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chapters 1-6 of my book
The Darkness Wars Part One
Aquaria: The Lost World

Maerabella James twirled around, her silver sword gleaming in the sun as it crashed against her brother’s. Her long red hair, shining under the hot sun, whipped against her face as she blocked her brother’s blow.

“Good!” her 15-year-old brother Nicholas exclaimed, “You are almost as good as I am!”

“No,” 13-year-old Maerabella shot back, grinning devilishly. “I’m better!”

Her brother lunged at her. Maera stepped expertly out of the way, but lost her balance and tripped. As she fell, she hooked her foot around Nick’s ankle, pulling him to the ground with her. He landed in the grass next to her. They both began laughing. Suddenly, Maera sat up.

“What was that?” She asked nervously.

“What?” Nick replied.

Maerabella frowned. “I thought I heard something in the bushes.”

“Maybe you are just going crazy.” Nick laughed.

Maera punched him lightly on the arm, grinning. Then, she frowned again. A second later, another rustle was heard coming from the bushes. This time, they both heard it. Nick put his hand on Maera’s shoulder. As they watched, a flash of orange showed through the bushes.

“Go get Chantal and Noel.” Nick said quietly, as he and Maera slowly stood up.

Maera shook her head. “I’m not leaving you.”

Suddenly, there was a loud roar and an orange flash moving through the air. The last thing Maera saw before she passed out was her brother’s face. She felt immense pain. Then, everything went black.

Chapter One
14-year-old Maerabella bolted up in bed, sweat dripping down her face. Nick. She had to help Nicky. She had to find Jesse, to tell him...No. Wait. It wasn’t 2006 anymore. She wasn’t in Aquaria. It was 2007 and she was in her bed at Firestone Manor in Santa Monica, California. Maera checked her clock. 2:30 am. Maera lay back down, but she couldn’t fall back asleep. The nightmares still haunted her even though she was awake, and thoughts of the past year floated through her mind. She sat up in bed, holding her old teddy bear close to her. Maera lowered her gaze, thinking about her nightmares. Thinking about the last time she saw her brothers. A year ago. She could still remember that day like it was yesterday, yet at the same time it was fuzzy, like something from a forgotten dream. Maera reached up and touched the scar that ran from the corner of her eye down to her cheek. The scar...she didn’t even remember getting it. It wasn’t just a scar anymore. It was a reminder...a painful reminder. Making sure she didn’t forget...but she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Jesse, Nick...no good deed goes unpunished. They gave up their lives...at least, as far as she knew. But they couldn’t be dead...they just couldn’t... Someday she would go back. Back to Aquaria. To find the answers. Someday...Someday...Finally, she drifted off to sleep.

4 hours later, her alarm clock went off. She groaned and stumbled out of bed. Maera pulled on a sweatshirt and shorts then went downstairs to the giant kitchen. Even though it was summer, the mornings were chilly. It took her a few minutes to get down to the kitchen from her 3rd floor room. Because Firestone Manor wasn’t just a house, it was a mansion. Maera was still awed whenever she was outside of it. The huge front door had amazing architecture. To the left was huge windows and a large tower. It was the same on the left. The mansion was like something out of the Victorian era. And, even though she wouldn’t admit it, Maera was rich. Well, her uncle was.

“Maera? Are you with us, Bella?”

Maera snapped out of thought. “What? Oh yea, sorry.”

The voice had belonged to her Uncle Vincent James, or Vinny as she called him. Maera had lived with him ever since her mother died 4 years ago.

“Are you alright? You look exhausted!” Vinny asked, looking and sounding concerned. “You had another nightmare last night, didn’t you?”

“Yea but I’m fine.” Maera assured him halfheartedly.

Vinny walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

“I know it’s hard, baby. And I know you miss your brothers. But you can’t go back. It’s better this way.” Vinny said.

Maera nodded, lowering her gaze and leaning against Vinny.

“Hey, smile, Bella. The boys are coming today. You can meet them.” Vinny said, stepping away and going to make breakfast.

“Yea.” Maera said. “Why are they coming again?”

“Their parents are going to Africa for two years and they will be staying with us. I know you have never met them, but they are your age and their parents are my best friends. Don’t worry, things will be fine. Now eat some breakfast.” Vincent said.

Maera nodded, grabbed some toast, and then went outside. The servants, volunteers and some of the borders were setting up for the Concert for a Cure. It was a concert they held every summer at their house. Tons of people came, and all proceeds went to the Huntington’s disease Society of America, since the HD gene was passed through their family. Maera and her friends’ band were playing, along with some other local bands. As Maera walked around back, she nearly bumped into Ryan Matthews, her best friend.

“Hey, Mel Bel, are you okay?” Ryan asked.

Maera shrugged and said, “I’ll tell you later.”

Ryan winked at her and said, “K. Well, I have to go finish getting the stage ready. See you later, k?”

“yea, c ya.” Maera said.

She shoved her hands in her sweatshirt pockets and sat down on the porch steps, thinking about Ryan. They had been best friends forever. He was the only other person, besides her uncle, who knew about Aquaria. He was the only person who understood. She knew he would listen if she told him about her dream. Ryan had been around forever. He wasn’t a servant, but he lived at Firestone Manor and helped out everywhere. His mom had worked there before he died, and Vinny had taken him in. At 15, he was a grade ahead of her in school. He was tall and muscular. He had long, shaggy brown hair that fell and almost covered his green eyes. To most of the girls at their school, he was considered a hunk. But he was like a brother to Maera, nothing more. Still, if they were so close, why couldn’t she bring herself to tell him everything? Everything about Aquaria, about the past, about all the things he didn’t know. She couldn’t fill the spaces, the holes of confusion that clouded what he knew about her past. After all, he knew about Aquaria but he didn’t know everything. Somehow, she couldn’t tell anyone. It was too painful, plus, everyone would think she was crazy. No one would believe her. And yet, every day, the sadness wore away at her heart. She felt so alone without being able to tell anyone. Someday she was going to spill, she knew it. She just had to make sure when she broke, the wrong people didn’t find out and destroy the life she had worked so hard to rebuild. And lately, there was something in his eyes she couldn’t forget. He was like a brother to her, but now it seemed to be something more. She was so confused.

Chapter 2
Maera was snapped out of thought as a car pulled up in the driveway. Two teenage boys stepped out. One was taller than the other. The taller one had long, shaggy beach blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. His deep California tan and muscles suggested that he was a surfer. He wore a white tank and surf shorts. His face was angelic and beautiful. He was the most gorgeous boy she had ever seen. He smiled, revealing straight, perfect white teeth. The other boy was slightly shorter and had long brown hair, longer then the blond boys. His face was a lot less cute, and he had a scar below his eye. He was almost as muscled as the blond boy, but not as tan, and nowhere near as gorgeous. He just looked kind of normal, in a way that was slightly attractive. But he wasn’t the most gorgeous guy around. Not at all. He looked slightly awkward, too. Still, there was something about him…..she didn’t know what. They walked over to Maera.

“Hi.” The taller one said. “My name is Jayden Tyler. This is my brother Maxwell. We’re looking for Vincent or Maerabella James. Do you know where they are?”

“Yea. Vinny is inside. I’m Maerabella.” Maera said, smiling.

“You’re Maerabella?!?!” Jayden said disbelievingly.

“Yea...” Maera replied warily.

“Sorry.” Jayden said apologetically. “I guess that because of the looks of this place, we were assuming you would be like...a spoiled brat. In like designer clothes with maids rushing around you or something.” He blushed a deep red.

Maera grinned. “It’s fine. Most people expect that. C’mon inside, you can meet uncle Vinny. Do you guys need some help with your stuff?”

“Yea, kind of.” Jayden said sheepishly.

Maera grinned. “No problem. Hey, Ry!” she called.

Ryan walked out front from around back.

“What do you need, Mel Bel?” Ryan asked.

“Ryan, meet Maxwell and Jayden. Guys, this is Ryan.”

“Hey.” Ryan and Jayden said as they shook hands. Max just shook hands and smiled.

“Ry, can u help with their bags?” Maera asked sweetly.

“Only for you, princess.” Ryan teased.

Max and Jay exchanged a look. Maera punched Ryan lightly on the arm, and the four of them walked over to the car.  Maera saw two guitars sitting on the seat.

“You guys are musicians?” she asked.

“Yea.” Maxwell said. It was the first thing he had said to her the whole time. They each grabbed something, then the four of them went inside.

“Hey Mae, I got to go finish setting up the stage. Be back later, k?” Ryan said.

“C ya.” Maera replied. “Hey Vinny!” she called. “They guys are here.”

Vinny came out of the kitchen and into the front hall.

“Hey guys, you must be Max and Jayden. I’m Vincent James, Vince to you guys. Anyway, welcome to Firestone Manor. If you don’t know, this place is a cross between a bed and breakfast and a boarding house. So we have some borders and some people who just stay for a few days. It’s crazy around here sometimes, but never boring. Just have fun. You guys are going to be here for a while, so I hope this will be like home to you. If you need anything, just let one of us know.” Vincent said.

“Thanks.” Jayden replied.

“Maera, why don’t you show them to their rooms?” Vinny said.

“Sure. Follow me.” Maera replied.

Maera led Max and Jayden upstairs to the 3rd floor.

“You guys can share a room or have separate rooms. Whichever you want...which would you like?” Maera asked.

“Um...” the two boys exchanged another look. “I guess together.” Jayden said.

Maera grinned. “K.”

She led them down the hall to the 2nd to last door on the right. There was a sign on the door that said “Nick’s Room-Do Not Enter!” Maera paused for a minute, looking down, then pushed open the door. All on the walls were surfing and music posters. Hanging on the wall was a surfboard on a stand. In the corner was a guitar and a drum set. On one shelf on the wall were surfing trophies and medals. Sheet music sat on the desk. The room looked like it was still lived in. There were bunk beds against the far wall. Maera looked around the room was a sad, faraway look in her eyes. Then she looked up and smiled slightly.

“You guyz can stay in here. I know bunk beds aren’t appealing, so if you wanna have separate rooms at any point, its cool.” Maera told them.

“Thanks.” Jayden replied. After a minute he blushed and said, “Not to pry, but who is Nick? I mean this place looks like someone is living here.”

Maera lowered her eyes. “Nick is...was my brother. He died a year ago. This was his room. I could never bring myself to clean out all his stuff.” She smiled sadly, then shrugged, trying to shrug it off. 

“Oh, my gosh. I am so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.” Jayden said, majorly embarrassed.

“Don’t worry about it, its not your fault. You didn’t know. Besides, I am used to it.”

The quiet hung in the air for a moment before Maera broke the silence.

“So, how old are you guys?” She asked.

“I’m 15, and Max is 14.” Jayden replied. “How old are you, Maerabella?”

“I’m 14. And by the way, the only person who calls me Maerabella is Vinny, and that is only when I’m in trouble. It’s Maera or Bella to most people. Everyone else has different nicknames for me.” Maera laughed. “So...you guys play guitar...anything else?”
“Jay plays drums and guitar. I play keys, bass and guitar.” Max replied.

“What about you?” Jayden added.

“I play guitar, keys, bass, and drums. My brothers taught me.” Maera replied.

“Hey, what is going on with this concert thing? I saw signs outside?” Jay asked.

Maera’s eyes lit up as soon as the topic came up. She grinned.  “Concert for a Change benefits Huntington’s Disease. The HD gene is hereditary in our family. My brother Jesse started it 6 years ago. We held it every summer. Jesse, Nick and I used to play every year, along with some other local bands. But its just me this year. Hey, would you guys be interested in playing?” Maera asked.

Max and Jay looked at each other and shrugged. “Sure, it would be fun.”

Maera grinned. “Great! Well, I have to go help finish setting up. Why don’t you guys unpack and then come out back?”

“Sure.” Jay said.

“Great. Just follow the hallway to the stairs.” Maera said. Then she was gone.

Chapter 3
“Wow.” Max said sinking down on the bed. “That girl is HOT!”

Jayden rolled his eyes. “I wonder how she got that scar? And I wonder where her brother Jesse is?” he said.

Max snorted. “Well. Don’t ask. After all, that worked out so well last time.”

Jayden punched him lightly on the arm. But then he looked quizzically around the room. “It’s just weird, you know?”

“What is?” Max asked.

“Everything.” Jayden replied. “I mean, she lives in a huge mansion with her uncle. One of her brothers is dead, and the other, well, we don’t know where he is. But look at this room. I mean all his stuff is still in here. Don’t you think it’s all a little odd?”

Max shook his head. “People who have missing or deceased relatives often leave things they way they are for years, to preserve the memories. And this stuff is really cool. Jay, leave the girl alone. It’s obvious she has had some hard times. I mean, yea, it’s a little mysterious. But maybe if we earn her trust, she will tell us. Don’t pester her.”

“Yea, maybe you’re right. Hey, shouldn’t be the one yelling at you? You’re the stupid one who always messes up and stuff.” Jayden said laughingly. He grinned to let Max know he was kidding. Jay walked around the large room, looking at all the stuff. A laptop sat on the desk, open and turned on. Next to the laptop were note sheets for music, and sheets with lyrics. Some were handwritten, and some were typed out. There were three different sets of handwriting on the lyrics, one set much neater than the other two. On the corner of the desk, was a framed picture. There were two guys and a girl. The girl looked to be 12 years old. Jayden could tell by her hair that it was Maera, but there was no scar on her face. Two boys, one a little older and one a lot older than her, were lifting her off the ground. She had on arm around the shoulders of each guy. They were all laughing. Beyond them, a waterfall sparkled in the sun. In the corner, the words Maera, Nick and Jesse: Aquaria, 2005 were visible. Jayden frowned.

“Aquaria… I’ve never heard of it. Have you, Maxi?”

Max frowned. “No, I haven’t. Maybe it’s a nickname for a place or something.”

Jayden nodded, still looking suspicious. “Yeah...” he said distantly. “Yea...you’re probably right. Come on, let’s go outside. We can unpack later.” 
They walked outside over to the stage where Maerabella was. They walked onto the stage. Maera was tuning a guitar using a piano. 

Max smiled and said, “Play something. Please.”

Jayden grinned. “yea.” He agreed. “play something that you wrote.”

Maera grinned and nodded. She began to play guitar as she sang:
“Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without

Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night


He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

[Repeat Chorus]

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see”

When she was finished singing, Max and Jay just stared at her for a minute. Everyone helping set up had stopped to listen. They applauded tremendously, shocked by her voice, which rang out clear hitting every note. Her guitar playing was just as good. Her fingers effortlessly moved as she played.  Maera blushed as everyone applauded, though she was slightly pleased.

When the applause died down, Jay said, “Oh, my gosh. You are so good. You could get a record deal or something.”

Maera shook her head. “No way, I’m not that good. Besides, to me, it isn’t about being the best in the world. It’s just about being able to play. That’s all I need.” She smiled softly, and then said, “So, do you guys need to practice or something? Do you know what you are gonna sing tonight?”

Jayden and Max looked at each other. “I’m not sure what we are gonna play. Can we steal you for the evening? Cuz we can’t play just us two and like we used to have a band back home.”

Maera shrugged. “Yeah, sure, whatever you need.”

“Thanks. Hey, if you don’t mind, we’d like to unpack and look around for a while.” Jayden said.

Maera grinned. “Yeah that is cool. Hey, tonight after the concert, we are having a bonfire down on the beach. You can check out the boardwalk and stuff then, and I can show you around town, if you want. Here in Santa Monica, nighttime is just as busy as daytime.”

“That sounds great.” Jayden and Max exclaimed at the same time.

Maera raised her eyebrows, then smiled and walked away. “I’ll see you later.” She called over her shoulder. 

Max and Jayden walked around the house. The backyard, if you could call it that, was huge, at least 10 acres. There was a humongous swimming pool, a hot tub, a tennis court and a basketball court. Not to mention the huge stage in the middle of it all, though the stage was pretty close to the house and looked temporary.

“Wow, this place is amazing.” Jay said in awe. 

“Yeah tell me about it.” Max said with a distant look on his face.

“Hey, what’s going on in that big brain of yours, geek?” Jayden asked.

Max frowned and shook his head. “I’m not sure. But I’m beginning to think you are right. Something about this house, Maera, her brothers, everything, something just seems off about it.” He said thoughtfully.

“Look.”  Jay said. “We have only been here a few hours. We don’t have to solve the mysteries of this place in the first five minutes, you know.”
Max grinned. “Yea I guess you are right. Come on; let’s figure out what songs we are going to play.  The concert is in like 3 hours but we need a lot of practice with Maera to make sure we sound okay.”

Chapter Four
Maera stood on the stage, watching people arrive for the concert. She wore a jean skort, a black Invisible Children 2-inch sleeve tank top, and black Van Skater shoes. Her nails were, as before, painted black. Her black rimmed brown eyes sparkled with excitement. Her waist-length red hair was slightly curled naturally, and it flowed loosely down her back. The scar on her face and neck added to her beauty, instead of diminishing it. She glowed radiant while on stage, obviously happier than ever. 

Since her house was about a 30 seconds walk from the beach and the boardwalk and houses, most people walked. The yard filled up quickly.

“Are you guys ready?” Maera asked Jayden and Max.

“Yup, as long as you are.” Jayden replied.

“Yea, I’m good.” Maera grinned. “This is going to be sweet. The concert is always awesome, and afterwards the bonfire is even better. It is like one of the best things of the entire summer. Well, we are starting in a minute.”

Maera walked over to the technical area and amped in her guitar. She, Ryan, Max and Jay had spent the last two hours practicing and figuring out songs. Max would sing vocals and play bass for Just Friends, Inseparable, Just So You Know, and Just a Dream. Maera played lead guitar and backup vocals. Jay was on drums and Ryan was on keyboard.  Then Maera did lead guitar and vocals on I’m Only Me When I’m With You, Tied Together With A Smile, Teardrops on my Guitar, Make You Love Me and Should’ve Said No. Max would play bass, Jay on drums and Ryan on keyboard. Then they would take a break and the other band would play for a while. Then they would come back for the finale. The first song in the finale was a slow song for people to slow dance to, Inside Your Heaven. And they last song of the concert was Untitled. Maera snapped out of her thoughts as Vinny gave her the go ahead to start the concert.

“Hey everybody. Welcome to the 6th Annual Concert For A Change. Now, as most of you know, the reason for admission and cost of snacks is because all proceeds are sent to the Huntington’s Disease Society of America and Huntington’s research. So, with that in mind, just relax, have fun and enjoy the show. Also, make sure to stay for the annual bonfire on the beach tonight after the concert. We will have hot dogs to roast and dance music, and its going to be great. Okay, so, let the show begin.” Maera said to the audience. They applauded, and then the show began.

Max couldn’t keep his eyes off Maera the whole night. She looked beautiful, gorgeous. Even as he sang, he watched her out of the corner of his eye. Every song he sang could have been dedicated to her and it would show how he felt. He couldn’t believe himself, falling for a girl he had just met that day. But he was. He was attracted to her, though he couldn’t explain why.  And when she sang or played guitar, he was awed. When she sang and played, her eyes and her whole face came alive. She didn’t just play the music, she lived it. She looked as if there was nowhere else in the world she would rather be. She put her whole heart into every song, and he admired that so much. Music seemed to be her whole life, and he wished that look of happiness would stay on her face forever, instead of the miserable look when she talked about her brothers.

“Good lord, max.” he said to himself. “You sound like a complete fool. Concentrate on the music. It’s the love of your life too.” Max threw himself into the music, playing his heart out.

Maera began to sing the second to last song, Inside Your Heaven. Couples in the audience danced in each other’s arms, as if they were the only ones on the earth. Maera watched Ryan out of the corner of her eye. She realized, at that moment, that she truly loved him. How was that possible? She couldn’t believe herself, but she couldn’t deny how she felt. She turned her head and looked at him. At the same moment, his eyes met hers. They held their gaze for a long moment then both looked away. Maera was in shock. Could she…possibly…have seen what she thought in his eyes? No. She was crazy. He didn’t like her like that. She had to concentrate on the music, the only thing that kept her sane. She closed her eyes. Right before she started the last song of the concert, she pulled away from the mike so no one would hear her and she whispered,

“Mick, goof, this one’s for you.”

She sang:
“I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight

And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got nowhere to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done
No I can’t

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got nowhere to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes
I’ve got nowhere to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me”

When Maera finished, she said, “Okay guys. Thanks for listening. Now everyone head down to the beach for the bonfire. Cause this party is JUST GETTING STARTED!”

Maera thought no one heard her almost silent dedication, but Max did.  And he couldn’t stop thinking about it all night.

Chapter 6
As people walked down to the beach, Maera, Max, Jay and Ryan started to unplug everything. Maera walked over to Ryan.

“Hey Ry,” she said quietly. “Could you take the guys down to the bonfire? I’ll be down in a while. I just need a moment.”

Ryan instantly understood. “Hey sure, no problem. Come on Max, Jay; let’s go down for the bonfire.”

The guys walked down to the beach. Maera closed her eyes, and walked into her house. She walked up to Jesse’s old room, which was right next door to hers. Maera paused at the door and took a deep breath. She hadn’t been in his room since he disappeared last year in Aquaria. She walked inside. Just like with Nick’s room, everything was in place. His water bed was too the left next to the wall. His desk was over on the other wall. Next to the desk were Jesse’s keyboard and his favorite guitar, his “baby” as he called it. On his desk were his DELL laptop and some sheet music. There were also a few pictures. There was one of their family years ago, with her mom and her dad. Maera was 3, Nick was 5 and Jesse was 7. Her mom and dad were smiling and laughing.  The next picture was Jesse playing guitar on stage. The third picture was the same picture in Nick’s room, the three of them in Aquaria in 2005. They loved that picture. She looked on the desk. Her eyes fell on a sheet of music she hadn’t seen before. It was dated about a week or two before he disappeared. She picked it up and sat down on his water bed. She read through the song. It was amazing. The lyrics went:
Wake up to a Sunny Day
Not a cloud up in the sky
And then it starts to rain
My defenses hit the ground
And they shatter all around
So open and exposed
But I found strength in the struggle
Face to face with my troubles

When you're broken
In a Million little pieces
And your tryin'
But you can't hold on any more
Every tear falls down for a reason
Don't you stop believin' in your self
When you're broken

Little girl don't be so blue
I know what you're going through
Don't let it beat you up
Hittin' walls and gettin' scars
Only makes you who you are
Only makes you who you are
No matter how much your heart is aching
There is beauty in the breaking

When you're broken
In a Million little pieces
And your tryin'
But you can't hold on any more
Every tear falls down for a reason
Don't you stop believin' in your self
When you're broken

Better days are gonna find you once again
Every piece will find it's place
When you're broken
When you're broken

When you're broken
In a Million little pieces
And your tryin'
But you can't hold on any more
Every tear falls down for a reason
Don't you stop believin' in your self
When you're broken
Oh When you're broken
When you're broken
When you're broken

Maera’s eyes filled with tears when she saw the words he had written at the top. It said: Happy Birthday Minnie Maera. 7.23.06…..Min: I know it doesn’t sound like a guy song, which is because it is yours to sing. Love you. Jesse. Maera put down the song and picked up Jesse’s pillow off the bed. She held it to her face. She could almost feel him near her. At that point, her emptiness was almost consuming her. She shook off her emotions and grabbed his sweatshirt out of the drawer. She threw it on and walked down to the beach. Ryan, Max and Jay walked over to her.

“hey, where were you?” Jay asked.

“I just had a few things to finish up.” Maera said smiling. But Jay saw the look in her eyes and he dropped the subject. The rest of the night, Maera was really quiet. Near the end, Ryan pulled her away.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you dare say “nothing.” I’m not blind. Even Max and Jay can tell something is up, and they have barely known you for a day.  I know something is wrong. Talk to me.” Maera looked down and didn’t answer. “It’s your brothers, isn’t it?” Ryan realized. Maera nodded. “I’m really sorry. I know you miss them. I know. But things are going to be better now really.”

“Don’t. Don’t give me that.” Maera yelled. “Don’t say, ‘it was meant to be’ or ‘it’s time to move on’ or ‘everything is going to be better.’ I hear that from Vinny every day. For once, I wish someone would just tell me that it isn’t going to be okay, that I don’t have to move on, that things weren’t meant to be. Cause you know what? Things will never be the same again. Okay, everything I had is gone, and yet everyone expects me to believe that ‘things will be better.’ What the heck could be ‘better’ about my brothers being DEAD?” 

Maera was shaking and tears had welled in her eyes, tears of anger and tears of sadness. Ryan said nothing, just pulled her into a hug. She punched his chest a few times but he just held her. Eventually she just collapsed in his arms. But she wasn’t crying. She was lifeless. Ryan was more worried about her than he had ever been before. After a while he kissed the top of her head and said, “Come on, let’s go back to the party.” Maera nodded and stood up. She looked up at him, and he was shocked at the lifelessness in her eyes, it was like no one was alive inside. She smiled at him but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Her eyes shined with unshed tears and unspoken heartbreak. They walked back to the party and hung out the rest of the night. Then people went home around midnight. Max, Jay, Ryan, and Maera walked back to the house. Max and Jay went into their room. Ryan went up to his. Maera walked into Jesse’s room. She pulled on shorts and a t-shirt of Nick’s and slept in Jesse’s bed. She felt close to her brothers, and yet so far away. She closed her eyes, and quickly fell asleep.

The next day, Maera refused to leave Jesse’s room for most of the day. She didn’t even get out of bed for hours. Max and Jay seemed a little unnerved by her behavior. Ryan could tell that, and he pulled Max and Jay aside.

“Look, guys.” Ryan said. “I don’t want you to think that this is your fault, what is happening with Maera. She hasn’t had it easy, you know. Her father died when she was three. Her mom died when she was 10. And last year, Nick died and Jesse disappeared. There is more that I can tell you. But I can tell you this. She isn’t always this way. She has her good days, and her bad days. What she needs is support. She needs-“

“Good lord, Ryan.” Maera interrupted. “You make me sound like the biggest baby on the planet.”

All three guys looked up.

“Maera!”Ryan exclaimed. “Are you alright?”

“Of course I’m alright.” Maera said shrewdly. “I didn’t die, or anything. Hey, Max, Jay, do you guys want to go down to the beach?”

Jay grinned. “Sure. Sounds fun.” He replied.

They all went to get changed. Maera changed into her black bikini that showed off her red hair and pulled on lime green shorts and black flip flops. As she did, she thought about Jayden and Maxwell.  Even though they were brothers, they were so different. Jayden was gorgeous, a tall, tan, muscular hunk. He was funny, charismatic, flirty, self-confident-and he had an ego the size of Texas. Despite his angelic face and gorgeous look, his confidence and arrogance and bragging was slightly annoying.  Max, on the other hand, was quiet, shy and awkward. His messy brown hair was always falling in his face, and he wasn’t the hottest guy around. He was cute, but compared to Jay he was nothing. He was self-conscious and awkward and quiet. Jayden constantly downsized him, and it was obvious who the superior was. Maera shut off her thoughts of the boys and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Six
The next morning Maera spent most of the day in her room. Max and Jayden seemed a little unnerved by her disappearances and outbursts. 

Ryan noticed that and finally said to them, “Guys, I want to make sure you don’t think Maera is like this cause of you. She isn’t. She hasn’t exactly had an easy life. Her dad died when she was 3, her mom died when she was 10 and last year Nick died and Jesse disappeared. She sometimes has good days, like yesterday, when she is fine. And then she has days like today. She needs love and support and-”

“Geez, Ryan. You make me sound like the biggest loser on the planet. I’m not just going to crumble or something. You make me sound like a wimp. And what’s with you being all sensitive and all, it’s beginning to scare me.” Maera interrupted.

Jay, Max and Ryan looked up. Maera was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Her long hair was straight from being slept on, and she had on glasses, with square frames. She had her eyebrows raised and she was looking at them as if they were crazy.

“You’re awake.” Ryan smiled.

Maera nodded with an expression on her face that seemed to say, “Duh, why else would I be standing here in front of you?” but she said nothing.

“Lindsey is coming over.” She said quietly. Lindsey was her best friend, but she was moving the next day.

Ryan explained that and then said, “Okay. You guys should have some time before she leaves.”

A few minutes later, Lindsey arrived. She and Maera spent a little while in Maera’s room. Then they went to make dinner.

“I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” Lindsey said.

She walked out of the kitchen. Maera pulled out the pizza from the freezer and walked to the garage to get pepperoni from the other refrigerator.  She walked past the living room, then walked backwards and looked into the entrance to the living room. She felt her heart skip and she let out a nearly silent gasp. Lindsey was in Ryan’s arms, and they were softly kissing. They pulled apart, and Ryan cradled her face in his hands.

“I wish you weren’t moving.” He said. Lindsey smiled sadly, her gaze never leaving his eyes. Maera stepped back but bumped into the door and causing it to creak. Lindsey and Ryan’s heads snapped in her direction. Panic and worry filled Lindsey’s eyes.

Maera felt like sick and her heart felt like it was dying, but she smiled softly and said, “Well, why didn’t you tell me before?”

Lindsey looked relieved. She smiled and said, “I didn’t know what you would say.” She kissed Ryan one last time. Then she and Maera walked into the kitchen.

“You should’ve told me.” Maera admonished once again.

Lindsey grinned and sheepishly apologized. Then her mom called, and she had to leave. The two friends embraced and said their goodbyes, promising to email and write and call. Then Lindsey left. Maera walked up to her room. All her emotions poured out. She slammed her door and kicked the wall inside her room. Then she sat on the bed and put her head in her hands. Her heart hurt so badly. She was just now realizing how much she liked him and it killed her to realize she had no chance. It wasn’t just that she lost him to a girl, but she lost him to her best friend. And suddenly, there was like an invisible wall between her and Ryan. He couldn’t tell, but she could feel him. It was like she couldn’t trust him or come to him or anything. And Lindsey was gone….she had no one. There was a knock on the door. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

“What!” Maera said sharply.

The door opened slightly.  “it’s Max. Can I come in?” he asked.

Maera just nodded, wiping away the tears. Max came and flipped around Maera’s desk chair, sitting in it backwards.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked.

Maera hesitated, but looking into his eyes she felt like she could trust him no matter what.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” She said sheepishly.

“Yea? Try me.” Max said.

Maera smiled softly, all her tears now gone. She pointed at a glass of water on the table. Max turned and looked at it. Maera raised her hand palm out. She closed her eyes and concentrated. It took effort, but as Max watched the water lifted from the glass and hung in the air. Maera’s face was strained with effort and she slowly the water floated back down into the glass. She lowered her hand and her shoulders slumped, and she was gasping for air. Max looked at her in shock.

“How…how did you do that?” He asked.

“I barely can anymore. I’ve been away too long.” Maera said. Max gave her a questioning look.

Maera hesitated then explained, “I’ve been away from Aquaria for almost a year now. My powers, my abilities, they are seriously weakened. I have less and less every day. Compared to what I can do in Aquaria, that was nothing. But now even that takes a lot of effort.  Okay, I can see you are confused. Let me start from the beginning.” She pulled out a picture book called The Legend of Aquaria. “My mother wrote this children’s book 11 years ago based on the real Aquaria. It’s…well…it’s hard to explain. Aquaria is sort of a parallel universe with earth. I didn’t actually know it really existed until I moved in with my uncle four years ago. Nick, Jesse and I went there hoping to find out more about our parents, who spent loads of time there. I really don’t understand how things work there. But I do know that when people from earth go there, they don’t age. So, if I went there right now, I could stay there for 50 years. When I came back, it would be exactly the same time as when I left and I would not have aged at all. And the people there age must more slowly than we do. They age in 10 years as much as we age in 1 year. Nick, Jesse and I used to spend a lot of time there. It was literally our second home. Until….until a year ago. Something happened, I don’t know what. Nick was helping me learn to swordfight better, I’ll explain about that later. Anyway, we were hanging and something or someone attacked me and Nick. I passed out, and woke up here in Santa Monica. The story was that I was in a car crash. Vinny told me that Nick died, and Jesse disappeared. But I don’t know the full story, no one does. All I know is, I have to go back there. I have to. I know they aren’t dead, I can feel it. And I’m going to find them.”

She paused and looked at Max. He stared at her incredulously.  Maera sighed and closed her eyes. As Max watched her hang slowly burst into flame. Then, the flames disappeared and her hand was completely normal and unhurt. Max stared at her, jaw dropped.

“Okay, I believe you.” He said. “But I have so many questions. How did you do that? What are your powers? Why did you learn to swordfight and what were you going to explain? What-?”

“Okay, Okay.” Maera interrupted. “Nick, Jesse and I have the power to manipulate the elements. Fire, water, earth, wind, darkness, electricity. It is much easier in Aquaria because the elements are easily manipulated there. And about the fighting. As I said, people age much more slowly there. Forty years ago, Aquaria faced the battle. There were two groups of people, the Surelians and the Dominators.  Good and evil, you could call it. Marenthia Sorella was the leader of the Sorelians. She was fighting to save Aquaria from the evil. But the Dominator wanted to control Aquaria and become king. He dealt in darkness and evil and destruction. Well, they were dark times. The world was dark and filled with evil. But after the war, the Sorelians triumphed. But they paid a heavy price-Marenthia Sorella died. The Dominator disappeared. No one knew his real identity, so no one could find him. But Marenthia Sorella left behind heirs-her three children, Nicholas Rendeyez James Sorella, Jesse Montrayaz James Sorella and Maerabella Emmanuelle James Sorella. Me and my brothers. Except, if they really are dead, then just me. That’s why I have to go back. I’ve had dreams, and I know that the Dominators are reuniting again and their forces are going strong. The Sorelians no longer have a leader, so now I’m the only one who can be their leader. I HAVE to go back there.”

Max frowned. “Wait, I’m confused. You said your mom died four years ago, but Marenthia Sorella died 40 years ago.”

Maera smiled. “Don’t forget that every year that passes here is 10 years there. So forty years ago there, would have been four years ago here.”

Max nodded, then looked away, trying to process everything he had just heard. If someone else had just randomly said that, he would never have believed it. But he saw her hand catch on fire, saw the water float in the air. And from the look in her eyes, he knew she was telling the truth. Still, he was trying to comprehend everything. Magic, parallel universes, this was the sort of stuff he had loved as a kid. Jayden was the skeptic, the realist, and Max was the believer, the dreamer. And all the stuff in his dreams was REAL?!?! He couldn’t believe it. He ran his fingers through his hair. Maera opened her mouth as if to say something, then stopped, biting her lip. Max waited, wondering what she was about to say next.

© Copyright 2008 Danika Bryant (xwriter4lifex at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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