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Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #1401041
the lyf she never wanted to have evryfing was all perfect but one day evryfing got shtrd
katy was a very shy girl but once she got to know everyone she was okay they only moved to this house on august 21st 05 she also likes to play and talk with her mates on the phone, in school, weekends outside etc.
this was in her diary jus two days before christmas.

23rd december 2005

Dear diary,

Two days before christmas,and im dreading it.
You must be wondering why.right?
Well its because the last christmas i had, everything was a disaster.
My gran got me a christmas present,which  was actually for boys,my gran always thought i acted like a boy and she always said i should've been born as a boy,that kind of makes me feel unwanted.

My mum wants everything to be perfect but why cant she see that not everything and everyone is perfect.my mum and dad are so embarressing,they gave my school teacher a christmas present too and it was a drink (red wine) but turned out to be my teacher was a muslim which i have been telling them  but no why should they lisen to me.
im so bored, my sister  is downstairs with my brother playing,fighting etc.
if i go downstairs the only thing i am going to be usefull for is chores chores and did i mention chores.
oh here we go dad is calling me have to go x.

Katy also had a big brother who was useless he failed his GCSE and always just sat at home doing nothing.
So basically she has  embarressing parents she has 1 useless big brother, in her world small brother, she had annoying little twin brother and sister.
katy had no-one to talk to but her mates but her mum always made katy promise from saying anything about family.

24th december 2005

dear diary

mum is putting up the decoration which we had from last year dad is doing the same thing  in his own local shop.
my gran is bathing my little brother and sister.
my brother is gone out.
and it feels like no one can see me everyone is just blanking me out but once all this is done they are goin to be like 'ohh the deco looks nice, no thanks to katy' like they even ask for help but my mum always says' dont wait for some to ask you just insist'.
i finished my homework,can you believe it we had homework for the holidays.tut tut.

have to go bye x

they day was coming up.Everyone is in the sitting room so is katy and at last she feels like she is part of the family becuase her and her mum had a looong chat which was worthit.

30th december 05

dear diary

sorry i have'nt wrote in ages i was busy. and christmas this year was ok but mum and dad did get drunk again so i guess i have to get use to something like that.
my dad got me the best present ever he gave me a ..... emerald ring its green and sparkly. he gave my mum a gold neckless saying her name on it and he gave my brother an ipod.and my little bro and sister got colouring pecils haha .
my mum got me a make up set even though i hardly wore make up.
bye x

Katy enjoyed her christmas but there was some thing she heard that she was'nt expecting.she heard her dad on the phone,
' i know babe but it hard to get away from them i do love them'
she was devastated she didnt know what was happening so she went inside the kitchen  and her dad saw her and said
'erm i'll call you back bye'
and he hung up.
'you alright hunny whats up?'he said to katy
'tell me you aint leaving please tell me its not true' katy cried,
'well now that you've heard i can't  lie, im in love with someone else babe sorry' he repied , mum was outside and she heard what they both said (katy and her dad) she rushed in like the wind and start questionening him,why,when,how, who etc

31st december 05

dear diary

i dont know what happening,i dont know what i should do i heard dad on the phone with another lady so i went inside the kitchen  and he told me the truth and mum heard and she rushed in and started to cry and shout, i told dad not to leave us i mean he cant he even promised me and mum i have to go to sleep but i cant tomorrow is new years day and i want my dad to be there as he is always oh o
ow someone came in brb...

15 minutes later: gran was here she told me not to worry she can handle things and just take care of my self because we cant have this family falling apart go to sleep and when i wake up dad is going to be there right next to mum huggin her sooooo tight and kissing her as always haha *Frown* i dont want that to stop) anyway its getting late i have to go to sleep good night x

The next day katy woke up and rushed to her parent room and her mum was sobbing.
'whats wrong' she asked
' he left us love he gave up on us he is with another women ( sniffs) he said he sends his love to you all' she replied crying.
that day katys mum and her big brother had the biggest row ever her  mum was drunk and blamed her brother for eveything that happened.
katys brother then took of and now he is staying with his mate.
Katy tried to stop him but he didnt listen.
katys little brother and sister were asleep and her gran was in the sitting room and her mum was in the kitchen smoking and drinking.

1st january 06
dear diary
i know its new year and that and i am suppose to be happy but guess what happened dad kind of left us well he did and i feel sooo annoyed bored betrayed and i just wish nothing happened.i dont even care if it was worse as the last christmas on 2004 but this is outrageous.
my mum is downstairs getting drunk my gran is just cleanig after her my sister and brother are asleep and me well what else can i do apart from wishing my dad was here.....

2 months later, katy and her family were still expecting at least 1 call from their dad but nothing.
everything was a disaster her mum and dad are getting a divorce they are moving houses to north london and katys mum has meet another man who got her pregnant and katys mum was over the moon but her family were disgusted and so was katys dad....

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