Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382975-The-Insomnia-theory
Rated: 18+ · Thesis · Biographical · #1382975
a brief description of sleeping and how and what happens during the night

by: e.m.BEll

Yes i must write a piece because it stirs my mind and curiousity about the theory of sleeping. Of course scientist tell us that sleep is the time when your body is healing from the day. But sleep my friend is a dear cousin to death if you think about it. In this writing i want to explain my thoughts and experiences on sleeping. Long ago i used to love sleeping and at the time i was unemployed and my day was just mostly consumed by sleep. There often was a order in which i slept.I would eat and then sleep of course(LOL). Don't we all? As time moved on i considered myself a night owl and was mostly active at night and slept the day away/ Most people would call that Insomnia but insomnia is considered a sickness but i didnt seem to be sick its just that when the sun set i would accomplish more for some reason. When i was attending college i usually stayed up past 3 or 4 in the morning just becuase i felt as if my body was just not tired to sleep. Many of my long restless nights i would stay up to occupy myself with movies, video games etc . .anything to keep me distracted. SInce myspace came out i spent loads of time playing with that!! lol I think most of the reason i never slept normaly is because of my stress my level was just too high. I'm no doctor or have a PHD but i can say that it had to be that. Many nights i tried sleeping and just couldn't i thought of my future and the possibilities of what could happend and all them negative of course becuase i felt my life was going to shit pretty much. I hope people like my writings because i love to jump around and enjoy telling the readers my experiences. Never have i thought sleep was unimportant but never in my mind was it first on my list of duties. I think sleep for some people is just a little spot on cloud 9 where they can escape life and dream on what fantasies they were pondering that day. Normaly when I was in trouble in my younger years, i would avoid communicating with my parents and spend most of my time sleeping and dreaming of course of a better life. In this world many people who have it bad or think they do dream to be on Easy Street but who doesn't in a chaotic life? It's like your own mental playground and escape from everything. Even when you are in emotional pain, sleep is your safezone. I want to go into detail about my experience this is just a little thought and realism idea of what it was like during a restless night."Laying down staring at a blank ceiling. Feeling down from a stressful day made my body ache and quiver. The summer wind blew through my window and the soft breeze felt good across my tear consumed face. The day was filled with yelling and screaming and lectures that just ran through my head. My report card was just unworthy and shameful for my parents to look at. THere was no one to blame but myself.The night settled in and i watched the reflection of the sunlight dim in my empty room. I slowly got up and sat and looked out the window wiping the dry tears from my face. I just had an empty feeling in my stomach. MY mind went of into the past of the night my grandmother passed. The feeling that know one knew my relationship with my great grandmother. Tears began to fall again and my stomach begane to twist and ache more. I felt so ashamed of who i was and felt like giving up. I leaned off the window and just thought about resting and seeing what there was in my mind to think about. I layed down on my stomach to see if it would cover the pain. AS soon as i closed my eyes . .my mind went in trance of untamed thoughts and fell deep into sleep". Just a small example of how sleep maintained a schedule in my life. I really use sleep as a weapon more than a tool. Its a way of keeping communication low and avoiding anything chaotic of course. So when you sleep also keep in mind that time is your enemy and never stops when your eyes close. Hope u enjoyed just a small script and experience on the theory of sleep and please send me ideas and your thoughts, opinions, and experiences as well. thank YOu

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