Fairy wings and princess dresses, Tea cups and baby dolls, Wedding veils that lead To Happily-Ever-Afters. Sugar and spice, hearts and flowers, Everything hued in shades of pink From toyroom to bedroom And back again. 'Tis sweetly obvious That a girl resides here Happily amused In a room filled with dreams. Scents of bubble gum and candy Exude from a bathroom Where bubbles and fizzies reign supreme. They march down the hall To mingle and swirl about, Mixing with others that waft on the breeze, Similar, yet not the same. At this end of the hall, "Tisn't the smell of sweets and yummies But of spice and flowers. Pearls in a box, Diamonds on a finger, And makeup on a shelf, A grown-up girl with grown-up toys. Shoes and trinkets, Dresses and baubles, But still the hearts and flowers. A photo in a wedding dress, Decked in white with love in her eyes. She holds his gaze, one of true love, This man of hers Who lives in a female land. He sips tea from plastic cups, Laughs at girlish jokes, and doesn't seem fazed By the "Land of Naked Barbies". He paints toenails, massages shoulders, And hugs away hurts. He tends to his girls, his priceless treasures, With a love so deep It seemingly has no limits. He knows what they cherish and what they fear, What makes them cry or laugh in delight. He lives in a house Bedecked with flowers (Most from his own hand For the girls he adores). Surrounded left and right By shades of pink and scents so sweet, He is perfectly at home And perfectly comfortable, Living in a female land, Loving his girls, And being adored by them. |