Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1395432-The-Night-Walkers
by Graham
Rated: 13+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1395432
What is Night Now?
"15 years. 15 years" John thought to himself. In the small burrow what was there to do. If you went out there you would be exposed. Many others survived to, though. They only had Night to travel. Only had night to leave. Only night to scavenge. Only night to live. Day time was dangerous. It was always stormy now. They were out there. John shuddered to think about it. You'd think that 15 years would change his perspective on the creatures but it hadn't changed a bloody thing. It all began, say, yes 15 years. Maybe sixteen, but that didn't matter.

Something; Some facility... Yes, some military facility. He couldn't recall quite where exactly it was but he could remember enough. Something went overboard down there. It was no problem on that day... School and work were called off. About say, a week later things started to get bigger. They never talked about what exactly happened... Problem was it was bad. It had no real name... Well it probably did down behind locked doors, but we weren't behind locked doors, we were here... In the outside. People are advised in at least 25 countries to stay in. 1 by 1, things happened. Until that one day. The sky was black... nothing seemed good. Everybody was advised to stay inside, lock your doors and close blinds.

He didn't know what time, maybe about 3 o' clock (it didn't matter; The sky was dark enough.) when "it" happened. It was still day time. any surviving human now knows that that's bad. People opened their blinds to see---- to see----- horrible abominations. Freaks of Nature. They all had the same colors... They were a foggy and jet black, with tentacles in the back, glowing red eyes, eyes that could work as flashlights. They were about eight feet at least, some were nine. They had long sleek legs with an inward curve on their legs... and sharp claws. They looked like something you'd see in H.P Lovecraft... They were horrible. People were screaming... closing blinds. At first those... those things, they just examined everything. Panic went through the world. The world that was starring in horror at the creatures. What were they? What did they want? John Shuddered again. He still had no clue.

To get his mind off of it, he settled on the fact that there was going to be a "Concentration Festival" at 2 o' clock tomorrow. They were horrid. They were controlled by the night walkers, and if you didn't show up, they would check your burrow and you would be taken away. Nobody has ever lived to tell where exactly they would take you, but it would be dreadful. You would be whipped by tentacles to run. John speculated the thought that the running exercises at the festivals used to be called "Suicides". He had never really been part of a sports team but he now knew exactly why they were called that. Run, Stop, Bend, Run back, run, stop, bend, run back. It was one of the worst thing a human could possibly endure.

You had to perform backbreaking stretches. "Physical Torture" He thought with a distasteful looking frown, hunched up in his dirt filled burrow. It was, indeed, madness. You had to run the distance of 5--- "No." John thought, "NO!" he screamed in fury. What was he doing? They'd take him away now... The night walkers will burst in: He's showing fury. You were allowed to be exhausted... You were allowed to be in pain. But you couldn't be happy or in rage. The reason he had shouted out "No" was because he had forgotten what a football field was. Slowly but surely humanity was dying. These--- Creatures--- were taking complete advantage. They were the bigger figures.

He started to think about what he had heard at night, with other people. That there were places where those creatures retreated for night. That they had "Hives". He decided to take his mind off that for now, though. The outside world of his burrow was a disgrace to the way humans used to live. The creatures didn't care about buildings or architecture (Well of course the bloody things didn't) but they had just left Earth a ruin. Debris, Smashed in buildings and dead cars. It was the worst our planet could ever look. It was like a giant hand had come down and smashed everything up into pieces. Denting every little structure or machine. It was horrid. It was the night walker's planet now. Not ours. We didn't own it, they did. It was always stormy. Always clouded. Sun was never seen. Light was never seen. The world had ended.
© Copyright 2008 Graham (yellowhat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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