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A scientist parapelegic who controls four people who cannot think for themselves. |
“Get me the raw meat.” Doctor Wilmount said with a devious grin. “Of course, master..” His measly servants responded with a gratuitous sigh. Doctor Wilmount could not do anything on his own and so, he had four servants in an arms reach to satisfy his every miserable, apathetic whim. Their names were Saline, Clairvoyant, Redundancy and Juxtapose, those of which he named cleverly. Saline was an exuberant type who never shed a tear, since sensitivity is a vice and a clear weakness they never showed it. Clairvoyant, naturally, was the type who saw things normal people could not. Clairvoyant, in many ways was the median between Dr. Wilmount and the rest of the world, the translator, if you will, for the “dolts” who are still, for some reason, living. Redundancy was a little weakling who, no matter what the situation might be, found herself going back on their word. Even if the word was empowering herself to be her own person. Redundancy, in many ways, just ran around in large circles looking for a way to make a different shape. Lastly, Juxtapose was the figurative lapdog to Dr. Wilmount. You would never see one without the other, nor would you see Juxtapose disagreeing with anything the doctor would say. Despite the fact that most of the loquacious jargon that the doctor was saying was based on his own self righteous decree of observation. It’s not as if the doctor was actually helpless. The doctor had been in a terrible, unconventional accident which left him without hands or feet. Thus, Dr. Wilmount was stuck on a automatic wheelchair which he controlled with his dry, raw nubs. They were raw because he would swing his stubby legs off his bed and attempt to crawl, instead of acting weak and destitute. They were dry because he never wanted anyone to lotion them, which would have been an excellent plan, if he really wanted a girl friend. Dr. Wilmount didn’t even want prosthetics, either. He didn’t want to allude to the fact that he was trying to make up for what he had lost. That he was trying to fill a void. That’s not what doctors do. Suddenly, there was a stench, so pugnacious, it would graciously knock the teeth out of you. The doctor turned in his automatic wheelchair to the origin of the stink. “THAT’S THE WRONG MEAT YOU NIT!! YOU DODGY LITTLE WEAKLING!” Dr. Wilmount hissed as Redundancy dragged over the left over deer carcass that was found on the side of the road. “That’s Maribel’s bed when she’s been naughty, how many time must I tell you that?!” Redundancy just shook her head, she loved the doctor, with every feeble part of her, but she never made him happy, which was a recurrent theme in their affair. Maribel was the doctors nephew which he refused to call by the manly name he was born with. His name was Charles, really. He was 19 and he often slept inside a deer carcass to keep warm on chilly nights. Then, Clairvoyant charged into the room with rotten, raw hamburger which had more fat than lean to it. Clairvoyant got this meat before Redundancy, Clairvoyant knew what the doctor really needed. Redundancy hated Clairvoyant. “Ah.. My little angel. My dove.” Dr. Wilmount would coo, in his thick, un-traceable accent, as he pet Clairvoyants curly red locks. Clairvoyant smiled intensely fake, and threw the meat at him. The maggots began to squirm out of the rotten meat, the doctor blew the maggots with all his might toward Juxtapose, who failed to notice. Saline stood by Redundancy in awe of her crippled face. Saline loved Redundancy, for her face only. Redundancy had had a stroke at the early age of 21, leaving half of her face drooping and emotionless. Redundancy knew Saline loved her ugly part, but she didn’t want Saline, at all. He only liked her ugly parts, and she wanted someone to hate what she hated. Which was everything. “Saline, do you understand what to do with this meat?” The doctor asked, wonderingly. “Uh, yep.” Saline responded. “Are you positive? Do I have to send one of these scum munchers with you?” He asked, ferociously. “Uh, yep..” Saline said, alluding to the fact that he wanted Redundancy to accompany him on his trek. “Redundancy, get out of my sight and go with Saline.” He ordered. “..Oh, I shought I could shtay here and you know.. I could clean or, I could bring this carcash back or I could cook your favourite meal that you haven’t had shince your bur-“ ”SILENCE. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT.” The doctor said, getting irritable. “Al.. Alright.” Redundancy responded. She only wanted to love the doctor, but the doctor only wanted her to love Saline. He put everyone’s emotions in a large mixing bowl, and turned the hand mixer on the highest setting and waited for everything to be blended together because of him. And so, Saline and Redundancy left with the decomposing hamburger and dragged stench filled deer carcass back to its rightful place, and began to stage a death. “It’s a nice day, Dancy..” Saline said, endearingly. “Shtop shaying shuch meaninglesh bullshit..” Redundancy replied. She couldn’t pronounce her “S” very well, the words would sort of, dribble out of her mouth. “It’s not meaningless.. It is a nice day. You make it nicer. Be my girlfriend..” Saline implored. “Jeshush Chrisht.. Shaline, pleashe shtop.. Your great and all, but. Where doesh thish deer go again?” “You see where all those vultures are? “Yesh.” “There.” “Oh, right.” Pigeon toed Redundancy trotted over to where the vultures hovered. She stared at them in wonder. She knew what it was like to attack left overs in a frenzy of lust. She too could relate to being such a heartless scavenger. “Shaline, do you think the doctor could ficksh me?” “Why would you want him to do that?” “I can’t go on my whole life talking like I can’t move my whole mouf.” “But you can’t move your whole mouth..” “Exshactly..” “But I’ll love you even if you can’t move your mouth at all. I love you.” Saline never gave up hope of a future with Redundancy, no matter how hard she broke him. Even if this breaking of him was intentional. “Let’sh jusht find the plashe to put the meat, then go back.” She said, assuage like. So, Saline, struggling to keep his tears in his eyes walked behind Redundancy, admiring her large figure and imagined groping her half paralyzed face and kissing her half of a mouth intensely and long fully. “Alright. I guess we’ll just follow the tracks, right?” Saline said as he galloped towards Redundancy’s side, attempting to brush his hand on hers. “I guesh..” She replied as she grabbed his hand tightly. Her cold, sweaty palms slapping his manly hands. She toiled with his emotions, like a little harlot. His heart jumped, and they kept on trudging toward their destination with rotten carnage and fake blood tempting them, like the snake who got Eve to bite that fucking red delicious apple. Fucking snakes. With Redundancy and Saline gone, Doctor Wilmount, Juxtapose and Clairvoyant were alone in he sanitorium. Doctor Wilmount told Juxtapose to help Charles change his underwear. The doctor and Clairvoyant were now alone. As he licked his dry lips, the doctor asked innocently: "Clairvoyant, would you be a dear and scratch my thigh?" Clairvoyant sighs heavily. "Okay." She replies slowly ad begins to scratch the doctor right above the knee. "Higher." She scratches higher. "Higher..." She scratches higher. "...Just a bit higher, my dear.." She feels his warm groin.. Moist, hot and hard. She still scratches higher, digging her dagger like nails into him the higher she goes. His face writhing in pleasurable pain. His teeth clenching, his jaw bone tensing. Eyebrows furrowing into intense angles and arches. She scratches harder, biting her bottom lip in frustration of hatred. He grits his teeth, like a growling, hateful, rabid dog; barking for more. He begins to grunt and spits through his teeth. "YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!" he beings to shout, his nubs flailing in the air, pretending to pet her hair.. He chooses to rub her chin, instead. His leg nubs kicking ferociously. Clairvoyant looks into his goopy, yellow eyes, he looks back longing to grope her large, perfect chest. She stops abruptly, clenches her fist and punches him in he hard, erect penis in a mad attempt to shove it back between his legs to make a vagina, to make his penis like the rest his nubs. He gives a heavy sigh and moans with pleasure and satisfaction. He quivers in completion, grins slyly and says: "Now, Clairvoyant.. I have a terrible itch on my lower back.." |