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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Death · #1396226
sometimes being bound for life turns out being not as bad as it seems
sometimes being BOUND FOR LIFE turns out good

im bound for life
cant anyone save me
i feel like im drowning in a dark empty pit of nothing
its cold here,and time seems to move by so slowly
people look at me and wonder if im ok
i give them a weak smile and walk by
i hold my head up high
try to dress like i have nothing to hide
but i do,infact its very a very big secet
my best friend kayce follows me up and down trying to find out what im hidding
i smile and wink at her and say nothing,but theirs no fooling kayce
she begs and pleads but no dice
i know she just wants to help but this is just to big to tell
my parents notice me drooping too
they ask me questions and all this other hubbabaloo
i just shake my head and march up stairs and throw my self onto my bed and cry
when moarning comes my little sister sits on my bed
i just sometimes whish i could be her because she is so little,she has nothing to dread
wake up wake up she cries and leaps from the bed
didnt you hear the news?no school at all,its a snow day
she smiles and flips a lock of her long blonde hair
and runs from the room screaming hip hip horay
i yawn and stretch and rub my eyes
and open my curtains to see snow everywere
oh joy this will be fun as i trudge downstairs to get my breakfast
good moarning my joyous mother sings as she fills my bowl with rice crispies
i square my sholders,smile and say good moarning,wats on the agenda for today?
well,me and your father were planning on going to downtown to take your sister shopping.would u like to come?
no thaks mom,ill just stay home in case someone calls and wants to do something today
i went back upstairs to go get dressed
i went into my closet and looked around
gee,when my older sister left for collage and took some clothes with her it really impared my wardrobe i thought
i thought quick and wiped to gether a nice,cute and decent outfit
it was a american eagle sweater with jeans and back pumas
i combed my long balck silky hair and put a purple head band in it
finaly at 1 in the afternoon my friend bex lee called and asked if i wanted to go see step up 2 with her and her boyfriend john
sure i said because their was nothing else to do
when i got to the movie theater bex was standing in the middle of the lobby with a young cute boy about our age who i have never seen before
i thought it was her boyfriend so i went up to them and said hi,im katy,you must be bex's boyfriend john.
umm no im her friend matt.
bex turned a sudden shade of pink while i turned a deep red
when we all walked into the movie bex and john started making out while me and matt sat akwardly trying to to notice them.
so who would have thought you would like to come see a chick flick i said conversationly.Oh i didnt come for the movie i came because bex told me that their was going to be a very preety girl comming and i guess she was right.next thing i knew matt was leaning in closing his eyes and kissing me
at first i didnt kiss him back i just sat their
then i pulled away and said umm i need to use the bathroom excuse me
bex pulled away from her bf and gave me a glare which i knew her very well to kno that glare ment what the hell are you doing ,he just kissed you now kiss him back
i smiled at her and walked away
when i was in the bathroom bex walked in,spun me around and said ok whats wrong?
nothing i replied simply
oh well ok i find that hard to belive..if nothing was rong then y did u stop kissing matt?
umm well i cant kiss
omg your lying thats not it,come on katy im your friend you can tell me
well considering that friends dont surprize hock up other friends i dontt think that applys to you bex i said flatly
bex's face went to sad,to hurt,then to mad
well fine i was just trying to help you and all your depression problems but if thats the way you feel about this like im setting you up secretly then fine by me bye
wait bex i---then she was gone
i felt really bad about what i just said.i pulled out my cell phone and called my mom to come pick me up.when i got home i went up stairs and cryied my heart out
next day bex wouldnt talk to me at all.bex can sure hold a grudge kayce said as she slid into the seat next to me at lunch.ill say.so what did you even do to her kayce asked nervously.like all i heard was something about you making out with her bf but thats it.WHAT,i shouted.i would never.were did you hear that kayce.
oh umm..kayce played with her fingers umcomfertably
i have to go i think im sick.kayce ran out the door so fast it wasnt visible

© Copyright 2008 krazykatty (krbykaty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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