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I stared out the window while my friend, Mila, snored. We were in the dank, cold tower where we lived. I had been serving the Alderidge family as long as I can remember. The earliest memory I have is of falling and bright light. Unlike most castles where there are slaves, there are no guards outside the slave quarters. There's no need. Slaves won't run away. They have no home away from here, and here they have three meals a day and a place to sleep at night. I had often looked out at the night sky, with the stars shining so brightly, they seemed close enough to reach out at touch. Mila grunted in her sleep. Jerah, another girl who shared the tower, was talking in her sleep.
" Don't...Please, don't. He's only a child. No, no, no. Stop! Ewoin! Ewoin,oh, please, no, don't die..Ewoin? NO!" She shot up, eyes wild.
"You all right there?" I asked, slipping off the window sill.
"I'm fine. I... I just had a dream. An awful dream. My family was being slaughtered before my eyes again and again. My little brother Ewoin...." Her voice trailed off into silence. I didn't know what to say.
" How old was he?" I whispered. She gave a small sob.
"He- he was only six."
" Does anyone know who killed him?"
"Yes. It was those lords from Weatherhill. They slaughtered him because he was rumored to have a prophecy stating that he was supposed to have power. They shoved me aside and... and...They stabbed him. He wasn't dead when they left. He told me to be brave and not to seek revenge. He said that they will get their reward for their evil. Then, he died." Her voice was harsh. It was clear that she wanted revenge but the memory of her brother prevented her from actually killing all the Weatherhill lords, who were known for killing people who threatened their power, even if the threat was a young child. This world was too cruel. I put an arm around her and let her cry on my shoulder until she couldn't cry anymore. I stood up and went to the window.
"Astrella ,why do you sit at that window every night? Why don't you sleep?" asked Jerah.
"I've never slept. Never needed it. I've always felt well rested just from looking at the night sky. I don't know why."
Jerah came over and looked out. The moon was almost at her full and was reflected in the lake. Suddenly, a bright something shot through the air and rent the navy blue sky white. Jerah fell back, but I saw something in the light. Something falling.
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