Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1390564-Justification-of-Self-Abuse
by Mario
Rated: 13+ · Other · Self Help · #1390564
The many who allow themselves to abuse themselves and expect others to accept.
In an article that I wrote titled: "The Truth about Dating Websites" one reader posted a review and comment which I would like to give my comments on.

I read there are some that take issue with my using of the word "Blimp" in describing people that are large. They are correct in that the word Blimp can be a degrading term in describing someone who is large and I apologize to those who are offended. Please if you may, inform me to exactly what word is politically correct to use then? Is it really going to make any difference in the end result? What I will not apologize for are the reasons people use to explain the whys and hows they got there and more importantly, remain there. I am not talking about obese people who have a gland problem or other medical issues causing them to be oversize and have known several. It wouldn't have mattered if they starved themselves, they would remain oversize and have a very short life span.

A person explains his or her reason for being large due to years of molestation, a terrible thing for someone to have experienced and cannot imagine being victim of such acts. Problem is many seek comforting methods of dealing with the pain. They may have sought psychological help at one time but with the wrong person or persons and go on to eventually become slaves to their disorders and justify their reasons for doing so. Unfortunately, many seek inappropriate methods that are seriously damaging in other ways and only complicate issues further. Taking the easy or "comforting" way out is the lazy way. Lazy I say? Yes and I say that firmly. Laziness is learned. It is not inborn. We were born to work and take care of ourselves. We have the ability to reason and think. Animals do not. Study the Ant. The Bible suggests we observe the Ant and learn from them.

I am a survivor of the Viet Nam War. Many who came back got addicted to drugs while they were there. One of them was my first cousin whom I regarded as the brother I never had. He died at age 25 from an overdose as so did many others. Knowing him very well, he was a very intelligent boy with a great personality and future. His problem was that he thought the world owed him and should feel sorry. He was lazy. He chose crime instead of work. He died as a husband to a nice gal and father to two beautiful children and where? In his girlfriend's home.

I chose to move on and better myself with education. I married and had two sons who are successful today. No drugs, alcohol, not even smoking for this guy. Many combat veterans suffered from all kinds of pain and memories that cannot be described but chose to deal with it and make something of themselves. Others did not. Should we feel sorry for them? I surely do not. They chose to let the government take care of them in either welfare or prison. The others chose to work and take care of themselves and their families. People who look for sympathy because of a bad choice they made will not get it from me and shouldn't receive it from others as it only enables them to continue going on in that direction.

Today we live in the feel good society. What ever makes one feel good should be accepted and is the case most often. Being Politically Correct is another and I don't agree with either. The person who is insulted by the word blimp is someone in my opinion as lacking strength, willpower and backbone. People like this are weak and lack the desire or motivation to better themselves. They somehow learn to accept their condition/s and either eat, drink or do drugs and flush their lives away. Any psychologist or therapist who condones such behavior should have their license removed.

Words in quotation marks are those of the person who took issue with me. "We should not to look at a shell but to look at the person." In my example someone had lied about their age and size and it was to this person that my use of the word blimp was directed. No one should lie in order to get results. She did. "I should look at the character of the person." Any character who allows themself to become overweight, drunk or drugged is not deserving of someone who has their life in order. No wonder they remain without a significant other. I wouldn't want a person who neglects himself or herself. " I should to look on the inside." What am I looking for here? We are on the outside what we are in the inside so your point is lost.

Understandably looks are not everything either. I would date a lady who is honest and likes herself for who she is. I like to think as myself as being a very compassionate person, a nice guy who is well regarded by my peers and friends of both genders including former girlfriends and not some shallow minded individual who is only looking at the surface.

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that person does not like herself too much and for good reason. I am of the belief that we can change if we possess the will to do so. The person who suggests that I change my attitude hasn't a clue to who I am. I have met a nice person. She is a lady and does not have a Miss America Body either. I suggest on the other hand that this person examine herself first before pointing the finger at anyone. Remember, when you point a finger at someone there are always three pointed back at you.

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