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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1400460
Sarah, Kacka and Duke must stop the forces of the evil Cia.
3 Warriors. That was all it took to take down a rebellion that threatened to crush the kingdom that gave them hope, justice and a home.
         One of them was the Duke of Finland, the strategic soldier who had outsmarted the rebellion on a number of occasions. No one knows his real name, so they just call him Duke.
         Also, there is Kacka, a burly, powerful who disliked using his brain to settle matters.  He loves to fight and would kill his own master for one. But he is very loyal to the king.
         And then there was Sarah. She was both strong and powerful. She the kindest of heart. She was often compared to a mother. Sarah often talks about her father in this story.
         The ruler of the rebellion, Cia, had been gathering armies much larger compared to king Fransisco, who ruled over Mesral which was a country in a world called of Shas.
         Cia had been fighting against Fransisco since he betrayed him ten years before. Fransisco was so worried about Cias’ increased armies that he sent The duke of Finland, an allied country, to find out how Cia was doing and try to get more soldiers.
         Duke adventured towards the core of the rebellion, but he wanted some protection. So he went to an old friend named Kacka.
         Kacka’s house was right at the border between Fransisco’s kingdom, and Cia’s territory. Duke rapped on the door and waited. He heard some swearing, then a loud bang. Then Kacka came to the door.
         Kacka smiled at his old friend. “Duke! It has been so long since I have seen you. To what do I owe this pleasant visit?” Duke frown.
         “I need to find out how cia has been getting his armies so large, and I need to get more soldiers for fransisco armies. I need you to help me get there and back.” Kacka sighed and starred at Duke.
         “Always business with you, eh, duke? Couldn’t you come over for some tea sometime? Alright, I guess I’ll be your body guard today, another journey for us soldiers.” He smiled and went inside.
         When he came back out, he had all his armor ready. His sword was in its sheaf at his side. The two veritans went to Cia’s territory.
         They saw the dark clouds start to form that were above that place because of the evil inside. The castle was visible in the distance.
         “Get back!” Arrows came right in front of them. Six archers stood behind them. Kacka instantly grabbed his sword and charged at the strange men. “They’re Cia Soldiers, Get back!”
         Duke watched as Kacka fought six soldiers at the same time. One of them suddenly got past kacka and came at Duke.
         Duke only had a dagger so he dodged the attacks awkwardly and thought that were was no possible way to beat the soldier. Duke suddenly realized that there might be a pattern.
         Then he saw it, the man did have a pattern, and on the forth left strike, he lingered for a split second.
         In that tiny second, Duke lunged and stabbed, The scream hurt his ears. He looked and saw that Kacka had taken down two of the soldiers already, but he was having problems.
         Suddenly, another Cia soldier came crashing down on Duke. They should have known that cia soldiers come n packs of seven. The soldier was relentless with his strikes. Then, he was pulled off and stabbed.
         The last thing Duke saw before losing consciousness was a woman killing the soldier.

         “I can’t believe you threw him so far.” Duke woke up with a headache. The woman and Kacka sat by the fire. Duke came and Kacka laughed.
         “Took you awhile, you would’ve thought you had been killed. Duke didn’t say anything. Instead, he went over and talked to the girl sitting by the fire. “What is your name, mam?” She smiled.
         “My name is Sarah, and my father is a- um, fighter. I was sent here by him to bring you a letter.” She pulled out an envelope with the Kings seal on it and handed it to duke.
         Dear Duke, You need to go quickly and figure out how he is getting these soldiers, his armies have been increasing. Hurry, Francisco.
         Duke looked up and starred at Sarah. He smiled widely. When Kacka finished reading the letter, he jumped up. “We need to go!”
         He started running and duke looked behind and saw more Cia soldiers approaching. They had flame arrows and there were at four packs of them coming their way.
         Kacka grabbed his sword and got behind Sarah and Duke. “Go!Go!” The three ran quickly, then, they heard a roar that pierced their ears.
         “Oh no!” Kacka yelled His face becoming pale. “It’s Cia’s dragon, Silverneck!” He ran under a tree and bent down, It looked as if he was looking for something.
         Sarah looked in the skies suddenly screamed. “Silverneck approaches!” Kacka suddenly got up and picked the two other warriors easily. He then kicked the tree in a specific spot. And a hole appeared.
         They fell for a long time through a steep tunnel. Where it ended, a man sat with parchment and herbs.
         He looked up and smiled when they fell in.”Ah, Kacka! You were in Cia’s country? And you brought friends.”
         Kacka got up and grinned. “Where is princess Expelda?” Sarah stepped back, becoming red in the face. Duke walked to the old man.
         “You have Princess Espelda with you? She needs to be with the king, or the rebellion will get her!”
         The old man’s eyes became sad. “They already have. They came in, knocked me out. I was her protector, by order of the king. But I failed him.”
         Duke stepped back and took a deep breath. “Who are you and what are you doing underground?” He sat down and sighed.
         “I am Hizen, and I provide a sanctuary for people coming to Cia’s Territory. Francisco put the princess here because it would be hard to find. You need to go to that Tunnel.”
         He pointed to one of the tunnels and they started to climb in the steep tunnel towards where their enemies were. “Beware Silverneck.” Said Hizen.
         Kacka came out first. The tree they were at was right next cia’s castle. “Let’s get some sleep before we get going tomorrow.” They slept behind the tree.
         That night, Sarah quietly walked to the castle, where a man with a dark cloak stood. “Did they fall for it?” He said.
           “Yes, I will lead them right into your hands. That will strike a blow to Francisco. I need to go.”
         She walked back and nearly ran back. Duke was sitting, starring at her. “Your father is smart. Making a fake letter was a nice touch. He almost got me, except for one thing.”
         She glanced down at Kacka. “And what was that.” Duke laughed, and Sarah flinched.
         “The king always puts a special word in his letters that only his knights know. It makes it authentic.”
         Sarah sighed.” Very good. But I’m guessing you figured out the rest, or you would have stopped the mission.”
         Duke smiled. “Yes, Cia wouldn’t have let his own do a spy mission, but you insisted, because you are going to betray him.”
         Suddenly, Kacka got up and pushed both of them to the ground. “Silverneck is coming right now.
         Then, they heard a roar that put fear in the hearts of whoever heard it. Silverneck’s eyes were blood red and his skin was black, except for his silverneck.
         Silverneck screamed and flew over the three soldiers. Duke crawled behind a tree and Kacka got out his sword, and prepared for battle
         Sarah quickly grabbed her sword and climbed up Hizen’s tree. She was waiting for the dragon to come down.
         Sliveneck roared and came down to Kacka. He immediately went for the eyes. But Silverneck fired flames and Kacka hit the ground. The flames hit a tree
         The tree it hit was the tree Duke was hiding behind. Before it could get Duke, Silverneck screamed in pain.
         Sarah had jumped off the tree and stabbed Silverneck in the tail. Kacka saw his moment and climbed up his leg.
         But Silverneck wasn’t done, he flew straight and Kacka and Sarah barely Hung on.
         Next, Silverneck went down, spiraling; Duke grabbed his dagger and threw it at Silverneck’s neck. Sliverneck landed on the ground, not moving.
         Kacka and Sarah got off Silverneck. And sighed. Suddenly, a bright light covered silverneck.
         When it was done, there was a beautiful sliver dragon, the three warriors watched as silverneck roared a happy, relieved roar.
         “Thank you.” He said. “My name is Ozwik, and I have been stuck with that curse Cia gave me for years.”
         Sarah Gasped, “I can’t believe my father that gives me more reason to betray him. Kacka starred at her, but before he could say anything, A dark, evil voice yelled at them.
         “You killed my dragon, now I’ll kill you and your princess.” They ran to the castle and saw Cia on one of the towers.
         He had Princess Espelda held by knifepoint. Cia had a small black beard and Eyes flooded with malice.
         Ozwik starred angrily at Cia. “You will pay Cia, My power is above you and your walls.
         Cia laughed. “Ozwik, you have failed me. My armies are more powerful than you will ever be. So, you want to test your skills, then I will kill the Princess and you.
         Ozwik flew up and looked into Cias eyes. “You know that if you kill her, you will have the raith of King fransisco upon you. She is a bargaining chip, you don’t want want to kill her.
         Cia laughed. “But I do have something more important than his daughter,” He pulled out a sword and Kacka Yelled. “The Grand sword of Fransisco, it is very powerful.”
         Kacka nearly came at Cia “You Scoundrel! How dare you steal the real kings sword, how did you do that.”
         “Well, as you very well know, I was a servant of Fransisco. I took the sword that was going to be used in times of emergency.”
         Duke signed and looked at the grand castle in front of him. He knew what was coming.
         “So, you have a choice, the kings daughter, or the kings sword. Don’t talk about it, I don’t want you making plans.
         Kacka’s and Dukes darted around quickly as If they were having a conversation… “We will take princess espelda.” He said finally.
         Suddenly, she came falling from the tower, and Kacka Grabbed her. Duke ran to the door before Cia could lock them.
         Sarah figured out the plan and came into. Cia didn’t see them go through. Kacka got on Ozwik and started throwing flames at Cia.
         Cia was to busy trying to protect the blasts that he didn’t the two other soldiers come behind him. But out of nowhere he turned around and came at them.
         He was powerful , Cia was fighting off the dragon and Duke and Sarah. Duke was trying to find the pattern and beat it, but his attacks were to precise and strong.
         Sarah was barely fending off her father’s attacks. He then grabbed her by the neck. “How could you betray me?” He screamed.
         Sarah smiled. “Do you know how it feels when you get hit by a big man from the sky?”
         Cia looked at Sarah weirdly. Then, Kacka came crashing down on Cia. He lay in pain and looked at his daughter. “Forgive me.”
         Sarah bent down and looked at her dead father. Duke ran to the edge of the tower and looked over the wall. He found the answer.
         “They are all prisoners. Cia kept them captive and threatened to kill them.” Kack grunted and got up.
         “He deserved what he got. He betrayed the great king and died for it. Now, let’s save the prisoners.”
         So they did, and they returned to Mesral to give back the people and the princess. There was a great feast, and fransisco came up to the warriors. “Very good, young fighters, you have done well.”
         They nodded and Fransisco smiled. “Now, lets talk about your reward.”
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