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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Adult · #1374777
Christ did not die to make us rich.
This may come as a shock to the Christians but Christ did not die to make us rich or to give us whatever we lust after. He didn't die so that they could stand behind a pulpit and live off the widows mites and get rich while they get poor paying for mansions, jet and such.

Jesus Christ is not known to be a liar as he is the way, the truth and the life and no man shall come to the Father but by him. And, being no liar when he said we must be willing to forsake family, lands and everything for him he meant it. When he said that only those who hear the words "well done" shall enter into the kingdom of God we better be sure we have done well. That means having no gods before him.

The Lord said that all who came before him were thieves and robbers. Those gods of money, cars, houses and whatever else man lusts after is nothing but something that will steal, kill and destroy. They take a person's focus off the Lord to steal their spiritual eyesight, kill any hope they had of entering into heaven and spiritually destroy them.

He is that way of life that is above to the wise that they might depart from hell beneath.

All of Jerusalem and all of the Israelis awaited the messiah but he was revealed to some wise men and shepherds. What, praise God, were those shepherds doing? They were tending their flocks. There is more to tending a flock than just sitting around all week in a suit and greeting people in town and then pulling up a sermon off the computer 15 minutes before church.

To tend that flock they had to feed that flock. Not just tell them that they were ok. To feed a flock you have to rebuke, reprove and exhort. All three. When these men tell people what they want to hear they fulfill the scripture that those who have itching ears will heap up teachers to themselves. The very men that Paul said would arise and not spare the flock. Hirelings and women that have forborne to fight is what scripture calls them. They take the easy way out and don't want to risk stepping on any toes. They know if they do that people will leave and they just might have to go out and get a job.

Paul wrote that the spirit of man seeks the things of man and the Spirit of God seeks the things of God. It is the Spirit that will reveal the rightly divided word of truth and that truth will glorify Jesus Christ and not man. It will show that he provides for his bride that which is profitable for salvation and not a bank account!

The word of God says that if we be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Not things of this earth. It says we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Not here on this earth.

While I am on the topic of Jesus and why he died it was so that the prophesies could be fulfilled concerning him. Those were through types and shadows of the men in the old testament. The women of the old testament were types and shadows of his bride.

Noah was a preacher of righteousness that built an ark in fear. Not just waiting for "buddy Jesus" to come and love all over him. He was a straight man with a wife, sons and their wives. Haggle the scriptures all you want about what homosexuality sins are but the bottom line isn't the sin of those destroyed but what did it take to be saved? Righteousness and to be hetrosexual. One that feared God.

Noah was mocked as was all the true men of God. Jeremiah opened his mouth to say what the Lord told him to say and was accused of weakening the hands of the men of war. When he spoke again they sent him from the prison to the dungeon. Not exactly the types of so-called Christians we have today.

And in reference to what I said about Noah being a straight man. Too many people try to haggle what the sin of Sodom was and why it was destroyed. You can haggle that to justify sin and abominations all you want but the question is not - what was the sin. The question is: What did it take to be saved?

When I search the scriptures I find all saved had one thing in common. They were straight. Not homosexual. They were obedient and feared God. They were diligent and loved the Lord. And they were hated by everyone. Especially the religious people and those educated in the law of God. And none were listed as having attended seminary nor any other form of theology schooling. Or in other words, they did not attend the hallowed halls of heresy nor preach in the supercenters of sin and lead the people to love a world they were commanded to be willing to hate.

Michaiah spoke and was slapped in the face for it. Joseph was in prison about 18 years. How would today's Christians like to fulfill that to please Christ. Start your journey being mocked and hated by your brothers. Graduate to being sold into slavery by them and from there go to prison for about 18 years. Just so that you can be exalted to sit with Christ on his throne - after this life is over!

Moses was another type and shadow of Jesus. He led the people out of Egypt but prior to that he had to turn his back on riches. He had to forsake the pleasures of this world. Sound familiar? Though he was rich, yet he became poor. Not so that we could be rich in this world. God hath chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith. The riches we are supposed to be blessed with are the riches of wisdom and knowledge in him.

Job is a good type and shadow of Jesus and a good example of what we should be willing to endure as Christians. And mainly preachers!

How would a preacher like to start his "training" in theology by losing his children home and all of his possessions? Then have all of his friends call him a sinner and say he deserved worse than what God gave him? To have his friends use the word of God to judge him and say that it was because of him that his children were killed? Then to have his wife turn on him? Maybe then have worms eat his flesh where the boils and open wounds won't heal? And in all of this not sin once with his mouth? And finally, when it just can't get any worse, have God rebuke him instead of comfort him! Not exactly the seminary of today's so-called leaders.

There is no need to go further with the types and shadows of Jesus from the old testament. Most of today's preachers don't measure up. They're not willing to be poor and hated and a reproach with a small following. Most don't measure up to the new testament preachers.

Paul was a tentmaker. Peter was a fisherman. Aquilla and Priscilla were tentmakers that dwelt with Paul. Poor Onesimus was a slave. Timothy had often infirmities and Epaphroditus was sick nigh unto death because he put ministering before his own health. Most were in and out of prison for speaking the word unlike today when they're in and out of prison for molesting boys and girls and stealing.

John the baptist was in the wilderness until his ministry started. He was clothed in camel's hair and ate locusts and honey. Today's prissy boy preachers couldn't handle it. That camel's hair would be too rough for their feminine sissy-smooth skin. Most can't wear denim jeans, let alone camel's hair. They have to have their suits. They have to have money and evangelize all around the world. Many should just start their journey of evangelism in the workforce. That is part of going into all the world. Old John didn't always have it that rough. He didn't have to catch locusts after he was imprisoned and beheaded.

Those were true men of God. And they taught people how to follow God. Not like those of today who make their proselytes two-fold the child of hell as themselves. If they really were men of God they would be hated by everyone just as the Lord, Who is no liar, said they would be!

And mainly by the mainstream Christian church world!

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