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Christians that abuse the grace of God.
I just wonder how many of us Christians realize that when we abuse the grace of God we are abusing Christ Jesus who is supposed to be our Lord and the betrothed husband we are to love above all else. The word of God says that nothing can seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. It says that for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. That very Son is that love we abuse so often without ralizing it.

When Moses smote the stone twice he wasn't allowed into the promised land. A type and shadow that if we sin willingly after coming to the knowledge of Christ we will not be allowed into the heavenly city of our God. We can look forward to hell instead of heaven.

Luke 4 shows that the devil tempted Jesus three times. The first time was to abuse his power. The second times was seek his own glory. The third time was to kill himself. In all three it was that he would abuse the grace of God and damn himself just as the devil did. How many have had these three witnesses which establish the spirit of antchrist in them?

The word says that those who love God and believe on Jesus he gave the power to become the sons of God. That power being the baptism of the Holy Ghost which declares all truth that glorifies Jesus. How many have abused this power by using this status as a son of God to think they can do anything? How many have sought miracles and tempted God? If thou be the Son of God command these stones be made bread. If thou be the Son of God make sure my bills are paid. Make sure I have a new car. Make sure I have a twelve bedroom house for my family of two.
The power of God was given to glorify Jesus. He will not share his glory. That Spirit will not use the word of God to glorify himself or man. That Spirit can be grieved and angered. When people refuse to humble themselves under the hand of God they can be turned over to a reprobate mind and no longer see their own sin.

The second temptation was seek his own glory. How many televangelists would be on TV if they had to pay for their own ministry like many pastors of small churches do? How many would be televangelists if they took heed to the scriptures commanding the rich to be willing to distrbute? If they had to get a 2 or 3 bedroom parsonage and give the rest to the poor? Would they sell their equiptment and dish out soup in a homeless shelter without any recognition?

How many of us women seek to be equal to our husbands? Jesus had the fulness of the Spirit of God and could have done anything. He was equal to God yet made himself of no reputation. He took on the form of a servant instead of seeking an earthly kingdom or any worldly power. Only in the throne is God greater than he. That is a lot of power he held back from using. Maybe we are equal but why seek to be? The church is in a mystery that woman and bride and she will never be equal to her Husband and Lord. Maybe we should seek to follow the leading of Sarah who was meek enough to call her husband lord rather than Vashti who was rebellious and lost her place. I know that we should call no man master or lord but I think anyone that reads this should be able to see the point I'm trying to make.

The third temptation was to not only tempt; God but to kill himself. How many of us may have already tempted God by trying to have him "bound to his word" when praying or doing some form of foolishness that his word tells us not to do? How many have done been turned over to a reprobate mind and are spiritually dead? How many Christians are actually a type and shadow of the "Night Of The Living Dead" and are just walking around eating the flesh of those who are alive? How many are walking around having no light of life in them and only believing the part of the word that satisfies their flesh?

I just can't help but get sorrowful when I see Christianity around me being perverted so that paople can believe what they want. Heaping up teachers and never coming to the truth. A gospel that was good for 6,000 years being ripped apart, taught amiss and perverted by the heretics that dear Paul said would arize.

Know they not there is one Lord, one faith and one baptism; one God and Father of all who is above all, through all and should be in all. The gospel of the elect lady and her children.

That Father, God Almighty, Jehovah the head of his household has a Son whom he spoke into existance from the beginning when he said "Let there be Light." That commandment of "let there be light" would send that Son into a darkened world of unbelief and wicked ways as the scriptures declare.

That Son would be that blessing that the word says was commanded form Mt. Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem. He received a commandment from his Father to lay down his life and take it up again. When he was afraid he called out in the garden asking if there be any other way but the word of God will not be altered. Like the law of the Medes and Persians it will stand and that meant that the only acceptable Lamb of sacrifice would go to the slaughter on an alter at Calvary. He didn't do it because he loved us so much we could live in sin and make a mockery of his word. He did it because unlike so many of us (myself included) he was obedient to the point of death. He was poor that we might be rich in faith and slaughtered mercilessly so that we might have eternal life.

When that Son arose from the dead and ascended to his Father he sent back his Spirit. That Spirit would lead and guide us into all truth. It would glorify Jesus and show him plainly from the laws and prophets. It would rightly divide the word of truth so that sermons could rebuke, reprove and exhort to feed a flock and keep them in the way that is acceptable to God. It would prepare a bride as a keeper of the women supplying only that which will please her Lord the King.

And those who truly love him would have to be willing to hate their life in this world just as Jesus our example said and did himself. They would have to be willing to have their families, their sons and daughters, fathers and mothers forsake and hate them. But when their father and mother would fail them the Lord promised he would lift them up.

That Bride, her Husband and God Almighty the Father makes that hetrosexual family that is of one Spirit. It will be an eternal family that will dwell together in a heavenly kingdom not built by hands but by the voice of the living God!

And there they shall never shed another tear.

Blessed be His holy name!

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