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General consensus of religion and science dictates that they are forever in competition. I claim they are neither in competition or even at all different, true they look into the world from different view points but, when you break each down to the key focus points, do they not equal the same ? In truth...Do not all religions follow the same patterns ? Base beliefs and the only true differences are social constructs brought on by variations within the interpretations. We will move through some of the major religions, looking into the relations between them, first, as well as that of science, the roles each have played and following on to some of the reasons they have elaborated into what they are today, through social constraints and directed readings brought on by human perception rather than actual workings. Christianity, perhaps the largest religion in the world, would be a good place to start. There is no reason at present to look into the many denominations of Christianity, further more, I am including catholicism towards it. Before people wish to attack me over, is merely a denomination of the original contexts of Christianity, the differences lie purely within social constructs, rather than differences within the founding religious beliefs, such as Mary being a significant figure within Catholic beliefs, finding less strength towards the other denominations. When I talk of Christianity through out this work, I will be including all denominations. Moving swiftly on. I'm not going into details of Christian theology, I'm not taking all the stories that come with it, I'm looking specifically at the theory of God, the creation of our world, our lives and our deaths. This article is purely based on the 'big' picture of our existence. The concept of god, the being that is everything, in simple terms, an entity that in its own right, has a singular awareness, yet is a part and therefore belongs to everything that we see and are as well. This of course has brought on the common conception of god, as being a figure, high up in a different plane from our own, in heaven, waiting for our us to join him. This conception brought on by the ideas of god being a separate entity as well as being everything that is around us. This common belief however is a poor misconception of the truth of thought. Further analysis of the concept takes us to a different level of thought, if we look more closely at the idea of God being everything, then we will find the reason. This idea is actually a far more difficult concept to grasp, than first appears. To consider it from a different angle, it would be clearer, that we see everything as a part of one. Everything is one singular thing, that we all come together to form on singular. A fine metaphor for such a thing, would be a jigsaw puzzle. Consider yourself as a piece of one great jigsaw puzzle, you are a single piece, as am I, as is the chair you are sitting on. Everything around us, from the smallest speck of sand to the sun and stars, are pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. Now simply put all those pieces together, our world is soon formed, our galaxy, to finally our entire universe. The combined pieces create the whole picture, that picture is God, so you can see that everything is part of one, that god is everything because together we all create the image of God. To take this to the next step. Once you bring all the pieces together, you create a singular form, everything equals one, the over all picture and so when all the pieces come together we get one picture. That singular picture being God, then we find the view point of God having a singular, separate awareness than to everything else. As the only way to find this singular awareness is to place all of creation together, there will inevitably be, one consensus of thought. Which would represent the singular awareness of God that we considered before. With that, we see that there is not a figure in the sky, that calls down creation upon us but that we are all apart of the one, we all come together to form the singular form of god in a multiplex of creation. Once more many people are going to argue with me over this, in fact this whole concept may be entirely disregarded by some, purely on the basis that to them, god is not a part of everything at all but, quite clearly stated as a singular entity who literally created everything. In actuality the probable largest portion of the Christian concepts of good do not include him in the view of being a part of everything, that his essence was left within all that is. That in fact, god is entirely separate to all of us, we are mere creations of Gods mind. I wanted to deal with the other first, for reasons that will be shown and that quite simply, it is the view that resides around the area I currently live within. Now then, through the alternative and commonly more popular view of God and our creation. The entity, usually represented within a male context, created the world, then created us, humans, in 'his' image, to live and rule over this world. In a sense of the word rule. We were meant to be held in dominion over the land and to follow his teachings, judgments and choices in the rule of doing good and being free to follow him, in the choice that with good followings and love and acceptance over his own self, we would find our deaths to bring our souls to his own form and rejoice in his company, once worthy of being such. This view of course is common with people. So I need not go into further detail over the specifics. With the clarifications over, we can finally move on to the actualities of our points. God is accounted as the uncreated creator, the singularity that created everything. A figure that we ourselves were formed in the representation of, the absolute or ultimate force. The consideration of the uncreated creator is a good place to start. Did we not state earlier that a difference in view was that everything is one, to form a singularity as everything comes together? If we take away the concept of god being an actual figure, the form that he is and solely look at the idea of God being a representation of eternal existence that then created everything. Could we not also state that there is no difference towards that than the idea of God being everything. In the original statement, we considered God to be everything, the build up of everything forming one singular entity that was God. If we now take this into a reverse look, stating that God from the second outlook, being a singular form was the uncreated creator, then formed everything. The only true difference being the idea of how each was formed, one stating that God is a part of everything, the other being that God was separate. In which case the original sense, the time before all was created, the essence of God was the same, God was a singular force, an entity, an energy. That word will become more important as the article progresses. The original context of God is the same, an energy that has always existed and then moved on in some manner to create the universe as we know it. This is the basis of the article, all other constructs of how and why the universe was created are fairly irrelevant and only truly here to give understanding to our own mortal minds, once those are taken away we see that all are the same and that they are merely different by the way we perceive them. To summerise, once all aspects of why and how God created the universe, us, are taken away, we are left with one singular front of what God actually is, through all Christian concepts. Hence why I did not bother to separate the denominations. We still find through out all, that the singular concept of what God actually is, is that God is a representation of a singular force/energy that has always existed which was the stem of all creation, the founding beginning of our universe. The uncreated creator. When we think of Christianity, actually of religion as a whole and we look to its opposite, its counterpart, most will consider science. In truth, many who swear that all religion is a lie, false in their eyes, will strongly consider science to be their own following, often using scientific thoughts to 'disprove' religion. This in my view is a foolish understanding of both, for in reality, science and religion work together just as easily as any other spiritualistic view. This would be a good point to take, the views of science in relation to what we have already discussed. Lets start with some basic laws of Science that will play a major role in this thought concensus. First of all, the basic laws of energy, that energy is a finite source, it can never be created nor destroyed, merely altered in a molecular level to alter form from one to another. Common conceptions of energy being light, or heat. These are disregarded energies, wasted energy in a sense, energy at a pure level if invisible to the naked eye. You require energy to live, everything you do, hence why we consider ourselves to receive energy from food which we then use in our day to day lives. Energy on a whole is quite e general term, used for an existence that has no physical definition. Therefore quite a complex and difficult comprehensible entity. However we know energy exists by the way it effects everything else in our lives, including ourselves. This simple concept, law if you will, is where everything connects. Sharp minds may already have made the connections I am about to put into place but, there are various observations that co-inside with the thought to bring it together. The big bang theory, dictates that there was a great explosion within a universe of energy, this explosion of molecular energy formed physical matter. The start of our universe, the beginning of our creation and the beginning of the world and ourselves. Within more recent considerations, it has been stated that the universe that we know as our own, is still expanding, this rate is in fact faster than the speed of light. This has brought on many complexities to thought and I am by far no expert on the subject, have there be such a thing, for all is of course based on logical and observed theory. The basic conclusions are that the universe as a physical entity expands at a greater speed than the speed of light, this subjective idea would go against our own considerations of time, however the expansion is not relative to anything other than itself, therefore the consideration is irrelevant to that of light. A fine analogy of this is that of bread in the oven. If you consider the size of un-cooked dough, it is found smaller, though gradually in the oven it increases on an outward level, all sides expand outwardly as an entire shape to increase the over all inner mass of the bread. Our universe is the same, the big bang created the physical 'dough' of our universe and it is still currently in the 'oven' expanding in the same manner as the bread does. It is believed that eventually it will stop expanding and then shrink back down, the workings will shift over millenia. That there possibly has been hundreds of 'big bangs' with the universe expanding and creating what we consider the only universe, only to collapse in on itself again at a similar rate, causing an eternal cycle of expansion and shrinking. Where each time, the physical universe is both created and then destroyed. Now, with that in mind we can consider where the stem of our physical reality came from. For this point we will take the idea that the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. Now for this we must understand what it means to be traveling at a vibrational rate faster than the speed of light. First of all, it is believe that if matter. Matter being anything on our physical plane, from a stone to us. If matter is increased in vibrational rate to that of the speed of light, it would become pure energy. This of course is again theory as it would be impossible for us to prove on various reasons. One major problem is the idea that when matters vibrational rate is increased on a molecular level, that the mass will increase in size, to reach a state that is the speed of light, the mass would increase to a size that could very well crush our world. There are however some observations that may very well show positive reality to this thought. Dark matter has been named, it is a substance that binds our physical universe together. Dark matter was first discovered by scientists who were trying to develop a computerized model of the universe based on readings and accurate workings through mathematical equations. However when they ran the programme, that was created, they found that what they had created quite literally flew apart. After further research was developed, it was decided that there was another force, one invisible to our perceptual senses. This force had an extensive mass, therefore holding gravitational affects, though as stated completely invisible to our own senses. Therefore the only way to truly measure it, would be in order of observing the manners in which it affects the universe around us. There was estimated almost ten times as much dark matter in the universe as physical matter of which we are. Once put into place, the model that was created worked and so brought a more conclusive thought based on the concepts of dark matter. If we take this concept and place it into a more contextual basis, dark matter may be an inter-state between our physical universe and pure energy. In that, once the vibrational rate is increased of matter, then it grows in mass, the state evolves into dark matter, which of course has an extensively large mass and becomes invisible to our perceptions. To which it finally reaches the perspective of pure energy, which of course has no physical mass at all. Now to relate this to our universe. If we consider the point before the big bang to merely have energy, that of course, based on our own laws, is a finite source that has always existed for can never be created nor destroyed and only altered from one form to another. Then we could presume that the point of the big bang was in fact the slowing of the vibrational molecular level to which dark matter would be formed and in which case, our own physical matter would eventually be formed. This thought taken further, our universe is still expanding, at a faster rate than that of the speed of light. This would co-inside with the thought. As the outer universe, or energy is slowing in molecular rate, from the speed of light, to reach our own physical level, then the growth of our physical level would in turn be expanding faster than the speed of light. As stated there is only a finite source of energy in existence, therefore logically when that source has been exasperated, then the universe will stop expanding and at which point will start to collapse in on itself. For it has no backing for growth, the molecular level will increase again and the physical universe will gradually become that of pure energy once more, this forever following the cycle like the original considerations were held. So we see that the energy forever changes from one form to another with the expansion and shrinking of our universe. Finally with everything clarified we can start to look into the conclusions and similarities of science with that of religion. If you break this view, through science down, it dictates that we, are all merely creations of energy, that energy was the start of all, that through the slowing processes of molecular vibrational rates, we have come to exist on a physical plane, that through the big bang, the force, the entity, or the presence of energy created our universe. Just as a Christian might consider God to have done, so from that said. Couldn't we then merely state that God, as an entity, is merely a representation of that energy that science dictates as pure energy, the force that is God is merely the force that is energy in a pure form. We can also follow the other consensus, that god is everything and that the over all form of everything creates one. Well, everything is the broken down form of the whole finite source of pure energy, that we are all merely parts to that form of pure energy in a different form. Just as the jigsaw puzzle analogy, we make up the over all whole of energy. And so we finally see, that in fact Christianity and science in reality share the same views over existence and how all was created, merely they have given different perceptions, comprehension of that single thought, to better understand it within their own minds. Both see the singular force that created everything, the uncreated creator of all, both have developed in other ways to bring about following thoughts that go against one another but these are all based on the social constructs of the environment that they were founded within. This same following can be seen through out all religion the like, as we will continue to discover in following this article. The other two 'major' religions, being the Jewish following and that of Islam, both follow from the same single beliefs of God, what God is, the singular uncreated creator that made our entire world and so, there would be little point going into further detail over them. There are of course many differences, however most of these are social constructs, or differences within the readings of texts that have grown into what the religions are now. Once all these views are broken down, the core belief of God and what God is, how the world came to exist, share the same concept of a singular force that created everything. We'll now move onto pagan beliefs. Pagan's are any group of people who believe in a higher force than themselves, or hold a greater bond with another force that does not follow the Judeo-Christian Islamic view of god. Or so they believe. Buddhism is technically a Pagan belief, however is often treated differently from the normal considered pagan followings such as Wicca' or Druidism. Most Pagan followings do however hold a reverence with nature, see all as equal and that we should respect all and work together as one rather than worship a singularity. Therefore I will focus most of this based on Wiccan beliefs, their reasons being that Wicca has been the largest growing pagan belief over the last few decades and is widely considered the beliefs system thought of when someone mentions paganism. The wiccan beliefs centers around the concepts of equality within the world, all of life is important, whether it be that of a humble ant to the great whales that sail our oceans. Everything to them is alive, rocks and plants hold no differences than you or I, they are all alive and are all interconnected in a great circle of life. This circle of life involves reincarnation, much the same as Buddhism, however there are differences. At this point, I'd like to state, that the primary connection with Buddhism, to the others, is the concepts of reincarnation. So I shall take a temporary leap away from Wiccan belief to go over this concept, obviously it will imply to that as well. Reincarnation is simply the concept that after we have passed over our lives, then we die, after death there may be a point of wait, recollection or other difference depending on those specific to the belief system you follow, however all eventually reside in that your spirit/soul which is passed on after death, then moves onto a rebirth, into a new life on our world, or in some beliefs anywhere in the universe, to start over in a new life. Within Buddhism, depending on your acts, you will follow into a different life, that there is a structure, as humans are high up on the chain, those who have done wrongs on a spiritual level, will find their new lives within that of a lower form, such as an animal, moving on to insect etc. The over all concept through Buddhism is to break free of the reincarnation cycle, to reach enlightenment or nirvana. That eventually through spiritual recognition and enlightenment, one will break free of the eternal seeming movement of repeating life after life, to hold as a singular entity, a spirit/soul that is free to exist in its own self right for all eternity. This of course brings on the thoughts of karma, with which, aids that of the order in reincarnation. Again of course there are differences, as wiccan's see all life as equal and therefore see no higher point of life, as such, irrelevant of actions per taken through life, they may be born as anything, karma does not play a part in that selection. Though does exist in the majority of followers beliefs. At this point I'd also like to point out the vagueness of these concepts, I have brought about the majorities of beliefs, as quite simply, pagan followings are far less structured and doctrine than those of the three major religious movements. The base concepts follow true for all, as such you must dig through all the discrepancies of the mass of differences to find the key followings. Carrying on. Generally within Wiccan belief, there is not an enlightened point, they tend to follow a god and goddess, or more in many cases, though often these are merely representations of the god and goddess. I'd also like to note that in Buddhism, the gods that are at play, are just as affected by karma and of reincarnation as anything else. Moving on. There is a common derived point within wiccan thought. The summer-land, a place, or point, which is much like that of heaven in Christianity. There are again differences depending on who you follow, however, the main views of this place are as followed. First of all, that through the process of reincarnation, the soul/spirit gains knowledge, experience in life and understanding, it can take any numbers of lives but eventually will reach a state when it no longer needs to go through the process and moves on to the summer-land. This they find peace and exist in their own right, just as within Buddhism, one might perceive and enlightened soul to reside, or even within Christianity to have found heaven. Others may point the summer-land as a resting point between lives, where the soul/spirit reconciles its previous life, rests and prepares for its next movements within another new life, this thought often finds that there is no end, that the soul/spirits will forever continue on their cycle through life. There is also a difference within the concepts of Gods within wiccan thought, they are not worshiped, however more respected as guides, aids and helpers to the great cycle of life. People pay their respects and will often ask for advice or help from the gods but there is a significant difference to the worship of them compared to that of the other three major religions. This gives a general idea over how life works from a wiccan and Buddhist point of view, to gather all the thousands of pagan beliefs and categorize them into one section is a lifetimes work, not what I am intending on writing here. So for now, as this is a good representation of pagan beliefs as a whole, will be left as such. To pull these thoughts into some relation with that of the others. The soul/spirit that flows beyond the existence of our mere lives may simply be the energy of each persons life, that then finds its embodiment dying, to return to another plane, only to come down again in another form. Through reincarnation, just as the energy alters back into a physical entity, does the soul/spirit find its place on the physical plane once more. Reincarnation would therefore merely be a representative concept of the decay of physical forms to reach that of the pure energy, in which would then turn back to reach the levels of the physical once more. Physical bodies after all decay, though the over all energy moves into the physical formation and then back again, there is miniature movements of this process in every day life. To elaborate on this point, as a means of clarification. The energy of existence forms the physical world, however as the vibrational rate slows and becomes physical life, there will be a loss of energy as well, so there will be energy within the physical universe present just as there is as much physical matter. The smaller the physical matter on whole, or average, the more decay is given to the embodiment, there is of course further complications with such, as the given matter is different with each thing, however physical size is a general sign towards the life expectancy of a physical entity. From a fly that may only live for a day, to the sun that remains for thousands of years. With such, there will be an alteration of the physical matter, to energy, in which it may slow once more to the levels of physical matter once more. This miniature version of the over all creation cycle of physical life, is constant through our every day lives, we are a part of it after all. So, reincarnation would be and has proven to be a very good theoretical construct to comprehend this evaluation and so it is used through out the mass of pagan beliefs. Following on, the Gods and also, spirit guides, which I have not until now mentioned, may simply be other representations of greater amounts of energy or even the energy as a whole, just as the three 'major' religions view, merely once more, in a different state. Spirit guides, to further a point, are considered especially within Wicca', however share a common following in many pagan beliefs. Spirit guides are quite literally what they sound to be, a spiritual entity, that exists outside our plane of physical life, most likely another represented soul/spirit that is meant to be a personal guide to each person on their journey through understanding and growth in the reincarnation cycle. There is of course another point of notice that follows on through pagan beliefs, that being magic. Aleister Crowley brought the use of magic(k) into popularity, the archaic form is annoying to me, whenever I see it, I tend to think of people dancing around fires wearing bearskin rugs over their backs, carrying ram skulls on wooden sticks shouting pointless chants that do absolutely nothing. Perhaps I'm being offensive, it's of little concern but, for that reason, I'll continue to call it purely magic. Magic in its most general sense, is the manipulation of energy. (I'm starting to think I should just copy and paste that word, it keeps cropping up...) Anyway. Through various acts, it is believed that a person can manipulate the energies around them to perform acts of magic, these aren't always great explosive demonstrations, in fact, that would be rather rare, in truth it is considerably smaller acts. There are various kinds of conceptions of what is possible, is all of little interest at the moment as I'm sure you've already grasped the main reason I brought it up. Energy, once more, in truth magic is merely the manipulation of such, in which case, as we theoretically are entirely built up of energy, would make it entirely possible. Had you the knowledge of how to control that, in fact everything in our universe is made of such, so theoretically we can alter anything we choose to alter. However you have to also realise that we ourselves are merely energy, so in truth, you are only manipulating another part of yourself, in a very overall sense. That is, if we all are just the singular form of energy once broken away from the physical restraints, then we are merely altering the decision of another part of yourself. In a higher point of sense of the word. Just like moving a finger, or arm etc, you'd be moving or altering a part of your own form, just not on a physical level as we move our arm etc. The entire subject gets a little sticky, however the base views are quite clear, the only subject is that of manipulating energy, which as we have seen through out the article, everything in life is a basis of energy in another form, so it would certainly be perceivable to be possible. I'd like to be a little controversial at this time and make point to the fact, that through prayers, as in Christian or other religious prayer, you are asking God, who we came to consider as a representation of the overall energy, to help, in whatever matter. In which case, prayer could also in essence be a manipulation of that over all energy. So wouldn't one be right in saying that through prayer one is actually performing a type of magical act? (Funny how people persecuted so many for an act of magic, when in essence they were doing the exact same thing, only under a different name... I'll leave that one with you.) Moving on. We've covered a lot of ground, moved through the basic views of the religions around the world in a fairly general but over all quite specific view. Science has been compared to and we have found that all follow the same concepts. So I think, rather than moving into any more specifics it is time to take this article to a close, to summerise all that we have gone over and find a reason to why it is time to understand such. Over this rather lovely article. (If I do say so myself.) We have come to find that the three major religions of the world, all follow the same base concepts of God, quite clearly, that their differences are merely that of the way the concepts are read into and the social constructs that have grown around them. The base concepts of god, or the uncreated creator however run clear, that in fact god is merely a representative concept of the energy that is everything. That in fact, we are all a physical aspect that once broken down into a purer form, become that of the energy that some may comprehend under the name of God. We find that science also follows these thoughts, through the ideas of energy and the creation of the universe, the concepts of how mass and energy are the same merely in different forms in relation to the molecular vibrational rate at which they are found. That there is an ever changing movement through existence that of energy and mass and that eventually once broken down, everything is merely a different aspect of the same thing, that energy again. We also find that the other pagan beliefs, which are supposed to and in fact by definition differ to that of the three major conceptual belief systems actually share the same theology, once again, merely different perceptions of comprehension and understanding of it. This runs clear through out every belief system I find and I strongly believe it will continue to do so, as I continue to search. A final thought over the matter, it is clear when things are de-constructed from the belief patterns brought on by our own means, that each shares a common following and understanding. This is because; as people, as a race we see everything differently to each other. Everyone who looks at an object will see it slightly differently to another, though their perception may be altered by the other, there will always be slight differences, with such, when we all look at the belief systems, we see our understandings of life differently, however we are also altered by the beliefs of others. With such these constructs of religion are created, they are constructs brought on by different understandings, perceptions and comprehension of the same thing, altered by people who see them differently and that of the people who then affect them. So many people have been persecuted over the years, due entirely to their belief system, though that very belief system is only a different way to understand the same thing 'you' believe in. Even to this day, there are still wars raging for people who hold different beliefs but, not even to that extent, there is still great discrimination, especially towards the pagan culture due entirely to the thought that their belief system is different to another's. Yet in reality, it is merely a perceptual trait to help them personally understand the same thing as the other who discriminates. Consider for a moment to the extent of this, would you feel somewhat wronged if you said that a small ball in the distance was red when another person became discriminative towards you in the thought that they believed it was pink? It's the same thing, the ball is still a ball, the colour is irrelevant, just as existence and life is just that, existence and life, the religious view, the observable perception of it, is in reality, irrelevant. I will personally continue to look at religion and science as a whole. For in my own beliefs, we can only ever learn the truth once we analyse all perceptions of the same thing, once we break them down to the core similarities then we can find the true understanding of that which we seek. So happy hunting, understanding and living, I will continue my own searches and most likely write more articles. I hope this particular article has been as enjoyable and enlightening to read as it was for me to write and construct. Thank you for taking the time and farewell for now. |