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Sometimes Valentine's Day isn't all candied hearts and flowers... |
The light around the studio apartment glowed dimly against the walls. There were over a hundred candles shining, in various shades of white and gold. It had taken almost an hour to light the entire room. She had saved the red ones especially for the dining room table to match the color of her gown. Now, she watched as the candle wax spilled off its plate and onto the table immaculately set in front of her. He wasn't going to show. She shouldn't be surprised. After all, this wasn't the first time he'd forgotten their arrangements and it probably wasn't going to be the last. But tonight had been extremely special for her, for them. She had gone to great lengths to make everything perfect. She had even spent the extra money on a new dress. She wanted to look extraordinary for their romantic Valentine's Day dinner. It was a night to hold many surprises. The woman took a sip of the last of the wine, staring at the empty seat before her. Why did she think it was going to be different this time? She knew what would happen later. He'd call with an excuse about something coming up at work or an emergency occurred and he couldn't get away. Then the flowers would arrive. Expensive. They were always expensive and the purest shade of white. Over the years she had learned to like them, even though red was her favorite. If the occasion were deemed important enough, he would give her a piece of jewelry. Viciously, she threw the napkin from her lap onto the set dining table and collected the untouched dinner plates with stiff fingers. She didn't want another bauble, she wanted him! He'll never change, her mother would tell her. But that wasn't true. He had changed over time. He had once been sweet, attentive, and charming when they had first met. On their first anniversary, he had presented her with a golden locket in the shape of a heart. Inside held a picture of them together with the inscription "Amor Vincit Omnia". Love conquers all. He had placed it around her neck lovingly and since that moment, she had never taken it off. But now he gave her diamonds and precious stones. They were cold, perfect pieces of nothing. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, her friends would say jokingly. If that were true, she would have one of the fondest hearts in history. As she put the food down the garbage disposal, she thought of her ruined plans. It had taken her weeks of planning to make sure everything was right. She had made his favorite food and put on his favorite music. Her temper began to rise as her hard-earned control began to slip. Why couldn't he keep his promises? A hiss escaped from her clenched teeth as the sharp pain in her hand broke her building anger. She looked at it distantly as if not truly seeing it. The knife she held clattered to the floor as a thin line of scarlet formed on her palm. Silently, she walked back to the dinner table and pressed the discarded napkin into her hand. Taking her seat she tried to calm herself, the pain giving her clarity. For all of his lies, his deceit and failed promises, she still loved him. And in her heart she knew he loved her too. She would just have to remind him. They belonged together. Forever. She sat there for a long time, her body becoming still. The candle light dwindled until only the glow in front of her remained, barely burning. All would be as it should be, she thought. He would come back to her at some point. He always did. Then he would get his well deserved surprise. With her index finger and thumb, she snuffed out the candle. The darkness surrounded her like a black shroud. It was just as well he didn't show up tonight, she concluded. It would have ruined the holiday. Her hand went to the locket around her neck. Love does conquer all. Even in death. She'd just have to wait and kill him next time. Word Count: 698 Honorable Mention (09/08) - "Twisted Tales Contest" ![]() Second Place (02/09) - "Invalid Item" ![]() |