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Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1375649
One of our nine cats, my husband loves to put on his lap
                                WAN-WAN,  THE FAVORITE OF MY HUSBAND

                                  BY :  TSURTIDOGNI

Wan-wan, one of our nine cats, as she grows everyday, my husband considers  her
as his favorite cat. Why we are calling her Wan-Wan? She is all in gold color.Very
attractive, chubby and so huggable.Gold in our dialect means bulawan. We find it
long to call her Bulawan,  so we decided to shorten  and we like the sound of it,

Everytime my husband sits in his chair watching the television programs, Wan-wan
would always "MEOW, MEOW, MEOW." She never stops until my husband would
pick her up and put her on his lap, and wants her head to be caressed,  like a baby.

We feed them all at the same time, breakfast, lunch and dinner, before we take our
meals.Wan-wan always "meow, meow, meow" that my husband has to carry her
and put her together with the group, or else, if she's not being carried she will not
stop the meow in one of the corners.After their meals , all of the cats wander in the
garden even in the evening except for Wan-wan who remained sitting on top of the
television set, waiting for my husband to watch the show. If my husband is out of
town, she sits and sleeps in his chair, and Wan-wan never allows any of the cats
to step or to sleep in the chair.

Hearing the voice of my husband, upon his arrival, Wan-wan would meow to the
top of her lungs and leaps to the arms of my husband who would stroke her
head. Everytime Wan-wan goes out of the house, she will bring something as a
gift to my husband like a dead small bird, a dead cockroach, and usually dead
rats.Yak ! As soon as my husband removed the dead insects as her gifts, she
started to meow again.When my husband told her to stop, she stops the meow.

Wan-wan only roams in the garden, if I am also in the garden.She would always
look for my toes and would encircle my feet and kept her meow, she would stop
doing that upon seeing the butterflies, trying to catch them, which she could not.
Then, the rest of the cats would explore the garden including her, but it never
happened when I was not doing my gardening work.Wan-wan remained inside
the house like a SENORITA.

We have a dog named Brownie. Wan-wan would tip-toed when she passes the area
where Brownie sleeps.She never meow.Animals respect each other? I am amazed.
It is not easy to keep these cats in the house.I usually give them rice with mashed
sardines and they love it.They also eat some vegetables and loves the taste of
raw fish, but seldom we fed them raw fish because fish is getting expensive in our

Wan-wan and the rest of our cats never steal food.Whatever we place in the kitchen
they never touch it.They only eat in their feeding basin. We placed a big plastic bowl
nearby for water, and these cats drink a lot especially WAN-WAN.

These cats along with Brownie, are living with me and my husband in the house.We only have one child and she is now residing in the city which is three hours by bus
from our place.She works in the city.Our daughter would always send me cans of
sardines for their food supply.

Cats are intelligent creatures and have a very good memory, especially Wan-wan.
If she sees another dog passing by and Brownie barks, she duets with Brownie
with her MEOW  and the stray dog would run for her life.

I am glad to have these cats and Brownie in our lives.They add joy in our moments
as we live to experience each journey with amazements and so much pleasure
learning their characteristics and antics.

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