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A Fanfic occuring shortly after Jonathan Harker's imprisonment at Dracula's castle. |
Jonathan Harker Chapter one Jonathon Harker lay in the darkness. He was awaiting the female vampires Count Dracula had left him to when he heard a noise. He heard the sound of footsteps. It was odd, no one in the house had ever made a sound when they stepped. It was hard and cold and it scared him. He preferred it when he could not hear the monsters coming after him. He closed his eyes waiting for the pain to begin again. He could not bear the pain much longer. He could feel the life draining out of him day by day. It was horrible. Just as suddenly as they began, the footsteps ceased. He opened his eyes and before him stood the most hauntingly beautiful woman he had ever seen. Unlike the women Dracula had left him to, this woman looked on the verge of death. She seemed weak and distressed. As he watched she collapsed onto the bed he was occupying. He gasped and stood to give her some space. He thought that she might be another one of the Count’s victims. He smiled at her, in hopes of befriending her. She smiled up at him, and to his horror she had the same sharpened fangs as the other women. Out of his peripheral vision he could see the others standing behind and beside him. The woman in front of him noticed the other vampires as well. One of them reached for Jonathan. The deathly looking woman hissed at her. She immediately backed off and tried to look submissive. Jonathan looked from one vampire to the other. The ones who had been torturing him glared at the newcomer, who hissed and glared back at them, and then they fled. “Who are you? What are you that they should run away?” Jonathon asked her, his voice scratchy from disuse. She sat up and looked at him hungrily. He took a step back. “I am an independent. I am not a bride like them. I have no master.” She said in an archaic sounding accent. Jonathan stared at her. He was surprised to find that he liked her voice. “Does that make you stronger than them?” He asked. He was grateful she had chased them away, but he was wary of what she might do to him. She was still staring at him like a starving man stares at a large steak. “Yes, it does. And, I am free to use my power however I please.” She replied smirking. “And how is that?” He asked. He immediately regretted his words as he began to rise off his feet. Suddenly the woman was standing next to him as he tried to reach the floor with his feet. He got an impression that she was circling him, until he realized that it was he who was circling. As he floated he was rotating. He suddenly had the idea that he now knew how a roasting chicken would feel as it rotated on a spit. “Impressive.” He said trying o keep his voice even. He suddenly dropped, his knees giving out. The woman caught him before he could hit the floor. She was strong and cold. “God, what have they done to you?” She said as she gently laid him on the soft bed. He had not expected her to be so gentle or thoughtful. He was so very weak. He had had to struggle to stand. He just laid there staring at the woman who was staring at him. “I swear; they are so stupid. Don’t they know to dress wounds so they won’t get infected? A torture victim will last so much longer if you take just one small step to prevent infection.” Jonathan blanched, getting even paler than he had been. The woman just continued to scowl at the sloppiness of the others not noticing his change of color. “Are you going to kill me then?” He asked. For some reason it didn’t bother him as much as it should have. “No, I don’t intend to kill you; although, your blood does smell particularly delicious.” He had forgotten that he was bleeding from several wounds. She picked up his hand and held it in front of her nose and took a long sniff. “Yes, you do smell good. May I?” she asked looking at him. “Sure, why not. At least you asked.” Jonathan said sarcastically. She smiled and licked one of his fingertips. He was prepared for it to hurt like it had with the others. He cringed but the pain never came. Instead there was a pleasant tingling feeling. He opened his eyes and saw that the woman had his middle fingertip in her mouth. She had her eyes closed and looked like she was enjoying herself very much. She was smiling. She released his hand and he let it fall to his side. “Yes, I do see why they couldn’t keep away. Such sweet blood, I’ve never had any like it. Weaklings such as them would not be able to resist.” “I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or a threat.” Jonathan said with chuckle. It hurt him to laugh so he stopped. “You’re very weak. You need to rest; I’ll take you to your room.” The woman said. She gently picked Jonathan up and carried him there. “Won’t they just come up here for me?” He asked. The woman just looked at him with her head cocked to one side. “Not if I’m here. And I’m not going to leave you here unprotected.” She said moving around the room. As she went she would touch things. “What are you doing?” Jonathan asked. He was fighting sleep, even though he was exhausted. “I’m putting my scent on this room, letting them know that I protect you. They won’t come in when I go to feed.” She said continuing her trip around the room. “Feed? You’re going to leave?” He asked. He was having a hard time staying focused. “I’ll have to. I’m very hungry and you do smell so good. If I’m going to take you away from here, I should at least not present a threat to you.” She said in a very matter of fact way. Jonathan had fallen into a deep sleep by the time she finished speaking. “Typical human.” She said to herself as she covered Jonathan with the quilt. Chapter Two When Jonathan’s eyes fluttered open it was very dark in his room. He could not imagine what new horror the female monsters had thought up for him. He did feel well rested though, which was unusual. He was normally only allowed to sleep for around half and hour at a time. “How do you feel?” A voice he only faintly recognized asked. He jumped at the closeness of the voice. It was comforting though, unlike the cruelty he was used to. “I feel much better, and thirsty.” A hand offered a glass to him. The woman who had protected him was right next to him, helping him take a drink of the water she had brought. At least he thought it was the same woman. She had changed her clothes and her skin looked much paler. Also she seemed to have done something different to her long chestnut hair. She was now wearing a tight pair of black pants and a long sleeve shirt. Her pants had vine like designs on the hems. Her shirt was composed of a tight fitting blood red bodice with billowing white sleeves. She was truly a sight to behold. “You look different.” He said once she had removed the cup from his lips. “Feeding does that. It makes me paler.” She said as she refilled the glass from a pitcher on the night stand. “Your clothes are different to.” Jonathan replied. His voice was raspy from not being used. The woman just stared at him. “You don’t miss anything do you?” She asked in a teasing sort of voice. “I’ve missed your name some how.” He said trying to sit up. She put a hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him back on the bed. “You need to rest. And you haven’t missed my name; I have not said it yet. I’m Catrine.” Jonathan stopped resisting and peacefully lay back on the pillows. “Catrine, that’s a nice name. I’ve never heard it before, is it English?” He asked curiously. “No, I believe it’s not really native to anywhere. Now what would you like to eat?” She asked. She was not used to feeding humans and so did not know what to give him. “If you take me down to the kitchens I could tell you what to make.” Jonathan said. He could tell that the woman was not used to feeding a human. “Yeah, that would be good.” She picked him up gently and carried him down stairs to the kitchens. They were vast. “Wow, how many people work here?” Jonathan was amazed; he had never seen such a large kitchen. “Only one or two; you’re the only person who eats real food.” Catrine had found a chair so she put Jonathan into it. “So, where do I begin? I haven’t done this in a long time.” She looked around and seemed to be at a loss. “Where’s the cook?” Jonathan asked. Catrine turned to look at him. “He was sent away.” Catrine said. She turned back around as the implications of her words set in. “So, I was to never leave this place alive.” He said sounding disgusted. Catrine started opening the cabinets, and could not find anything. “Well, I don’t see anything to cook.” She said looking apologetically at him. “That’s okay, I’m not sure I could eat now anyway.” “It must have been days since they fed you last.” She said rubbing her arm with her hand. Jonathan needed to eat. “Are you cold?” Jonathan asked. Catrine stared at him. This human who was on the verge of death was worried about whether or not she was cold. “I’m always cold. But I can’t feel it. It’s merely a left over reaction from my human life. What should we do? You need food.” Catrine was thinking about a tavern that was not too far down the road. The only problem was that she was banned from there. She had been caught feeding there on more than one occasion, and so was unable to be there anymore. She decided that she would drop Jonathan off and watch him from afar. “I have an idea. I’m going to take you to a local tavern, but you mustn’t mention me. When we get there I will leave you in their care and visit you in your room.” She said striding towards him. He looked up at her to weak to protest. “Okay. Let’s go.” He said as she was nearly out of the castle. He had noticed that Catrine could move much faster than the other female vampires. He soon realized that they were in a wood. Very soon after that, a tantalizing scent reached his nostrils. “That smells so good.” He said. Catrine looked down at him as she stepped up to a large wooden door. “Can you stand up?” she asked gently setting him on his feet. He staggered a bit but managed to stand on his own. “Great. Now I’m going to leave you for a very short while, but I will never be far away. If you need me just yell my name.” She said as she knocked on the large door. Then she was gone and Jonathan was standing all alone. A large woman opened the door and stared at him. “Please help me! I’ve just escaped from Dracula’s castle.” Jonathan cried as he began to fall forward. The woman caught him and yelled in a strange language. “You just come with me, dear. I’ll get you a nice bed and some good hot food.” She said as she passed him to a big man who helped him up a flight of stairs. Chapter Three Jonathan was placed in a soft bed and covered up. A man was arranging things on the night stand. Jonathan glanced out the window and saw Catrine standing in front of it. Then the man left. Jonathan was still staring at Catrine when the land lady came in with a steaming bowl of stew and a cup of ale. “There now dear, can you manage? I can’t imagine what they would be doing to you at that horrible castle. You stay here as long as you need to in order to get well.” She said. She left and shut the door behind her. Catrine opened the window and stepped in. “Do you need any help?” She asked. She was not used to helping so much and was slightly awkward. “No, I can get it. But I do feel bad for take advantage of this woman’s hospitality.” He said as he started to eat the stew. “I’ll leave some money with you.” Catrine said. She would never understand humans. She hadn’t even understood them when she was one. “You won’t leave me, will you?” Jonathan asked after he had finished his meal. Catrine smiled at him. “No, I won’t leave. Even if you can’t see me I’ll be here. Are you feeling better?” She asked. She moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Yes, I am. Thanks to you. I owe you my life.” He said. He liked her being this close to him. She was even more beautiful than he had originally thought. He could only see half of her face in the dim candle light but he never wanted to look away. She suddenly leaned forward and looked deep into his eyes. “You’re very comfortable around me aren’t you?” She asked. She didn’t like the way he had been staring at her. It was hungry stare, not unlike one she would level at him. He just stared at her. Most humans would have looked away long before now, and most would back away from her presence. “Yes, I am. Is that a bad thing?” He asked. He had not thought of her inhuman nature in a long while. “It could be.” She said as she leaned forward more. Suddenly, she glanced at the door and went to stand just inside the door to the closet. “Hello, dear, how are you feeling?” The land lady asked as she walked in the door. She hadn’t knocked. A wolf howled somewhere nearby. The woman looked up at the window sharply. She was suddenly nervous. “I’m feeling just fine. I am very tired though.” The woman nodded and hurried out the door. Catrine stepped out from behind the closet door just as the other door shut. She came back to sit on the edge of the bed. “Why can’t they see you?” Jonathan asked. He hadn’t been lying when he had told the land lady that he was very tired, even though he just woke up shortly before. “They can recognize me for what I am. And they don’t really welcome me here. I’ve actually killed a few of their guests, and it’s bad for business.” Catrine had once again leaned closer to Jonathan. “Well, that’s unfortunate.” He said. He didn’t seem to care really. “It doesn’t bother you that I kill at least four people a week?” She asked, nearly shouting. Jonathan was taken a back; he had been trying to forget that part. Even now, he could not get past how tantalizingly close Catrine was to him. “No, it doesn’t really.” He said as he closed his eyes. Some thing inside him was stirring as it never had before. Suddenly his head was filled with images that he did not want to see, or look away from. “Why not?” She asked getting even closer. Her lips were mere inches from his, and it was driving him insane. “I think it’s because I know that you won’t kill me. Your dangerous nature makes you very appealing to me for some reason.” He said still with his eyes closed. With his eyes closed he was not prepared when Catrine closed the gap between their lips. When she did, Jonathan’s eyes instantly flew open. He was looking straight into deep green pools of centuries of emotions. Being kissed by Catrine was like being struck by lightning. “So, you find me appealing do you?” She asked in a whisper after she pulled back. Jonathan was in a daze, but he somehow managed to shake his head in the affirmative. Catrine growled softly deep within her chest. “How very interesting.” She said. She breathed on Jonathan’s face and bid him to sleep. And he did, he fell into a deep dreamless sleep. Chapter Four Jonathan awoke to the sound of cups and dishes rattling. It was the land lady. She had brought more food, and was clearing away the old dishes. She looked rather twitchy and nervous. “Thank you.” Jonathan said. The woman jumped and nearly dropped everything. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Jonathan said. The woman just looked at him with wide eyes; then she turned and rushed out of his room. “What was that all about?” Jonathan wondered out loud as he sat up and began to eat his food. “I’m afraid that your friends from the castle are making quite a disturbance.” Catrine said as she stepped out of the closet. “What are they doing?” Jonathan asked as he ate. “I’m afraid that they are taking children. And they say that they will not stop until the villagers have given them you.” She said once again sitting on the edge of his bed. He had stopped eating. “What?! That’s horrible. Can’t you do something about that?” He really didn’t like the idea of children being killed on his account. “The only thing we can do is leave.” Catrine said. She was leaning forward just as she had the night before. He could feel the stirring happening again so he closed his eyes. “Then we must go.” He said. He felt her get off the bed. He opened his eyes. Catrine was standing by the window looking out. “What is it?” Ha asked. He tried to get out of bed and found that he could stand and walk on his own. He walked over to Catrine. She looked at him. “It’s nice to see you up and about, but you may want to move away from the window.” She said still staring out the window. “What is it?” He asked. He couldn’t see anything in the darkness of the night. Beside him Catrine growled deep with in her chest. “We have company. Get away from the window.” Jonathan did as he was told. He even went a step farther and sat on the bed. Catrine’s growl became louder. Just seconds later the window crashed in. It was the leader of the Count’s brides. She flew in hissing with her hands outstretched in front of her. They were curled into claws and aimed straight at Catrine’s face. Catrine grabbed the other woman and shoved her back out the window. The woman screamed in outrage. Suddenly the second of the count’s women burst in the door. Jonathan jumped off the bed to stand just behind Catrine. The enemy vampire just stood in the doorway. “Jonathan, come lay with me.” She whispered instead of attacking. Jonathan went into a daze and began to move forward. “Yes, come to me Jonathan.” She said moving to the bed. Catrine grabbed him and jerked him back to her. “Jonathan, I need you to stay by me.” She said in a low growl. She never took her eyes off the other woman. He just looked from Catrine to the other woman and back again. Then he seemed to snap out of it somewhat and he shook his head yes. “Thank you.” Catrine said. The first bride was back in the window. Both brides were growling and hissing. Jonathan could feel the energy crackling through the air. It was making the hair on his arms stand on end. His head was still slightly muddled so he was having a hard time thinking straight. “Where’s the other one?” Catrine said to herself. She looked around and did not see the other woman. That bothered her quite a lot. Jonathan was beginning to feel weak again. “Damn it!” Catrine exclaimed. She now realized why Jonathan was so weak. The bride’s were feeding off his energy as well as his blood. “Just give him back, Catrine. He’s ours!” The lead bride said. “Why do you want him? He has no purpose but to be fed from, although I believe he would make an exceptional lover.” The second woman said winking at Jonathan. He just stepped closer to Catrine. “I have a score to settle with your master. And he intrigues me.” Catrine said. Jonathan looked at Catrine. He could not think as to why Catrine would be intrigued by him. “What score do you have to settle with my master?” The second bride asked Catrine. Catrine merely glared at the woman who had asked the question. She needed to find a way out of the tavern. However, she could not immediately see a way out with Jonathan. The other vampires had blocked all of the exits. She determined that she would have to fight her way out. “Get out of my way! I don’t want to hurt you.” Catrine said, with a growl. She did not like to hurt her own kind. “That’s not going to happen. You couldn’t hurt us if you tried.” The lead bride asked. Jonathan glanced from one bride to the other. “Then why do you flee from her?” He asked. He suddenly knew that he had said the wrong thing. Both brides flew at him and Catrine. Then, the way was clear. Catrine grabbed him and jumped out the window. Jonathan screamed as something else grabbed him. “Damn it!” He heard Catrine yell as they tumbled to the ground. His head bounced off the hard frozen ground even as Catrine was standing up. He couldn’t breathe. The fall and scream had knocked the air out of him. The world was distorted chaos. He could feel the energy that went along with fighting angry vampires. Then he was picked up and being carried away. He soon fell asleep. He did not know what had happened, nor could he feel the forest rushing past. He did not know the extreme danger he had encountered. Chapter Five “Damn it! Wake up Jonathan!! Wake up!” These were the first words Jonathan heard when his eyes finally fluttered open. “What? What’s going on?” He asked, his head hurt terribly and he felt worse than ever. “Oh, thank God. I thought you were going to die.” Catrine said. “I’m not sure that I’m not.” He said. Even in this dire moment he was making jokes about his own mortality. “That’s not funny Jonathan.” Catrine said as she laughed. She was ecstatic that Jonathan had woken up. After such a hard hit on the head, lesser humans would not have. “Where are we?” He asked looking around him. They were in the middle of the woods, and yet they seemed safe and well hidden. “It’s a very special place of my own magic. I have made this place safe for all my allies, and inaccessible to my enemies.” Catrine said cryptically. “What magic can you do?” Jonathan asked. He had always believed that there was something beyond human powers, he merely did not know if it should be called magic or God. “You saw some of it before, remember I lifted you from the floor and made you spin.” Catrine said. “Ah, yes, I remember.” It seemed so long ago that he was being slowly killed. He then realized how close Catrine was to him. She was leaning over him, her body mere inches from his. He shuddered. “Are you cold?” Catrine asked quietly. She had been staring at Jonathan with an odd look on her face. “No, I’m fine.” He said in a whisper. “Is anything wrong?” Jonathan asked. Catrine had an odd look about her. “You’ve no idea how hard it is not to take you.” She said looking away from him. She moved farther away as well. “What do you mean ‘take me’? Take me where?” He asked; he did not understand what she meant. She looked at him with a frightening gleam in her eyes. “You misunderstand. It is my nature to take you… to feed from you. I haven’t eaten in a few days and you present a delectable problem. I find myself having to protect you from me.” She again looked away from him in shame. Jonathan reached up and made her face him. “You can have me if you’d like.” He said. Her eye widened in what he thought was surprise. “You don’t know what you’re saying.” She said in a growl. Her eyes glowed with a strange demonic twinge. She had meant to scare Jonathan, but he had not even flinched. “I do. You need to drink.” He said offering his wrist to her. She looked away as she moved his wrist. “Do not tempt me. I would make you one of my kind.” She said shuddering. He cupped her face with his hand. She nuzzled his hand. “If I could be with you, I would not mind.” Jonathan said. “You would loose you life and take lives for the rest of your unnatural existence just to be with me? What of your dear Mina?” She asked. Jonathan looked puzzled. “Mina?” He said with such questioning. He had forgotten all about his fiancé. “How could I have forgotten her?” He said. He removed his hand from Catrine’s face. Even though he had remembered the first woman he had pledged his undying love to, he still felt a strong pull toward Catrine. He was very confused. “I don’t care about Mina; I want to be with you.” He said. He turned towards Catrine and wrapped his arms around her. “Are you sure about that?” She asked wrapping her arms around him. She breathed in his intoxicating scent. “Yes.” Jonathan replied. His voice had gained a husky quality. He was feeling that stirring again, but this time he embraced it instead of fighting it. Catrine began kissing his chin and neck, and he began to moan softly. Catrine began to rub her knee in between his legs; he was pleasantly surprised. It was more than he could have ever imagined. As Catrine was kissing him, he became lost in his passions. Catrine was enjoying herself as well. It had been a long time since she had allowed herself to be like this with a human. Her nails grew as she ripped open Jonathan’s shirt kissing his chest. He began kissing her back, and it was delightful. He tasted so good, better than anyone she had ever tasted before. “Take me.” Jonathan whispered. He was highly aroused; this experience had made his decision for him. He would be with Catrine for eternity. Catrine continued to kiss his neck and chest. She climbed on top of him. “Are you sure?” She asked. She was straddling him, his hips beneath hers. He shook his head yes. Catrine reared back her head and allowed her canines to grow into sharpened fangs. Her eyes changed colors as well. She was moving her hips in a circular motion, driving Jonathan mad with desire. She began to kiss him again. She slowly moved her kisses to the place where his neck met his shoulders. He was moaning louder than before. Then without warning she plunged her fangs deep into his throat. He screamed in agonized pleasure, and began to writhe as she drank from him. She grabbed his hair to hold him still and he let out another cry of passion. Chapter Six The next morning Jonathan awoke with Catrine in his arms. The memory of the previous night flooded back to him. He sighed and settled back into a comfortable position. It took him a moment to realize why he felt so weak again. The only difference was that he chose this weakness, he welcomed it. He could see light streaming through the leaves of the trees further into the forest. He could not, however, see any sunlight in the clearing. This puzzled him greatly. Then Catrine growled softly in her sleep. He chuckled lightly, but the slight sound was enough to wake her. She sat up and stretched, reaching her long slender arms high above her head. She looked down a Jonathan and smiled. “Good morning. How did you sleep?” She asked him. Jonathan smiled back at her. “I had a nice night. How was yours?” He asked. He had had many vivid dreams, most including Catrine. “Well, I would have slept sooner if you didn’t make so much noise. You’re very loud with your silly breathing, and snoring.” She said teasingly. He had also moaned a few times but she decided not to mention that. “I do not snore!” Jonathan said. Catrine stood and walked to the edge of the clearing. Jonathan also stood, although not nearly as gracefully as Catrine had. He felt dizzy for a moment, after the feeling past he went to stand next to Catrine she automatically put out an arm to steady him. “How are you feeling?” She asked studying his features. He grinned at her. “I’m perfectly fine. I think I’m getting used to this whole being food thing. By the way, why isn’t there any light in the clearing?” He asked. Catrine smiled knowingly. “It’s magic.” She said as she moved towards the center of the clearing. It got darker the nearer she got until Jonathan could barely see her form in the gloom. Jonathan followed her. He was surprised to find that he could see in the utter darkness. Catrine caught his awed expression. “You can see?” She asked. He shook his head yes. He was beginning to feel very tired though he was amazed at the things he could hear, see, and smell around him. He was turning on the spot looking around and inhaling deeply through his nose. He had found a very tantalizing scent, so he closed his eyes and began to follow it. Catrine smiled at him, he was already using his instincts for tracking. She knew it was her that he could smell. She was silently moving around the clearing allowing him to get within about two feet of her before she would move away. Suddenly a mild breeze sprang up allowing him to pinpoint Catrine. He ran forward and straight into her. As he hit her he stumbled and nearly fell. Catrine caught him, holding him close to her. “You smell really good.” He said in a dreamy voice. “So do you.” Catrine said smiling down at Jonathan. She lowered her head so she could smell his hair. “Although you could definitely use a bath, you have a lingering touch of those other vampires on you.” She said. Jonathan composed himself enough to stand. He then sniffed himself, and yes, he needed a bath… badly. “Where does one acquire a bath around here? We’re in the middle of a forest.” Jonathan said. Catrine studied him. “We shall have to find another tavern. I don’t think you’re quite ready to bath in a river yet.” She said thinking hard. There was not another tavern for a long while, and Jonathan would probably be fully turned by then. If they just waited, he could feed then bathe in a spring. “However, you’ll probably be turned all the way by then. You could be rather deranged at the time.” She said. Jonathan looked as if he did not like the idea of being crazy while around people. “Hmm, should we just wait then? I would not want to be insane in a tavern. What will happen when I turn anyway?” He asked, he had not thought about it before. His desire to be with Catrine for eternity had overwhelmed his thought process. He did not, however, regret his decision. “I won’t lie to you. It will be rather painful, but the first night is always the hardest. You’ll be very thirsty.” She said watching Jonathan for his reaction. He seemed to be thinking hard. “But you’ll be there with me right?” He asked hesitantly. Catrine shook her head yes, and Jonathan smiled. “Then it’s all worth while. As long as I’m not alone, I’ll be fine.” He said. Catrine moved to sit on a log, Jonathan followed her. Catrine smiled as she leaned over and put her head on Jonathan’s shoulder. She could feel happiness radiating off of Jonathan. The air fairly hummed with it. “Do you remember being turned?” He asked. Catrine sat up rather abruptly. She had a far away look in her eyes. She was remembering things from long ago. “Yes, I do. I was alone. I was attacked on a forest trail on my way home; it was a very long time ago.” Catrine said slowly. She had never thought about her turning much before. Of course she could remember it perfectly. She had been attacked, and then left for dead. After a long while of being ignored by the few people who also used the trail, she had made up her mind to some how get back to her home. She had crawled along the trail until she had become disoriented. During a storm Catrine had begun to feel slightly stronger. She managed to stand and stagger around for a little while, becoming even more lost and confused. Soon, she had collapsed, lapsing into a confused haze. She had fallen asleep. When she awoke, she had a horrible feeling of thirst, although she could not think of what she wanted to drink. She was going to get some water from the well outside her home when she realized that she was not in her home as she had thought. She sat up in a fright and saw that she was alone in the forest, a very dangerous place to be. Her parents must be very worried, she had thought. Suddenly, a wounded squirrel ran past her. It was bleeding. Only then did she realize what she was so very thirsty for. Horrified at the thought of what she had become, she knew that she could never go home. Her life had been stolen from her. “Are you alright?” Jonathan was asking. He was kneeling in front of her, looking into her eyes, worry was creased into his brow. “Yes, I’m fine; just caught up in my memories.” Catrine said. Jonathan smiled at her in a kind way. She smiled back banishing all thoughts of that unhappy day from her memory. Catrine leaned down to kiss Jonathan. Chapter Seven He moved forward to meet her. As their lips met a feeling of electricity flashed through him. He felt Catrine smile against his lips, obviously enjoying it. “You taste good as well. Much better since I’m turning.” Jonathan said after he had broken the kiss to breathe. Catrine smirked at him. “That’s the temptation I have when I’m around you. You simply taste good.” She said inhaling the air around his neck, near the bite marks he had. She leaned closer and licked the small puncture wounds. Jonathan shivered, but his remaining human instincts made him hold completely still. He had closed his eyes. These facts did not escape Catrine’s notice. “Do not fear me Jonathan. I will not hurt you unless you will it.” She whispered in his ear. He let out a breath he hadn’t realized that he was holding. “I am not afraid.” He said wrapping his arms around Catrine’s waist, pulling her closer to him. Catrine reveled in his warmth and humane texture. It seemed such a pity to change it, and make it cold and hard… unfeeling. But then again, she still felt. Even if very few of her kind did after they were turned. Catrine placed her arms around Jonathan’s neck, pulling herself to sit in his lap. He moved to sit on the ground with her cradled in his arms. He had never realized how cold she felt, or how smooth her skin was. She gently placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Her breathing evened out, and she appeared to be asleep. Catrine was surprised that she could be so relaxed with some one. She had never allowed herself to become close to anyone, let alone mortals. She enjoyed being like this with Jonathan It was nicer than she would have expected it to be. He was very soft, and comforting. His happiness made her happy. It was a curious thing, she thought, that a human’s happiness would concern her so much. Jonathan had begun to absentmindedly play with a few strands of her hair. She looked up at him and he smiled at her. His smile was real, not a conniving or devious smile of her kind. She doubted that his smile would change with his turning. “Shall we nap as we are?” He asked. Catrine was half asleep already. She shook her head slightly. “You’re very dangerous as a human. You’ve managed to weaken my immense self restraint.” Catrine said in a soft voice. She shifted her body so Jonathan could be more comfortable. He did not know how she knew which way to move so as to make him comfortable, but she had. As if she could read his mind she had moved to a position to where he was at ease and able to fall asleep sitting up. Jonathan found himself running through a beautiful forest. He could not find Catrine. He needed her. Some how he knew that he was in trouble, but that Catrine would be able to help him. He was loosing his mind; there was a craving, a haunting need to taste the blood of others. He could smell it everywhere, the blood of animals, calling to him in the depths of the forest. He could sense eyes on him. Out of the darkness that was the forestry came the three vampire brides. They were here to tempt him with soft caresses and whispers of forbidden desires and hidden pleasures. Their fleeting lustiness was nothing compared to the things Catrine had made him feel, and he was angry at them for thinking they still had him in their sway. He moved to lash out at them but discovered that he could no longer move his body properly. Then Dracula, the lead monster himself slowly walked out of the gloom. In his arms he carried something that looked like a rag doll. Jonathan instantly recognized the long deep brown hair. Dracula had Catrine, and she was unconscious, maybe even dead. It was something he did not want to see. He screamed at Dracula and his bride, rooted on the spot as they desecrated Catrine’s lifeless body. “No!” Catrine jumped up and looked around, automatically assuming a battle stance. She looked around, but no one was in the clearing. Jonathan was twitching in his sleep, screaming the word ‘no’ every so often. Catrine went over and gently grabbed his wrists. “Jonathan. I need you to wake up.” She said. The Catrine in his dream had also spoken these words. Catrine began to shake him softly. He fitfully awoke, his face distorted in terror and confusion. He looked around and saw that they were alone in the clearing. Catrine was looking at him with worry in her eyes. He was sweating and breathing heavily. “It’s alright, hush now.” She said as she sat next to him and pulled him into her arms. He hugged her with a desperate air about him. “It was horrible. They had killed you.” He said. He was breathing deeply trying to calm himself. Catrine’s scent was very relaxing. He had thought that the dream was reality. How ever happy that he was that the dream had not actually taken place, he was scared him by how much he needed Catrine’s company. The thought of being with out her was unbearable even though he had only known her for a few days. After a while Jonathan calmed down. Catrine had continuously made reassuring sounds for him as he tried to compose himself. Soon he sat up, next to Catrine and they sat in comfortable silence. He was startled when Catrine suddenly stood up and began to pace around the clearing. “What’s wrong?” Jonathan asked. It made him nervous to have Catrine moving in such an agitated way. “I’m just full of restless energy. I want to run or fight.” She said with a gleam in her eye. Jonathan smiled at her deviously. “I can think of something to do with your energy.” He said. He stood and walked towards Catrine. “Catch me Jonathan.” She said. It was a moment before Jonathan realized what she had said. Once he did, he grinned and took off, running much faster than he thought possible. Somehow Catrine was faster though. She giggled as he would get within a few feet of her and she would slip away from him. This game of cat and mouse seemed to suit her as she was laughing and fairly dancing away from him whenever he go close to her. Jonathan could not help but to think of how beautiful and free she was. He had never known a person to be so free. All he knew were the shackles of society, but Catrine seemed to be above that. She seemed to be in a world all her own, and of her own design. He admired that greatly about her, and he was grateful to be allowed to join her in her world of freedom. Chapter Eight After circling the Clearing nearly twenty times Catrine allowed Jonathan to catch her. (That's as far as i've gotten. let me know if you find any glaring mistakes.) |