Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1375468-The-War-of-Mages-and-Undead---Episode-1
by James
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1375468
A fantasy series written in episodes, which follows a group of five mages fighting Hades.
Ever since the fall of the Ancient Greek religion, the mysterious god Hades, lord of the Underworld, has been asleep. Fifteen years ago, he awoke. He sent his generals to wage war on the people of the Magic Realm. However, a group of mages, led by Liam Williams, forced them back to the dark realms of the Underworld. Liam was killed in the process.

Recently, Hades has begun to awake at times. He has set his generals the same task as before. Led by the evil General Machenstein, offspring of the monster created by Dr. Frankenstein with a cyborg, they have managed to reach the Earthern surface once again.

Ulrica Williams, the 45-year-old widow of Liam, watched in her glowing crystal ball as a small army of undead appeared on the surface and began to destroy the nature around them. She gasped, and said one word,


Despite her age, Ulrica ran to the wide shelf of leatherbound volumes swiftly, her greying brown hair racing along behind her, her white dress brushing the dusty floors of her mountain cave home. She pulled out a spell book, flipped through the pages, and stopped. Placing the book on a stand nearby, she mouthed a few words, and a brilliant rainbow-coloured light was emitted from her fingers.

Surprised, bewildered, and astonished, five 18-19 year old teenagers had appeared. Slowly, Ulrica explained to them the story of Hades and his army. She told them that they each were to follow in the tradition of the knights who had saved the Magic Realm fifteen years ago. They were to be MAGES.

Ulrica crossed the room to a small display table, on which lay five plain wooden wands. She handed on the each of them. 19 year old Nathan Richards' wand had a flame in the center. 18 year old Chris Warrick's wand had a lightning bolt in the center. 19 year old Maria Grayson's wand had a water drop in the center. 18 year old Vicki Summers' had a tornado in the center. Finally, 19 year old Zane Blunt's wand had a leaf in the middle.

"These are your wands," Ulrica explained. "You can use them to 'robe yourselves' and cast elemental spells, amongst other things."

Her crystal ball began to glow again. She ran over to it. The ball showed an image of a monstrous hairy giant with spines growing down its back. It was swinging a large gnarly club at houses in a small woodland village.

"A cave troll. Most likely controlled by Machenstein."

She ran over to an alcove near the door and grabbed a snow-white broomstick. The five others were plain, with no patterns.

"Everyone grab a broomstick," Ulrica said to them.

As they took hold of a broom, the part touched glowed with their elemental colour. They ran out of the cave onto a path that spiralled down to the bottom of the mountain. Instead of following it, Ulrica mounted her broom and kicked off. The mages did so after her. Soon, they had finished soaring through the breeze across the vast Enchanted Forest, and had the reached the destroyed village. They found that everyone was okay. Suddenly the cave troll appeared.

Ulrica reached the the thin white leather holster on her fabric belt, and pulled out a gleaming white wand. She held it in the air.

"Allage Polemistes Sama!" she cried. A white light shot from the wandtip and surrounded her. She was soon clad in a snow-white leather tunic, trousers, belt, boots and gloves. Due to the level of wand power, and her magical progress, the white light turned silver, and her leather mage's clothing was covered in magnificent silver armour. The light moved forwards from Ulrica, carrying her wand with it. The wood was turned into a magnificent metal, and blades formed on either side at the top. All of the light suddenly disappeared.

"Element of Ice," she shouted, "the White-Robed, Silver-Armoured Dame!". The angry troll, upset by the light swung its club at her. Despite her aged body, she showed brilliant agility and athletic ability, jumping and dodging each attempted hit. Angered by the troll's fierce and destructive behaviour, Ulrica pulled the white face-mask down over her face and held her hands out towards the troll.

"Polemistes Stoiheio!" She cried. "Snow Spell!". A flurry of hail and snow emerged from her hands and collided with the troll. Injured and fazed, it staggered. Taking her chance, Ulrica jumped up at the troll, and swung her bladed wand deep into its heart. The troll fell with a loud thud.

Meanwhile, a century (one hundred strong) of undead rounded on the mages. They looked like decaying zombies, and their breathing was raspy. They opened their mouths, and rattles came out instead of voices. Suddenly, the five mages kicked out, and aimed their wands at the zombies. They shouted "Polymistes Stoiheio" in unision, followed by Fire Spell/Lightning Spell/Water Spell/Wind Spell/Earth Spell. The zombies slumped to the ground under fire of the elemental attacks as Ulrica waved her wand and the armour and leather disappeared. She walked over to them, smiling.

"Well done!" she exclaimed. "You have harnessed your magical powers well."

"They may have defeated the troll and undead," a deep voice said from behind, "but they shall not defeat me."

The six looked round to see a rather stern-looking man dressed fully in black leather walking towards them. He took out a long black wand and held it in the air.

"Andern Krieger Korper!" he shouted. Instead of a white light however, it was a dull grey. It surrounded him, giving him charcoal grey leather clothing. The light turned black, and he was surrounded in black armour.

"Power of Dark Magic, the Grey-Robed, Black-Armoured Knight!"

He twisted the bladed metal wand in his hands before throwing it high into the air, with the words "Schwert". It formed into a broadsword, and fell into the leather-clad hand of the Dark Knight.


© Copyright 2008 James (magesandundead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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