Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1379869-Letters-to-the-Victim
Rated: XGC · Draft · Thriller/Suspense · #1379869
Written as a serial killer writing to the victim he has held captive. rough draft
Hello my dear. Before you begin to read this, let me first congratulate you. Very few of my dolls do I find worthy enough to bestow such generosities. Obviously you have been granted priceless liberties on this your first day of orientation. Let me also inform you that these liberties (use of eyesight, limited restraints, etc) can also be taken away as quickly as they were given. In other words, BEHAVE YOURSELF.

At this point, I am sure you are asking yourself many questions. "What's going to happen to me?, Am I going to be raped? Tortured? Killed?" The answers depend on you my dear. Rest assured that I have in fact done all of the said actions many times. Do not flatter yourself in thinking you are the first. You no doubt feel the caked on grit on the floor beneath you. The rough surface of the cold floor? How does that feel? Are the goosebumps covering every inch of your naked flesh? Are the sharp ridges cutting into your bare ass? What about the smell of that cold room my dear? Is it a familiar scent? Like the old, dark basement that frightened you as a child? There is more to it isn't there? Something in the air you can't quite place. Come my dear, you know that smell. The pungent aroma that rushes into your nostrils on certain days you slide your panties down? Yes, you know it now. Almost copper-like isn't it? You will be contributing your own scent to the air very soon. I may not kill you my dear, that really is up to you. However, you belong to me and I will do as I please.

There is no sense in trying to escape or call out for help. The room you are in has been soundproofed and all that is outside of it is open land. If you wish to scream through your well secured ball-gag, or to pull on your chains, go right ahead. You should grow tired of it quickly. I suggest doing no such thing though my dear. Wasting precious energy will only harm you in the long run. You will want to save your strength for our next meeting. It will please me and, as you will soon learn, my satisfaction is the key to your mercy.

Let us go over the first rule now, shall we?

Rule #1: You must stay clean. You are my dog, but I do not expect you to smell like one. You will see a few buckets in the corner. That corner will serve as your bathroom. The blue bucket is for your waste; urine, feces, vomit, etc. Be careful to not make a mess. If you spill so much as a drop, it will quickly become your food bucket. It will be emptied in a timely fasion and perhaps in time, you will have the privlege of dumping it yourself. That is a long way away, so do not get ahead of yourself.
The red bucket contains 1 bar of soap, 1 toothbrush, 1 wash-rag, deodorant, and 1 tube of toothpaste. Take the items out and use the bucket to store your dirty water and spit. Yes, that means the gag will be removed at some point. Your behavior will determine how long the gag-free intervals will be. The large white bucket is full of clean water. I assume I do not need to explain its uses.
I am aware that a few other hygiene projects are missing. At this point, you cannot be trusted with item such as razors, harmful liquids like shampoo and conditioner, etc. I can't have you harming that lovely body of yours now can I? Therefore, we must start with the basics. Remember, cleanliness is next to Godliness. Do not disappoint me.

At this point, I suppose I can elaborate a bit on our relationship and what is in store. Not all can be determined this early on. I must see how you grow and develop over time. However, I am optimistic with you. I feel that your training will go well. I am an excellent judge of character, and soon we will put that to the test. You have much to learn my dear. It will not be an easy process. Good work is not without its rewards however. The better your progress, the sweeter my generosity. It really is not all that different from any other relationship. Make yourself exceptional and your treatment shall be rich and fulfilling. I'm sure you will be tempted to be defiant. You will rapidly learn that such temptation is a big mistake. I will be introducing you to my many tools shortly. Behind that dark curtain at the end of your home, are your soon to be friends locked up inside those big black trunks. Much like myself, they can bring you both pain and pleasure. I will not lie to you my dear, your new life will be FILLED with pain and suffering. You may train yourself to enjoy it, but ultimately the purpose of your existence is my satisfaction. A dog may be treated like royalty, yet it is still a lower form of life that must answer to its master. I do not like to think of you so much as a "slave", but more like a pet. Just remember that all relationships can be ended. From one lover to another, from master to slave, husband to wife, owner to dog...
should I tire of you in any way, I can have you buried dead or alive just a few miles from where you now sit. And no one will ever find you.
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