Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1370493-World-Class-Walking
by Mr. B.
Rated: E · Short Story · Activity · #1370493
Walking with my record-breaking Grandpa.
To "Walk a mile in another man's shoes" may be the key to empathy.  Stress reduction, aided blood circulation, and a good moderate workout are other benefits cited by doctors.  However, to me, walking is a competitive sport.

Among other things, my Grandpa was the world's fastest walker for his age.  He held seven different records in the 5K and the 10K when he was 77 years old, up until the age of 83.

As a high school freshman, I was more concerned with the pursuits of the young.  However, I accepted his invitation to go out for a walk one morning.  At the time, I knew he was into race-walking.  His medal case had various ribbons and medals, mostly from Senior Olympics events such as ping-pong and the broad jump, on one side.  But, most of the case was full of race-walking medals, ribbons, and certificates.  So, it was partially due to my curiosity that I accepted, expecting to learn more about it.

First, he explained, we must cover our hands and face: "When the wind-chill factor is fifteen below, you can get frostbite in about five minutes."  While we were insulating ourselves, Grandpa explained that there are basically two rules:  "You have to completely straighten the knee on every step; and, you have to keep contact with the ground - no jogging."  He was once disqualified at the Senior Olympics for putting a slight hop in his step.

We got to the sidewalk 'at pace.'  Inwardly, I sneered:  "Race walk?  Huh!  Not much faster than normal walking."  I sprint-walked to the end of the block, just to see how fast I could go.  After I had waited for him, Grandpa said, "You can go farther if you hold a steady pace."

In the next chilly hour, we walked 10K.  I was amazed, but to my Grandpa, it was just part of the daily routine.  That modesty is just part of being a hero.

          Please, moderate your pace.
          Slow and steady wins the race.
          Those who start out much too fast
          Soon will tire.  They will not last.

          Said the tortoise to the hare,
          "I will beat you on a dare."
          Slow tortoise crawl, and fast rabbit run
          Competed; and, you know who won.

          There's time in life for lingering -
          For dancering and singering.
          But, when your goal is at the top,
          Just take it slow and never stop.

After outliving all his friends and his wife, my grandpa passed away at the ripe, old age of 97.  I love you, Grandpa.
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