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by S.G.N
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1388741
This is an excerpt from a fantasy novel I began to write a while ago.
And thats when he turned.
The Black Wall of clouds had cleared the mountains as if they were no more than foot hills and was speeding towards the village.
The mans eyes contracted in terror and his breath came in ragged sobs.The enormity of what he was seeing had hit him harder than any sword stroke ever could.
The thousands of thoughts that swirled in his head slowed and became one.
They were doomed.
He picked the flat headed hammer from his belt,next to his sword, and hefted it,weeping as he did so.
He swung with all his might at the bell,and it struck and bounced of.The pure note rang out,echoing across the valley.
At once the village was a hive of activity,armoured warriors came spilling out of the taverns and houses.
The few lanterns lining the walls became many,and the priests gathered in their temple to prepare for the arrival of the mortis.
Footsteps clattered on the cobble stones .The man in the Tower could no longer see the mountains.
Governer-millitant Tokan Aetuis arrived with his entourage and surveyed the sight before him. He had a sallow face and a prominent nose. His black hair was lank, but his armour shone bright.
Aetius turned to one of his courtiers. "Go to the temple, find the head priest, and tell him I need to speak with him." The servant bowed and ran of.
Armed men lined the wall, a few knelt in prayer to what ever deity they worshipped. The man in the tower could no longer see the valley opening.
Aetius walked in front of the assembled men and looked at them. Their faces were gaunt from lack of sleep and the constant fear of death.
And they were dead men. There was no escaping it.
He felt the icy grip upon his heart. He was afraid. Aetius and fear were not well aquainted , yet he was now. He could see the same terror written on the faces of his men.
He gripped his sword hilt and felt the reassurance flow through him. He began to chuckle and realised it was hysterical. His chuckles turned into a full laugh.
His men joined in. There was nothing funny about the situation, but still they laughed. The Laughed until there was tears in their eyes.
Aetius, still chuckling over the hysterics began to speak. His voice was clear and it carried to all his troops.
"Today, brothers ,our goal is not for victory. Our goal is vengeance! We are going to take as many of these bastards back to hell with us, where they belong." His voice rose with every passing sentence.
"I have had the Honour to lead you into hundreds of battles, and if it is to end here, then so be it. Just know that you are the best men I have ever lead."
Cheers greeted this statement, and his men grinned. The sky darkened above them as the clouds passed over them. They would be here soon.
“Give them a taste of cold steel !!”His voice was a yell now. "Teach them what it is like to face the finest damn troops in the entire eastern empire!! Teach them well! KILL THEM!! KILL THEM ALL!!" As he said the last few words he drew his sword from its sheath. Red flames leapt up the blade from the crimson pommel stone to fill the runes etched upon the blade. The ancient blade radiated power.
His savage face split into a grin of happiness, and his men roared at him and clashed their swords against their iron shod shields. He could hear the howling cries in the distance ."Not long now." he thought aloud and the men that heard murmured their agreement. The valley was in darkness now. The only light came from the lanten, flickering defiantly against the darkness swallowing them.

The servant came back into his field of vision and bowed."The head preist, master."he said gesturing towards a black hooded figure, waiting to be called upon. He dismissed the servant who ran of to barricade himself, along with the woman, children and non-combatants, in the celler below the main tavern.
The priest nodded to Aetius as he greeted him. The priest was tall, uncommonly so and his face was obscured by his hood. He held out a hand. there was a blade is his clenched fist. His voice, made raspy from hours of incessant prayer, hinted at over whelming power yet to be unleashed."Govenor. I have a task of the utmost importance for you." He croaked. Aetius sighed. He knew what was coming. He personally believed in none of the religious hype. If there were almighty gods then how could he and his men be in this mess? "What would you have me do?"He said with obvious distain. The hooded priest looked around and drew himself up."You or your most trusted man must transport this to Aduro and you must do it quickly." Seeing Aeitus's mouth open, he added: "Do not ask Questions, There is no time." He thrust the blade into the governors hands and turned heel and walked back towards the temple. He looked at the knife in his hands. It was a good twelve inches long and had a dull bluish sheen to it. but apart from that it was an ordinary looking blade. He gripped it by the hilt and swung it in in front of him. It hissed through the air.His eyes followed the movement of the Sword closely."Something was not quite right with this blade.." he thought,and stared more intently at it. He finally registered that it was now almost pitch black byond the palaside and that the horrifying screeches were substantialy louder. "Captian Davian" ,he thought suddenly and sprinted off to find him.
© Copyright 2008 S.G.N (mythologic at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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