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This is a summery of the global warming issue. |
There is a common notion in the air, at current, that we are causing a notion called global warming. This is not the case. There is another notion that one eighth of the earth will flood as a result of the polar ice caps melting and rising the sea level. This all depends on weather global warming is or is not an issue. In this essay, I intend to give a fair view of both sides of the argument. I will start with the opposing issue. The world goes on in its daily life, not paying much head to the world outside. The reason for this is, there is nothing to worry about. We are helping every living thing on the planet to survive that happens to be, at the moment, endangered to the outside world. We have done a fair job of cleaning up oil spills and we are currently creating a method to use elements that are in high supply. The world is being better cared for, benefiting from the human race. The world is the best it's ever been and will continue to grow, ecologically and technologically. The life on earth as we know it will only change one way from here on out. Technology.... As we progress, the myth of global warming will become less and less common to hear until it finally becomes extinct all together. We aren't causing any issue that are to be concerned about. We will prosper for many years to come without consequence of our actions today. What we do today will be used only to progress the human race further in to the future goal and will give no harm to the environment around us. The problem is....... this is ultimately untrue. As we know it, the world is changing every few seconds, weather we like it or not. There are more births each day then deaths. Animals all over the world are dying off. Our world is becoming a more and more hazardous place, every day, whether we like it or not, either by other nations, or by our own planet and ecosystem. To put the problem of global warming into a scientific perspective, I will explain the theory of Global Warming into words. Each and everything on this planet is made up of carbon, if it be you, your dog, the sidewalk, your car, the computer screen you are staring at, the cell phone you use to chat with your friends, it's all made up of carbon. Now, when you, or an animal that you have or know or don't know, dies, it decomposes into the ground and all the elements that make us up are released...except carbon. When all the other elements disappear, we are left with a clump of carbon. This could be considered coal or gasoline. Now, to understand global warming, you have to understand the nature of carbon. Carbon, in anlaogy, has a very "grabby" personality. When it comes in contact with other carbon atoms, they cling together and create a very strong bond. That bond is hard to be broken, but when you apply intense heat, they break apart and generally stay away from other carbon atoms from that point on. After that, the carbon becomes lonely and wants to find an new partner. Now, by this point, it has lost its attraction to the other carbon and wants to find something new. At this point, it loves oxygen and when they meet, the cling together and want to stick together. It will grab on to more then one oxygen and what else does it become other then co2; carbon-dioxide. This is what happens when you burn the fuel in the car tank, while you are driving to work each morning. The nature of carbon-dioxide, is it like to be on top, like all other gases. After it exits the exhaust pipe, it rises into the air and into the higher parts of the atmosphere. When enough builds up, it creates a blockade of co2. Now, still speaking in the analogy, carbon-dioxide doesn't like sunlight. When light hits co2, it reflects it off in a different direction. This is exactly what happens when there is a large blockade of co2 that can't rise any further in the atmosphere. At the same time, it reflects most of the heat on the earth and sends it back to the ground. After a while, the heat has spread far enough that it starts to build up quicker and quicker. The result is that the ice caps of the north and south, melt into the sea. This rises sea levels and starts to flood cities like New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans and not to mention, Tokyo, Hong-Kong, Sydney, all of Great Britain, and many more ocean line cities. At the same time, the heat will kill many plants, which change co2 to oxygen. This rises co2 levels which will kill small animals that need large amounts of oxygen, which includes humans, and when there aren't very many plants, the heat problem rises faster and faster, until it has reached its peak.Before this happens, though, we will already be dead. In this essay, the heat and lack of oxygen and the water levels will eventually kill us. However, we aren't the only things causing this. As some of us may have noticed, since our birth, the moon has appeared smaller and smaller as the time went by. This is because the earth has lost most of its control with the moon and it is starting to float out into space. A few years ago, there was a study done on the way our moon formed. Apparently there was another planet in out solar system, right next to us. When it lost its moon, it fell out of its sustained position and collided with earth, through the side. It was so perfect, that if it had not hit that area of the earth, we wouldn't have a moon that size today, orbiting the earth. There was another study done that came up with the results that either we had to have one large moon, (Like the one we have today) to balance the gravity of our earth and keep it from tilting too much, or we had to have many, many moons, to even out the tidal pull. Planets without moons, just kind of flop around in space, because they aren't held in place by the gravity that the moon uses to orbit around the planet. This being as it is, a planet without a moon can't sustain life, because, when it circles the sun, the degrees at which it rotates go completely crazy. The planet pivots without an axis. In the end, it may or may not be the human race that eliminates the life on this planet. I must say that we are contributing, but not the ultimate causes of it. P. Kevin Glen |