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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1404223
An unfinished fantasy story of a young earth lady stuck in fairy world aka Otherworld
The Fae World

Chapter One

         Here is a tale true to our time. A Tale of a young woman stumbling into a world long forgotten: a world in a brink of extinction.  This story begins when this young lady stood impatiently outside the airport waiting to be picked up.  Sadie was young perhaps eighteen since she has just graduated from high school and more than ready to start college.  She stood with long curly auburn hair trailing down her back.  Her eyes were ever-changing as the seasons; Brown in fall, hazel in winter, blue in spring and green in the summer as they were now.  These green eyes flicked irritably around the terminal.  Her aunt was late….as usual.  She worried that her Aunt Milly had forgotten.  Maybe she forgot all together, maybe she forgot the date and time, maybe she forgot the airline.  Who knew?  Aunt Milly was wont to forget anything.  Sadie wondered if it was just selective memory or if she truly did have short-term memory.  She shrugged and thought of the woman she hadn’t seen in two years.  Aunt Milly was her mother’s older sister, acentric as they come and an artist.  Well a writer and a painter.  Her aunt was good even if they were of dragons, wizards, and fairies.  Sadie didn’t understand any of this.  It baffled her that one person in her whole family could be so far away from reality as she was wont to be.  She even treated these characters as if they were real.  Fantasy.  That was all it was, fantasies.  As for Sadie, she preferred the reality.  Dragons and wizards won’t help her where she was going.  She wanted to go to a college as far away from her parents as possible.  Of course they only allowed her to go where one of the relatives lived, and since Harrisburg, PA was as far as she could get and live with an acentric aunt, she chose here.  Naturally, Sadie was having second thoughts.  Everyone in the family agreed that she would come during the summer so she could settle in and get to know her aunt.  Two whole months before classes began and she would be living with a woman who forgets and believes that fairies exist.  How much weirder can things get? 
         “There you are!” cried a woman to her left.  Aunt Milly in baggy overalls and t-shirt which were splattered with paint all over rushed with arms wide open.  Sadie lifted her had to ward off the hug as she saw the splattered paint.
         “Aunt Milly, I thought you’ve forgotten,” picking up her overnight bag she took a thorough look at her aunt.  Sure she was dressed in baggy clothes and splattered with paint.  But the red hair piled hazardously on top her head, earrings dangling, and wrists covered in silver slim bracelets made her look fashionable and attractive.  How did she do that?
         “Forgotten, well uh, no not really. Just the airline.  Come here and let me take a look at you.”  The woman’s eyes skimmed over her neat conservative dress.  “Well pretty as always. Well come along we’ll get you settled in with some food and bed.”
         “And a hot bath I hope.”  Sadie murmured quietly and Milly laughed delighted. 
         “Of course!”
         They drove for a while in a rural area.  Milly’s house was a quant little cottage with roomy bedrooms and spacious living room.  The kitchen was small but serviceable in Sadie’s mind but she didn’t think much of the other rooms as she headed straight to the room Aunt Milly put her in and proceeded to ready for bed. 

         The week went by uneventfully.  Aunt Milly was busy with her current book and didn’t have that much time to show Sadie around.  She didn’t mind as she walked through the forest, exploring the immediate area around the cottage.  After a week of exploring the area she came to a clearing a few miles south of the cottage.  There was nothing special about this clearing.  It was just like any other clearing that Sadie had come by except that there was a stone doorway standing on its own in the middle of the clearing.  Sadie looked around the clearing and saw nothing else, just an ordinary clearing but a doorway on its own.  She walked towards the doorway thinking it was a prop or something that maybe someone put there for a movie or art or something.  To her surprise the stones were real and each stone were perhaps as wide as her arms.  A heavy wooden door was hinged into the stone archway.  Now why would anyone want to put a doorway in a middle of nowhere?  She thought.  She circled the doorway finding nothing that held it upright.  Again she glanced around thinking this time that maybe a house might have stood, but she found nothing that could indicate that a stone house might have been there.  Nothing, but a stone arch with a wooden door.  She shrugged and leaned to grasp the handle when her aunt spoke from behind startling her to jump. 
         “I wouldn’t do that just yet.”  Aunt Milly stood quietly behind her. 
         “Why not?  I just want to see if it opens.”
         “Oh sure it will but your not ready to see what will really happen if you do so.”  Sadie laughed at this. 
         “Yeah OK, what will happen if I do?” She glanced at the door and turned to her aunt amused at the idea that something magic might happen.  “Will I get sucked into another world?”  Her amused smile faded as her Aunt only looked speculatively at her.  “Oh Come on that will not happen.  No such thing!”
         “Well that is what you believe, Sadie,” Milly motioned for her niece to follow her, “let’s go home. Believe me you don’t want to open that door.”
         “Aunt Milly really. It’s just an old doorway.  I just wanted to see if the door actually swings open.  There is nothing on the other side but this clearing.” She turned again to the door intent on proving her aunt wrong and opened the door.  Her mouth dropped open at what she saw.  “Oh Lord!” was all she could say.  Milly gently closed the door and lead Sadie away. 
         A few hours later, Sadie was sitting on the couch with a cup of tea warming her hands.  She still felt somewhat shocked and not really sure if she really saw another forest through the forest.  She looked at her aunt.
         “That wasn’t just my imagination. I really did see another forest, a-a different forest?”  Her voice almost cracked at the end.  Milly sat by her niece and padded her hand. 
         “It was a different forest.”  She gently took the cup from Sadie’s hand.  “Look at me Sadie.”  She turned, her dazed eyes not really seeing her aunt.  “Sadie, it’s all right really.”  Sadie only shook her head automatically, still not really taking it in.  “Young lady you need to snap out of it!”  Her sharp voice did snap Sadie out of it. 
         “But Aunt Milly, it can’t be!” She grabbed her aunt’s hands. “There is no such thing.”
         “Oh really!  You are so narrow-minded like you parents.”
         “I’m nothing like them!” she exclaimed. “Th-th-they’re stuffy and a-a-and…I’m not like them.  Gawd, Aunt Milly I hate being like them that’s one of the reasons why I had to be so far away from them.”  Milly nodded.  “It’s just; I never thought that there could be a possibility.”
         “Don’t tell me you didn’t think that some psychics are really psychic or that there could be possible life in other planets in the universe.”
         “Well I figured the psychics were just charlatans, not real, and well life on other planets well sure.”
         “OK if there is life on other planets why not another dimension?”  Sadie just stared at her aunt and blew her hair off her face.
         “I guess I never thought of it that way.”
         “Look Sadie, have you ever wondered how I could write such stories or paint those pictures?”  Sadie shrugged.
         “I just figured you had quite an imagination.  Besides I’ve never read any of your stuff.”  She hadn’t meant for those words to come out and gasped, “I didn’t mean to say-“
         “Yes you did.” Milly wagged her finger at Sadie, “You like your parents didn’t go for that kind of thing. It’s no big deal.  Lot’s of people are not into fantasy worlds.”
         “But you’re my family. It would seem that one should read their relative’s books as a, I don’t know, support for them.” Milly laughed at this. 
         “You know, nobody in the family likes that kind of magic and all that.  They think it’s weird.  Doesn’t bother me anymore, but we are getting off track here.” Milly stood and walked to the bookshelves lining one wall, “I found that doorway much like you did after moving here.  I wanted to write for as long as I could remember but I couldn’t seem to get anything down.  My paintings were dismal at best, so I started taking walks in the forest with my journal, dotting down anything that might work into any story.”  She turned around with an old journal in her hands and handed it to her niece. “My first journal when I moved here.  You’ll see that it has a lot of ideas, nothing that ever went to any of my books until towards the end.”  Sadie flipped through the pages not really seeing it.  “Like you I was curious if the door actually swung open and was shocked to see a different forest.  I was also elated.  You couldn’t believe how excited I was to see that. A doorway to another world? Or was it to another part of the world?  I just couldn’t wait to find out and, well, stepped through.”  She smiled at the memory and softly, “It was so exciting!  I walked through and found myself standing in another forest and beside it stood an elf!”  Sadie brought her hand up.          
         “Wait an elf? The little green guys with sharp ears and make mischief in Ireland?”
         “I see you learned a little myth as you grew up.” Milly sarcastically murmured.  Sadie was embarrassed at this and shrugged.  “This elf was not little as they as are written or orally given by the Irish or any other people.  He was tall; I guess over six feet and slim.  I learned later that his people are generally tall and slim.  I have never found any of them to be, well, average or short or fat.  All slim and just the most beautiful creatures I have ever come across.”  Sadie watched her aunt’s face changed from wonder to amusement, and then to wonder again. “I had some adventures there and more.  That is what I wrote in my journals and used that for my stories.” Milly turned to her looked around her home.  “Oh how I would love to live the rest of my days there.  I was respected and loved.  I have loved a man and lost him.”
         “Wait you lost him?”  Sadie asked incredulously.  Milly smiled sadly and nodded.
         “Like I said I had a lot of adventures there. Almost all of them were dangerous.  I fell in love with a man there and he died saving my life.”  She turned back to Sadie, “It’s your choice if you want to go through there.  You will find many things strange and maybe exciting.  You will find that you are different than you are here.  You may even find that you have some magic about you.  I did.  I had what you would call telekinesis, an ability to communicate with the mind.  A very useful tool if you are out adventuring with a group.” She sighed and looked out the window, “It’s getting dark and time for dinner.  Come let’s eat.  I think you have much to think over.”  Sadie could only nod.  Yes, she did have a lot to think and maybe more questions for her later.  They ate in silence, both thinking of the doorway and what lay beyond.

Chapter Two

         For the next few days Sadie couldn’t stop thinking about the door and the possible world that her aunt had talked about.  Aunt Milly wouldn’t discuss it.  Not since that day of discovery, but the thought was there between them.  Milly continued to lock herself in her office to write and Sadie only lazed around the cottage her thoughts continuously turning to the door.  Suddenly, one day she huffed and thought she would just get it over with.  Sadie was going to open that door and go through it.  Her curiosity was getting the best of her and she was just tired of hounding her aunt for more information.
         Early this one morning after Milly locked herself in her office; Sadie quietly packed a lunch and snuck out the back of the cottage towards the doorway.  It took longer than she had initially thought it would take to find the clearing as she wasn’t exactly sure where it was.  She had to back track several times until finally late in the afternoon she stood in the clearing at the same spot she stood the first time staring at the door with stone archway.  It wasn’t a dream.  She was sure it was just a dream or a fabrication of her imagination that her aunt had fed.  But it wasn’t. It was real as it stood in the middle of the meadow.  Sadie slowly walked up to the doorway and glanced around making sure that her aunt wasn’t around this time.  She opened the door.  What she saw, she still couldn’t believe.  It wasn’t the exactly the meadow but rather another forest.  Fuller, older than what she was in.  She took a step forward and hesitated.  To the heck with it she was going.  Sadie took a deep breath and plunged into the doorway. 
         She hadn’t felt so nauseated in all her life.  Sadie stumbled onto the other side and gagged heavily and coughed.  Was one supposed to feel that horrible when they went through that door?  Someone was patting her back as she kneeled on the floor still coughing.
         “Eh now, you’ll get used to it after awhile child.”  Sadie had heard that voices could sound musical like wind chimes but she had never personally heard one until now.  His was low and strong, but calming that she didn’t feel alarmed at being addressed by a stranger.  Her breathing finally calmed down and she turned to thank the man only to stare at him.  Aunt Milly was right.  He was absolutely beautiful!  He stood perhaps ever six feet. Dressed in what one might call a rangers clothing of medieval times. His slightly tanned skinned was flawless. His eyes, those sparkling brown eyes, were almond shaped and tilted. He also had a wonderful head full of lush wavy sun streaked brown hair pulled back by a leather thong.  Her eyes widened further as she noticed his ears were long and pointy.
         “You’re staring, child.” His lips moved but Sadie didn’t here his voice.  He seems amuse and raised his hand and waved it in front of her face.
         “Oh!” Sadie exclaimed over and over again.  She was so embarrassed by her bad behavior.  She had never done that before. “Oh, I’m sorry that was so rude of me. It’s just that I’ve never seen a-a-a-a”
         “An elf before?” he supplied helpfully. She nodded weakly.  Sadie glanced around.  She figured if she was transferred back over two hundred years in her world, her forest would look just like this: Wild, full of vegetation, and so full of life.  She could feel the elf’s eyes on her, studying her.  She tuned back to him and raised her eyebrows quizzically.  He smiled, amused. 
         “Are you any relations to Melicent?”
         “Melicent? Uh no but” she couldn’t think of anyone of that name until her aunt came into mind.  Her aunt was the only person she knew who came into this world and Milly was short for Melicent. “Oh wait, heh-heh, um but um I don’t call her Melicent.  She’s my Aunt.  I call her Milly, Aunt Milly.”
         “Aunt Milly?”  He frowned sounding the name.  He cleared his throat, “well, then my name is Belfin, I’m the Gate Guardian.”
         Sadie smiled and stuck her hand out, “I’m Sadie. Nice to meet ya!” Belfin stared at her hand and gingerly shook it. 
         “Now, why are you here?” He asked gently getting right to business.
         She blinked quickly, surprised. “I-I wanted to see what was on the other side of the door. Aunt Milly gave this fantastic story or I thought it was a story. She’s a writer you know.”  He raised his eyebrows at this.  Sadie was afraid she said something wrong as he said nothing to her for a long time and only glanced skyward a few times.
         Finally he said, “I have asked for an escort for you to meet with the Queen.”
         “The Queen?” she screeched, and then tried again in a more normal voice, “I mean the Queen, Wow, but that’s really not necessary.  I came, I saw, and it’s really neat.”
         “It is if you are to explore our domain.  No humans may enter our forest without the Queen’s consent.  You said you wanted to see what was on this side.  You haven’t seen anything yet.”
         “Oh well, um, OK.” Sadie said, defeated.  She glanced at the door and wondered if it was too late to go back.
         “Belfin, what’s this about an outsider,” a voice came from nowhere that Sadie would tell.  She looked around wildly, her mouth gaping. 
         “Alirmen, this is Sadie from Earth.” Belfin motioned to her and suddenly an elf dressed much like Belfin appeared from behind him.
         “She is Melicent’s niece?”  Belfin only nodded to Alirmen.  “The Queen will be most pleased to meet our heroine’s relative.”
         “Wait! Heroine?” Sadie asked incredulously, “Please, you must be joking. Aunt Milly? A Heroine?  She’s a writer and a painter.  She’s messy!”
         “Aunt Mil-ly?” Alirmen asked looking to his fellow elf.  The other elf only shrugged.
         “We do not give nicknames to our people. Please refrain from calling your aunt ‘Milly’ when speaking to the queen.”
         Sadie only nodded afraid she would say something wrong again.
         “Good now follow.  We shall be there by morning. I just announced the guards that you have arrived at this gate.”
         “You did?”
         “Yes, now come”
         “Bu-“, He turned and set a brisk walk pace before she could finish her question.  Sadie quickly scrambled to match his pace.  It was difficult.  He had longer legs and well the forest seemed to blur past them.  Sadie had to run but quickly tired.  She couldn’t keep up with the elf and soon lost sight of him.  She tried to call out to him to slow down but was too late as he was too far to be heard.  Sadie whispered his name desperately and looked around.  She had no survival skills.  No idea what to do in a forest in case she was lost.  Alirmen had left her behind and she was terrified.  She sat down trembling, curling her knees and wrapping her arms around her legs.  She wondered how long it would take before Alirmen realized she wasn’t behind him anymore.  As it so happened she didn’t have to wonder long.  Out of nowhere, his feet appeared next to her.  She jumped up gladly and hugged him hard.  She heard him sigh.
         “I am afraid, childling. I had forgotten that you humans do not have the gift of speed as we do.” He looked to the sky. The day had grown dark as she had waited for him, “well we should camp here for the night.”
         “Must we? I don’t think I could sleep.” 
He smiled gently at her, “Do not worry.”  Alirmen gathered his cloak around him.  Sadie stared and wondered where the cloak came from, as he laid down on the ground.  She followed suit and was surprised to find the ground soft.  She was instantly asleep to the sound of the night forest.
Sadie woke to the birds chirping.  Alirmen was standing, eating some kind of bar.  He handed her one.  She took it without question and gingerly bit into it, thinking it was some kind of field ration.  She was pleasantly surprised to find that it tasted just like one of those breakfast bars with berries she liked to eat back at home. 
“Come, today we will arrive at the city by ponies.” Alirmen interrupted her reverie.  Sadie looked around for the pony.  Not seeing one she turned to him again expectantly. He smiled, “I called one, yes.  They will arrive soon.” 
Sadie grew slightly excited. She had always wanted to ride horses and ponies but had never had the chance or the permission. 
“Um Alirmen.” He made a sound acknowledging her, “does it matter if I have no idea how to ride?” He turned slowly and stared at her.
“Never?” she shook her head.  He smiled that madly patient smile.  She was beginning to hate that smile.  “Do not worry.  These are very special ponies.  They will carry us well and will not let you fall.”  Sadie relaxed a little and returned a reluctant smile.
“Here they come.” He nodded towards her left.  She turned hearing rustling in the forest.  Did he say ponies?  These were the largest horses she has ever seen.  Not even ponies by her people standards!  Both were black as midnight.
“Master Alirmen, you requested assistance?” asked the first to arrive.  Sadie gasped.  The great horse had spoken with its mouth!
“My Lady Zashawna. Yes, I did request assistance.  I have a mortal who needs council with the Queen.  Alas, I have forgotten they do not possess such speeds as we do.” He bowed at the end of his speech.  The first horse, Zashawna, paced closer to Sadie and snorted.
“Yes, mortals do not have our special speed. I will bare you child and we shall make haste.  The Queen is not known for her patience.”  She turned to her side and kneeled so as to give Sadie easy mount to her back.  It took her a moment before Sadie realized what was happening, but quickly mounted.  By this time, Alirment had already mounted the other horse and on his way.  Zashawna followed.
No words were exchanged throughout the ride.  Sadie didn’t mind really.  She was busy avoiding the branches.  They were going amazingly fast and she loved it.  It was like being on a fast rollercoaster and just as exciting.  Sadie’s mind was reeling.  She never believed in fairies and goblins and had never cared for those stories as a child.  She grew up always looking for the truth, the tangible.  Fairies were just stories to amuse children.  But now, she had confronted just the opposite.  Magic was real.  Hadn’t she just walked through a magic door?  She has spoken and is traveling with an elf and is riding on a talking horse.  She knew that she was in for more surprises.  She wondered how long she would be enamored by it all.

They stood at the edge of the forest, staring at the most magnificent site Sadie had yet to see.  Magic was the first thing that came to her mind as the city seemed to shine in the sun.  She was so dazzled that it took her a few minute to realize something. 
“The city are trees?!”  She asked incredulously.  Alirmen only smiled.  They had said their goodbyes to their companions several minutes ago and the day was getting late. 
“We must hurry.  We should arrive at the palace by nightfall.” Sadie only followed him in silence as she continued to gaze at the city below.
As the walked down the streets of the tree city (as Sadie thought of it) the elven citizens stopped what they did and stared or whispered among themselves.  Sadie wondered it this was indeed a very rare thing for them to see.  She noticed that the street lights were not of electricity or fire.  They looked like tiny globes of light floating in the air.  She had never seen such thing and was about to ask Alirmen about it when a young woman came and hugged Alirmen as they continued walking.  Alirmen looked annoyed. 
“Lady Sadie, this is my sister Glynnis.”
“Oh you are the mortal who came through the Gate!” Glynnis exclaimed excitedly.
“The Gate?” asked Sadie not really understanding.
“Yes well, you know the magic door you walked through to get here.” Glynnis supplied helpfully.
“Oh! The Gate, yes, yes, I did come through it.” Sadie glanced questionably at Alirmen.  She still didn’t really understand why this was so important.  Surely they used the Gate often and had other visitors like her Aunt Millie, right?
“You are the first to come through in more than eighteen-twenty years.”  Her escort explained quietly.  Sadie looked around as the crowd followed them grew larger. 
“Are there no other ways here?”
“Yes, but almost all die through it.  The Queen will explain.  We have who has survived and lives among us.  He will meet you there later after the Queen meets with you imagine.”
“So this crowd we have following is because I’m the only ‘mortal’ to have come through in a long time.”  Alirmen chuckled and Glynnis musical laugh rang through the town street delightedly clapping her hands together. They continue walking towards the center of the city.  The sun was now gone from the horizon.  The largest tree Sadie had ever seen loomed over them.  Massive steps led to an open hallway.  Magic light orbs glittered through the doorway and each window.  Sadie had thought the city was beautiful from afar, but this was by far gorgeous. Her eyes stung by its beauty.  It was as if she was standing at the home of the Gods. 
“Come, the Queen is waiting.” Alirmen urged her forward.  Sadie took several steps forward before realizing that neither Alirmen nor Glynnis followed.  She opened her mouth to question them when Alirmen shook his head, “We cannot go any further.  She wishes to see you alone.”  Sadie swallowed hard and nodded.  She turned and continued up the massive steps and into the open hallway.  The hallway was deserted. It was only decorated by paintings on the ceilings depicting scenes of dragons, elves, and many other creatures she could not name.  At the end of the hallway stood two large heavy wooden doors closed.  Slowly she walked towards these doors.  She felt nervous.  Hell she felt scared!  Why did the Queen want to see her?! As Sadie crept closer to the giant doors, these same wooden doors swung silently outwards.  Sadie’s jaw dropped. 
The royal room was nothing what she would have expected.  It was devoid of furniture except for a empty throne.  The room was a long rectangular room with each side made of polished wood interwoven into each side.  There truly were no true corners that she could see.  Pillars lined two sides of the center of the room.  But these pillars were also interwoven into the floor and the ceiling.  It was as if everything was part of this one tree she was in.  Above the throne hung a large bright globe.  She was amazed at how bright it was and yet it didn’t hurt her eyes as the sun would. 
“Welcome my dear to my Kingdom.”  Sadie brought her eyes down to the empty throne.  Only the throne was now not empty.  There sat the most hauntingly figure she had ever seen.  She sat regally in her throne.  A thin golden circlet rested on her dark hair.  Her tilted brown eyes sparkled with humor has Sadie stuttered and awkwardly curtsied to the Queen, “You-your Majesty. I’m pleased to meet you!” the Queen only smiled gently.
“Please come closer and call me Arewaine.”  Sadie walked closer and glanced around.  She wondered why there was no one else with them.  As if Queen Arewaine read her mind she spoke softly, “I wished to see you privately child, the niece of my dearest friend and the heroine of my kingdom.”
“Well, no offense your highness, but Aunt Millie never mentioned you.”  Arewaine chuckled.  She motioned for Sadie to sit down on the chair beside her.  Sadie stared.  Where had that chair come from?  She hesitantly sat down on the chair as Arewaine continued as if she didn’t noticed Sadie’s discomfort.
“Perhaps not to you personally, but in her books she has.  You see she has told me of her plans of writing books that those in your home would consider fiction.  Here her books would be considered historic.” Arewaine seemed lost in the past as Sadie looked on thoughtfully.  She started to feel uncomfortable as the silence stretched into minutes.  Then the queen seemed to snap out of her reverie. 
“Tell me child.  How much did your aunt tell you?”  Sadie shrugged.
“Not much really. She spoke of that guy she loved and some journeys she make.  That’s about it.  She was very vague about it all.” 
Arewaine sighed, “Still, she grieves for what she has lost long ago.”
Sensing that the subject was painful and still sensitive at the moment, Sadie wanted to change the subject, “You have a beautiful home your majesty.  I have never seen anything like this.”  The Queen smiled.
“Please Arewaine.  And nor will you see the likes of this.”  She looked fondly around her chamber.  “Our home in your world was purposely destroyed completely.  Nothing is left to show that we ever existed.”  She waved her arms wide, “Here we built anew.”
Sadie turned back to Arewaine, “I’m curious and I know this is a change of subject again but Alirmen said that I’m the only mortal to come through the Gate in a long time.”  Arewaine nodded.
“Yes, your Aunt was the last to walk through there.  There are other gates but those are what we call wild gates, dangerous and unstable.  Many die going through those.  This Gate you went through was the one Gate we were able to stabilize so we may move between worlds.” 
“Alirmen also said that one had survived this wild gate.”  Arewaine raised an eyebrow. 
“Alirmen says a lot.  Yes, he is correct.  One man has stumbled through unhindered.  Amazingly enough right here in this room in a middle of court.”  Sadie’s eyes widened.  Arewaines smiled in memory.  “You can imagine our shock to see this mortal fall from this unstable gate in the air right onto the ground and hardly a mark on him!”  Sadie giggled at this.  Arewaine shook her head in amazement. “That was three years ago.  We offered for him to return to his home but he refused.  Saying he rather stay here than to return to his island filled with war.  You will meet him on the morrow.  He lives in a tiny cottage outside the city.”  Sadie suddenly yawned and Arewaine smiled again gently. “Yes tomorrow is soon enough to continue our conversation.”  She stood and motioned for Sadie to follow.  Alirmen appeared with his sister by his side.  Sadie was startled by this quiet appearance.  Would she ever get used to this?  “Ah good Glynnis, would you be so kin-,” a low rumble interrupted her instructions.  Queen Arewaine stood rigid, eyes wide with horror.  Alirmen growled with anger and Glynnis cried with terror.  The ground shook slowly and gradually intensified.  Sadie fell onto the ground by the chair.  She had to grab onto the chair in order to stable herself.  She looked to the elves.  Alirmen and Glynnis have grabbed onto the throne but Arewaine continued to stand motionless.  Dust rained down from the ceiling.  Sadie covered her head from the rainfall of dust.  She tightened her hold onto the chair.  She was terrified that the ceiling might crack and collapsed on them.  Suddenly she felt a blast a heat hit her from where the queen stood.  Sadie flew back shocked from the impact and the heat.  She hit the wall behind the throne hard and grunted with pain.  Silence reined the room.  She shook her head as much to rid the dust from her head as to rid the daze.  As soon as her eyes cleared she turned to face the room.  The room as well as its occupants was covered in dust.  Queen Arewaine lay crumpled on the ground.  Alirmen seemed to be swearing as he shook the dust from his body and looking around.  He turned to him with questioning eyes.  Sadie could only motion that she was fine.  He helped his sister stand.  She turned immediately to the queen.
“She’s unconscious!  We need to take her to her chambers.”  Alirmen stooped down and picked up the queen as she weighed nothing.  Sadie only looked on and followed.  At this moment elves started to mill into the throne room.  Murmurs filled the room.  Cries for the queen were heard in the air.  Glynnis shouted for them to quiet down. 
“Queen Arewaine has taken the brunt of the attack.  Please go home and wait for the morrow.  I will have more news then.”  She turned away and pulled Sadie with her.  Sadie could only wait a follow.  She had too many questions. 
As they entered the queen’s bedchamber, Sadie found the queen already in bed.  The queen was propped up but now awake.  She seemed week to Sadie, but motioned for her to come closer.  Alirmen turned to Sadie and bowed back.  Glynnis stood behind.  Sadie glanced at them frightened and walked up to the queen.  The queen opened her mouth several times but nothing came out.  Finally she turned her eyes to Alirmen and motioned for him to explain.
“My lady, what her majesty is trying to tell you is,” he took a deep breath, “the Gate has been destroyed.  You cannot get home.”
Sadie stared back at him.  She shook her head.  No.  This cannot be, “How can that be?  I can’t get home?!”  She jerked her head to the queen.  Her eyes were sad. Glynnis was quietly sobbing behind her.  Sadie turned back to her former escort.  His eyes showed anger.  “How?!” Alirmen looked to the queen and sighed inward.
“Only very strong magic can destroy the Gate.  Strong magic like a dragon.”
“Dragon?”  Sadie asked numbly. “We have dragons here too?” Her voice cracked. 
         The queen coughed and spoke so softly that Sadie had to lean close to hear, “there is a way to rebuild.”  She sighed tiredly.
         “Her Majesty must rest.”  Glynnis ordered, “The Gate can be rebuilt but she must rest first.  And so must you.”  She put up her hand when Sadie tried to protest.  Glynnis ordered the maids to make the queen comfortable.  She turned to Sadie and urged her out of the chambers.  “Come I will show you to your chambers.”
         “But I don’t understand-“
         “You will in the morrow, My Lady. Please you must rest.  We all must.”  Sadie reluctantly assented.  She was indeed very tired but her mind was troubled by this new turn of events.  She could not even come home.  How long will it take to rebuild this Gate?  Already she missed her home.  She wanted so badly to talk with Aunt Millie about her travels in this strange world.

         Sadie woke slowly in a strange room.  She lay in the plush bed unmoving except for her eyes.  Her eyes, now blue as the summer sky, searched her surroundings curiously.  She remembered almost immediately after awaking where she was and was bemused that she was not panicking.  Yes, she no longer had a way home, but this place was not altogether bad either.  But, still, this was not home.  She had plans for her life and she needed to get back to it as soon as she could before school started in less than a week.  With this in mind, Sadie got out of bed searched for her clothing.  On a plush chair nearby lay a simple dress.  She searched again for her own clothing and didn’t find them anywhere.  She picked up the dressed and marveled at the simplicity of the gown despite it looking grand even for herself.  She imagined this might have been the dresses she would have worn if she lived in the medieval times of her world.  Sadie thought it odd that her thoughts kept wondering what her world must have been like when she had other problems at hand.  As soon as she has figured out the dress and had put it on, Glynnis entered after a soft knock.
         “Oh you have awaken and dressed.” Glynnis exclaimed cheerfully. “Good, Her Majesty wishes you to break fast with her in her chambers. Please, come.”  Sadie did not need to be told twice.  She was eager to hear what Arewaine needed to say and find out how she can get back home, if she can ever get back home. 
         Queen Arewaine was sitting up with pillows bolstering her up.  She smiled faintly as Sadie walked in.  Elves flittered in and out going about their business.  Sadie noticed something like large bugs flying around the room.  But they were not bugs.  They were little people with wings on them!  Sadie’s jaw dropped.  Just when she was sure she wouldn’t be surprised anymore with this strange world.  She kept staring at the little creatures as she walked closer to the queen.  One swooped in front of her and hovered there studying her face.  Sadie saw that these winged people were just as beautiful as the elves.  She was dressed in a filmy silk outfit that looked like several pieces put together.  Her hair shone red in the sunlight through the window.  The little creature smiled and flitted away from her. 
         “Oh, pay no mind to the sprites, my dear.”  Queen Arewaine voiced quietly, but regally.  Glynnis smiled and added, “They are such mischievous little creatures.”  Sadie only raised her eyebrow in question.  One of the sprites came up to Glynnis and chattered in clicks. 
         “She said you shouldn’t ignore them then they wouldn’t be so mischievous!”  Sadie’s eyes widened, “I understood what she said!”  Glynnis and Queen Arewaine studied her speculatively.  Arewaine turned to the sprites and studied them in turn.
         “You really understood what they said?”  Glynnis asked.
         “Well yes, don’t you?” 
         “No Sadie, we don’t.  Their speech is much too complicated for us to understand.” supplied the queen, “Talk to her.  The one you understood.”  Sadie only stared at the queen, but the queen motioned her to go ahead and talk.  The sprite swooped close to Sadie and chattered again.
         “Well it is nice to meet you too, Taliah.” Taliah chattered again happily and landed on Sadie’s shoulder and took hold of her ear.  The other sprites flittered to Sadie and chattered along with her.  “She’s happy to finally find someone who understands her and her people.  They are agreeing and trying to talk to me all at once.”  Sadie was bewildered by all this.  “Please I can’t understand when you talk all at once!”  Suddenly there was silence.  Taliah lifted herself into the air and chattered to her companions and they all flew out of the room in different directions.  Sadie relaxed slightly as Taliah perched herself on Sadie’s shoulder. 
         “Well my dear, it seems that you have come into your Talent rather quickly.”
         “My Talent?
         “Yes, you understand their language and ours as Alirman tells me you understood what Belfin said in our native language.”  Queen Arewaine smiled.  “A very useful Talent I might add.”
         “Oh it is marvelous indeed your majesty.” Glynnis exclaimed excitedly. She came to Sadie and grabbed her arms in embrace.  “For you to come into your Talent so quickly,” she enthused, “it could only mean you are very strong in it!” 
         “I really don’t understand, Glynnis.”
         “Glynnis, dear, leave us.  I shall tell her.  You have much to do to ready yourselves.” Glynnis curtsied and exited the room.  The queen sighed. 
         “Are you alright your majesty?  Are you sure you don’t need more rest?”  Sadie asked apprehensively. 
         “Did Millicent mention anything about having magic?”
         “Well, yes now that I remember, she did.  She said she had telekinesis.” When the queen only looked at her questioningly, Sadie supplied, “Um…speaking with the mind.”  The queen smiled, “Yes.  We call it mindspeech here.  Come sit and I shall tell you more.”  Sadie did as she was told careful not to dislodge the sprite from her perch.  Arewaine started her lecture as Sadie kept her undivided attention on her.
         “This world is much older than Earth and as you know permeates magic.  Everything, even the plants have some magical properties that no one understands.  Here, the humans are mages.  They are humans like yourself who can cast spells and perform magical feats.  Anyone who happens to fall through the Gate somehow develops some Talent or become another creature all together.  Yes, one might become an elf or a sprite.  Of course that is very rare.  Most mortals develop Talents such as Mindspeech, Fetch, Movers, Translator, etc.”
         “Have there ever been those who don’t take to magic?” asked Sadie out of curiosity. 
         Arewaine nodded slowly, “Yes, slowly they start disappear.” She raised her hand to stop Sadie from asking another question. “By that I mean that they become nothing.  They can’t handle what the world gives to them so slowly their soul begins to die out, like fire into smoke.”  Sadie was shocked. 
         “Have you seen this happen?”
         “Oh yes.”  Arewaine’s eyes grew sad, “when my kind and few mortals left Earth to move here.” Her voice trembled a little.  “Many were dear friends of mine.  They become translucent and continued to fade out.  I don’t know what really happened to them but we could no longer feel their presence anymore.  As if they no longer existed.” She looked to Sadie and grabbed onto her arm.  “You have no idea how glad I am that you and your aunt are not like that.  You are strong and have magical abilities that are rare even here.” 
         “Tell me about the Gate, please.”
         “The Gate is the doorway to other worlds.  I have erected only one Gate here from Earth, but that Gate moves from one place to another in your world.  When we left it was anchored in Ireland.  Now it is in your new world America as Millicent has explained.  I don’t know why it was moved or how.”  She sighed.  Her pale face became paler, “It should not have moved at all.  I was sure my spell had kept it in Ireland. Nevertheless, it stays closed and protected by those we trust.” 
         “Is my aunt Milly its protector now?”
         Arewaine stared off into nothing and quietly spoke, “Yes, she decided she could no longer stay here.  I trust her impeccably and asked her to guard it.”  She turned to Sadie, “She was the last to walk through that Gate until you came.”
         “Last night, you said it was destroyed, how?”
         “Destroyed, yes.  I am connected to the Gate through my magic.  Only another magic stronger can destroy it.”
         “Glynnis spoke of a dragon.”  Arewaine nodded.
         “Dragons are very strong creatures indeed, but there are other magic that are just as strong.  I do not know what destroyed the Gate.  I only know it was malevolent.” She shuddered and whispered, “I have not felt such evil in so long.”
         “Your majesty, Arewaine, how do we rebuild the Gate.” Sadie shook her head, “I can’t stay here.  I don’t belong here and I have so much that I want to do back home.”
         “Oh Sadie, we must first kill the evil or else it will come back and destroy the Gate again.  I cannot leave my place as Queen.  I must ask you to help my charges to seek this thing and kill it.”  Sadie was shocked. 
         “No, I-I cannot!” Taliah who was still perched on Sadie’s shoulder shrieked and Sadie realized that she had inadvertently knocked her off.  “I’m sorry Taliah I didn’t mean to do that!”  Taliah continued to chatter excitedly.  “But I don’t know anything about this world.  How can I help?!”
         “You will have the help of a few.  Glynnis will be your healer; Alirman will be your guide.  You will need to find Galan in the forest and request his help.  His talent is Instinct.  The only man I know to have such Talent.”
         “But why must I go?” she continued to protest.  In truth she didn’t want to do anything dangerous.  She had always been a careful person and never in her life considered herself to be adventurous.  The idea of having to face whatever was out there was too frightening for her. 
         “You are scared and that is normal.  I would be worried if you were not scared.  I fear for my people and I do not know how much longer I will live.  You are Millicent’s niece.  I trust her impeccably so I shall trust you as well.  You remind me of her you know.  She was just as curious and timid as you when she came here by accident.”
         “But-“ Arewaine stopped her from protesting again.
         “What will you do here while my chosen are sent into danger?  You will become restless and will become angry because you cannot do anything about the Gate.  This way you can do something.  You will be protected by others I promise. Please will you do this?”  Sadie’s shoulder drooped and she nodded her head bent.  Tears came down her cheeks unbidden.  Arewaine lifted her face by the chin. “You will be fine.  Protected by those you have met.” 
         Someone cleared his throat by the door.  Arewaine and Sadie turned to find Alirmen standing by with Glynnis.  They bowed to Arewaine.
         “Your majesty we shall keep her close at all times.” Alirmen declared somberly. 
         “I know.  You must find Galan and then you must all find what this evil is.  Go to the Magician Darham.  He may be able to shed some light as to what this creature is.”
         “What of the dragon, Kumia?” asked Glynnis.
         “I do not know if she has done this.  I would not put it past her.  She knows that destroying the Gate could hurt me even potentially kill me.”  Sadie gasped. 
         Alirmen shrugged, “She’s evil and hates everything that presents good, but killing the queen would not be enough for her.”  Arewaine nodded. 
         “We are ready to depart your majesty.”
         “Wh-what? Now?”
         “Yes.  The sooner you go, the sooner we may rebuild the Gate.  Be careful and may the Gods protect you.”  Arewaine squeezed Sadie’s unoccupied shoulder.  Taliah tittered.          
         “You will come too, Taliah?” Sadie asked incredulously. “It is dangerous.”  Taliah tittered again and zoomed around the room.  Sadie smiled for the first time since the tremble. “Yes you are very fast indeed.”  She turned to the elves by the door.  “Well then.  Let’s go.”

Chapter Three

         By the time the party reached the city’s border, it was late morning with the sun already high.  Like a hummingbird, Taliah flitted around the trio tirelessly.  She would fly high into the air and swoop down past Sadie causing the air to tickle her.  Sadie giggled with each passing dive.  Alirman, however, was annoyed with her antics and tolerated only a few passes.  He quickly snapped at her to stop and calm down.  Taliah hovered in front of his face, putting her thumbs to her cheeks and wiggling the fingers, she blew a raspberry at him.  Sadie and Glynnis burst into laughter as he gave an exasperated sigh.  The little sprite noisily zipped ahead and disappeared into the forest.  Sadie sobered quickly. She had no doubt that the sprite will return, but she uncomfortable for not having her in sight.  Turning to Alirmen who rode beside her, she asked, ““How will we find Galan?”
         “He lives deep in the forest, away from our city.” Alirmen supplied.
         “Why?” Sadie asked uncomprehending this need to live alone, “I mean why would anyone want to be by themselves all the time?”
         Alirmen shrugged but it was Glynnis who ansered, “Perhaps it had something to do with before he came here.  The life he led.  We don’t know.”
         “Then he’s the one who fell through the one of those rogue Gates?”
         Alirmen smiled as Glynnis giggled, “Oh what a site that was to be sure!”  She went on in great detail of the spectacle Galan had made.  Sadie did see humor in the situation but she also felt sorry for Galan. After all he did fall through a dangerous rogue Gate and into a world completely unlike his own. Not unlike what she has been through. What she still didn't understand was why he didn't accept the offer of going back home. He had the chance. She didn't. She wanted to go back home, she had family, a life there. Here in Otherworld... it was too much for her. Sadie felt like she was dreaming where she was in a fantasy world and can never go home. A dream she will never wake from.  She was still getting accustom to the strangeness of this world, of the different races that kept appearing to her at every direction.  She was rather surprised at herself for being so calm about the whole ordeal while her mind was screaming at her that this was all wrong.
They continued in silence for several candlemarks with Taliah finally settling on Sadie’s shoulder.  She was surprised to find that the little thing didn’t weight a thing.  Despite the silence between the company, Sadie was bombarded with sounds in her mind.  At first she thought her ears were just ringing but the ringing continued throughout the day and turned to buzzing.  She would shake her head from time to time to rid of the sound but they persisted.    Since the noise was ever present in her mind and so low that she barely noticed it, she tried to ignore it as best she could.  But damn! It was annoying. Sadie noticed that Glynnis was giving her several concerned glances but she smiled giving her assurances that she was fine, but Glynnis would not have it anymore.  She rained in her mount, called to her brother to wait.
“What is the matter Sadie?”  Glynnis asked as she put her hand on Sadie’s arm.
“Nothing really,” Sadie tried to shrug off the hand, “I’m fine.”  Glynnis gripped the arm and stared into her eyes. 
“You have pain in your eyes.”  Sadie opened her mouth to argue, “My child, are you hearing sounds?”  Her eyes widened. 
“Ho-how did you know?” 
Glynnis sighed. “It is common for those who have mind talents.”  She rummaged through her pack coming with a tiny paper pouch, “I know you can communicate with Taliah but you don not with other creatures.  You must be hearing them by now.”
“I am?”  Sadie asked incredulously. “But I only hear a buzzing noise not talking!”
© Copyright 2008 Sadie Lopez (sadielpz13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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