say I've never watched a soap opera in my life. I think of them as boring and dull, but of course I'm still immature, in the "adult" sense of view. I'll try to answer this question anyways. Okay, if I was on a soap opera...

         I think I'd be the mentally insane stalker. My girlfriend (urghhh... in reality I'd rather not have a girlfriend) would dump me and I'd stalk her for a very long time. Well I guess that answers it. Guess- keyword.

         Next question: If you could become any character in those jJapanese Godzilla movies, which one would you become, and which city would you destroy?
A Non-Existent User
Well, my worst trait is that I'm grouchy and stubborn. My endearing trait is that I'm stubborn and tigery loveable.
A Non-Existent User
Blue. Whewwww, I'm glad I had an easy question.

Feeling impotent rage...have you ever killed or at least badly maimed, someone in your mind.....and how did you commit mind murder?
Never. I would never stab my best friend in the back. It's not worth it. Of the billions, trillions of people in the world... there would *have* to be another guy that I could find. But a best friend? We've been friends since 5th grade. I would never do that to her.

What is your dream home like? Describe your dream home in detail.
My dream house...hmm...

If it were up to me alone, I would live in a small studio with nothing but a bed, a coffee machine, a computer, a stereo, plenty of extra room to dance, and maybe a few other necessities. But, I don't think it could really be my dream home if my fiance wasn't happy, and he wants to live in a gigantic mansion complete with everything in the world. So...

My Official Dream House: would be a gigantic mansion complete with everything in the world, including a cozy little studio with everything mentioned above, except for the bed- that would be in the bedroom in the mansion. The studio would have stained glass windows that depict religious scenes (from various religions). The walls would be lavender. The coffee machine would be fast. The computer would be reliable. The stereo would be loud. And the carpet would be soft and a gaudy shade of bright orange that’s displeasing to the eyes (but not to mine), so that people will stay away from my territory and leave me alone (That really makes me sound nice, doesn’t it? I am nice, though! I swear it! I’m just slightly reclusive...) And the rest of the house? Hmm...everything in the world would probably need a very, very big space to store, and to describe that space in detail would be a bit difficult. But what the heck! Here goes: damn…you know, I had it all written out, but my computer froze and I lost it. Oh, well. (Feels like high school again).

Question: Someone has been rating you 1s and leaving nasty (but intelligent) comments (example: "this story is junky and I hate it; you’re a lousy author. This is what you need to change..."). In other words, the comments are hurtful, but they have just enough constructive criticism, that you can’t really complain. This has been going on for a few weeks now. One day, you receive a comment in the exact same style as all the others, and it’s accompanied by a 1-star rating. This time, though, it looks like the reviewer forgot to click the "anonymous" box. You know this is the person who has been rating you 1s all this time. What would you do? Do you think, if you happened to run into his/her stories, that you could rate those stories fairly, or would you be forever biased? Would you respond to the person's comment? Would you even care at all?
Well, first of all, I'd probably assume that this person was intelligent and, aha!, jealous of my writing. I'd listen to the intelligent part of his/her comments and I'd be confident that my better ratings would quickly overcome his low ratings, even if the "one star" rating was hurtful.

Now, at the point that I learned who they are, I would mull this over for awhile, wishing her/him some bad luck (putting on a jinx, y'know) like a flat tire or a sprained ankle (nothing serious). Then, I'd go to his/her portfolio and take a look at his/her work and think seriously about how to rate this person. I normally don't rate lower than three stars, but if he/she had some that earned a lower rating, I'd probably blast this person (and remain anonymous) but if the writing was good, I'd have to be honest, but I might try to give them some friendly counseling on their behavior. It might not help, but I'd try to bring this person into the human race.

Do you prefer the cities or the natural world? If it is cities, please identify the city and tell us what you like about it.
Considering the kind of person I think I am, I would value the natural world over the industrial one. However, they are both necesarry.

If only one of them were allowed to exist, I'd certainly want it to be the natural world. I don't think I could ever get tired of it, whereas, faced with the thought of city-life without the tranquility of nature to escape to.... Sheesh! I'm already getting nervous, just thinking about it.

Next Question : What's more important to you, your heart or your soul?
A Non-Existent User
I believe everyone needs something to believe in, and that gets them through their life. For me, that thing is true love. I think of my sould in the way others think of their heart. I see it as the control station for emotions, and where all these emotions happen. I see my heart as nothing more than an organ that pumps blood, which I couldn't live without, but often refer to it in the same way i would refer to my soul, especially in poetry. They are integral to one another, but I think my soul is most important to me as a person.

Question: Eternal life or death tomorrow?
And Earthwoman has been commenting about some of MY questions being difficult! *Smile* Okay. I have a two-part answer to this, but the parts are interrelated.
         First part. Assuming you are going by the biblical definition, I would choose eternal life, without question.
         Second part. If I were to die tomorrow, as long as it was not by my own hand, I would have that eternal life.
         One followup thought. If, by 'eternal life' you're referring to simply never dying at all, and remaining here on earth, I'll take death tomorrow.

NEXT QUESTION:You've been offered a chance to be part of a select, international group of people who would take the first steps to establish a colony on a distant planet. The technology to do so has been available for a few years by the time you received the request, so you're not too worried about the safety of the trip. Nor are you worried about the aging process, because they've proven that aging is virtually suspended during space flight. There's only one other issue to contend with: it's a one-way trip. Would you accept or decline the offer? Why / why not?
A Non-Existent User
{/b} This is a difficult question because I would jump at the chance and not look back IF I didn't have two children 10 and 13 years of age that I provide the sole emotional, physical and financial support for. I would not want to leave my children. On the other hand, if I was given the choice to take my children with me (and they agreed, yeah right) I would definetely go! I love adventure and I have finally realized that my happiness and love is in me and not determined by outside forces. Then again, this is hypothetical and faced with this choice for real I may answer differently.
Well, I dont see a question here and I like the above question, so I'll just answer it. :)

It has always been a dream of mine to visit the stars. As a child I loved Sci/Fi and gazed alot thru telescopes that I have owned down thru the ages. I'd go in a minute as long as Bookity could go. She has become such an integral part of my life and I love her so much that, that would be the only way I could go. She is also in my dreams. :)

Next Question: If you could go back in time and change just one thing in history, anything...even if it didn't involve you personally, what would you change?

{/b}{/i}Ohhhhhh yeah I'd chose. I mean, imagine drowning? You don't actually die until all the oxygen is removed from your bloodstream, which can take up to a few minutes. How much would THAT suck. I'd probably have to ask him to sing me a lullaby and then let me die peacefully in my sleep.

(and by the way LemonPie, way back there when I asked you my last question, it was referring to the bags at the supermarket)

hmmmmm, my question . . . if you were a Hindu and disobeyed your karma, causing you to be reincarnated as an animal/vegetable (assuming you were in the lowest class already), which animal/vegetable would you want to be reincarnated as?

© Copyright 2001 The StoryWitchress, Jenn, Bandit's Mama, Zoo - Salted and Roasted, *Lylie says goodbye*, killerfish, Incurable Romantic, Earthwoman, Verm, Boo Kity, Elad Nostaw, caillefille, LemonPie, xx-xx, Tgrgrls, Ashentale, (known as GROUP).
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