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Rated: E · Other · Educational · #1399403
A book I am writing. If you are easily offended do not read it!

  This is a book I am writing about the current state of Christianity. The Lord said that few will find the way unto eternal life. When Christianity becomes popular it is no  longer a form of faith that was handed down to the elect lady and her children.
  If you are easily offended about spiritual things do not read this!
  I repeat, if you are easily offended by spiritual things do not  read this or the following chapters! 
  I already realize that I will anger many and be accused of being hateful, heartless and judgmental. The truth is I don't care. I am not one that sits and says everytone is ok while false prophets lead them to hell babying them.
  The truth is that Paul said evil men would arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves. It has come to pass!
  That isn't my goal. My goal is to get people to repent and seek out the original gospel. Not the garbage called Chritianity today!
  If you are easily offended about church or spiritual matters do not read this or the chapters that will follow!                                         


                                    A warning to Christians!


Philippians 2: 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
9 Wherfore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

  Just who is the glory of God the Father?
  The Lord said "Ye shall be witnesses unto me." As he was being stoned Stephen said he saw the heavens opened and the glory of God. That glory of God was at his right hand. 2 Corinthians 4:6 says we come to the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
  Every tongue shall one day confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to Christ who is that glory! They may not do it in this life but they will one day!
  Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you:
  What mind?
  To have the mind of Christ isn't to go around arogantly teaching doctrines of man and exalting one's self. It is to deny ourselves and esteem others better.  It means humbling ourselves and not using liberties that cause others to ridicule and blasphemy God. It means not bringing him to an open shame at his Father's throne.
  Having the mind of Christ means looking ito salvation in Christ that will glorify God. Taking no thought for this world beyond being a stranger and sojourner.
  It's to love the Lord with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength and all your mind and your neighbor as yourself. Honouring the marital vows for better and worse, in sickness and in health and for richer or poorer. Not just when rich, better and in health.
  The mind of Christ seeks to glorify God and to bring salvation unto man. The mind of Christ is in humility and obedience to God. The mind of Christ is to put others first and to do all things honestly in the sight of man and God. Even when it brings hardship unto yourself and makes you pass up fame, fortune and the easy life!

Isaiah 2:11: The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of man shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

  The mess that is called Christianity today is anything but the faith of God's elect that gives a hope in Christ Jesus and the power to endure unto the end. That gospel of the elect lady and her children has been replaced with a feel good religion that allows every sin imaginable. As it swings  from one end of the balance to the other it allows the grace of God to be turned into lasciviousness at one extreme and for a self glorying in works at the other! Littles do the ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing realize that the Lord delights in a just weight and an equal balance between flesh and Spirit and faith and works!
  This book is dedicated to the glory of Christ Jesus the Lord. A King of kings and a Lord of lords. The only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. The only one that could manifest the glory of the law of sin and death while manifesting the law of the Spirit of Life. The only one that could walk without spot and raise himself from the dead to live for evermore.
  It is he that has all grace and all wrath! It is he that is to be loved as the only way unto the Father and feared as the one that can cast both body and soul in hell! It is he alone that pleases His Father, Jehovah, God Almighty! All else is but vanity! And all who disobey Him or attempt to steal His glory shall be damned!
  All power has been given Him in heaven and earth. At His name shall every knee bow. The gods of this world will not save man nor deliver them fom the wrath to come. We all shall appear at the judgment seat of Christ and everyone shall answer for those things done in their body.
  Those who have the baptism of the Holy Ghost and have walked with Christ in His way and in His law shall be seated with Him on His throne and arrayed in white. Those who believed not and chose this present evil world shall be cast into a flaming devil's hell! They will have eternity to regret having not followed the only begotten Son of God and to think about their evil deeds they chose over eternal life. They will have an eternity to think about how they failed to love their children enough to teach them about the spiritual things that would have saved their souls!
  The word of God says the last shall be first and the first shall be last! Those parents born prior to their children shall be judged after them! They will have the opportunity to have their lack of true love for their children manifested as they hear their children to depart! Every person that hasn't had a parent teach them about Christ will have their opportunity to to see how much their parent really loved them. Those ball games, skating parties and such won't save them nor show the fruit of true love at the judgment seat of Christ! The cookies and milk in the Sundayschool room won't bring the eternal life as the word would have if those so-called men of God would have had patience to preach to both young and old. If they had stood on the words in Deuteronomy and warned the parents to teach their children about the Lord and the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ rather than send them to be babied in a class to pacify parents! Parents that didn't want to be "bothered" with having to keep them quiet!
  Men have twisted the word of God for too long for filthy lucre and their own glory! Their days are numbered and this mess of so-called Christianity needs to repent!
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