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A book I am writing. If you are easily offended do not read this.
One more time, if you are easily offended do not read this. It is not a form of feel-good watered down gospel that the multitudes will like. It will probably anger many.
  If you are easily offended I repeat; do not read this!                                   

                                        Chapter 2

                            WITNESSES UNTO ME

Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

  Everyone wants to go out and be a "witness." The problem is that many don't even show enough love of the Lord to tarry at Jerusalem long enough to know what to witness. Many don't even realize that they are a witness at all times. Not unto man. But unto the Lord.
  Maybe some haven't realized it yet but the Lord spake these words to men that had followed the Lord for about three and one half years. Even then he said they would have to wait until they received power from above. They would have to await the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
  Isn't it odd that today we can just waltz into a church and repeat a prayer and be considered to have power from on high to go out and witness? Isn't it even stranger that today we can sprinkle some water on a child's head and think that he or she is saved. Neither instance being one in which the person walked with the Lord for about three and a half years.
  Those who heard these words from the Lord were far more dedicated than anyone today. They gave up everything and followed the Lord beholding the miracles he did and the power by which he spake. Today men don't even preach in most churches. They do nothing more than talk in a monotone voice and baredly show vital signs. Some wouldn't know Jesus if he came into the church with a "hello, my name is" sign on his robe and sat next to them on the pew.
  So just what kind of witness are we if we don't tarry in Jerusalem until we receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost?

Mark 14:55 And the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death; and found none.
56 For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together.

  It is interesting to note that false witnesses do not agree with one another. That's what we have today in mainstream Christianity. Everyone trying to teach something different and none in agreement. The sad part is that most are too spiritually blind to see it. They blindly pass down the teachings of those before them without ever having the drive, love of the Lord or guts to go farther. Just a bunch of parrots that echo the heretical teachings of flesh and greed and vanity.
  The Baptists say the Catholics are lost and the Pentecostals say all but they are lost. One preaches baptism in titles and another in the name. Yet others teach none at all or infant sprinkling. They bare false witness and eat catfish sandwiches while dressed in divers materials and proclaiming that the gays are an abomination. There's just not much agreement in that.
  So just where does a false witness come from?

Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnesses, blasphemies:

  The word of God says that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Those who bear false witness do so as it comes from their heart. They do so because they have no desire to learn the truth that bears witness unto Jesus and obedience unto his word. Their witnesses do not agree as seen from so many doctrines and denominations. False witnesses speak no truth and therefore can not save man or convert a sinner from the error of his way. Satan cannot cast out satan and the doctrines of man make the word of God of none effect.
  When the word of God is made of none effect it means the word of hope is of none effect. The word of faith is of none effect. So is the word of salvation and the word of knowledge.
  So just what does God think about a false witness?
Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

  Isn't it amazing that a false witness comes from the heart and that it is something that God hates? When that false witness sows discord among the brethren it is an abomination. Maybe that's why the word of God warns us to be quick to hear and slow to speak. Today many go around witnessing just to speak lies and sow discord among the brethren. That is an abomination unto God and a stench in his nostrils. The blind leading the blind just because they have been to some Christian academy or seminary.
  They treat the position of ministry as a career instead of a calling. Some just wait for their retirement. I wonder why since they don't lift a finger to do an honest day's work to begin with. Many that are "called" to do a work in a church suddenly get "called" away by the same Lord that never changes. They forget that the word of God says a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. There is no way that God is going to change his mind continually when he warns us not to. He will not tell us that wicked men and babes are tossed to and  fro with every wind of doctrine and do the same thing himself. 
  The word of God tells us that every word of God is pure. It also tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. That heart purified by faith is purified with the word of God. Not the doctrine of man nor the blasphemy they preach on television. From the abundance of a heart purified by faith and washed with the pure water of the word the Spirit of God will draw out the rightly divided word of truth bearing witness unto Jesus. It will bear witness to one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father who is in all, and above all who are walking in the Spirit and led of the Spirit. It will not bear witness to earthly gain nor anything promoting rebellion or disobedience to the word. It will make a church in which all will speak the same thing to glorify Christ and not man.
  So what kind of witness is it the LORD delights in?

Proverbs 14:5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.

  A faithful witness is one that fears God and will not lie. He knows the scriptures say the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
  They wouldn't dare to tell lies knowing that the eyes of God are watching them. Neither will they lie while knowing that the angels of God are encamped around the righteous. Those angels can and will strike a person down dead for blasphemying the word of God should the Lord command it. A false witness won't care though. All they care about is the filthy lusts of their reprobate mind.
  A faithful and true witness won't tell you that you can expect to hear the words "well done" if you aren't doing well. They surely won't call evil good and good evil. A faithful witness will tell it just like it is even if it means his church won't grow and that many will turn and walk away like the seventy other disciples that left when they saw there would be no glory for them. The salvation of their soul and the souls of their flocks mean more than earthly praise or worldly riches.
  A faithful witness is willing to hold down a job and pay for his own neccessities as well as pay for his church himself if he has to. He isn't afraid to be like Paul and forsake his liberties if it means being a good example to his flock.
  A faithful witness will tell people to repent! He knows better than to smooth over sin and hope that the Lord won't hold him accountable. He knows that the messenger on the wall better declare the evil of those who profess the name of Jesus. He also knows that most of the prophets were sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and not to the unbelievers. Of course the unbelievers sin. What do you expect? Those who walk in the darkness of unbelief only know darkness. Christians are to be a light in darkness. Not turn to join them!
  The children of Israel were commanded to make no marriages with the nations cast out before them. They were to destroy those nations. Not join them. The Christians today can't even see that those nations are left to try their hearts. Rather than rebuke the Christians and teach them to come out from among them and be seperate they teach them to be like them. Truly Jerusalem is trodden down of the Gentiles as they boast against the branches and cast aside a gospel that was good enough for about 2000 years. Now as the mouth of hell enlarges itself all sorts of abominable activities are acceptable to God according to them. Now these "great thinkers" believe that the prophets and apostles were wrong.
  The apostle Paul said he came preaching Christ, and him crucified. He said that he knew him in whom he believed and was persuaded he could keep that which he committed unto him. He said that in the way which they call heresy, so worshipped he the God of his fathers, believeing all things written in the laws and the prophets. Having hope which they themselves allowed that there would be a ressurrrection of the just and the unjust. He said in that he tried to keep himself from offense before God and man.

Isaiah 8:2 And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.

  When the Lord spake unto Isaiah he used faithful men that would not lie. He didn't use a bunch of false witness that would lie and be abominable in the sight of God. Those men knew better than to lie when it came to recording the word of God. Jesus even esteemed Zechariah highly enough to mention him by name. Men today are quick to say that the word has been written wrong and mistranslated in places. It is pretty arogant for any man today to try to find fault with the prophets and apostles of God. The word of God says that pride goes before a fall and that the spirit of antichrist is one that will shew himself that he is god. It is that spirit that makes men and women think that they are beyond ever being wrong. It exalts their fleshly minds to the point that they think they can criticize the anointed ones of God. The word is clear. Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. When they start ridiculing the men that God entrusted with the words that would be chosen to bring forth the covenant of peace and glorify Jesus they run dangerously close to blasphemy of the Holy Ghost!
  Now that we see that a faithful witness will not lie and that he will record the word of God honestly and rightly in the sight of God, who is that faithful witness that will not lie?

Psalm 89:35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.
36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me.
37 It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as faithful witness in heaven. Selah.

  Those who knew who the seed of David was cried out in their afliction "Thou son of David, have mercy on me." These of course were not of the word of faith movement. These weren't the name it and claim it group. But then again, many of them probably don't know the son of David anyway. If they did they wouldn't turn his gospel into a blasphemous mess with the riches of wisdom and knowledge in Christ turned into mansions, automobiles and a lavish lifestyle.
  The above scripture says that the faithful witness is as the moon.
  Genesis shows us that the moon is that lesser light that seperates light from darkness. It reflects the light of the sun, or greater light in darkness. We see that the word says that the councel of God is darkened by speaking words without knowledge. It also says the way of the wicked is as darkness.
  Christ was created a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death and yet given all honour and glory. It is he that reflects the greater light of life in God into a darkened world by his Spirit. Those who receive his Spirit are as the stars shining in darkness. It is his throne that shall endure forever as the sun, or greater light. Jesus said "my Father has life in himself and has given the Son to have life." Maybe if the televangelists and prosperity preachers would take their minds off this world and the wallets of their followers they might learn to teach just what the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ is. Maybe they could teach a people to look toward heaven where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Maybe they would actually see some things in the sun, moon and stars concerning Christ instead of just another day to make money.
  Now that we see through types and shadows that Christ is that faithful and true witness, can we see the words of one of his faithful witnesses that explain it a little more plainly?

Revelation 1:4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;
5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful and true witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his blood,

  Well, well, Jesus Christ is the faithful and true witness! It is he that will not lie.
  That means that if we are a faithful and true witness we have to be in him. We have to have the rightly divided word of truth as brought forth by his Spirit. And, that requires the baptism of the Holy Ghost!
  And, just for the record,  since the Lord will not lie we better hearken to what he said!
  He said to fear him that can cast both body and soul into hell! He didn't say love and reverence him with some gooey - gooey love. He said fear! The Gentile churches better get it through their head that the same Lord that has all mercy now has all wrath! He is to be loved, reverenced and feared with the same love, reverence and fear that the children of Israel had for Jehovah.
  They wouldn't dare be so arogant as to appear before God dressed like they were going for a picnic or rock concert. They wouldn't dare talk to him as though he was just another man.
  If we wish to be a faithful and true witness that does not lie we had better have the mind of Christ. We had better walk as he warned us and do as he said. Every thought that we have better be brought back to the captivity of he that died for our sins and is no respecter of persons. We better remember that the same Jesus that loved Lazurus enough to raise him from the dead is the same one that drove those who sold doves out of the temple. He that raised us from the dead will drive us from the temple if we dare try to buy or sell that which comes forth from his Spirit.
  And, speaking of buying and selling, this book is written to warn and not for gain. It is to tell the heretical Christian mess today to repent! It is written knowing that those who esteem the lies of heresy from the false prophets of today will try their best to find fault and justify their sin. They will compass land and sea to justify their lusts and to make their proselytes two-fold the child of hell as themselves!
  Do we have another scripture about this faithful witness?

Revelation 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

  Once again we see that the faithful and true witness is Jesus Christ. His words are true and in agreement from beginning to end. He will not lie and tell people they have done well when they haven't. He will not tell people anything that contradicts scripture. He most definately will not esteem one man above another.
  His doctrine is sound and eternal in spiritual matters. He is forever a High Priest after the order of Melchezidec and will not make intercession for the wicked works of the ungodly. He will not honour the vain words of the unfaithful witnesses nor hear their prayers. He said "I pray not for the world."
  The churches today need to lay the word of God to heart and turn from their wickedness. They are expecting to see a meek carpenter come through the clouds and will be surprised to see the King of kings and Lord of lords. Just as the Lord took the wise in their craftiness when he came as a poor servant he will take the Gentiles in their craftiness when he comes back as a mighty King to save his bride and punish the ungodly.

Christianity needs to repent !!!
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