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Just a story to practice new words. |
Harsh Realities. Jake was strolling beneath a soft sun, it was just like any other summer saturdays. Warm, humid, with a woody smell lingering in the air, permeating every open space. Yet, even though the atmosphere was a calm one, Jake's heart wasnt. He checked his boquet of roses repeatedly as though they might turn white at a moments notice. Slowly, in long striding steps, he walked towards an intended destination, his heartrate increasing with each step. As he approached the centre of park, he came to a dead stop. There she was. Soft, long flowing hair, silky smooth skin and a heart-stopping smile. Swallowing, Jake started to approach his Love slowly, trying to garner his courage. Yet, when he was about a stones throw away from her, he saw it. His Love wasnt smiling at nothing, that smile was intended for someone, and it wasnt him. With his gaze fixated on her, he had not noticed the man that returned his Love's smile. He was tall, broad shouldered with tanned skin, grinning from ear to ear with an emotion that could only be love. His heart dropped at this sight, what could this mean? It was only seconds later when the man kissed his Love that he knew, she was attached. Sighing, he turned around, preparing to make a quiet exit while he still wasnt noticed. However, just as he had turned tail, a familiar voice shot through his ears: "Jake! There you are!" . Ah, he allowed himself to savour her voice before turning around, faking the widest smile as he did so. "April! So there you are!" he replied, breaking into a slow jog towards her. What he didnt noticed was, he still had that bouquet of roses in his hands. As he approached April, her alluring smile turned into a confused one. "Are.., Are those for me? " She motioned to the flowers. Caught by suprise, Jake thought up the the quickest excuse "er, they are for my mum." he chuckled. Relieved, April smiled and introduced her fiannce to Jake, "Garret, meet Jake, my best friend!" . Then, the day wore on. The truth had come to light. Jake finally knew. All those friendliness were what they are, just her being friendly. There was never a chance of them being together. As the day came to an end, Jake laid on his bed pondering over his confused thoughts. Remembering the time she asked him to meet her at the park. "So thats why she asked me out..." he finally realised. Yet, he would not allow himself to shed any tears. He was no longer the callow man he once was... Even if he did not get the girl, he still had proven himself of the title so many males sought to attain: Manhood. Jake remained stoic for the next few days. He did so to excuse himself from realitie, back into the deep recesses of his mind, where he could be alone. There, he thought about the relationship between him and April. It seemed so long ago that he had met her by chance. She was the friendly girl, he was the shy, awkward boy. They had met in an english class, from there, they had hit it off a conversation pretty well. One small chat led to more. Soon, they were sharing secrets over long phone conversations at night. It was then that Jake felt himself feeling something for April, he didnt know what it was but it was good. Each time they spoke, he welcomed her warm hellos but dreaded her lovely sign-offs. Still, his feelings for her grew with each day. Yet he wasn't effusive about his feelings, he kept his actions neutral, hoping one day she might notice his increased affection for her. April never did. To her, it was but a wonderful friendship, no romance attached. It would be only up till yesterday that Jake discovered how April felt about the connection between them: Strictly friendly. He didnt know how he would face her now, should he still smile? Should he gussy up before meeting her? Should he even be meeting her at all? It was a free period now, so he found an empty seat in the campus park to mull over his ravaging thoughts in solidarity. Suddenly, without warning, he was shaken from thought by a light tap on the shoulder. It was a tap he remembered, the way she tapped. In the next breath, he smelled that familiar scent, Narciso's Women's scent. His heart stopped, it was April. "Hi there little lost boy! What are you doing here, looking so sad?". He quickly perked up, even with a crest fallen heart, she shouldnt worry about him. "Hi there, how are you today?" he said, managing a smile. "Im fine, lessons were boring though... by the way what time is it?" "about 1 in the afternoon?" he replied, "Sounds great! Shall we have lunch together?" "um....", he wasnt sure if it was a good idea at this point, but before he replied, she had already dragged him up, towards the canteen. "Come on you silly boy, whats wrong with you?", she said. "O nothing, just really really hungry i guess." he replied. At lunch , they grabbed their food and sat down. This time, Jake decided to initiate the coversation. But before he could think of a neutral subject, he blurted out "So... Garett seems really nice!" . "You think so too? Im so glad, you seemed so lost in thought that day" "O i was just wondering if my mum would love the roses" he laughed, reassuring her. "You are just so sweet but silly" He just loved her comments, especially when she puts it that way. It made him feel that he was appreciated. Lunch went and came, so did school and their goodbyes. It was not long before he was laying on his bed again. Staring at the ceiling, he told himself, "Maybe its for the best Jake... she has always been your good friend and always will be, always.". That should be a quietus to it. With that, he drifted off into a dreamy place with a soft smile. |