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Cinderella? Not likely. However perception is everything.A D/s relationship unfolds
"Held ~ Chapter Five" ![]() HELD ~ Chapter Six The warm night breeze ruffled Kara's hair, carrying with it the tang of the ocean. The master suite terrace had been transformed into an elegant dinning room in her absence; the staff setting out an Italian dinner that would have made her former employer salivate. Self-consciously she tugged on the hem of Ean's pajama top, feeling foolishly under dressed in the fairy tale setting. Nestled in the hills of Laguna Beach, Ean's home offered a breathtaking view of the Pacific Ocean and the city below. A nervous giggle broke the silence, and Kara blushed realizing it was hers. She peeked up at Ean as he raised a casual brow at her. Gesturing with a fork full of seafood linguini, she smiled shyly. "I have to agree with my son. This is some really good spaghetti." They both laughed. The meal continued in silence and Kara was surprised to realize it was comfortable now. Settling back in her chair, she curled her legs underneath her, sipping her wine. Her fingers traced the delicate vines etched in the stemware, reminding her of the ornate stainless steel collar around Rae's slender throat. As a jeweler, Vincent had painstakingly crafted the piece himself to be not only fully functional but also as uniquely beautiful as his wife and submissive. "You need remember to call her in the morning. Undoubtedly you will have a lot to discuss," Ean said softly, breaking into her thoughts. Kara blinked at him, a shiver running down her spine at his intuitiveness. "It is long distance," she said stupidly, wanting to kick herself the moment the words came out of her mouth. Ean merely donned a tolerant smile. "No worries, little one. You are permitted to call Abby as often as you wish." "Thank you." He raised that sleek brow again and gave her an expectant look. Kara's heart pounded, her mind racing. "Thank you, sir?" Ean shook his head, pale blue eyes pinning her to the chair. "Yes sir or even 'Yes Ean' is acceptable in public. When we are in private, you will call me Master." "Ye...yes Master," she whispered awkwardly, color flooding her pale cheeks. "What did I tell you earlier about clothing when we are alone?" Kara's flush darkened and her hands trembled as they lifted the satin garment over her head, folding it nervously in her lap. "Good girl," he murmured. "Thank you, si . . . Master," she whispered. Ean nodded in approval."You are welcome, girl." He regarded her for a moment."How much do you know about dominance and submission?" "Not a lot," she said carefully. Ean smiled at her caution. "Perhaps a better question might be, what do you think you know about a D/s relationship?" "The man is lord and master, and the woman is his property. His word is law. If she doesn't obey him or pisses him off she is beaten--or worse," Kara whispered, not meeting Ean's gaze. "Is that how Vincent and Abby's relationship works?" he asked curiously. She looked surprised by that question."Well no . . . of course not. Vincent loves Rae." "So Vincent is not her Master and Rae can do what ever she wants?" "No," Kara paused for a moment, struggling to put her thoughts into words. "It's just that Vincent talks things over with her, listens, takes her thoughts and feelings into consideration before he makes the final decision. Does that make sense? I mean he is definitely the boss." She hesitated as Ean smiled softly at her. "It sounds as if Vincent is a man comfortable with who and what he is. All playing and sadistic tendencies aside, if a man is truly dominant he does not need to prove it with bullying, control, or brute force," he explained. Seeing the evident doubt and confusion in her eyes, he tried a different approach. "Do you have grandparents?" "No," At the slight frown that creased his forehead she quickly added, "I used to go with Rae to her Grandparents' house for the summer or on the weekends." "In our grandparents' generation, men and women knew their roles. There was no confusion. The man was the breadwinner, master of his domain, and yes, his word was law. He protected and provided for his wife, and she in turn, saw to his needs, cared for his home, and raised their children. A good D/s relationship, in my mind, is old fashioned, like that of our grandparents--with a bit of kink." He winked at her, spoiling the solemnity of the moment and she giggled. He stretched in his chair and taking her hand, tugged her into his lap. "You, nor Nick, will want for anything. You will be safe. I protect what is mine with my life. I expect little of you, Kara. You will give me your loyalty, devotion, and absolute obedience. See that my needs are met, little one, and I will keep you to a life style in which you will quickly become accustomed. No more worries, baby. I will take care of everything." Kara shivered, at his warm breath against her nape or his words--she couldn't say. His words inspired hope and fear in equal parts. The saying said if something seemed too good to be true lingered . . . but GOD did she want to believe! She tried to rationalize. Could it be worse than what she had already faced in her life? She had survived the abuse and neglect of alcoholic parents. Leaving home at fourteen, she had worked her ass off to go to school and hold down a job; so as to give back to Rae's mother--who had taken in an extra mouth to feed on a single income. After stepping out on her own at eighteen, she had been raped at a "play party," a fine introduction to this lifestyle Ean spoke of. After finding out she was pregnant, she had to choose between raising her son alone or submitting daily to the sadistic brutality of the man who had raped her. She faced the simple hardship of raising a child on her own--wanting to give him so much, and fighting tooth and nail just to provide the basics. She closed her eyes, remembering the light in her son's eyes as he spoke of his afternoon and a firm resolution came over her. Ean watched the myriad of emotions dance over Kara's expressive features and hid a smile in her blond locks. Really, she was making this way too difficult. He knew the moment she came to a decision and decided to make it easy for her. "You may obey me because you love me . . . or because you fear me, little one. It is your choice. It's really your only choice, Kara, for you will obey me. You are mine." Kara's heart leapt in her throat and a shiver ran down her spine as she stared at the possessive glint in Ean's pale eyes. This was a man used to getting what he wanted and he wanted her. No one had ever wanted her. She had been an embarrassment, convenience, or a mistake. The thought of turning over all of the control, all of the worry, was so tempting. Never had someone just taken care of her. Turning slightly in his lap, she snuggled into his chest. "Thank you for allowing me to be yours." she whispered. "You are welcome, baby," he said softly. Tucking her head under his chin, he held her for a long while, rocking her gently. Finally, he stirred. Patting her, he urged her to her feet. Standing, he took her hand and led her back through the French doors into the master suite. Kara trailed a bit, looking back over her shoulder uncertainly. "The staff will see to it, little one. No worries," Ean murmured, reading her mind. Kara nodded mutely, allowing herself to be lead back to the freshly made bed. She slipped shyly between the sheets as he turned them back for her. Her gaze followed him as he crossed the room to touch a button, closing the verticals over the French doors and the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the terrace. Picking up the phone, he pushed a button, speaking briefly. The stillness of the house made her a tad uneasy and made her miss the closeness of her son. She started to slide across the bed, then stilled. She waited until Ean hung up the phone and turned to her. "Master?" she whispered, lowering her gaze. Her submissive tone and posture pleased Ean. The girl learned quickly. "Yes, little one?" "May I have your permission to check in on Nicholas before we turn in for the night, sir?" Ean waggled a finger at her and Kara rose to her knees to crawl across the bed to him. She whimpered as his fist wrapped in her hair, dragging her up against him. She held her breath as he stared down at her before lowering his lips to hers, kissing her hard. She moaned as his lips ground against hers, his free hand groping her bare ass and pressing her tight to him. She could feel his erection pressing between her breasts and rubbed against it as best she could with his tight grip. His hand snaked up her side, following the curve of her breast tweak her hard nipple. She yelped into his mouth as he pinched, twisting the little nub until she arched her back. Then, his mouth was gone, and the pressure released brought a hiss of pain as the blood flow returned. His hand cracked down on one ass cheek, drawing another yelp and bringing her body back in contact with his. The fist in her hair tightened, bringing stinging tears to her eyes as he tilted her head back to look up at him. "Hurry." Kara padded quickly down the hall, her nipple and derrière burning as the satin pajama top teased the aroused flesh. Desire throbbed between shaky thighs and her mind whirled. Ean's touch had been far from gentle and yet her body had responded like never before. She blushed as she felt moisture rub against the tops of her thighs. Never had she responded like this. Bobby had told her repeatedly that she was a frigid little bitch when she had remained dry and unresponsive under him. Yet this afternoon, she had withstood the initial pain of Ean's advances and even found pleasure in it. A first for her. Pausing outside the door of Nick's room, she took a deep breath and turned the knob, quietly slipping inside. Moving cautiously through the dim room, she sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching instinctually to smooth his hair--just needing to touch him. He looked so small ensconced in the queen-size bed. She smiled seeing his football peeking out from under the down comforter. He was so beautiful, the most precious thing in her life. Bending to kiss his forehead, she closed her eyes for a moment, sending up a fervent prayer for her child's health and happiness. Ean watched the petite beauty as she trembled at the foot of his bed. Slowly, she stripped the pajama top over her head, holding it before her for a moment, then laying it neatly over the chaise. Skirting the bed, she climbed tremulously into the other side. He held an arm out to her, and was pleased when she unhesitantly slid across to settle in the crook. Cupping the weight of one breast in his palm, he ran a thumb over a dusky nipple, enjoying the shiver that ran through her. Pushing her down onto the bed, he pressed a knee between her thighs, settling over her. His mouth replacing his hand, he suckled zealously, tonguing the stiff peak, drawing soft moans from her lips. His fist tangled in her hair, drawing her head back as his lips moved up to ravage her throat, teeth raking her collar bone. His erection rode the channel between her thighs, her juices slicking its length. Kissing back over her breasts, he nuzzled her belly before loosening his hold on her hair and lifting her hips in his hands. Kara let out a strangled scream as his hot tongue dragged the length of her slit. Strong hands cradled her buttocks, lifting her and opening her to him. His tongue speared into her, driving her wild and she bucked in his hands. His grip tightened as he ruthlessly scraped his teeth over her clit before locking his lips about it and sucking. Kara screamed, twisting and thrusting franticly in his grasp. Wetting his fingers in her desire, Ean slowly opened her ass, working first one finger in, stretching the muscle and working the lube until he was thrusting three digits into her. Willing to wait no longer, he looped her knees over his elbows and pressed her legs back. Lining his cock up he thrust slowly into her until his balls rested against her ass. She tightened, her body tensing as a high pitched whine escaped her and her face contorted in pain. Giving her a moment to adjust to his size, he started to fuck her with long hard strokes--his desire building with every plunge. Kara fought the pain, trying to relax as she felt split in half. Her breath came in pants as he gave her a moment's respite. A groan tumbled from her lips as his thumb started to stroke her clit again and his cock slammed into her ass. She arched higher off the bed, mewls of pleasure and pain mingling with her panting cries as he played her body. His thrusts came harder and faster, his thrumming of her clit matching his pace until she exploded over his fingers with a scream. Twisting her nipples viciously, Ean's ears rang with her screams of pleasure and pain. His hips snapped forcefully, face twisted in a primal snarl. Throwing his head back, a guttural growl ripped from his chest and his body shuddered as he found his release. He slumped over her for a moment, grinding his softening member into her and drawing gasping cries. He delighted for a few moments in her whimpering and writhing before withdrawing to collapse beside her on the bed. Drawing her into his arms, he soothed the sting of her nipples with soft kisses and the caress of his tongue. He smiled lazily as she flexed her short nails into his back, cat-like in her pleasure. She nuzzled his neck, tucking her head beneath his chin and he enjoyed the simplicity of just holding her. Proprietary pride came over him and his lips twisted in a feral smile. The girl was his. "Held ~ Chapter Seven" ![]() |