Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1381450-The-very-important-guest
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1381450
It's something for a project I did
It was a very stormy week in the town that housed the Hillsgurry Inn. The seas tossed and turned without remorse for anyone stuck upon the angry waters. Lightning flashed, as it lanced through the air, causing everything to seemingly freeze for that one split instant before the crashing of thunder made everything jump. People ran up and down the cobbled streets passing in front of the inns’ windows that looked over the town, towards the sea. Two slate grey eyes watched people’s futile attempt not to get wet while running to get indoors. A smile played upon thin sensitive lips as two firm hands held a crate that needed to be taken to the cellar.
“What are you staring at lad?” Came a rough voice from behind the boy. The boy turned to see the inn keeper staring at him with a confused look. He had a simple cotton top on that was tight on large arms that could squeeze the life out of someone if he so wished to. Despite his seemingly rough demeanor, he had soft amber eyes instantly that put everyone at ease. “You won’t find any lassies out there today; they tend not to like the storms much,” He laughed.
The boy turned his gaze to the crate “Sorry,” He replied softly “I’ll get this downstairs then”
“See that you do” The innkeeper nodded and walked off to help unload the supplies. The boy sighed and walked down the creaking stairs. He reached the bottom where cold air nipped at his skin causing goose bumps to form. He looked around the dark, dank room allowing his eyes to adjust before walking anywhere. The boy knew the place like the back of his hand but there was always something lying around on the ground, where it wasn’t supposed to be, and he wasn’t one to enjoy getting hurt in anyway. After he could make out basic shapes and silhouettes of bottles and crates he moved towards the back and set his load down. Noise from the stairs indicated the innkeeper was right behind him; he stood up straight and walked past his boss back up the stairs. As the light from the lantern hit his eyes he winced and shielded them for a moment before moving on. He saw three more large crates placed by the door. Lightning flashed as he walked towards them. The doors were left open for the delivery men to put down the crates quickly; unfortunately the rain was getting in too.
He began helping the men get the crates inside so at least there wouldn’t be too much of a mess to clean up later when the innkeeper’s daughter saw the floor and made a big fuss about it.
Once all the crates were in he shut the door and looked at the huge pile he still had to carry down. The innkeeper came over from the cellar and watched as his work boy struggled with the crates.
“Brian, that’ll do for today” The innkeeper sighed “I don’t want your back thrown out of whack…we’ll put the rest down tomorrow.”
Brian nodded putting down his latest load and walked towards the kitchen. The smells of spices mixed with clams, potatoes, and other vegetables entered his nose when he first walked in. The innkeepers’ daughter, Marta, was kind in her own way and her cooking was always a treat for the nose as it was for the stomach. She had copper locks that flowed to her shoulders when it wasn’t in the tight bun she placed it in while working. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown in contrast to her fathers’, and she had a strict code in which she had everyone who worked there live by.
He was careful when he first stepped foot into her kitchen; she always had a biting word to say to him when the meals were being ordered and people were in her way. Looking around he saw her standing in front of the stove, slowly stirring a large pot of delicious smelling stew. He knew he would get plenty of food today without having to eat scraps. It wasn’t that she was unkind to him, the help, but the customers usually loved the food so much it was hard to get anything but leftovers.
“Marta?” Brian asked looking at her “What’s for dinner tonight?”
Marta looked over from her task and smiled “It’s an old recipe that I’m trying out. It was a favorite of mothers’ to make.” She looked at him “You want to taste it and tell me what you think?” He was often the guinea pig when she tried something she hadn’t cooked before, and most of the time he was glad to do it.
Brian rubbed his hands together as he got a bowl and a spoon. This was the job he enjoyed the most, being able to taste her food and eat it before it went to the customers. There were only one or two instances he could remember where he wished he could rip out his taste buds, but for the majority of the time the food was exquisite. The lighting seemed to become more frequent as the seconds passed. He sighed, staring at the window as Marta ladled him some stew. He took in the smells and smiled happily; if the smell alone was enough to make his mouth water then the taste would be sensational. He scooped up some, and took a taste.
“Mmm, Marta what did you put into this?” He asked after eating another bite full. She smiled at his reaction.
“I added some of mom’s special mixes into it to add a little extra flavor. Do you like it? Moms’ recipe said the longer it cooks the better it tastes.” She asked rhetorically. He nodded with enthusiasm as he emptied the bowl.
“You should serve this for our guests tomorrow” He began “This stew might become a favorite soon.” He didn’t know why but when he saw her smile he felt a sense of joy that he could re-create elsewhere doing other things. Only with her did he feel this way.
“Brian, quit mooching food from my daughter and get to bed boy” The innkeeper snapped walking in “I need you in tip top shape tomorrow for a very important guest.”
Marta and Brian both stared in awe as the news hit them they would have someone of importance in their humble inn.
The innkeeper grumbled “I said to bed now, I don’t want to hear any complaints about how early it is” Brain nodded and said his goodnights excitedly, he wasn’t even sure he could sleep. Though it seemed impossible while heading up to his room; it was extremely easy once he reached his pillow to drift off.
The day couldn’t have come sooner; due to his excitement Brian was up early getting prepared. Marta was also already up getting breakfast for the guests done and starting on lunch. After finishing putting the last of the crates down into the cellar, Brian brought up some of the finest wine they had for the new guest. He helped prepare the penthouse’s private dining area properly. Setting up the suite, he carefully arranged all the fancy china that had been specially ordered several years back. He had just finished dusting the room, and was heading down the stairs when he heard a loud knock at the inn’s front door. He rushed down the rest of the stairs until he came to the door; smoothing back his hair, he opened the door.
He opened the door to find a lanky man with pasty white skin. His eyes were large and seemed menacing all the time which made it hard to keep from staring at him. The woman behind him was a far lovelier sight to behold. A smiled played over smooth rose red lips that hung delicately on a china doll face with deep blue sapphire eyes. Her hair was a beautiful black onyx and curled around a top bun then flowed down to the middle of her back.
Brian stood in awe looking at her and after a curt cough from the man who knocked on the door he remembered to bow slowly.
“Welcome honored guests” He recited moving to one side as they entered. The woman smiled at him, a smile that made his heart leap inside his chest. He shut the door once her party was inside with the luggage; he blinked wondering what they could need that much luggage for.
“The innkeeper was informed of my arrival, was he not, so where is my room at young man?” The woman asked in a voice as sweet as spring bells chiming. He didn’t know what to think as he felt lost in her voice, as though her very words sucked away his free will.
She smiled at him as he blinked “Oh…uh it’s this way ma’am” He began leading her to the stairwell that led to the penthouse. The innkeeper walked out just as Brian led her up; he took the long faced man to the desk where he registered the party in. The woman smiled seeing her quarters; placed her hands on the wooden drawer and slid them across the wood inspecting her glove. She seemed pleased that her glove was just as clean as it had been before she touched it.
“Wine too?” She asked seeing the bottle placed decoratively on the bed stand “You really are spoiling me aren’t you?” Her sweet smile came to him and a slight blush creeping up his face and she giggled.
“Yes, Master Hillsgurry… uh… Master Hillsgurry had us prepare… uh… everything for you as he… uh… thought you’d like” He stammered quietly, still unable to tear his gaze from her. She smiled once more and walked to him, holding her hand out to him. He looked then blinked remembering to bow and lightly kiss her hand. She seemed pleased and smiled at him.
“Can I safely assume that you’ll be helping me when I need something?”
“Yes, My Lady, you can count on me for certain” He stated looking up at her. This time her smile became almost too sweet, as though it was a sugar coating on a medicine that was nasty and bitter underneath.
“Then I will call for you when the time comes” She said “For now, I would like my luggage brought up, if you do not mind?”
Though it seemed like a simple request, it felt more like a demand as he bowed and turned leaving for the front room to bring up her things. He brought up everything carefully as though he knew everything inside was as precious, and beautiful as its owner. It was around lunch time when he finished and the woman dismissed him; he made his way down to the front desk and glanced at the hotel registry.
“Madame Lucrina?” He asked reading the fine cursive that curled itself like vines around the lines guests signed on. He paused as the name struck him as vaguely familiar. He sighed shaking his head figuring if he couldn’t remember then it wasn’t worth remembering. He glanced outside to see that the weather wasn’t as stormy as it had been the last few days which raised his spirits some; the smell that reached his nose next though made it go up more. Marta was reheating the special stew he had tasted the day before.
He made his way to the kitchen and peeked inside seeing Marta hurrying around the kitchen grabbing ingredients and double checking the cook books to make sure everything was being made correctly. He waited by the door knowing he’d get snapped at if he set foot inside while she was trying to make food for the guests. After she slowed down a bit, he cautiously walked over to her.
“How is it going?” He whispered to her.
“Ah Brian, guess what you get to do for me?” She asked taking up a clean spoon.
“Taste test?” He asked with a hopeful look. She smiled at him as she nodded dipping the spoon in the stew she had going. He took the spoon and ate what was on it. She watched his reaction with an eager look as he let the taste soak into his tongue.
“It’s different” He began “In fact it…”
“Is something wrong?” She looked fearful of what his answer maybe. He grinned “…it tastes even better than I remember from yesterday”
Relief spread over her gentle face as she cleaned off his spoon and had him taste the rest of the food. He left sometime later with a full and very happy stomach. The Innkeeper walked by him seeing the silly grin on his face and shook his head.
“Well, are you making sure our guest was well taken care of? She asked specifically for you” He asked in a hinting manner.
“I should check on her huh?” He asked. His boss nodded and Brian made his way up the stairs.
He stopped at her door and went to knock, the door however opened before he could. She stood in the door way smiling at him “Yes what is it?”
He stood dumbfounded for a moment before regaining his posture “Did you need anything now or possibly in the future?” He asked in his usual quiet tone. She smiled.
“Yes I smell something delicious that’s cooking…I would like some of that for my dinner tonight.” She stated looking at him “And I would like some company…would you be willing to join me?”
He blinked surprised by her offer but smiled and nodded “I would be honored to as long its ok with Master Hillsgurry”
“I’m sure it will be…I will see you tonight” With that she shut her door. He blinked staring ‘What possessed me to agree to that?’ He asked himself.
Dinner was always served at seven sharp and the inn was packed. Everything smelled delicious as usual especially Marta’s stew. Brian loaded the fine china bowls set for Miss Lucrina‘s room onto a tray with some freshly baked bread. Marta watched him leave walking to her room and letting out a heavy sigh; her father noticed immediately.
“Marta darling what’s the matter” He asked sitting beside her on the kitchen bench. She looked at him and sighed again.
“I am not sure father, but it seems Brian is spending his time more with that woman than he does with other guests.” She began. Her father nodded seemingly understanding.
“You care about him don’t you dear?” He asked. She nodded and he smiled.
“I’m certain it’s only for the mere fact that she’s an important guest with us, once she’s gone he’ll be hanging around you, mooching your food again.” He lightly tapped her chin. She smiled.
“Alright father,” She nodded then hugged him and returned to her kitchen chores.
Brian sat the tray down on the little table that was so nicely decorated for their special guest and fetched her wine and a glass. The pasty man took his bowl to the far corner of the room, sending glares at him, but said nothing as Madam Lucrina sat in her chair.
She took in the smells, and seemed pleased by it, as he poured her wine for her. She waited till he sat across from her before lifting the spoon with a delicate hand and dipping it into the steaming mixture.
“Have you had some of this before?” She asked before lifting the spoon. He nodded “It’s the finest stew ever made in this inn.”
Her smile broadened as she lifted the spoon to her lips smelled the aroma one last time. A brief moment passed till horrid rage masked her lovely features. She swiped at the bowl, sending it flying into the wall… the stew spilling all over the wall and floor. The pasty man became alert and tensed grabbing a dagger hidden in his clothes.
“Are you trying to poison me?” She screeched standing upright “What did you put into that stew!” Brian blinked not sure what to say.
“I- I’m not sure…Marta, Master Hillsgurry’s daughter, made the stew and it seemed fine to me…” He began. Lucrina glared at him then made for the door.
“Come with me!” She ordered. As though he has no say in the matter, he got up and his body followed her instruction. His eyes widened seeing that his body was listening to her and not him after countless attempts to stop.
“What’s going on here?” Came the familiar rough tone of Master Hillsgurry; he was half-way up the stairs apparently alerted by Lucrina’s screech. She snapped her fingers and the pasty man came out with the dagger in hand. Without warning the man took a sudden lunge at the innkeeper and in one swift movement had Brian’s boss pinned to the wall with no effort on his part. Brian blinked as his eyes widened. How could such a lanky man pin and hold such a mountain of a man so easily? Lucrina smirked and resumed walking down the stairs.
“Keep him there till I deal with this ‘Marta’” She laughed waving her hand at Brian. His feet moved again after her looking at Master Hillsgurry in pure fear as the large man struggled desperately to get his assailant off of him.
Lucrina stalked down to the kitchens, Brian helplessly following behind her. She burst into the room as Marta was stirring the last of the stew for their meal that night.
“Cursed girl what did you put into that? Tell me now!” She raged as she pointed sharply at the soup Marta was stirring. Marta seemed somewhat startled by her sudden outburst but still managed to answer.
“..Well…it’s my mother’s recipe I’ll…I’ll have to look.” She looked at Brian seeing his surprise and shock. She grabbed and old book that looked worn with many years of use; she turned the pages till she came upon the recipe her mother made.
“…I’ve put in milk-…” Marta began reading the ingredients.
“Not that! What spices?” Lucrina scowled apparently not having much patience.
“The only spices I put in were salt and thyme…” She began.
“Thyme, Thyme!” Lucrina hollered more “You could’ve killed me with that you wretched girl!”
Marta blinked again startled by the older woman’s outburst. She backed from the raging woman and stared as Lucrina began to pace.
“Do you even know the properties of Thyme girl?” She hissed angrily “Do you know how deadly something like that is to…people such as I?”
Marta shook her head looking scared. She looked at Brian who stared at Lucrina; he looked at Marta with a helpless look.
“Do you think he will save you?” Lucrina asked seeing where Marta’s gaze drifted “He cannot, nor can your father; they are both helpless in my presence.”
Marta’s eyes widened for a moment then snatched at a bottle behind her. It was the Thyme.
“Witches Bane?” She read “You’re a witch?”
“A sorceress to be more specific and I should turn you and everyone here into little toads” Lucrina smirked “Are you scared that your foolishness has evoked my wrath? I have this little one under my spell already as I have others in the past; making you my puppet will be no task.”
Marta looked to Brian who was struggling to regain control over his body.
“I can take your father and turn him into a mule for my riding pleasure…and I can make you watch too. It would prove highly amusing for your idiocy”
Marta glanced at the remaining portion of stew left in the pot. She looked at the thyme in her hand as well. She uncorked the bottle and Lucrina’s eyes widened.
“Don’t you dare girl or you’ll feel unbearable pain and despair” She warned, eyes remaining on the bottle held. Marta poured the thyme into her hands and thrust it at the woman. Lucrina screeched as she backed away from the shower of spice. Brian felt his body released from an unseen force and he tackled the Sorceress to the ground while she was preoccupied with the thyme that was thrown at her. Marta grabbed the stew as Brian forced Lucrina’s mouth open. She poured the stew into the sorceress’s mouth. The sorceress’s whole body twitched in violent convulsions as the stew literally began to eat her from the inside out. Smoke rose from her body as her skin began to change into a slimy green color and a vile odor rose into the air. Brian pulled Marta close and covered her nose with his sleeve as he did the same to his nose. Soon nothing was left besides the greenish white ooze within the fine clothing she had worn. Brian moved to hold Marta better as she began to shake as the events that had taken place caught up with her. Marta’s father ran in; He stopped when he saw the ooze and clothing.
“Father!” Marta ran over to him hugging his huge frame. Brian watched as the innkeeper studied the contents on the floor. Her father shook his head trying to gain his breath for a moment.
“I wrestled with that stringy fellow for sometime until he just suddenly turned into dust…I had touched it and it was bone, crushed up bone powder.” He began more in awe than anything “…Is that Madam Lucrina?” He pointed to ‘that’ which was now the oozy mass on the floor.
“She attacked Brian and threatened to do us all away” Marta began tears beginning to well up in her eyes.
“How did this happen?” The innkeeper asked looking at Brian for answers.
“Marta’s mother had thyme in the soup mixture that she created before passing it down to Marta…and I guess Thyme is dangerous to magical people…” Brian guessed. The innkeeper took in a big breath.
“Her mother was always into the old tales of witches and other such ‘fantasy’ creatures…I guess she had reason to be…” He sighed then looked to Brian. “Come on…lets get this mess cleaned up…then…I think you and I need to have a long talk.”
Brian nodded as Marta returned to his arms looking him over. The innkeeper left them to their privacy and went to see what he could sell of Lucrina’s luggage. Brian looked at her and smiled “You were really brave” He stated as she calmed herself down. She returned his smile with one of her own.
“So were you…I don’t think we could have destroyed her if you hadn’t jumped her.”
Brian nodded “But it was your quick thinking that did it…anyways… I should get a mop. I need to clean up our very important guest.”

© Copyright 2008 CarpeNoctum (carpenoctum90 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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