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Chapter 3. If you are easily offended do not read this!
  Once again I wish to warn people that if they are easily offended in spiritual matters do not read this. This book is not going to be one that many in mainstream Christianity will like.
  I repeat, if you are easily offended do not read this!

                                                    Chapter 3


1 Corinthians 2:7-
7But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, tea, the deep things of God.
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

  Now isn't it amazing that had the Jews known the word of God they would not have crucified the Lord? And they knew the root forms and Hebrew words better than any modern Gentile Christian. Even so, knowing the word of God they crucified the Lord as being blind!
  It is common in Christianity for people to go back to the original Hebrew and root forms of various words to justify any sin they don't wish to give up. Homosexuality is one area where many have studied the word to make their argument. Female prophets and preachers are another area. Just as the scribes and pharisees crucified Christ being blind of spiritual things the gays, women preachers, televangelists and every other sort of heretic will follow suit deceiving the simple.
  Christians need to remember that since the word of God is spiritually discerned knowing the original context or root form means little! What does matter is what the Lord says his word means! What matters is what the Lord reveals by his Spirit!
  The apostle Paul made it clear that the Sprit of God must reveal the spiritual things of the word. He freely admitted that while he knew the word better than anyone else he blasphemied. He persecuted the church being zealous of the law and spiritually blind. Many believe that when he lost his natural sight he gained spiritual insight. That should be a warning to those who think just because they know the original text of a word they understand the word of God. Jesus gave one of the best examples with his parable of the four types of soil the seed fell on.
Matthew 13:18 Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.
19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.
  If we look up "seed" and "way side" we will not find that it means the "word" or the "wicked one." We will find it means just what we think it means. A seed for a plant and the side of a piece of ground.
  But, that is not what the Lord said it means!  He said word and wicked one! How dare anyone use a concordance or the Hebrew dictionary to blasphemy and call the Lord a liar! A little later in this book we will see just how man uses that "seed" to blasphemy God while using the original Hebrew to justify their wickedness!
  Without going into a lot of scripture we can see that the seed was also sown among the stony places. That translates out rocky soil and not a person that has no root in himself. Maybe if some had the Branch which comes forth from the root of Jesse in them they wouldn't be offended as this parable says. That little bit of tribulation they face would be as nothing.
  The seed among the thorns we find means a bush or thorny plant. That's not what the Lord said it meant! He said it was that which was choked with the cares of this life. Isn't it amazing that they made a crown of thorns for the Lord prior to crucifying him? How many Christians today put the cares of this life before and above the Lord and crown him with thorns?
  The above parable is the prime example that people can know the original text of Hebrew and still not know the Lord. They can seek it out and walk in their sins until the day they die in their sins and go to hell! Those who glory in their knowledge of the Hebrew need to repent and seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost!

Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

  The Lord could not have said any more plain than that!
  Call him a liar if you insist that the seed doesn't translate to word in Hebrew! That is something the gay community better take note of. Do we need further witnesses that the word is in a mystery?

John 2:18-21
  21 But he spake of the temple of his body.

  In the above portion of scripture we see that the Lord used the word temple in reference to his body. Once again, the word of God means what he says and not as shown in the Hebrew dictionary. When he reveals a mystery or warning by his Spirit it had better be heeded!
  Should a person agree that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost as Jesus says they bear witness that looking a word up in the original text is of no use in spiritual matters. Should they insist that the word is to be used exactly as written in the early Hebrew they call the Lord a liar as he used it contrary in the above scripture. Once again it might be well to note that it was the pharisees that could not understand the Lord. Those who were "learned" and religious. Those full of pride. Do we other examples of the word being a mystery or sealed?

  Jeremiah 32:11-14 speaks of the evidence of the purchase of property. The word is that which is part sealed and part open. The mystery in the laws and prophets bearing witness to Jesus and the open testimony in the new testament. He is the the evidence of things hoped for. Our faith!
  Romans 11:33 says how unsearchable are his judgments. Those judgments would not be called unsearchable if the carnal mind could find them in the word. Those judgments are the word that is supposed to be written in our hearts and minds. They are those that are supposed to be brought forth by his Spirit. Not seminary or man's study to justify his sin and what he wants to believe.

Ephesians 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

  Paul referred to the gospel of Jesus Christ as a great mystery. One that cannot be sought out by the human mind. If it was the gay community wouldn't try to justify homosexual behaviour. They would know that from the beginning every man of God used was a type and shadow of Christ that is returning for a bride. A family unit consisting of husband, wife and children. Not two men nor two women.
  The word also says that we compare spiritual things with spiritual. It's a shame that the word which Jesus said is spirit and life is twisted to compare with carnal things. The house being twisted from being our bodies as a dwelling place for the Spirit of God into bigger houses while the poor and homeless suffer nearby! The riches being twisted from wisdom and knowledge to carnal riches in this life. Wisdom and knowledge being twisted from that which is revealed by the Spirit into something learned in school. This life is but a test in which we prove to the Lord the thoughts and intents of our hearts. Do we use our excess money to help poor brethren or do we use it to buy things we don't need but merely want?
  What does the Lord say about trying to search the scriptures with a carnal mind?

John 5:39
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

  Just as the pharisees searched the scriptures thinking they had life by keeping the law many of today's Christians search them to justify sin and to prove what they want to believe. The pharisees sought their own righteousness through the laws and prophets. That little portion of "me." That which many times is a manifestation of the spirit of antichrist. That same "me" can be seen with female preachers and prophets overlooking a multitude of counsellers and clinging to one to justify their wants and thoughts. The multitude of counsellers show reveal the Lord can use anyone he wishes and that is mainly men. The one or two they use can be disputed such as Deborah being used as the victory would not be for the man's glory since he was scared. Each time a woman is used it manifests a lack of faith in the man or men involved. That is not for her glory but to take the glory and reveal the shame of the men. One king even said; "Let it not be said a woman slew me."
  They use Mary being first at the tomb and the men afraid. Once again, she was used to manifest the shame of the men. None of them mention that if she truly had faith and believed what the Lord said prior to being crucified she would not have gone back to finish anointing his body. She didn't go back believing and expecting to find the tomb empty. Thinking the Lord was a gardener, she even asked him where he took the body.
  One day they will stand at the judgment seat of Christ and have to answer for why they thought they were so special and he had a democracy instead of a kingdom. They just might have to answer why they traveled the road of pride to be equal rather than the road of humility and followed the scriptures to marry, bear children and guide the household and teach the younger women to do so as well.
  Woe to all of the weak men that have sold out to back and ordain all of these female heretics and active homosexual ministers of the devil. They're afraid that if they stayed with the original gospel in a free country the women would drag their hen-packed hubbies out of the church. That means no tithes from that family. That means that the preacher has to get a job. He can't do that! He's called of God to preach! The scriptures say that when men forbear to fight they become as women!
  Just like the pharisees they will not hearken unto the warnings brought forth by the Spirit of God. Many have become spiritually blind and as written of the ungodly in Proverbs, do not understand judgment.

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

  For those who think that they can merely go back into the original Hebrew text and figure out what the word of God means without the baptism of the Holy Ghost, look up narrow! The word narrow is listed as a metaphor meaning "to trouble, afflict or distress."
  Where is their "name it and claim it, speak it into existance and prosperity" doctrines in troubled, afflicted and in distress. They can either repent and trust the Holy Ghost or blasphemy speaking against the words of the Lord. Their pride and refusal to repent is their very damnation!
  The Lord said in this world his disciples would have tribulation. The reason they could take cheer is because he overcame the world. And they would overcome by his power while troubled, afflicted and in great distress just as he said!
  If anyone could buy a Bible and a concordance and learn the word of God Jesus never would have said few would find it. The Lord would not have said a remnant would be saved. He would not have said the number would be so small a child could number them! Paul would never had said that the riches of his ways, wisdom and knowledge are unsearchable.
  Christianity needs to get back to spiritual discernment!
  They need to repent!


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