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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Educational · #1394226
My college essay for a special education class, A case study including a sample IEP.

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                   Case Study:
Individual Education Program (IEP) (It is best to use web layout view for this section.)


         Billy Smith is a fourth grade student who lives with his grandmother.  Most of his friends are younger than him and he enjoys music and television.  Responsibilities at home include taking care of his room.
         Lack of prenatal care and alcohol/drug use were reported during the pregnancy; however, Billy’s delivery was indicated to have been spontaneous and no problems were indicated in regard to his condition at birth.  Walking was indicated to have occurred within average expectations, while toilet training, talking, and speaking in sentences were indicated to have occurred late.  Drug use in the family and being put in foster care were showed to have been traumatic experiences for Billy, but he reportedly sleeps well, takes no medication at present, and his current state of health is indicated to be excellent.  However, he does wear glasses.
         Billy receives specially designed instruction to assist in meeting his individual needs.  Behavioral observations in class indicated that he seemed reluctant to work, was disrespectful, and required extra encouragement.  However, he did tell his examiner that he likes school.
         Several evaluations were preformed on Billy, including two behavioral observations; a speech/language checklist; a hearing and vision screening; a Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale; a Conners’ Parent Rating Scale; the Wechsler Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WISC-III); the Woodcock-Johnson II Tests of Achievement (WJ III ACH); and an Adaptive Behavior Inventory (ABI).
         According to the WISC-III Intelligence Test Billy’s Full Scale IQ of 44 exceeds <0.1 percent of his normative age group, thus he is considered below average for his age in his cognitive ability.
         The WISC-III Verbal Scale IQ of 50 again corresponds to a percentile ranking of <0.1 and suggests below average verbal skills for his age.  The Verbal Scale measures verbal comprehension, including application of verbal skills and information to the solution of new problems, ability to process verbal information, and ability to think with words.  It provides information on language processing, reasoning, attention, verbal learning, and memory.
         Billy’s nonverbal skill IQ of 46 is also in the percentile ranking of <0.1 and below average for his age, according to the WISC-III Performance Scale.  This test measures perceptual organization, including the ability to think in visual images and to manipulate these images with fluency and relative speed, to reason without the us of words (in some cases,) and to interpret visual material quickly,
         The four point discrepancy in favor of Billy’s WISC-III Verbal Scale IQ is not statistically significant at the .05 probability level and suggests in this respect that he functions on about the same level whether expressing himself verbally or dealing with concrete objects in problem solving situations.
         Billy’s academic achievement skills in reading, math, and writing were consistent with the other tests scores with a percentile ranking of <0.1, suggesting below average school achievement compared to his peers.  His reading comprehension was scored at 26, his math calculation skills at 26, and there is no score at all for the written expression because he refused to do it.
Billy’s behavior characteristics and adaptive behavior were measured on the Connors’ Rating Scale, by both his special education teacher and his grandmother.  He showed abnormal scores in such areas as A. oppositional, B. cognitive problems/inattention, D. anxious-shy, F. social problems, and other areas of inattention.
Billy also took an Adaptive Behavior Inventory or ABI.  His ranking was at 4 or below in all areas of social skills, where a ranking of 5 is considered a weakness.
All of these tests can be affected by such factors as motivation, interests, cultural opportunities, natural endowment, attention span, and the ability to process verbal information.  As noted in some of Billy’s behavioral observations a lack of motivation and interest may have very well affected his scores.
His Goals are to: Use mathematical ideas and procedures to communicate, reason, and solve problems; and to make sense of materials read.
His reading modifications will include the use of Mayor-Johnson symbols to symbolize some words for better comprehension, peer assistance and technological aids.
These will help him to make sense of reading materials by using word-by-word matching, sentence structure, and the understanding that letters make words; make connections between letters and their corresponding sounds in words; use prior experiences to help make sense of stories; to auditorally recognize blends and diagraphs; and to recognize long and short vowel sounds.
A sample of Billy’s modified reading lessons:  teacher read the story Harassment at School to Billy and his peer assistant.  Peer assisted Billy in typing the story into the Mayor-Johnson Read-Write computer program.  The computer program vocalizes the story.  Computer generated symbols and character pictures are used for story representations.  With his peer assistant, Billy uses the symbols and character pictures to retell the story by placing them in order on a flannel storyboard.  He is assigned five vocabulary words from story to recognize by using clue picture flashcards.
His assessment is based on whether or he typed the story into the computer correctly; and did Billy comprehend the story well enough to retell it correctly on the flannel storyboard?  Can Billy recognize the five vocabulary words without using the Mayor-Johnson symbols on reverse side?  Did Billy pass teacher designed comprehension worksheet?
In math his modifications will include: technological aids, such as a calculator; extended time; visual cuing by highlighting the operations; games; and modeling.  These will help him to: solve three digit operations in addition and subtraction with no regrouping; recognize fractional parts; recognize coins, value of coins, and total coins of same denomination.
A sample of Billy’s modified math lessons:  Billy’s regular math class is studying PH44, the value of money, Billy’s peer assistant highlights the plus, minus, and dollar decimal signs; Billy uses his calculator and independently does his ten math money problems on worksheet.  The Grocery Game is played, there are ten items to purchase, students move around game board until they get ten items.  He then totals them on his calculator.
His assessment is based on whether he can do the problems on his worksheet correctly with his calculator; and did Billy take the skills he learned from the Grocery game and apply them during his trip to Wal-Mart?
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Individual Education Program (IEP)

Date:                    February 21, 2005                                                  Review Date:          February 19, 2006
Student:          Smith                    Billy                                           Age:          10          Grade:          4
         Last                    First                    Middle                                        
Student ID#                                                               Disability:          Mild Mental Disability

Education PerformanceAreas Assessed          Present Levels of Performance including how the disability affects the student’s involvement and progress in the general curriculum  (For preschool children include the effect on participation in appropriate activities;For students aged 14, or younger if appropriate, a statement of transition needs is included; andFor students aged 16, or younger if appropriate, a statement of transition services and interagency linkages is included.)
Communication Status          X          Performance commensurate with similar age peers
Academic Performance          Academic screenings indicate that Billy recognizes all the letter of the alphabets and their sounds. He can say vowels and give sound for each short vowel sound.  Given a one-syllable word he recognizes short vowel sound in words.  He recognizes most blends and diagraphs. He reads primer level with assistance and picture clues. He reads some sight words as measured by sight word list.  However he reads more words than this using context and picture clues as part of reading instruction. He counts to 100 and reads numbers to 1000. He is beginning to complete operations with regrouping.
Health, Vision, Hearing, MotorAbilities          X    Not an area of concern at this time
Social and Emotional Status          Teacher observations and parent interviews indicate that Billy still exhibits acting out behavior especially at home. His behavior is very improved at school. He no longer requires a behavior management plan.
General Intelligence          Cognitive scores of 62, 57, and 56 indicate below average general intellectual functioning. Weaknesses noted in part-whole relationships and a strength in practical problem solving.
Transition Needs          0          Instruction0          Related services0          Community experiences0          Employment0          Daily Living Skills0          Post School Adult Living Objectives0          Functional Vocational EvaluationX Performance commensurate with similar age peers
Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment          X          Performance commensurate with similar age peers

Name:               DOB:               Date of ARC:     

Consideration of Special Factors for IEP Development:
·          Does the child’s behavior impede his/her learning or that of others? 0 Yes  X  No  If yes, include appropriate strategies, such as positive behavioral interventions and supports in the statement of devices and services below.

·          Does the child have limited English proficiency? 0 Yes  X No.  If yes, what is the relationship of language needs to the IEP?

·          Is the child blind or visually impaired?          0 Yes  X No                    If yes, the IEP Team must consider:
o          Is instruction in Braille needed?          0 Yes  0 No
o          Is use of Braille needed?                    0 Yes  0 No
o          Will Braille be the student’s primary mode of communication?  0 Yes 0 No (See evaluation data for supporting evidence.)
·          Does the child have communication needs?          0 Yes X No.  If yes, what are they?
·          Is the child deaf or hard of hearing? 0 Yes  X No.  If yes, the IEP Team must consider:
o          The child’s language and communication needs; Describe:
o          Opportunities for direct communications with peers and professional personnel in the child’s language and communication mode, academic level and full range of needs; Describe:
o          Any necessary opportunities for direct instruction in the child’s language and communication mode. Describe:

         ·          Are assistive technology devices and services necessary in order to implement the child’s IEP? (include instruction in Braille)
0 Yes  X No.  If yes, indicate below.

Statement of devices/services to be provided to address the above special factors (such as an intervention plan; accommodations; other program modifications)


Name:  Billy Smith          DOB: 03/07/1994          Date of ARC: 10/17/2004

Measurable Annual Goals and Benchmarks/Short-term Instructional Objectives for IEP and Transition Activities

Annual Measurable Goal:          Billy will make sense of the variety of materials read.  Billy will use mathematical ideas and procedures to communicate, reason, and solve problems.

         Review of Progress of Annual Goal          Date Progress Report Sent to Parent
         1st          2nd          3rd          4th          5th          6th          7th          8th          1st reporting period:   
Methods of Evaluation*                              1,3,4                                                            2nd reporting period:   
Reports of Progress**                                        2                                                  3rd reporting period:   
Goal Anticipation***                                        NO                                                  4th reporting period:   
*Methods of Evaluation1.          Standard tests2.          Teacher-made tests3.          Teacher observations4.          state and/or district assessments5.          Progress Data6.          Other:      7.          Other:               **Report of Progress1.          No progress made2.          Very little progress being made towards goal3.          Some progress being made towards goal4.          Goal has been met5.          Other:      ***Goal Anticipation          YES          Anticipate meeting goal by IEP annual review, or          NO          Do not anticipate meeting goal by IEP annual review.                     5th reporting period:   
         6th reporting period:   
         7th reporting period:   
         8th reporting period:   

Benchmarks/Short-Term Instructional Objectives and Specially Designed Instruction
Benchmarks/Objectives          Specially Designed Instructions
1.          1. Billy will make sense of reading materials through using word-by-word matching, punctuation, sentence structure, and the understanding that letters make words. 2. Billy will make connections between letters and their corresponding sounds in words. 3. Billy will use prior experiences to help make sense of stories. 4. Bill will auditorally recognize blends and diagraphs. 5. Billy will recognize long and short vowel sounds.          Lower level materials, games, highlighters, text readers/writers, skill isolation, prescriptive teaching, computer drills, controlled vocabulary picture/visual cues, oral prompting, and advanced organizers.
2.          1. Billy will solve three digit operations (addition/subtraction) with no regrouping. 2. Billy will tell time to 5 minutes. 3. Billy will recognize fractional parts. 4. Billy will recognize coins, value of coins, and total coins of same denomination.          Manipulatives, lower level materials, models, charts, skill isolation, daily repetition, highlighters, calculators, computer drills, flashcards, and games.

Name:  Billy Smith          DOB: 03/07/1994          Date of ARC: 10/07/2004

Specially Designed Instruction in P.E.:  Does the student require specially designed P.E.?  0 Yes  X No. 
            If yes, document as specially designed instruction.

A statement of supplementary aids and services, if any, to be provided to the child or on behalf of the child:Billy is to receive special transportation to Elementary School daily.

Individual Modifications in the Administration of Assessments and in the ClassroomIn order to justify appropriateness of accommodations for any state mandated tests, the testing accommodations must be used consistently as part of routine instruction and classroom assessment as well as meet all additional requirements established by the Inclusion of Special Populations in the State-Required Assessment and Accountability Programs,703 KAR 5:070 document.X          Readers          X          Scribes          0          Paraphrasing          0          Reinforcement and behavior modification strategiesX          Prompting/cueing          X          Use of technology          X          Manipulatives          0          Braille          0          InterpretersX          Extended time          0          Other: specify              X          Student has been determined eligible for participation in the alternative portfolio assessment.  The reasons for this decision are:Billy is unable to apply or use academic skills at a minimal competency level in natural settings when instructed solely or primarily through school-based instruction.

Program Modifications/Supports for School Personnel that will be provided for the child:

Name:  Billy Smith          DOB: 03/07/1994          Date of ARC: 10/07/2004

LRE and General Education:  Explain the extent, if any, to which the student will not participate in:
regular classes (content area): Language arts and math

Special Education and Related Services:
Type of Service*          Anticipated Frequency of Service          Anticipated Duration Of Service          Location of Services**
                   Amount of Time          Beginning Date/Ending Date          
Direct Instruction – 1          Daily          90 minutes          02/21/2005          02/19/2006          2
         **For location use code for continuum of services: 1.          regular class2.          resource room/special class3.          special  schools (KSD,KSB)4.          home instruction5.          hospital and institutions 6.          other:      7.          other:     
         *Type Of Service:                    1.          Special Education          2.          Speech Language Pathology          3.          Audiology          4.          Psychological          5.          Physical Therapy          6.          Occupational Therapy          7.          Recreation                                                  8.          Counseling 9.          Orientation & Mobility10.          School Health Services11.          Social Work12.          Parent Counseling & Training13.          Transportation14.          Instruction In Braille15.          Other:                         

Name:               DOB:               Date of ARC:     

How were the student’s preferences and interests considered?  (Check all that apply)
X          Student Interview          0          Student Survey          0Student Portfolio          0Vocational Assessments          0          Interest Inventory
0          Parent Interview          0          Other:             
Transition Services Needs (Beginning at age 14, or younger)
                   Needs Related to the Course of StudyHas Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) been developed:X          Yes.0          No.  If no, do not proceed with development of IEP until IGP is developed.

Transition Services (Beginning at age 16, or younger if appropriate)
Desired Post School Outcomes/Services (Check those which apply)EmploymentX          Competitive0          Supported0          Military          Living Arrangements0          X Independent Living          Supported          0          Unsupported?0          Group Home0          Parents or RelativePost-SecondaryX          Community College0          Technical College0          University          Community Participation0          SupportedX          Unsupported
Required Transition Services Including Statement of Interagency Linkages and Responsibilities
Agency Responsibilities          Agency Responsible

If applicable, One year before the student reaches age 18 the student and parent have been informed of the student’s rights under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, if any, that will transfer on reaching the age of majority.  Date Informed:       

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