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Rated: 18+ · Thesis · Political · #1370005
A conversation evolved into world domination plans
Step 1: purchase third world country

Step 2: Invest in betterment of nation.
All people age 45 and under will become subject to a new law, older people will grandfathered in, that to earn citizenship you must serve a voluntary 3 year military term. those who become citizens will become eligible for state sponsored education, health care, the ability to run for political office, State sponsored retirement savings, government housing assistance, and government employment assistance.
Non-citizens are free to live there lives as they please, but will never reap the benefits listed above.

Step 3: National Pride
The military will serve two purposes. First the defense and expansion of our land. Second the betterment of all of our people. this role would be filled by the military serving all public assistance roles such as cleaning public areas, running youth activity programs, and any other public service imaginable to place them in the view of the people as actively helping our land become a better place

Step 4: all crimes punishable by Death.
A Crime being an offense listed below
Child Abuse
Destruction of public property
Theft (of a valued amount no less then $100) of any variety (shoplifting Embezzlement, ETC.)
Indiscriminate Self destruction (harming ones self purposely and senselessly. The death penalty in this case will only be given after psychiatric treatment.)
Corruption of/as a government official

Step 5: Expansion
All surrounding nations will be given the opportunity to surrender to my nation. thus they would become part of our people yet allowed their own culture. those who serve in the military will be granted citizenship. Nations that force war and conquest will be subject to 20 years of subjugation in which time they will be ineligible for citizenship, but required to become members of the military for 5 years from ages 18-50. these people will not be allowed rank and will all be members of the infantry. all other benefits of being apart of the empire will still be available.

Step 6: Justification
The new regions of my empire will be improved to the level of my current lands. During this time the UN will clearly have something to say about my actions, but with the mass improvement of the lives of my subjects i hope to placate them for the moment.

I should probably clear up my status during this whole plan. I will live a modest life in a home grander then my peoples, but not excessive nor will my life style be a drain on my economy. The governments purpose will be to better the people and protect them. not to use them for wealth.

Step 7: Industrialization - seeing as all of my current subjects are but poor third world countrymen I'll need some serious export improvement to strengthen my economy. the Military will split into two parts each half rotating between its normal duties and constructing factories and other such production facilities. these economy building business will be supported by the government to get of the ground and eventually turned over to the public, most probably to exemplary citizens. During this phase of the plan i intend to establish trade agreement with as many major nations as possible. Peace will reign between me and as many other peoples of the world as possible

Step 8: Expansion - At this point i intend to open my arms to all the other European and Asian nations to enter in an alliance of peace geared toward maintain our right to our individual cultures, and open trade and information agreement between us so as to strengthen ourselves against the rest of the world. With America's current path i don't see this being a problem as we are becoming a really scary nation to any who oppose us. If i can win over most of Europe I'd have the UN by the balls at which point i can assassinate the leaders of every nation in my alliance, including myself in the public eye. The entire event can be blamed on America or china or whoever would make the best scape goat at the time. This accusation would come from my personal protege and life long friend.. who i am puppeting around the world. they will preach the peace i had begun and unify the attacked nations under on banner. My secret operatives would "handle" any attempt for the other countries to attempt to revive their own leadership.

9: Conquest - The unified might of my new people will assault the "instigator" of the assassinations. we will crush them utterly. allying with their enemies offering whatever they want to aid us in the destruction of this threat. then once they war is over and our "allies" are exhausted from the war effort we shall provide them with an ultimatum. either join us in unifying the world or have my surplus of biological weapons unleashed upon their entire nation wiping them from existence for good.

10: Unification of Mind - The newly unified and still unstable world will need to be brought to heel. To achieve that end Loyalty will be rewarded. The military will change in the the Civil Service Corp. Serving all of their previous purposes with slightly shifted priorities, Defense becoming second to serving the people. Those loyal or not will be aided by the corp. As before citizen ship will come with Service, but all will live well. To bring about those recently conquered The civil service Corp will focus on rebuilding and aiding those new members of my grand society. Any Corp member found mistreating anyone will be severely punished. My original message of peace will continue. dissenters will be monitored, but left alone for the time being. Rebels will be held accountable to the laws of the land. but if they happened to not have broken any then they're life will be spared, but they will be drafted. drafted rebels will be separated as much as possible. This process of rebuilding and improving the world will go on for as long as it takes to convert as many people to the peaceful mindset as possible.

11. The rise of the new faith - A religion will be founded once the majority of the world has leaned toward my ideals. This religion will take the time nessicary to weed its way into the minds of the world. This may take generations, but i believe with enough money for a religious campaign and government sponsorship i can "infect" the world i already control. I would need approximately 1/3 of the populace to believe or at least say it does before i can move one to the next part of the plan to begin. Plus cloning will need to be effective and functional at this point so i can "live" forever

12. Martyrdom - I have to "die" at this point. i need to die in the name of my faith and make it really public and widely covered on the media. i want the world to cry and grieve for me. my last message will be something about spreading our faith and a subtle message to control business and government. My death should spur these thoughts on. I will have a successor in place to continue the plan until my return.

13. Godhood - People do what their government tells them to do, but they believe and follow their religion to the grave. ideally combining the two would be perfect. if allowed enough time after my death to let my fanatic followers and the people of the world loyal to my nation to fervently spread I can come back as a "god" eternally young (cloning!) and rule for the rest of time.
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