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A 2 Z contest entry 764 words
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Daydreaming Oliver was a handsome lad living in a more simple time, on a tiny island off the west coast of Scotland. He remembers as a youth, he and his grandfather, Sir Michael, loved to look into the late night abyss for endless hours, in silence. They stayed to watch stars shooting by or sometimes they would look at the constellations and talk for hours. The stars were so beautiful; they reminded Oliver of a fairy maiden he loved secretly, named Fauna. He imagined if he ever could get close enough to her, he would see the stars reflected through her eyes. Fauna used to love to sit in silence, among thatch and nettle of the forest floor. She watched Oliver as he practiced his archery just beyond her vantage point. Oliver had known of her audience during his daily routine since he was very young. He always knew when she was there, because of his highly evolved intuition. He would position himself as to have a good view of her radiant beauty. Her skin looked as if it were smooth as honey. She wore a leaf in her hair of yellow-gold, as one would wear a flower; tucked behind her left ear. She left behind a daffodil scent wherever she went. Oliver was familiar with the sweet scent, because of all the times he tried to track her. She was as pure and beautiful as freshly fallen snow. Although his instincts are keen he wished he had an added ability; x-ray vision. Oliver used to daydream of being able to use that type of gift to see into her mind; into her dreams. He daydreamed of walking with her hand in his, along the beach. He dreamed many things, but most of all, he dreamed of her one day falling in love with him. It is said if a mortal catches a faerie, he can marry her. But, after one year and a day, she would be required to return to the faery realm. He loved and wanted her as his wife, he would worry about the rest later. In one particularly disturbing vision, he became aware of Fauna being in danger from an evil troll, who lived in the umbra of the under side of a rickety old bridge within in the forest. As far as Oliver was concerned, that meant WAR! This troll whose name is Arch-en-mee Affall was known to be heartless; ripping the hearts of his captures to shreds and eating them. He was so loathsome, even he knew it. Every day as his jealousy grew, so did his descent on the ugliness scale. Trolls have the ability to change their presentation to whatever type of being they wish for one day at a time. But during the time in which they have shape-shifted, they must live, eat and even die by the same course set for similar creatures. In one of his intuitive visions, Oliver was to follow a zigzag passage through the woods to save Fauna from the jealous troll. As his intuitive vision had shown, the horrifically ugly troll had turned himself into a friendly deer to tempt the beautiful maiden, Fauna to his hiding place under a bridge. Oliver rushed into the forest along its unusual path; he drew an arrow from his quiver that boasted his family insignia: a black crow in flight, and shot the deer through the heart. Oliver hefted the large deer across his shoulders and carried it to the cook. They would share a fine repast this night. His friends and family cheered him for having ended the reign of the hideous creature. The rabble of the camp quieted as they watched Fauna enter wearing a beautiful, long, filmy gown of the palest green, carrying a lit candle on a brass plate. She set the softly glowing candle in front of Oliver, sat beside him and they dined on venison that night. Oliver thought the whole camp could hear his heart thundering when Fauna joined him; he willed his heart to silence. He learned that day, that his greatest dream would be granted because of his heroic deed. Oliver had indeed won the key to Fauna's heart; his daydreams had come true. Fauna came to Oliver, her hero, freely. She had been in love with him the whole of his life. The normally rigid rule of the faery world is suspended if the fair maiden gives herself willingly to her suitor. They would be allowed to remain happily married forever. By Mari 754 words |